-.Tni7W!!PPPW ti - The Commoner. 16 VOLTJMK 12, NUMBER 4j ; 9.'f V ' 11 1 .A ar. E ' &1 REVOLUTION The name of Jean Paul Marat, whose picture is shown herewith, will be forever associated with the Reign of Terror during the French Eevolutioru He fell at last by the hand of Charlotte Corday to avenge the loss of her lover. This period contains more o dramatic interest than any other in the world's history. It is out of this period that the Empire was born, dominated and ruled by Napoleon. It ia generally conceded the best account of th French Revolution is by America's great historian, Dr. John Clarfc Ridpath. The dtpry-of this period should be read by every American who prizes his citizenship and loves his country; How else are wo to judge of the great questions that confront our own Republic except; from the lessons of the past? Six Thousand Years of History Ridpath the historian, takes the reader back to the very beginning of civiliza tion and traces man's career down thrbugh the long highway of time, through the rise and fall of empires and nations. He covers every race and every na tion, and holds the reader spellbound by his wonderful eloquence. Nothing more interesting or inspiring has ever been written. If you would know the history of mankind, every sacrifice for principle, every struggle for liberty, every conflict and every achievement, then .embrace this opportunity to place in your home the world famed publication Ridpath's History of the RIDPATH is recognized as America's greatest historian. He was a strong advocate of the rights and liberties of the common people. In 1896 he was the Democratic Nominee for Congress in his home district, and received the warm support of the Leader of the Party. Dr. Ridpath is dead but his work lives. He devoted his entire life to writing the History of the "World. It is absolutely accu rate and impartial, and commands the admiration of the English speaking world. "We are closing out remaining sets of the last edition At a Very Low Price and on Easy Terms We will name our price only in direct letters to those sending the coupon below. Tear off the coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive an income from his History, and to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. "We do not sell through stores or sales man, but ship direct from factory to customer subject to your examination. The entire transaction is by mail. Send Coupon Today. World WM. McKINLEY said: "I am familiar with tho merits of Ridpath's History of the World, and cordially commend it to tho scholar as well as to the plain peoplo generally." BISHOP VINCENT said: "Ridpath's "History Is In clear and agreeablo style, comprehen sive In treatmcn.t, readablo typo and admirable illustrations. This set of- books Is a permanent col lego chair of general history in one's own house." PRESIDENT WARREN, Boston University, said: "I should bo glad to see it placed in tho library of every young person In tho United States, and even in tho English speaking world." PROF. LONG, Supt. Public Schools, St. Louis, said: "I unhesitatingly comomnd Dr. Ridpath's History of tho World as tho ablest work on that, sub- . ject which I have over examined. ' Tho engravings, maps and charts are alono worth tho entiro cost of tho sot." llSTotfv: OrTur.'.C ,W WORLDS: & idpath1 bK m WhlfflM M." ""tj y.s-i.-.vv AeivmV7r.ro.' hVIMi .T t , Bii-rL." r:;uoriiA, 'iHaiAi.' errwr WORLDS dpXtii is? :& IP ym.x m 1ST0RY1 :QRLD !?PAT ! w. jyAfiCtfj mm, mm HISTORY?: !PPATH WMtM- ' WW ft: W, 'MM, WM H YM1Sz "OrTMt"1. 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V S. ll S ?j4 H tafnloir photonravures ot Napoleon and Queen y f-j Ay$ iun jjh h l.iivfiiitn. ftioir.ii'iiiirx cii auciaira. v.icaur uiiu vk. r n '.'v'N. I , ii n.ll'fe H fcM..i, ..W" - -- - -. - -B j Gsr 'fS' ,f ' K Sliacsi care, map ot LlHna and lapan, uiacvam oi . A fcv UiBic,' l'anania Canal, snil wiite.me lull particulars oi-your -m, Viv irNKaLSf-" . meela! olter to! u Commoner readers. ik. MJS3v imm b ' " fc. jv i-hji n', - -Bk -cv iwra rii --. "nj.-n. dTJKf. ?s PWm:; Allfi- v wmt jTrr . K cp i vvfci. i ! a - y r .'L,-!-" 'A'fsssfj . i -! !:. sssssss. . i 'it - i . -' - ." frsffffs i pr .v--'- - sfftt -i - i :. t.w T"" . 'rfft 'i i i i i ' -- "- rjfsssssjj i ' i ' r- - ' i ' ; 1 1 i i 1 1 i tffjfjfjf -rrr-frrrrrr nit i-ti c tutrtiiiiitiriiu !TORX- P HISTORY P HISTORY ' m mm m wmmB:wm$$M m mm. wsk mmm, M M mm tiiri& ft". SSfiterj-ggas J?S WMm CJU T i 'rAW.S-?U:WrMrM tKi ttm -; ..; ', ?, i : j'.r; 'li - mfifSj-.' ..' w, ?i'.'. ." .i.v.'.W! "tf: 'ik WM. Zl&Z-ZM & W M WM ssk - :. 'ffjfiffMiifik YMBZ. A Wf yakm !i A' ml il'J ( -. &.W :VOL.Dt; . M.aj? NIKfTCtKTfiJ: TtolKTIr "iNTunv RIDPATH'S enviable position as an historian is due to his has ever equalled. He pictures the great historical events as though they Avere happening hefore your eyes ; he carries you with him to see the battles of old; to V Jl.' T "1 i mcei lungs ana queens ana warriors; to sit in the Roman Senate ; to march against Saladin and his dark-skinned followers; to sail the Southern Seas with Drake; to circum navigate the globe with Magellan; to watch the Greek spearmen work havoc with the Persian hordes on the field of Marathon. He combines absorbing interest with supreme re liability. Send ConpoM Today. 4,000 Double-cojumn Pages 2,000 Superb Illustrations JIDPATH throws the mantle of personality over the old heroes of history. Alexander is there ;. patriot, warrior, statesman, diplomat, crowning the glory of Grecian history. Xerxes, from his mountain platform, sees Themistocles with three hundred and fifty Greek ships smash his Persian fleet of over a thousand sail, and help to mould the language in which this paragraph is written. Rome perches Nero upon the greatest throne on earth, and so sets up a poor madman's name to stand for countless centuries as the Synonym of savage cruelty; Napo leon fights "Waterloo again under your very eyes, and reels be fore the iron fact that at last the end of his gilded dream has come. Bismarck is there, gruff, overbearing, a giant pugilist in the diplomatic ring, laughing with grim disdain at France, which says "You shall not." Washington is there, "four-square to all the winds,' ' grave, thoughtful, proof against the wiles of British strategy and the poisoned darts of false friends ; clear seeing over the heads of his fellow-countrymen, and on into another century, the most colossal world-figure of his time. ii!i 1 ADDRESS 5 1M" ' mmm III ''' ' vv- -; -JWM -. , A .) ?: . ... . : j.jj fcHHHMBHnHHnaHMaanMaMMBBHNBMIMBNMHlKHinnHBn Afcy JrK. t fc, x. tUii-yaAW A" . '