rijtwfi lpt"H The Commoner. 5 NOVEMBER 22,. 1912 ner stone of Robinson hall, the new annex to Sibley Memorial hospital, at North Capitol and Plerco streets. The laying of the atone was done by Mrs. George O. Robinson of Detroit, president of Woman's Home Mission society of the Metho dist Episcopal church of America, and in whoso honor the building was named. Those who attended the ceremony in the hope of catching some gems of polltcal wit from tho lips of tho "peerless, leader" were disappointed, however, for he eschewed politics In his address, and afterward refused to discuss any connection he might have with the new order of things that arose November 5. His address was religious in trend, dealing .with tho practical Christianity of today as exemplified by the erection of tho now hospital, and he explained his silence on matters political by saying that "whenever he thought of politics he had to laugh." Following the ceremony of laying the corner stone the crowd surged around tho Nebraskan, and one and all, from dirty-faced youngsters, old men, and women, to the nurser of tho hos pital, wrung his hands until they must have ached. A band led the singing of sacred and national airs. The exercises were opened by the invo cation by Rev. Henry S. Prance, D. D. The speaker of honor was 'lauded and then intro duced by Bishop Earl Cranston, of the Metho dist Episcopal church. AT ARLINGTON Abstract of Mr. Bryan's address at the laying of the cornerstone of the Arlington confederate monument: After expressing appreciation of the honor done him by the United Daughters of tho Con federacy in extending him an invitation to par ticipate in the exercises, he said: It is appropriate that the erection of this monument should be entrusted to tho United Daughters of the Confederacy that splendid organization which has called forth the energies of the women of the south and brought them into co-operation in the doing of so much for the welfare of their section of the country. "Woman last at tho cross and first at tho sepul chre" holds undisputed sway on occasions like this. Her ministrations invoke the sweet and sacred memories that link us to a brilliant past, while she points us to the brighter visions of tho future. It is fitting, too, that tho Daughters of the Revolution should participate in theBe exercises, for both north and south inherit from the patriots of colonial days. And it is entirely propor that the president of the United States should welcome to the na tional capital those who come upon so laudable a mission as that which inspires the city's guests. The north and south jointly conlributed to the causes that produced the war between the states. They Bhare together the responsibility for the introduction of slavery; they bore to gether the awful sacrifices that the conflict com pelled and they inherit together the glories of the struggle, written in bravery and devotion. Enormous as was tho cost and bitter as were the animosities that were aroused, charity and forgiveness have sprung up like flowers from tho battlefields and their fragrance will endure. The capital city is the place for such a monu ment and we must confess that it is not compli mentary to us that its building has been so long delayed. Sunshine and rain soon hid the scars made ia the earth by bursting shells; the stricken trees hastened to cover with new bark the holes that bullets made, but the wounds that were caused by burning words and the sor rows that followed from the death of friends did not so easily heal. But now a reunited coun try is addressing Itself to the genial task of stimulating the once estranged sections to honorable rivalry in advancing the arts of peace. In this throbbing heart of the nation's political life the monument whose cornerstone we lay to day will 3tand as a visible proof of the harmony and concord that make our nation one. It has occurred to me that the thought most worthy to bo given supreme emphasis on this occasion is the thought found in the ninth verso of the sixteenth chapter of Proverbs: "A man's heart deviseth his way; but the Lord directeth his steps." In individual life and in the history of na tions we have constant proof of an overruling Providence continuing evidence that the plans of men ar thwarted for their good. It Is in recognition of this that even in the intensity of our earnestness we, conscious of our own short sightedness, pray: "Thy will be done. Man seeks for light and follows the way which to him BeemB right, but over mindful of tho limita tions of human understanding. Is grateful that there is Ono who is wiser than hp Ono In whoso hands are tho destinies of nations as well as tho happiness of individuals. Tho Bible passage which I have quoted Is offered for your consideration on this occasion because the civil war which these exorcises re call furnishes us a supreme Illustration of Je hovah's dealings with man. A great issue arose among tho people of a great nation; passion was engendered and anger clouded the minds of disputants Finally the cause was submitted to tho arbitrlmont of tho sword. Soldiers wero enlisted and a brave people, dividing into hostile armies, offered their lives in support of their convictions. Praying to tho same God, they sought strength and wisdom with which to dis charge the duties that foil to their generation. Each side had Its conception of a future for our country and each planned as best it could to realize that conception. Then followed a four years' war filled with a multitude of events, few of which could be forseen and each ono freighted with an Importance that no ono could at tho time measure. And out of It all has como a result that no ono could calculate. History furnishes no parallel; thero Is nothing with which to compare the remarkable experience through which our nation passed. Behold a na tion "an indissoluble union of Indestructible states" setting "the world an example In tho solution of problems as weighty as ever pressed for consideration a nation in which tho sec tions, with affection unabated for those who wore tho colors of tho respective armies, now mingle their sorrow for those who fell and their regard for those who survive. On tho summit of the Andes, whore Argen tina and Chile meet, the representatives of the two countries have placed a bronzo statue of Christ. It is an heroic figure and represents tho Prince of Peace, one hand holding aloft the cross, the other stretched forth as If Invoking a benediction. Around It are the snow-clad peaks of that lofty mountain "ange. It em bodies a sublime sentiment and tho monument is, in itself, a pledge of perpetual peace between the nations. So