The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 31, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tmt&, -T ri'mmfiT';"," "t- !t""' t 4i' v ".. ., -- ,.
The Commoner.
JANUARY 81, 1013
Eight Hardy
Roses for You
Wo want to deliver this choice
collection of night Ilnrdy I3vcr
bloomlnp; Homcm to Every Reader
of The Commoner, Positively With
out CoHt. They aro line, vigorous
plants, guaranteed to reach you in
healthy growing condition, and will
bloom this season if given ordinary
Unless you request immediate de
livery when ordering, tho rosei will
not he delivered until proper time
to plant in your locality. Each col
lection is accompanied with special
printed instructions on their plant
ing and care.
OUR OFFISH: To anyone sending
us $1.15 (a special club rate), wo
Will enter subscription for one year
to both Tho Commoner and The
American Homestead and deliver,
r11 charges prepaid, this collection
of Eight Hardy Roso BuslieH.
Most valuable and satisfactory
red rose for general planting
vigorous, sturdy grower and pro
fuse bloomer. Largo warm xosy
fcrimson flbwers. beautifully shaded.
A crowning masterpiece and
hailed by flower-lovers everywhere
as tho greatest rose creation of
modern times. Hardy and vigorous
grower with great loads of rich,
creamy, fragrant white, plighUy
lemon-tinted flowers; a color effect
exquisitely beautiful.
In color, a deep golden yellow,
marvolously rich and pure, with ex
quisito fragrance. Vory hardy and
lusty in growth and blooms all the
A rose to excite the admiration of
everyone. Fine outdoor ro5c, very
hardy and rapid, vigorous grower.
Blooms all tho time, producing im
mense elegantly formed flowers of
a magnificent silvery pink.
For intense and dazzling color,
there is no other Roso to comparo
with it. A strong, sturdy grower,
entirely hardy and free bloomer.
Flowers aro largo and handsome;
color fiery crimson shaded with a
dark velvety sheen, a combination
found in no other rose. Fragrance
is unexcelled.
"An indispensable rose for bedding
or decorativo purposes. Immenso
doublo flowers aro produced all
through tho growing season; color
halo blush and creamy white.
This splendid rose is one of tho
very best of its color rosy carmine
with darker shade. Full, deep,
doublo flowers aro borno l;i great
profusion and the bush' is a rapid
compact grower, perfectly hardy.
An Ideal garden roso in every Avay.
Tho new production that everyone
raves over, a real Everbloomlng
Rambler. Plant grows rapidly,
making shoots from eight to ten
feet during tho season and covers
itself with bright green glossy
foliage. Bright crimson flowers in
great clusters aro produced tho
entire season.
Send Your Order Earfy!
There will bo a big demand for
this fine collection of Eight Beauti
ful Roso Bushes. Do not wait
until planting tlmo before ordering.
Send NOW. Offer open to new or
renewal subscriptions, or anyone
wishing to advanco present sub
scriptions to either paper. Uso
attached coupon. Address
Lincoln. Neb.
other given, until tho pores of the
leather are filled and tho surface
shines, it will make the soles water
proof, and cause them to last three
times as long.
Waterproof Blacking Tallow, one
pound; hees wax, ono-fourth pound;
castor oil, or neat's foot oil, half a
pint; lamp-black, half an ounce Mix
by heating and stirring -well. Ncat's
foot oil, with a little tallow and bees
wax, to make into a paste, colored
with lamp-black, applied while quite
warm, will make the shoes water
proof. Any of these pastes should
be soaked into the leather by apply
ing them before the fire and rubbing
them well in. Tallow, two parts,
and rosin one part, melted and
blended together over tho fire, and
applied hot until tho leather will
soak no more, is recommended. The
footwear should be rather loose,
admitting of wearing cork soles in
side, which will keep the feet warm.
Oil or grease alone will rot the
stitching between soles and uppers,
but if rosin is used with it, the rosin
will prevent thp oil becoming rancid.
Health Notes
your warm hand, rub and smooth
and gently slap the" tender littlo
body, always giving the bath in a
warm corner out of any draft, and
tho baby will coo instead of . cry.
This drying leaves tho skin soft,
warm and rosy, and induces sleep n's
soon as the child is laid down. The
mother should have a bathing apron,
made of a double flannel, the top one
is to be thrown over the nurses shoul
der while the baby is resting on the
lower one, being thoroughly lathered i
with a pure soap, ready for the
water, into which ho is then dipped
very gently and slowly, then care
fully washed, lifted out of the water
and wrapped snugly in tho top apron
which will absorb tho water and pror
vent chill. The work should be dono
quickly and gently.
soap in water before shampooing. It
is almost Impossible to wash soap
out of the hair If rubbed on from the
Use This Coupon To-day
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
I enclose $1.15 to pay for ono year's
subscription to both Tho Commoner
and the American Homestead at
your special club rate, which also
entitles me to Bight Hardy Ever
blooming Roses as advertised, sent
postpaid, without additional cost.
J Name ...
