The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 15, 1912, Page 11, Image 13

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    i,i"n,i,wif""" 'Wjmw'&,''jMif'VW'K1$''''Fw
NOVEMBER 15, 1912
The Commoner.
fTyf-wrrTfTi- v
News of the Week
Tho New York Herald says busi
ness is not in the least disturbed by
the result of the election and it
prints interviews with business
leaders as follows:
John M. Glenn, of Chicago, secre
tary of the Illinois Manufacturers
association: "Manufacturers from
iVMKes canaries sine
rcatores their health
and feathira. 'Tls tho
rrnt Aecret of the An-
A.-um nlrt hv all dru?clfits.
Mailed for 15c. In coin or stamps.
lao panes, 150 Illustrations, a plate
of fancy canaries in their natural
colors. Pull Information as to sone
and rare canaries. How to breed
them for profit. Hints on their
disenscs ond how to cure then.
A II about Parrots twid how to teach
them to talk, nailed for 15c. or
both for 35c. PhHn Bird Food Co.
400 N. jrd St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Cash for
Make more money out ot
Raw Fur? liy gcttlnir full
value joursell ami save
middleman's profits. New
York Is best market and we
pay highest prices for tildes
ol bkunks, JWlnks. Loons,
etc. Cut out the commission
Jiotue and ship to us direct. We stand express. More than
30 years In business. Write for price list and rclcremei
Belt, Butler Co., Exporters
8 East 12th St., NEW YOrtK.
Raw Furs
On licautlnil Until us Day, :t0. miles southwest of
Houston. MO days of HiiuMilnc every onr. Itivlera
lin.s 11 cllmatu equal to Palm Iicnch, Florida. and
Kupcrlor to l.w AiikoIcs, Callloinla Itsornnuo
itrnpcfrult and lemon trc s arc now burdened with
fiult rcaly for markot. Lots In llcautlful Hlvlom
8100 each and r.crcrtup at low prices. Wrlto for In
foi inntlon. Aconts watitcd. Address Chap. Clayton,
40(5 lllnz liulldlnjr. Houston, Texas.
Erickson Leg
Arms, Orutchos, Stockings,
E. I!. Erickson ArllllcUl Limb Co.,
2& YnihAT..o.Huii-apoll3,Uinn.
Doos not chafe, overhaat
or draw end oj stump
tocnn lor uauuoc.
Lrr,it Limb Imotcrj
lb world.
Indian Kuiuicr Durlco aveMclnir 540 white crcs an
nually, Grand prize record. Extra larce Mammoth lironze
Turkeys. (Satisfaction cuarantced.) Marion Schlotzhauer,
Specialist, Wot Grove, Mo.
Get Mllo B. Stovons it Co.'s frco
booklet. 002 FSt.. Wnshliinton:
201 Monadnock Block. Chicago. 111. Erinb. lfc'OI.
Freo report as to Patentability Illustrated Qulde
Hook, and List of Inventions Wanted, sentlreo.
V1CTOK J. EVANS & CO., Washington. D. a
Investigate the Single Tax
"TO. Sinala Tx: wn it M-"uforat.
The Slnjle Tax: What It Will Aecomplih.'r-(7rn.
" fno utnaie Tax ana the rmxmer." nearman.
, Unto booklets ami Toe FUDIlc, the paper with
I All tli
B Single
Tax notnt of view. 13 Mrooks for 25 cents,
THE public, EJiiwortJi iag., fmcaso
tU. I
hths I
tnta. R
all parts of Illinois toll mo tho busi
ness horizon is without a cloud."
P. J. Davis, of Omaha, Neb.,
banker: "Prospects aro exception
ally good and there is no occasion
for any alarm upon tho part of any
body.or any business."
Hugh McCloskey, president of the
Now Orleans Railway und Light com
pany: "Nothing can hold back the
United States. The country is go
ing right along with its development,
and prosperity has come to stay."
M. V. Joseph, of Birmingham, Ala:
"Big crops and the heavy demand
for merchandise of all kinds indicate
a season of great prosperity, ahead.
Wilson's election will not interfere
with this."
O. P. Nicola, Pittsburgh banker:
"Prosperity is too strongly en
trenched to be set back even by a
change of administration."
II. M. Landis, of Pittsburgh, presi
dent of the Federal National bank:
"No one is worried in Pittsburgh
financial circles."