let this monument bo emble matic of our nation's unity of aim and purpose. Standing on the line that onco separated two unfriendly sections it becomes a bond of union, and, '-reathlng the spirit of Him who laid the foundations of an universal brotherhood, It will be to the country a promise of never-ending good-will. THE NOBEL PRIZES Tho Nobel prizes wore founded by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish engineer and inventor of high explosives, who acquired great wealth and died In 1896. In his will ho directed that tho In come of property worth nine million dollars should be divided each year into five prizes in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and work toward the establishment of peace. His purpose was "to compensate those who in tho previous year have been most useful to humanity," regardless of their nationality. It is computed that the value of each prize Is $39,000. The prizes have been awarded annu ally since 1901, when Bohrlng received the prize in medicine for his discovery of diphtheria anti toxin. Previous to this year two Americans havo received prizes, A. A. Mlchelson of tho University of Chicago in physics, and Theodore Roosevelt for his efforts to establish peace be tween Japan and Russia. This year for the first time the prize in medicine comes to this country. Alexis Carrel, who brings this honor to Ameri can medicine, was born in France in 1873 and graduated as doctor of medicine from the Uni versity of Lyons in 1900. Shortly afterward ho came to this country and worked for a year or two in the physiologic laboratory of tho Uni versity of Chicago, where he accomplished re markable results In the suture of blood-vessels, and began his work on tho transplantation of organs. Soon after the opening of tho Rocke feller Institute of Medical Research in New York he Joined its staff, and it is there that he has done the work for which he now receives tho Nobel prize. This work has attracted wido notice. The results be has obtained in experi mental surgery more particularly in the sur gery of blood-vessels and in the transplantation of organs and of limbs, are characterized by the Journal of the American Medical association as nothing less than sensational; they show a mar velous technical skill, perseverance and scientific ingenuity, while at the same time indicating pos sibilities of surgery heretofre undreamed of. Doctor Carrol's rocont oxplolt In tho cultlvatio of tissues outsido of tho body, says tho publi cation referred to, promises now knowlodgo of biologic and physiologic processes. A few days ago tho Evening Wisconsin, Hpoak Ing of tho celebration of tho Emporor William's silver Jublleo next yoar, romarkod that thcra were hopes In Borlin that ho would rocotvo the Nobol poaco prlzo "from tho International com mlttoo." Tho roforenco to tho International commlttco was a slip of a Borlin correspondent which was not noticed at tho timo, but to which attention has boon called by n reatlor. Thoro have boon suggestions from French sources that tho poaco prlzo should bo awarded by an Inter national committee, but thoy havo not boon for mally licodod. It is awardod by tho commlttoo of five porBons elected by tho Norwegian Storth ing. Milwaukeo Evening Wisconsin. THANKSGIVING President Taft's first notable public act after tho election In which ho was defeated was tho Issuance of his Thanksgiving proclamation. Among tho reasons which ho gives why tho In habitants of this fortunate land should be thankful is that wo aro "strong In tho stead fast conservation of tho horitago of self-government bequeathed to us by tho wisdom of our fathers, and firm to transmit that horitago un impaired, but rather improved by good use, to our children and our children's children for all time to como." Tho proclamation of President Taft, which was printed In full In tho Wisconsin, Is dignified In conception and languago and slncero In tone. In connection with tho subject of Thanksgiv ing it Is worthy of note that thoro was no Thanksgiving proclamation issued by a presi dent between that of Madison in 1815, after tho closo of tho second war with England, and that of Lincoln in 18G2. President Lincoln's first Thanksgiving proclamation was issuod early in the civil war, at a time when after a Bcrles of reverses light had begun to shlno on tho offort to rcBtoro tho union. It boro date of tho 10th of April, and named no particular day for tho thanksgiving. This proclamation was as follows: "It has pleased Almighty God to vouchsafo signal victories to the land and naval forces engaged In Internal robclllon and at tho same time to avert from our country tho dangers of foreign intervention and Invasion. It is there fore recommended to tho people of the United States that at their weekly assemblages in their accustomed placos of worship which shall occur after notlco of this proclamation shall havo boon received, they especially acknowledge and ren der thanks to our Heavenly Father for thoso inestimable blessings, that they then and there implore spiritual consolation In behalf of all who havo been brought Into affliction by the casualties and calamities of sedition and civil war, and that they reverently invoko the divine guidance for our national counsels, to tho end that thoy may speedily result in tho restora tion of poaco, harmony and unity throughout our borders and hasten the establishment of fra ternal relations among all tho countries of the earth." It was In 18G3 that President Lincoln issued his proclamation recommending the national observance of Thanksgiving day in November. Since that time such proclamations have boon issued annually by tho successive Incumbents of tho presidential office, and custom has settled upon tho last Thursday In November as Thanks giving day. Milwaukeo Evening Wisconsin. THE FIRING LINE For glory? For good? For fortune or for fame? Why, ho for tho front, where the battle Is on! Leave the rear to tho dolt, tho lazy, tho lamo; Go forward as ever the valiant have gone; Whether newsboy or plowboy, cowboy or in mine, Go forward right on to the firing line. Whether newsboy or plowboy, cowboy or clerk, Right forward, be ready, bo steady, bo first; Be fairest, be bravest, bo best at your work; Exult and be glad; dare to hungor, to thirat, As David, as Alfred let dogs skulk and whine There is room but for men on the firing line. Aye, the place to fight and the place to fall As fall wo must all in God's good time It is where the manliest man is the wall, Where boys aro as men in their pride and prime. Where glory gleams brightest, where brightest eyes shine, Far out on the roaring red firing line. Joaquin Miller. i