, . V r r -m, JfliyW' T rr ' !V ft fo W'.r v & te" i f 12 The Commoner. VOLUME 13, NUMBER 2 Smoke of Herbs Cures Catarrh A Simple, Safe, Unliable Way and It Co.Ht8 Nothing to Try. This preparation of liorbs, loaves, flowers and brrlen (containing no tobacco or hablt-formlng drugs) ' cither smoked In an ordinary ch-an pipe or smoking tube, and by drawing tin medicated smoke Into tno mouth and Inhaling Into tho lungs or sending It out through tho nostrils In a perfectly natural way, tho worst case of Catarrh can bo eradicated. It Ih not unpleaHant to use, and at tho Hame time it Ih out I rely harmless, and can bo used by man, woman or child. Junt as Catarrh In contracted by breathing cold or dust and germ-laden air, Just ho thlH balmy antlHeptlc (smoking remedy goes to all the affected partH of tho air passages of tho head, iioho, throat and lungs. It can readily bo ween why tho ordinary treatments, nucn aH sprays, olntmentH, salves, liquid or tablet medicines fall they do not and can not reach all tho affected partH. If you have Catarrh of tho noo, throat or lungH, choking, Htoppod-up fooling, colds, catarrhal headaches; If you are given' to hawking and spitting, mis simpio yei should euro you An illustrated book which coos thor oughly Into tho wholo qucHtlnn of the cause, euro and proventlon of catarrh will, upon request, bo sent you by Dr. J W. nioHHor, 144 Walton street, At lanta, fin. Ho will, also, mall you five days' free treatment, you win at once nee that It In a wonderful remedy, and as It only costs ono dollar for the regular treat ment, It is within tho reach of evcry- ne. It Is not necessary to send any money simply send your name and address and tho booklet and freo trial packago will bo mailed you Immediately. Rheumatism A Homo Cure Given by Ono Who Had It r!." U,n "pr.,9,r..of WW I wiu ntlnckcd by Muscular and Inllniiimntorv lUieiin'Mtlstii. I MUTnrnl as only thoio who have It k.iow, Tor over throo j enrn. I trlotl rcmoily after roiiH'riy. ant doctor nftor doctor, hut Hiich ro rl cco,v,(,1 ttJ n temporary. Finally, I rouiiil a roinpdy that curort mo compMoly anil h hiu never roturned. I havo irlvon It to ?iLunililiV,i,l V? twrlbly anilctort and even iNMlrlddon with Rhoumatlstn, and It oirocted a euro in ovory enso. I want ovory HuriVror from any form of rheumatic troublo to try this marvelous iieitf. litK powor. Don't nond a cent; simply innll your namoand nddrcssand I will send itfrco 0,nil'i. ?t yowlinvowacil Hand It has provnii Itself to bo thatlontf-lookod-for means or curliiK your IUioiiinntlsin. you mny m-ih! ,Vi0.,.!TC,O,,'on0 donnr bV understand, I de not want your money huK you are per fectly MUnilcd tohond It. Isn't that fair? Why stirrer any lotiRor wlion positive relief Is thus offorod you freo? Don't delay. Wrlto today Mark II. Jackson. No. 300 Alhnmhra Uldir. Syracuse, N. Y. $10,000,000 A Year Wasted On Trusses ?l? ? 5uJfi Jnvth,"K for Rupturo Without Getting Sixty Days Trial A conjcrvatUe eitlmate liow that tiruly ten million dollar, tyear-ln tl.U country .lone-ta practical ;Vt2 ??. i practically tatect on north- try.on Instead ol maLIng a thorough tet. e rupture appliances-all became dcodIo tru.t .A ...7". H. ..... I. .... -'""s a sjr i. wjmjwv jlijlSrW IlfP vtiwiui iHitvuw rnirpnvuKV'i' nWN'MIlSIIIl' OF TKhKanwn links Tho following editorial appeared In the Philadelphia North American: It would be interesting, though hardly flattering, to learn what Im pression was mado upon Intelligent foreign visitors to the United States by recent issues of tho newspapers. What must havo been