The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 29, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
Reduced Prices
J a A STOVES in This
on Kalamazoos ESS
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Learn about the new class oven door ranees ana
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Show it to your druggist, who will get it for you. Free
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Extra Special Club Offers
You will bo interested In one of tho following combination subscription
offers. Wo will send you all of tho publications shown in any one of these
special offers, each publication for a full year at tho unusually low price of
?1.30. Look over this list carefully and see what a splendid assortment is
offered. In this list you will And some of the best edited farm and poultry
publications, magazines of popular literature, fashions and needlework, and
tho best story papers now published.
. A regular 15c McCall's,, pattern is included with each combination subscrip
tion in which McCall's magazine is included you just select a pattern from
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Wo also include, without any additional cost, six sheets, of words and music
of the latest popular songs with each combination subscription hero listed.
returns is passed there stands. out,
in the boldest relief, the greatest of
them all William J. Bryan.
Once again we see the man from
Nebraska holding at bay the cohorts
of wealth and the minions of Tam
many in that ever-memorable con
vention hall at Baltimore. Once
again wo see the daily scourging that
he received at the hands of those
who would handle tho democratic
party for personal gain. Once again
wo see tho unfaltering course of the
leader as ho fought for many days
to prevent his party from doing
what would havo landed, it on the
Undaunted by threats, unmoved by
blandishments and immovable as a
rock W. J. Bryan fought for truest
democracy every inch of the way
till "the people from away back
home" could reach their delegates
and warn them that Bryan was
Bryan, it is now proved, "was the
only one among the big leaders of
that democratic convention who
could rightly interpret the desires of
the people.
The following of Mr. Bryan'B
books would be appreciated as
Christmas presents:
Speeches, two volumes, cloth, $2 00
Tale of Two Conventions, cloth, 100
Signs ' of The Times, limp
leather 75
Special Price for All to Ono
Address $3,45
If the two volume set of speeches
is desired in dainty half leather bind
ing, then $1.00 should be added to
the price quoted fcbove. Send orders
direct to The Commoner for prompt
and careful attention.
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
Tho Commoner $1.00
American Homestead ' 25
Woman's World 35
Home Life 50
Needlecraft 25
Total Regular Price 2.35
Our Special Price $1.30
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
The Commoner $1.00
Woman's World 35
Homo LIfo 50 ..
Kansas City Weekly Star 25
American Homestead 25 '
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
The Commoner $1.00
McCall Magazine (Including
ono 15c pattern) 50
Woman's World 35
Homo Life ' 50
American Homostead ,. .25
Total Regular Price $2.35-
Oar Special Price 91.30
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
The Commonor ... .$1.00'
American Homestead 25"
Homo Life ; . .50
Kimball's Dairy Farmer 50 m
Woman's World 35
Total Regular Price $2.00
Our Special Price. 9130
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
rho Commoner $1.00
American Poultry Journal.... .00 .,
American Homestead 25
Woman's World 35
Total Regular Price $2.60
Our Special Price $1.30
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
Tho Commonor $1.00
Kimball's Dairy Farmer 50
American Homestead 25
McCall Magazine (including
ono 15c pattern) . .50
Total Regular Price $2.25
Our Special Prjce T 91.30
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
Tho Commonor $1.00
People's Popular Monthly.... .25
American Homestead 25
Homo Life 50
Household 25
Woman's World 35
Modesto (Cal.) News: One man
emerges from this campaign greater
than any living American. He
emerges as the only American public
man who has never compromised for
the sake of victory the principles
of progress .for which he has stood,
and in the advocacy of which he was
the "pioneer.
The man is still -the peerless
leader, "William Jennings Bryan.
Like Tantalus of old, Bryan has
for years seen the fruits of victory
hanging over his head, but it seems
to be written in the annals of his
tory that he should suffer disappoint
ment and should not taste them.
Now, at last, this Tantalus-like
suffering Is over, and Bryan can see
the man of his choice enjoy the
fruits of victory, justly due him. .
Ho now lives to see the triumph
of his principles. He sees tho man
who denounced him, and who lately
endeavored to claim for himself the
title of Alpha and Omega of pro
gressiveness, repudiated- by the
American people.
Wilson's election is a progressive
victory, and in so far as it is such,
it is a Bryan victory. Both a vic
tory and a vindication.
Truly .may tho great commoner
say, today.
"Truth crushed to earth shall rise
The eternal years of God are hers."