F. L. Lipman, of San Francisco,
Cal., banker: "The business com
munity is looking forward to tho ad
ministration of Mr. Wilson with con-
DROPSY TJtKATKD, usually gives quick
" relief anil soon romoves all swelling
and short breath. Trial treatment sent Free.
Dr. H. H. Greens Sons, Box N, Atlanta, Ga. -
This BeautiffbJ 20 Year Watch $3.75
XlKtntly omnj THIN WODJEL.O0LD tUNISUZD dvobU Uundpr co,
TJiwtl AQtrleia Uur moTimtnl.rUm Triad aad sum ut. SOytwpunat
Mat with Mb wtuo. Unj roll flsUlud chain for Ltdlii , fob r Tilt sflsla for
fSTk lyg"""'"'1-.. iijjf'jkm HL. tW"""
WTH. till III II I I I HI ' If I I llil .1' IBWI I
i a-raNii artn t oar OiMclil prU
Hunter Watch Co., Dept. B32, Chicago, III.
Learn How Oklahoma
makes Bank Deposi
: tors Safe
Our New Booklet, now
being mailed on request.
Friends of this reform can materially aid In lis
general adopUon as well as secure themselves from
all possible loss by opening an account with tho
Guaranty State Bank.
4 per cent Interests on Time
Deposits and Savings Accounts.
G, Haskell, Pres.
H. E. Davis, Ass't Cash
Muskogee, Okla.
Feur years successful operation.'
Mr. Roosevelt announces that tho
progressive party will keep up tho
fight. A conference will be held in
Chicago early in December for tho
purpose of reorganizing.
A Princeton, N. J., dispatch quotes
Governor Wilson as saying: "I'm
a"fraid there is not going to be much
news nowadays, but one of tho re
porters remarked that some news
papers already were publishing the
probable personnel of his cabinet.
"Then I guess I had better not
read the newspapers," he said laugh
ingly, "so as noPao prejudice my
mind." He was asked if he had any
further statement to make about his
"I'm done with statements," he
said with a smile. "Now I'm going
to do a lot of thinking; not that I
haven't done so already, but there
will be a better opportunity now to
think out tho serious problems that
are to be met."
The governor was interested in the
returns from tho doubtful states.
"Captain McDonald," ho re
marked, "seemed to be provoked be
cause some people in Texas didn't
vote for me. The captain thinks tho
only thing wrong with the vote from
Texas was that 'it should have been
unanimous.' "
Governor Wilson had a long talk
with National Chairman William F.
McCombs early in the day. "It was
a visit of friendly compliment," said
the governor.
The president-elect heard that
United States secret service men were
coming to guard him.
"I found to my surprise," ho said,
"that it is the interpretation of the
law to guard the president-elect
even before he is inaugurated."
Captain McDonald, who has be
come a great favorite with the gover
nor while acting as bodyguard, will
leave, therefore, in a few days.
The president-elect will remain in
Princeton until about November 15,
when it is expected ho will take a
short trip to the Bermuda Islands,
where he has spent many vacations.
He had no definite announcement, he
said, to make in this connection.
Referring to the defeat of "Uncle
Joe" Cannon, the Danville, 111., cor
respondent for tho Cincinnati En
quirer says: For the first time since
1890 and for the second time in his
career of 40 years in congress,
Joseph Gurney Cannon has been de
feated by voters of the Eighteenth
With a "shoestring" district, con
sisting of six counties, extending
from Kankakee on the north to Cum
berland on the south, apportioned In
Buch a manner that tho heavy re
publican counties of the north out
weighed the voting power of the
small democratic counties of tho
south, "Uncle Joe" has been so firm
ly intrenched that nothing short of
a political revolution could unseat
Analysis of the causes leading to
his second defeat leads to tho con
clusion that it was mainly due to a
feeling among tho voters which has
steadily been growing stronger each
year that tho former speaker, both
in his sympathies and in his public
acts, has been growing away from his
people, and that the final upheaval
was principally duo to the same
causes that led to tho formation of
tho progressive party.
Sternly refusing to desert tho
standpat friends with whom lie had
so long worked and associated, lie
failed to keep his ear to the ground
and could not believe that the
power of his party and organization
could bo overthrown by the wavo of
insurgency that swept the country.
Contributing causes to his defeat
were tho republican votes scoured by
E. F. Royse, tho third party candi
date, and tho strong personality of
Ibis chief opponent, Frank T: O'llalr,
of Paris, who has won the election
by about 500 plurality.
