The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1912, Page 16, Image 18

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The Commoner.
lt lis Yours-
No matter where you are, whether you are a man or
woman, twenty years old or seventy, whether you live
In the town or country, whether you are rich or poor,
all you need do is holdout your liamlfor it. Give us the
shrnal that you want it. say the word, and it will be sent
right out toyou, without a penny from you. If you need
it. if you want to try it and see what it will do. if you
are ill, poorly, weak or suffering, hold out your hand
and get it, as thousands have done during the past
three years. You don't need to write a long letter,
don t need to fill out any tiresome blanks, don't need to
send references, money or stamps. It is yours to try
at our risk, yours for theaskine, no matter who or where
you are, if you will hold out your hand for it, so we will
know you want it. We place it right in your hand,
and are elad to do it when you ask for it.
Clip the coupon, fill in your name and ad
dress, and we will send you a dollar box
ol Bodi-Tone without a penny from you.
This is how a quarter-million people have already
tested Bodi-Tone, including hundreds of readers of
this very paper, and this is how we want you to try it.
We know Bodi-Tone, we know how quickly it acts
In the body, how it makes its great power felt soon
after you begin to use it, how it sends the glow of
returning health into every nook and corner, and we
want to prove it to you, absolutely at our own risk.
If you are entirely satisfied when you see what the
trial box of Bodi-Tone does for a dollar for it.
Otherwise, that ends it. We leave it ail to you.
does Just what its name means cures disease by tonine all
the body, and we want you to try a box at our risk and
see what it will do for year body. Bodi-Tone is a small,
round tablet, that is taken three times every day.
Each box contains seventy-fitfe of these tablets, enough
for twenty-five days use, and we send you the full box
without a penny in advance, so that you can try this
great remedy and learn what it is, so you can learn how
it works in the body, how it cures stubborn diseases by
helping nature to tone, every organ of the body.
Tone is a little word, but it means a great deal,
everything in health. When all the organs are doing
their part, when each is acting in a perfectly natural
way, when all the functions are healthy and performed
with natural vigor, when the energy, strength and
power of resistance to disease are all at a natural point,
then the body is in proper tone. When disease has
attacked any part, when lack of vitality is found and
felt, the tone of the entire physical body should be
raised to the highest possible point, to make all the
body help to cure and restore. This is the power which
underlies all of Bodl-Tone's great work for the sick,
this is the power it offers you to help you get new
health and strength, vigor and vitality.
Bodl-Tono Is not a on tent medicine, for ltq Ingredients
aro not iw secret. It contains Iron Phosphate, Gentian,
lilthla, Chinese Rhubarb, Peruvian Bark, Nux Vomica,
OroRonGrapo Hoot, Cascara, Capsicum, Saraaparllla
andGoldonSoal. Such Ingredients cruarantooltsmorlt.
When you use Bodi-Tone you know just what you are
using, know it is good and safe and know you are taking
the kind of medicine to provide real help for the body.
It is a pure remedy that satisfies the most exacting. It
contains no narcotics or habit-forming drugs, nothing
that your own family doctor will not endorse and say is a
good thing. It does not depend on killing pain with
cocaine, opium, morphine, or other dangerous drugs.
It does not excite the body with alcohol, but it tones
the body and cures its disorderswith remedies Nature
intended to tone and cure the body when that power
was given them. Thus, Iron gives life and energy to
the Blood. Sarsaparilla drives out its impurities, Phos
phate and Nux Vomica create new nerve energy and
force, Lithla aids In the Kidneys, Gentian does inval
uable work for the Stomach and Digestive forces,
Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grape Root promote
vigorous Liver activity, Peruvian Bark raises the tone
ni thA nntlPfl evetnm Kn rlnn Cr-i I i
membrane and checks Catarrhal discharges, Cascara
gives the Bowels new life in a natural way, and Capsi
cum makes all more valuable by bettering
their quick absorption into the blood. A
remarkable combination that does wonderful
work for health. Each of these inimdipnt;
serves to assist, to help, to build upon the
otherswork. Each adds a needed element
from nature to the body. Each has work
to do and does it well. They are used because of this
ability. We claim no credit for discovering the
ingredients in Bodi-Tone, each of which has its own
well-deserved place in the medical books of most
of the civilized world. We simply claim the credit
for the successful formula which we invented, for
the way in which these valuable ingredients are com
bined, for the proportions used, for the curative force
which thousands have found in Bodi-Tone, for tho
cures which make It different from other remedies.
Most of these ingredients areas old as civilization itself,
for the curative forces which Bodi-Tone ably uses are
the forces which have always existed in nature for the
restoration ot the body's health. Many are regularly
prescribed in some form by the medical profession for
various diseases and irregular conditions, being used
either separately or in combinations with such drugs
as each doctor may favor, for thereare wldedlfferences
of opinion among the doctors of various schools. The
exact combination used in Bodi-Tone is what gives it the
far-reaching and thorough curative and restorative
power that makes possible its remarkable cures.
it And See
If you are tired of ceaseless doctor bills and
wearied of continual dosing without results, you need
Bodi-Tone riehtnow. If your local doctor has done you
no real good, if you have given him a chance to do what
he can and the ordinary medicinal combinations he
used have failed, give this modern, scientific combina
tion of special remedies a chance to show and prove
what it can do for you. Its greatest triumphs have
been among men and women with chronic ailments
who had tried physicians and specialists at home and
elsewhere without lasting benefit, and for this reason
all chronic sufferers are invited to try-it at our risk.