"Why didn't you arrest that man
when I denounced him as a pick
pocket?" demanded the irate citizen.
"I thought it was just a little
political discussion," explained the
policeman. Kansas City Journal.
Total Regular Price $2.60
Our Special Price 91,30
(All Papers Sent Ono Tear)
Tho Commoner $1.00
Opportunity 1.00
American Homestead 25
Woman's World . .35
"Stolen Delegates11
Wilson's Conquest of the Bosses
Tho Birth of tho "Moose"
And many other stirring Inci
dents of tho recent Republican,
Democratic, and National Pro
gressive conventions are graphi
cally described and keenly
analyzed by
In his new book, jU3t issued,
"A Tale of Two
Total Regular Price .$2.60
Oar Special Price 91.80 Our Special Price.
Total Regular Price $2.60
Wrjtp your full name and address on tho coupon, mall it to us with tho
amount by Post Office Money Order, Express Money Order or Registered Letter.
Send order to Tho Commonor, Lincoln, Neb.
! IBBBBaaBaaaaB(aaaBat)
Cut Out and Mail This Coupon
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb:
Gentlemqn,: Please-send mo your combination Club No Enclosed
find $1.30 to pay for my subscription. This ordor includes Six Sheets of Music.
Yours very truly,
ji . ', '-
Sand Lake (Mich.) dispatch to
Grand Rapids Press: . John Butler,
"democratic war . horse" of Sand
Lake, has laid carefully away for
four years a life-sized canvas picture
of William Jennings Bryan. The
morning after election ho put this up
in a prominent store window with a
card reading: "Remove Hour Hat."
Democrats, republicans and pro
gressives almost to a man, as they
passed, saluted tho picture behind
the plate glass in honor of the great
Mr. Bryan devotes graphic, day-by-day
chapters to the Republi
can and Democratic conventions,
all written on the spot, and
gives us a good account of the
Progressive convention. Tho
book contains tho platform of
each party, and some of the
notablo convention speeches, in
cluding Mr. Bryan's own at
Baltimore, with comments on
the 'speeches of acceptance of
Taft and Wilson. Some of tho
best cartoons of the period aro
iSmo, cloth, Illustrated, 31.00 net
If yon wmld preserve a clear Men
of what veai done at the conven
tions, set this uoolc.
The Commoner
Lincoln, Nebraska
V , ;
it! fa
vtBtJiP,- No",
"v ,
Box No,
Tf' now'a subscriber to any of these publications your exnlrn.tlnn r?nf mm
,i-bo advanced ono year. . If you wish to send any of these papers to different
people, write your order on a sheet of letter paper.
Lawrence (Mass.) Examiner: The
fight is over, a democratic president'
has been electqd and , the crusade
which began in 1896 has come to an
The great commoner has con
quered. He was a forerunner and rear
guard of the grand army of democ
racy, at times leading, at times cover
ing the retreat, but winning victories
even in retreat.
This great democratic victory is
due in great part to the genius of
William J. Bryan.
To the great leader who bore the
burden of sixteen years of constant
struggle for equal rights.
Subscribers' flflwtlsina Dcpt.
This department is for tho benefit
of Commonor subscribers, and a speci"
rate of six cents a word per insertion
tho lowest rat6 has been rnado lor
them. Address all communications to
The Commonor, Lincoln, Nebraska.
DESIRABLE Virginia Home, 144 acres,
must sell; particulars from A. a
Rolnhart, Petersburg, Va., Route l.
r? OR SALE: 7 Sections, $35 aero.
" -'Orange trees, 75 years old. wmo
for literature W. Root, Arcadia, Fia.
CALIFORNIA Fruit Land, good for
peaches, grapes, olives, oranges,
barley. Ten aero tracts, $25.00 per
acre, Good title. Gano G. Kennedy,
Attorney-at-Law, 1007 Broadway, Oak
land, Cal.
DOOK 1,000 farms, to trade; fair trades
& only handled. Graham Bros., Eldo
rado, Kansas.
FOR SALE Carefully selected Single
Comb B.hodo Island Red cockerels.
Bred from prize winners. Georga
Barkmoier, Exoter, Nob.
r-CZEMA SPECIFIC will absolutely
E euro eczema, salt rheum, barbers
itch, ulcers and othor skin diseases.
Mailed $1.50; sample free. Almklova
Pharmacy, Cooperstown, N. D.
AiJS t. ww. Jbhite j, 4 u. A Ktftit.
!r,LiJaVJ-?HfajWW WAmBjK
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