the amazement of travelers from Great Britain and Germany and Franco and Chilo and other "backward" countries to observe that tho most important news of the day is the establishment of a parcel post, with tho president and the postmaster general and leading men in public life and busi ness marking the Inauguration by elaborato ceremonies! Of course, they do not understand tho conditions which have so long deprived the people of this nation of tholr rights and havo subjected thom to tho extortion of the express com panies. These foreigners have read for years of the astounding progress of the United States, of the growth of its population, tho vastness of its Industrial enterprises, the prodigious oxtent of its agricultural wealth, tho opulence of its cities, the prosperity and freedom of its inhabitants, its possession of a banking powor in ex cess of that of Britain, France and Germany combined. Yet they find this nation, twelve years after the opening of the twen tieth century, making its first timid experiment with a system which thoir governments have operated for forty or fifty years. No wonder they do not under stand. No one can, except Ameri cans themselves, who know by ex perience how powerful have been the demands of private intersts in guid ing the affairs of government. In re gard to the parcel post, it seoraed that opposition was confined to the express companies; but behind these wore the Interlocking interests of the railroads, the banks and the finan cial powers, whose confederation stands forth as special privilege. It was this vast power which so long withstood tho public demand for the parcel post; and it is this which thus far has strangled every official movement looking to a government-owned telegraph and tele phono system. Just one year ago on January 14, 1912 Postmaster General Hitch cock announced that he would recom- menu to congress the acquisition by buvuiumem ot tne telfitrrnnh He pointed out that in fifty . I ! TrM-MMTTrT-l TTTTBh I . 1 1 BHHMMIIHMHHBHMMMIMRSflnKZMBHHMMHHHHHMHMiHMHHiHHHHBBnBi Special Club Offers You will bo Interested in one of the following: combination subscription offers. Wo will send you all of the publications shown in any ono of these ? onIal Toire,r3' each publication for a full year at the unusually low price of 11.30. Look oyer this list carefully and see what a splendid assortment is offered. In this list you will find sonie of the best edited farm and poultry publications, magazines of popular literature, fashions and needlework, and the best story papers now published. Hor wwm,1 ?c,?.all's Patt,ern ,ls ,inc,luded wIh each combination subscrip LonIn.whIch McCall's magazine is included you Just select a pattern from PubMshingCo McCall's Magazine and order the same direct from the McCaH nf We i11?0 nclud0- without any additional cost, six sheets of words and muslo of tho latest popular songs with each combination subscription here listed. tho lines Awy With Uc-Strap And Spring Trusses So far a we know, our uuaran d "Pure holder li the only Ihlnc ol any kind for rupture thu ou can cet on 60 Uajs trial-tt only thlnir we know of C00d enouch to stand mch n loni? and UiorpuBh test. Ifi ,)le (amoi, ClutheAutomatlcMaa..i-I?p.?..! -millmnon -l. ..P."