(Present Subscriptions Advanced
Ona Year,)
Now is the season fcr a "cold in
the head," and if you are so unfortu
nate as to have contracted one, get
the druggist to mix a small quantity
of menthol into five cents worth of
white vaseline; apply a bit into each
nostril, one at a time; close the
mouth and the free nostril lightly;
breathe deeply until the effect is felt
through the head and throat, and re
peat in a few minutes through the
other nostril. Relief will be rapid.
We are assured that the belief
that sugar ruins tho teeth of chil
dren is utterly groundless. The
strongest teeth aro found in the
mouths of negroes brought up on
sugar plantations, who, from" thoir
earliest years upward consume more
sugar than any other class of people
in the world. Sweets are a necessity
to some people, as well as children,
and good, pure, home-made candy
may be eaten freely by the children
at mealtime.
There are thousands of people
who are suffering from indigestion
caused by eating fruit, but who per
sist in the practice because so much is
written in its favor, and they do not
know how to discriminate. Many
people can eat cooked fruits in some
form who can not eat the raw fruit,
while with others, it is just the op
posite. There is a very largo con
tingent who are arriving at the con
clusion that fruit as a part of break
fast is undesirable, while many
others are convinced that fruit eaten
at bedtime is very injurious to tho
For the prevention of colds, the
feet should bo kept warm, and
though little Is said of them, the
hands also play a part In the taking
of cold. The extremities should be
kept warm. If tho soles of the stock
ings become damp through perspirar
tlon, which they frequently do, they
should be changed and dried.
Breathing through tho nose with the
mouth closed is essential when in the
cold, as the air has a chance to get
warm before it reaches the lungs.
Colds may be taken while in bed, if
ample covering Is not at hand, and
an open window at night is hardly
advisable wbpre one Is vary sus
ceptible to attacks of the air passages.
After tho Baby's Bath
Many babies do not know what it
means to have their skin dried thor
oughly. If the bath water is warm,
the clothes soft and dry, the mother
understands her business, there
should he no trouble. Hand-drying
is recommended by many mothers as
the most satisfactory. It requires
brisk hut gentle rubbing to avoid
chill; half dry the body, then, with
Some Good Soaps
When using toilet soaps, throw tho
scraps and ends into a can until a
quantity has accumulated; cut the
pieces up quite fine and covr with
cold water, set on the stove and sim
mer (do not boil) until all is dis
solved; then stir in corn meal to
thicken; add one tablespoonful of
puro glycerine, and level teaspoon fu)
of powdered borax; stir until well
mixed. Then wet a small baking
powder can and pour in the soap; let
stand until cold, then turn out and
cut into small cakes, or wrap in oiled
paper. An excellent soap for sham
pooing is made in tho same way, leav
ing out the meal, and, if the hair in
clines to bo dry, uso the glycerine,
omitting the borax; for oily hair, use
the borax only. Without the meal,
this soap will not get hard. Do not
rub soap on the hair, but dissolve the
The FJreless Cooker
While It is conceded by all who
have proven its vnluo, that tho flrc
less cooker is almost invaluable for
the warm months, or whero ono can
not from any causo attend to cook
ery over tho range, it is a debatable
question with some, whore ono has
to have heat for the rooms, or whero
other household matters demand a
continuous fire, whether In winter
it is of general value to tho house
wife. Much is said on both sides.
Bamboo ( Wis. ) Democrat:
Prompted, no doubt, by tho recent
statement of President-elect Wilson
that "the time has come whon men
must stand up and be counted," tho
Milwaukee Journal is getting expres
sions from democrats on tho future
policy of the democratic party in this
state. It is too early to draw con
clusions, but our guess Ib that when
the canvass Is completed, tho progres
sive democrats those who bollcvo In
the kind of domocracy advocated by
Bryan, Wilson and others in tho
same class will bo In the majority.
'Johnnie," asked his teacher, "can
you give us a sentence using th
word 'income' In it?"
Johnnie hesitated a moment, then:
"Yes'um," he replied. " 'The boy
opened the door and in come a cat.' "
Woman's Home Compainon.
ly Yw if I I H'
0.170 LADIES' house dress
Cut in six sizes, 32, 34, 3G, 38,
40 and 42 inches, bust measure. It
requires 5 yards of 4 4-inch ma
terial for a 30-inch size.
The patterns are cut in five sizes",
14, 15, 10, 17 and 18 years. It re
quires 7 yards of 44-inch material
for a 17-year size, for the entire
suit. This calls for two separate
patterns, 10c for each pattern.
1 f A
II fcr
Cut in four sizes, 1, 2, 4 and 6
years. It requires 1 yard of 20-inch
material for the cap, and 2 yards
of 44-inch material for the coat for
a 2-year size.
Cut in sizes, 8, 10, 12 and 14
years. It requires 3 yards of 36
materlal for an 8-year size.
THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The
designs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make tho garments with each pattern.
The price of these patterns is 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our
large catalogue containing tho illustrations and descriptions of over
400 seasonable styles for ladies, misses and children, mailed to any
address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give us your name,
address, pattern number and size desired.
Address, TUB COMMONER, Pattern Department, Lincoln, Nebraska