For several terms democrats were
so disheartened by the great repub
lican majority in the district that
they made little effort to oppose the
former speaker, and the latter, by
skillful maneuvering, managed gen
erally to put in tho field candidates
who, if not merely men of straw of
his own creation, wero unablo to at
tract tho support of democrats.
Commenting upon the election re
sults, Senator La Follette says:
"First of all there must be legisla
tive achievement of a high order if
tho will of tho people as voiced In
this election is to prevail. Progres
sives, Irrespective of party, will sup
port and sustain Mr. Wilson if he
aids aggressively in freeing tho house
majority from its shackles. Mean
while it Is given tho progressive re
publicans everywhere to hold the
high ground of disinterested, pa
triotic guardianship of the principles'
which are in. htate and nation, gradu
ally restoring tho government to the
A London cablegram, carried by
tho Associated Press, says: The
Bulgarians have dealt the Turks a
crushing defeat at Tchorlu and
opened up a road to Constantinople.
The battle lasted all night. The
losses on both sides wero 35,000
killed and wounded r.nd the Bul
garians took 15,000 prisoners.
Tho Turkish stronghold of Mon
stir surrendered at 2 o'clock in the
afternoon to the Servian troops.
Representatives of tho powers In
Europe say that they aro not to be
embroiled in war, but aro acting in
perfect concord.
Ortio McManigal testified in tho
dynamiters' trial at Indianapolis, de
tailing his experiences in blowing up
buildings and bridges.
J. A. Weyland, owner of Appeal
to Reason, a socialist paper published
at Girard, Kan., shot and killed him
self at his home.
Clement A. Griscom, famous
among tho shipping interests of the
world, died at his home in Phila
delphia. Theodore Roosevelt has issued a
formal statement congratulating his
followers and declaring that the fight
has only begun. He says that the
progressive party is to bo maintained
and points out that that party made
at its first national election tho most
remarkable record in the history of
American politics.
of Traction Engineering will be
held at the following places:
In United States
Aberdeen, S, D. Houston, Tex.
Fargo, N. D. Lincoln, Nebr.
Grand Forks, N. D. Peoria, III.
Great Falls,Mont. Wichita,Kans.
In Canada
Calvary, Alta. Saskatoon, Saslc
Portage la Prairie, Man.
Kcgina, Sask.
These practice schools arc ab
solutely free to students of our
Correspondence Course in Trac
tion Fanning and Engineering.
Exact dates of different school
sessions will be announced, by
letter, to each student.
If you have not already arran
ged to take this fine home study
course in gas tractor construc
tion, operation and care, do so
at once. Learn how to cclcct
and run a tractor. How to make
adjustments, repairs, all kinds
ofliitclics.layoutficlds. Course
tcachc3allth!sinohortcst time.
Then get tho practice school
instructions. Here you can
actually run a tractor: examine con
ttruction details; aslc nucttions of
our expert instructors; have every
thing made clear.
Entire course worth many dollars
to prospective buyers, tractor owners
and waj;c earners. Ask us why and
let us explain how you can obtain
this course absolutely fret. 55
UbO Lawler St.,
Amazing Invention.
Entirely new kind Isropbarn
cr, generates tu, maJtes ex
Uctnely Urrepoweffnl wlilte
light. SmokeletJ, xkrlew.
Sell everywhere. Hothlns;
like It. Exduilre territory
contractcrsntcd. Poiltlrehr
not told In stores. AfMU
ODORLESS ",kta b, mai' Ew
leticc nnnecemry. Single
omiit 15 cents postpaid. Particulars FREE.
WatssB 12. Ce1cmmwt
Patent .LavryerVWcuiulagtoB,
D.C. Advice and book free.
Ratea reasonable. Hbxheat references, UcstserTleM.
firW:. 'JT
kWMS' raWlKa
KW ?
II f?r!Zj&Wz.
VlUtr "--43l 'ifff H
Carbon fRf
m Ba ill
iliiiriifiiVtVrn 1 JTrlHiT'T?iiij
One of the
lamnzoo Stoves shown
In tho bz free book tho
aristocrats of tho stove
world yet sold at from
S5.U0 to 540.00 lower
than other stoves of
inferior quality.
Prices reduced. Try
a Kalamazoo
30 Days
richly llltlAtrmtAd. All
abou t latest feature i
SUworen doors, re
octd prices, etc
Mill potUI'tr utile
Jft-. Sis, racutionlttif
Xetamazoa Steva Ca.
Katamaxoo. Mich.
V7o also make Furnace
and uas more. H pedal
caUlOK mailed on request.
if a. -. ! : i