-,U" ."'n 'I turei; Seifd us ln;"C1,See'Ptn;h" V pa,c,2,e,, f" belK les-Mmps and spr neV . ii',"; "PW ol rine -IncliiiUncwhen yoii Tare worklnJ lVl t0,,,W at.ll times cured In case a.ier casMhatTe'em' hoSle,? ba,U' C,C ,,B$ Write for Vrt Hook or lt,lc.rin.i. i ' . Explains the d..uKers ol oiirailon iH0U.IM 10.4 PBes. with elaSlc ..uhnrinSiE "', Jfe. ' S more iaiincd to fit trusses than 7 f;..K..'u.,"?n01'1" posek tne trusses are b0tttcS!E carr f ni1 attention ;BleV S".. I'f oplc' inclttUlnif phykkuVs Y" jwvt vmi iruc c '.sold under UhAnln.uffluSSf.. "fe SSKteE Hhhout ruling a pom.),' '" c "' D ,,ullni.' iUjp test Box 771, ClulheCo.. 125 E. 23rd St., Now York City of the leading countries of the world including Great Britain, France, Ger many Austria', Italy, Spain, Russia and Japan, government-controlled telegraphs have long been in profit able operation, most of them in con nection with tho postal service, the systems conferring enormous benefits both in promptitude and cheapness of service, upon a population of not fewer than 950,000,000. The suggestion not only met violent protest from the financial in terests, but occasioned a severe re buke from the White House to the SIT-?r,ff?etf' " wa? officially ....... uu ,,.,,, lltJ uuu gpoKen with. out authority of the president and Mr wtBfUPe8 ??n Would bG Snored. Mr. Hitchcock's abortive utterance however, was but an echo of a rec- foTendTnhnn W6 tWenty L tore. John Wanamaker, as nost- l920.0SPaU 8tr0ngly W 1892 that the government take over the telegraph and telephone system And at a testimonial luncheon gen ioiiimbin ??w ,York' In November other' day: What he rPeated th "I am clearly of the opinion thnr the government owes it to the fbiiS ness interests and the family Hfof thS to?in 1 take Possession of ai the telegraph companies. The peoplo (Continued on Pago 14.) CLUD NO. 1 (All Papers Sent Ono Tear) Tho Commoner $1.00 American Homestead 25 Woman's World 35 Homo Life 50 Needlecraf t 25 Total Regular Price 2.35 Onr Special Price f 1.30 CLUB NO. 2 (All Papers Sent Ono Tear) The Commoner $100 Woman's World '35 Home Life 50 Kansas City Weekly Star.... !25 American Homestead 25 Total Regular Price 2.35 Our Special Price $1.3 CLUB NO. 3 mu tSAn Papers Sent Ono Tear) The Commoner Ji 00 American Homestead 2? Home Life 1 Kimball's Dairy Farmer! '.'.'.'. lo Woman's World ,, 35 Total Regular Price $2.60 Oht Special Price f 1.3 CLUB NO. 4 rAI1 paPers Sent Ono Tear) The Commoner i nn Amorlcan Poultry Journal! ! ' 1 00 American Homestead .... ?r Woman's World .....!!! J!!! Jj; Total Regular Price $"i60 Onr Special Price t f 1;3 Write vonr full n. j ., Rmount by Post Office Money Ord?reExS1rnhlrCoupo'Jman Ifc to us with th Send order to The Commoner, LincoNeb ney rder or Registered Letter. CLUB NO. 5 . (All Papers Sent One Tear) The Commoner $1 00 McCall Magazine (including: one 15c pattern) 50 Woman's World 35 Home Life go American Homestead ......,, .25 Total Regular Price $2.60 Oar Special Price $ 1.30 CLUB NO C (All Papers Sent Ono Tear) The Commoner $1 00 Kimball's Dairy Parmer .50 American Homestead .25 McCall Magazine (Including one 15c pattern) 50 Total Regular Price $2.25 Our Special Price ft. 39 CLUB NO. 7 nxu AU PaPers Sent One Tear) The Commoner $i 00 American Homestead 25 Home Life '' ka Household or Woman's World !!!!!!!! !35 Total Regular Price..,. $2.60 Our Special Price $1.30 CLUB NO. 8 nm,. 4An Pap6" Sent One Tear) The Commoner 1 00 Opportunity .,.,' r qq American Homestead ....!"' 2K Woman's World ...'. !35 Total Regular Price $2.60 Onr Special Price $1.30 Cut Out and Mail This THE COMMONER. Lincoln. Neb: " ssA'.''ss-swffi' 'sasTL.aa zn-xx. ?xz Coupon Name P. O. R. P. D. No If now Box No. be advanced SSy'S?' H v o n oJ?e!8 PwVcktlons your' expiration' a'n rl'iVi people, write youorder onefolettepSer.0' " Sw 8. SSSJ Address All Orders to The Comm oner, Lincoln, Nebraska