The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 10, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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The Commoner.
JANUARY 10, 1913
Smoke of Herbs
Cures Catarrh
A Simple, Safe, Reliable Way and It
Costa Nothing to Try.
This preparation of herbs, leaves,
flowers and berries (containing no
tobacco or habit-forming drugs) Is
either smoked In an ordinary clean pipe
or smoking tube, and by drawing tho
medicated smoko Into tho mouth and
inhaling Into tho lungs or sending It
out through tho nostrils in a perfectly
natural way, the worst case of Catarrh
can bo eradicated.
It Is not unpleasant to use, and at
the same time it Is entirely harmless,
and can bo used by man, woman or
Just as Catarrh Is contracted by
breathing cold or dust and germ-laden
air, just so this balmy antiseptic
smoking remedy goes to all the affected
parts of tho air passages of the head,
nose, throat and lungs. It can readily
bo seen whv tho ordinary treatments.
such as sprays, ointments, salves, liquid
or tablot medicines fall thoy do not
and can not rfach all the affected parts.
If you have Catarrh of the nose,
throat or lungs, choking, stopped-up
feeling, colds,, catarrhal headaches: if
you are glvon to hawking and spitting
this simple yet scientific treatment
should euro you.
An Illustrated book which goes thor
oughly Into the whole question of the
cause, cure and prevention of catarrh
will, upon request, be sent you by Dr.
J W. Blosser, 144 Walton street, At
lanta, Ga.
He will, also, mall you five days' free
treatment. You will at onco seo that
it Is a wonderful remedy, and as It only
costs one dollar for the regular treat
ment. It is within the reach of every
one. It Is not necessary to send any
money simply send your name and
address and the booklet and freo trial
package will bo mailed you Immediately.
Ko relapse No return of
choking spoilt or otlior
aathmutio aymntoniB.
Whetzol flyntom of treatment npprovod by bunt U.8.
medical authorltlea as theoitlyRyntera known to permn-
d I BOaBO. iiijna imw '' ' .
including raodlclnM.prepared for anyoneRlvlnga full
description of tho case and n-ndini? nnino" of " not hum
tie BufTerern. Addrefis FRANK WHETZEL. Mm D
Dept.Z, Whetzol Bids. .238 North 40th Avo.,Chlogo.
Tobacco Fnctory Wants Salesmen, tej;yd $,
and Promotion. Experience unnecessary, ai wed ve Complete
Instructions. Piedmont I ODECCOtO.i iloiL-25,lianiii, va
Awarded Gold Medal and Diploma O vex
All Competitors, International Expo
sition, Home, and Grand Prix Farla.
STUARTS PLAPAO-PADS aro a wonderful
treatment for rupture, cur ins as they do tho
worst forms in tho privacy of the homo with
out hindrance from work and at slight expense.
that you can throw away tho painfnl truss
altogether, as tho Plapao-Pads are made to
cure rupture and not simply to hold it; but
as they aro made self-adhesive, and when
adhering closely to tho body slipping is im-
Jtossiblo, therefore, they are also an important
actor in retaining rupturo that cannot be
held by a truss. NO STRAPS, BUCKLES OR
SPRINGS. Soft as Velvet Easy to Apply.
Plapao Laboratories, Block 64 St. Louis, Mo.,
is sending PRIDE trial Plapao to U who writ.
Konesaw (Nob.) Kaleldosopo: The
greatest question before tho Ameri
can peoplo today Ib tho purification J
of tho ballot. Men may grow elo
quent over civic righteousness and
temperance and women may sing the
praise of equal suffrage, but while
these propositions aro desirable and
worthy of tho effort being put forth
in their behalf, they do not strike
down to tho tap root of the real evil
thoy never have and never will
solve tho problem that confronts us.
Don't misunderstand, and say we
aro opposed to these ideas; wo be
lieve in them as ideal rather than
practical. Paradoxical as it may ap
pear, we believe in both an extension
and a restriction of tho ballot. Wo
say women, as a simplo matter of
justice ought to have the privilege
of voting, but wo realize that wo
men, like men, might fail in her full
duty to the state. It is said, but too
true, that we already have more than
enough voters of an undesirable
class, and also too many of the re
spectable element who fail to exer
cise the priceless privilege of mak
ing the state what it ought to be. We
question the wiBdom of enlarging
these evils without in some manner
safeguarding tho heritage of our
How do we propose to do this?
It seems to us a simple matter, and
wo believe when tho American people
fully realize the menace of an un
clean ballot it will be done quickly.
Here is our remedy:
A simple amendment to our elec
tion laws adding to expected lists,
such as Indians, idiots, convicts, etc.,
every person engaged in an illicit or
unlawful vocation. We would then
specify, as a part of tho penalty for
evory conviction for the violation of
any law, the disfranchisement of the
convicted paTty for one year. This
penalty we would make a statutory
one, accompanying every conviction,
whether a fine or imprisonment be
the verdict of the court.
We believe every decent, law
abiding, sane, sober, industrious citi
zen, male or female, should have a
vote, but that no law-violator should
have a voice in the selection of those
who aro to make or execute the law.
When this is done politicians will
no longer cater to tho vicious ele
ment, because the power of the ballot
is elsewhere, and clean men and wo
men will be nominated to make and
execute the law.
keteors," the finest romance of ad
venture ever written, is surcharged
with tho vigor and fire of young llfo.