Bodi-Tone offers you Its sorvlcos If you aro sick,
if you noodmodlclnalholp, If your bodily organs
aro not noting as thoy should, if your body is not
in right und natural tone. That is what Bodi
Tone is for to restoro health, vigor, vitality
and strength by restoring tone to tho body.
If there is any thing wrong with your Kidneys, Bodi
Tone helps to restore tone to the Kidneys, helps to set
them right If there isanythlngwrongwithyourStom
ach, Bodi-Tone helps to tone the Stomach, helps to set
the wrong right. If there is anything wrong with your
Nerves, your Blood, your Liver, your Bowels oryour
GeneralSystem, the health-makingingredients in Bodi
Tone go right to work and keep on working day after
day, exerting always a definite action that produces
curative results of the kind sufferers appreciate. If
you have Rheumatism, Bodi-Tone helps to eliminate
the Uric Acid from the system while it restores tone
to the Kidneys, Stomach and Blood, thereby prevent
ing a continuance of Rheumatic poison and putting
new activity into muscles, nerves and joints. Bodi
Tone should be used by all women suffering from any
Female Ailment, for its toning properties nave been
found especially valuable in such ailments.
Why delay another day, when a trial of this proven
medicine is yours for the asking. Why keep on suffer
ing, when by filling in your name and address on the
trial coupon and mailing-it to us, you can get a full
twenty-five days trial treatment of this great remedy
which has already restored thousands to health. It
just costs a two-cent stamp, and you don't need to
pay a single penny unless Bodi-Tone benefits you.
Thousands of euros of Rheumatism, Stomach
Trouble, Kldnoy, Liver and Bladder Allmonts,
Urio Acid Disoasos, Female Troubles, Bowel,
Blood and Skin Affections, Dropsy, """
Catarrh, Anaemia-, Sleoplossnoss, LaGrlppo,"
Pains, General Woaknoss and Nervous Break
down, havo fully proven tho power and grout
remedial valuo of Bodl-Tono in such disorders.
Its history of success has proven beyond a shadow of
doubt iow the Bodi-Tone plan of tonine all the body is a
right p an that helps to cure these and other disorders,
that it is a real aid to nature. Many who had for years
been in poor health, and had tried good doctors and
most. all of the prominent medicines, have found that
one stnsle box of Bodi-Tone did more good than all other
treatments combined. Read the reports, showing how
Bodl-1 one cures, send for a box on trial at our risk
and see if it will not prove the rieht thine for you.
111 I'M I
Cured a Year Ago and
in Fine Health Since.
COmanCllO. Olda I ImVP citfFnrorl fllmncf nil mi'llfn
with Rheumatism, which bothered me since eirlhood.
vs it occame seiiiea in later years it
affected my heart, and I would have
spells In which I thought I would
surely die. I have taken all kinds of
medicine and bathed and rubbed with
liniments, butnothiner that I ever dirt
seemed to do me any good. I sav
Bodi-Tone advertised over a year ago
and was attracted by the formula
printed in the advertisement, which
looked to me like a good medicine, and
I sent for a trial box. It worked like
magic from the start, and showed me
that I hnrl fnttrn tho rfpht mnHIHnf nt
. St. I am in fine health now, and feel better than at
ai Mme within my recollection. I feel that I owe my
.ifi. o Bodi-Tone's wonderful formula, for I was in a.
sericus condition when I began to use it. I am forty
six yea:s old, MRS. J. E. Bono.
Missouri Preacher
Found New Vital Vigor.
Macomb, Mo. I want to give a word of testimony for
Bodi-Tone. At the age of twenty-three I suffered a
sun-stroke, and my health has been bad ever since. My
Stomach, Liver and Bowels never seemed right. I was
created by doctors at various times ana
have also taken my share of patent
r ..w t-, muuiciiies, ana uy me lime . luarueu ui
SfsSMP Bodi-Tone I was practically resigned to
my pnysicai innrmmes ana naa learucu
to bear with them. I am a preacher,
fifty years old, and if my experience
. would be glad to have you publishsame.
Jand renewed vital vigor from Bodl-1 one
tnan i could have tnougnt possioik
before I began its use. It has been of
such hfinfifit to mo that words fail me
in expressing the good I have derived. I find it has
taken hold of the entire body, to the betterment of
every vital part, and life has become a greater blessing
tome. My aged mother, who has been helpless at or
years, has also been using it and is experiencing great
good from it. C. N. Findlav.
Was a Wreck With Pain.
Conroo.Tox. I cannot speak too highly of Bodi-Tone.
When I sent for the trial box I was a wreck with pains
from my head to my feet. I nad pains
of all descriptions, sharp and shooting
and dull aching pains, in my back and
in my hip. I was so weak, and had no
strength to do anything. I could hardly
get out and In at tho door with my
knees. It was a burden to me to try to
do anything. I had to hire all of my
housework done. Now, since I have
taken Bodi-Tone, I can do all my house
work and wash and iron, something
which I havo not been able to do in
years. Bodi-Tone did it all, for I have
tnlrpn nnthlnr plsn since I sent for the
1 trial box. lam seventy-three years old. and feel better
than in thirty years. Mits, E. Mcm.pine.
Trial Coupon
Clipped from Commoner
Bodi-Tone Company,
Hoyne and North Avcs, Chicago.
I have read your offer of a dollar box of Bodi-Tone on
25 days' trial and ask you to send me a box by return
mail, postpaid. I yrlu give it a fair trial and will send
you $i.oo promptly when I am sure it has benefited me.
If it does not help me I will not pay one penny and wih
owe you nothing. Neither I nor any member ot my
family have ever used it.
Stale .
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