Kipling's "Jungle Books," tho great
est burst of sheer literary genius in
our generation, were flrBt published
in a children's magazine in New
York, and they remain and will re
main tho most popular of all his
books. Stevenson's "Treasure Island,"
written for boys and dedicated to
them, Ib in far greater remand than
any otner or. ins wonts, Twonty
people read Mark Twain's "Tom
Sawyer" where ono roads his "Joan
of Arc." The heart of youth beats
true, oven when the body that in
cases it grows old. New York
"JHi Mmm iHL
r 111
i' . mm mmr
Paint Without Oil
A Free Trial Package In Mailed to
Everyone Who Wrltcn.
A. L. Rice, a orominent manufacturer
of Adams,'' N. Y, has discovered a pro
cesa of making a new kind of paint
without tho uso of oil. He calls It
Powdrpalnt. It comes In tho form of
a dry powder and all that Is required
is cold water to make a paint weather
proof, fire proof and as durable as oil
paint. It adheres to any surface, wood,
stono or brick, spreads and looks like
oil paint and costs about one-fourth
as much.
Write to Mr. A. L. Rice, Manuf'r., 123
North St., Adams, N. Y., and ho will
send you a freo trial package, also
color card and full information- show
ing you how you can save a good
many dollars. Write to-day.
James Otis Kaler, who died a few
days ago in Maine, published 145
books for boys under the pen name
"James Otis," and retained his popu
larity to the last. All of these books
were written in thirty-five years, and
it is likely that he left twelve or fif
teen more in manuscript, which will
appear in book form in due time.
Mr. Kaler had not a trace of genius
and was not even literary in any real
sense, but he had a crowd of faithful
readers who followed him through
seven or eight score volumes.
It is a remarkable tribute to the
lovalty of youth, one of wblHi pub
lishers take note. An author who
once gains the heart of a boy retains
it always, and the boy in turn when
he is a middle-ased man passes that
Affection on to his own sons. Tho
libraries, with their committees of
selection, have found it Impossible to
kill off the works of Horatio Alger
and Oliver Optic, thin and light as
thev are. "Grown-ups" of a similar
quality would have died a yeaT after
How many writers for adults could
find a public for 145 novels? Not
Dickens nor Hawthorne, not Scott
nor Thackeray nor Tolstoy. Dumas
has about sixty titles tiat are still
alive, but Dumas himself was the
spirit of youth. Tn the last analysis,
'.'Tho Count of Monte Cristo" is a
a boy's book, and "The Three Mus-
Complaint is justly made that
there was no public hearing in re
gard to Patrick's application for a
pardon. There was no notice in ad
vance of tho fact itself that Gover
nor Dix contemplated granting a
The district attorney was not con
sulted. The trial judge was not con
sulted. Patrick himself was not ex
amined and compelled to justify his
application. All the papers and
documents have been sealed by the
governor and are not open to inspec
tion. The whole proceeding was con
ducted in secret, and secrecy In gov
ernment always begets suspicion.
Star-chamber pardons are only a
step removed from star-chamber
trials and convictions. While the
latter may work to deprive the in
dividuals of life or liberty or prop
erty, the former may operate to de
prive society of its just rights. A
pardon, after all, is a judicial pro-
1 ceeding intrusted to the governor,
and the exercise of the pardoning
power should always Imply complete
On this point Governor Dix is fair
lly open to censure. If lfo believed
Patrick Innocent of murder, It was
his solemn duty to grant a pardon, no
matter what anybody 'lso thought.
But It was nevor his solemn duty to
suppress all public knowledge of the
proceeding until the pardon had been
granted. Nor was it his solemn duty
to conceal the full reasons for his
Tho governor rightly said that
"there has always been an air of
mystery in this Important case."
That is all the more cause why he
should not have increased tho mys
tery by acting in secret and withhold
ing his confidence from the people
of the state.
Patrick's pardon should be the last
pardon granted in New York with
out public notice and a public hear
ing From New York World.
nreagpf ' tf JBK-ift'q
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Y0t7 cn vwUr mak big
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f nrnlth awTttiin? rREE. Joit mall a foil,
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Vail MX JIO.STKH. It I worth I0 a copy to any man Intend.
Ins to lnvi-t any money, horvcrimall, wlio liai Iny td
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but who ha.t't trained the ail ol lnvcatlntr lor profit. Ildernon
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financier and hanker tilde Irom the mane. ItrereaUtho
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came profit. It explain haw ttupendoti fortune are made
and y made, liuII,IO t;rowt o 112 0(A). To Introduce toy
dim aalne. wilte me ' I'll tend it ll month ahtotu'ely
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mon education mfiUlrnt vie tal money
hi' k guarantee II you wife today lor
booklet D-1016. IT IS I'KIIII.
Earl Hopkins, Washing on, D. C.
Frank Dowd in the Bloomington
(Neb.) Advocate: Take off your
hats, democrats, and make your bow.
Hon. William J. Bryan, gentleman,
tho political general, who has won
the greatest victory of modern his
tory. Nelson at the battle of Copen
hagen disobeyed orders and won a
great victory for England. Arnold
at Saratoga disobeyed his superior
officers and won the deciding battle
of the revolution. History will honor
Bryan's act at Baltimore, as example
of moral courage, whose far reach
ing effect will influence the history
of our country as much as the act
of Arnold. While we bitterly re
sented Bryan's repudiating instruc
tions at the time, in the light of lat
ter events, we acknowledge the wis
dom and courage of Bryan and
humbly apologize for our error.
New Minister "How did you like
my sermon this morning?"
Enthusiastic Parishioner "It was
simply grandiloquent."Baltimore
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