i',1 Ifl ,' 4 The Commoner. VOLUME 12, NUMBER 42 P . K E&-. KfZ w( fir m. & m h m- i ??' The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY Entered at the Postofflco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class matter. Wjijjw j. HllYAN Kdltornnd Proprietor IUciiakd L. MkTCATJ'K Act oclnte EdJtor CIIAIU.KS W. UllVAN Publisher FdltorJnl Room nnd Uusinwi On.co. 824-320 boutll 12tli Ktrcct Oho Year fi.oo Six Months .50 In Clubs of Five or more, por year.. .75 Three Months. . .... .25 Single Copy MS Sample Copies Free. Foreign Post. Go Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can be sent direct to The Com. monor. Thoy can also be sent through newspaper which have advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agents, where sub-agents have been ap pointed. AU remittances should bo sent by post oulce money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send individual checks, stamps or money IUCiNEWALS- The date on your wrapper shows the tlmo tp which your subscription Is oaid. Thus January 21. 12 means that payment ha' been re ?o oCd aml '"eluding1 tha 'ast issue of January. 3 912. Two weeks are required after money had been received before tho date on wrapper can ba changed. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Subscribers requesting a change of address must give old a3 well as now address. ADVERTISFNC Rates will be furnished upon application. . Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. STATEMENT OP THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGE MENT, ETC., of Tho Commoner, published weekly at Lincoln, Nebraska, required by the Act of August 24,' 1912: . ' Name of Postofllce Address Editor William Jennings Bryan Lincoln, Nebraska. Associate Editor Richard L. Metcalfe ; Lincoln, Nebraska. Publisher Charles W. Bryan Lincoln, Nebraska. Owner William Jennings Bryan Lincoln, Nebraska. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None. CHAS. W. BRYAN, Publisher. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of October, 1912. (Seal) J. R. FARRIS, Notary Public. My commission expires July 19, 1918. Six hundred and sixty-seven thousand dol lars is the amount spent to secure delegations for Roosevelt in the states that have thus far reported, and more than half are yet to hear from. The demand for Roosevelt's nomination was said to be overwhelming but it was evident ly held in solution and it cost more than a mil lion dollars to precipitate it and made it visible at the primaries. It was the most expensive chemical experiment ever made. No progressive republican should be deceived by the pretense that Mr. Roosevelt has or ganized a permanent new party. It is only a big club which he is using to beat the republican party into insensibility then he will take chances again. The republicans are now claiming credit for good cropB. Did they bring the rains? Hardly If the republicans could control the rainfall they would allow some monopoly to put a meter on .the clouds and sell the showers at so much per drop. s And now the republicans are threatening a panic if the democrats win. The panic of 1873 came under a republican president. So did the panic of 1907. The panic of 1893 came a year before the McKinloy high tariff law was repealed. Just think of Mr. Roosevelt asking to succeed Mr. Taft! Why, he discovered Mr. Taft; he patented him, nominated him, guaranteed him and elected him. And then he went off to Africa and left him. If democratic success would jeopardize the prosperity of the country why did the president 5n dfX-P'eBldent insure democratic success by dividing the republican party into warring fac-iions. How Wall Street Engineered the Roose velt Panic of 1907 The Philadelphia North American is an ardent supporter of Theodore Roosevelt. During the month of August, 1911, the North American printed an editorial, showing how Wall street brought about the panic of 1907. The Phila delphia article will bear careful reading at tbis time. Hero it is: Back in the early months of 1907, when pros perity was universal in this country, John D. Rockefeller gave to the American press a state ment predicting that financial disaster would soon overtake the country's industry and com merce. From time to time, following his startling announcement, other Wall street financiers voiced the same view. So great was the prosperity of the country that even this sinister warning did not immedi ately slacken the activities of honest business. Stranger still, it soon came to be regarded by men who usually possessed acute business judg ment as meaningless, save perhaps as a threat against the Roosevelt administration. With basic conditions sound, bumper crops and every forge and mill and factory so busy thajt unem ployment was practically non-existent, the pessi mistic prophecy seemed incredible. Our readers will recall how often then we asserted our belief that, owing to the vicious national currency system, Wall street had the power to turn off the credit essential to legiti mate business to such an extent that a panic could be artificially produced. We reasoned also that Wall street, controlled by the Standard Oil and Morgan groups of banks and trust companies, could make great profits out of a money panic. The history of specula tive banking gives overwhelming proof that banks with vast sums of money at command make their biggest profits when legitimate busi ness is being threatened or wrecked, for lack of usual accommodations. We pointed out then that prosperity had be come so widely diffused throughout every sec tion of the country that large profits were going into too many hands outside of the charmed Wall street circle to please the men who con trolled the credit. If a money panic could be precipitated, in evitably would the checking of legitimate busi ness in various communities cause the accumu lations of the many to come back into the hands of the few. It seemed to us that, viewed from tho standpoint of Standard Oil and Wall street generally, a money panic was by far the most profitable line of freebooting which could be indulged in at that particular time. We recorded the movements of the artificially made panic as the plot unfolded day by day. Despite all warnings, the insiders continued to unload stacks upon the public at only gradually lessening prices, thus continuing to add to their war fund, after the death sentence of prosperity had been read to all the world. Soon after the Rockefeller prophecy of evil it became known to the New York inside busi ness world that war had been declared against F. Augustus Heinze and Charles W. MorBe. Heinze was an ancient, picturesque and ex pensive enemy of Standard Oil's Amalgamated Copper company. He never had been punctilious in his financial methods or morals otherwise he never would have seen New York. In Mon tana he fought the devil with fire and won The winning was his offense. Standard Oil was forced to a compromise that left Heinze with a dozen millions. Thereupon Standard Oil marked Heinze for destruction and bided its time Tha time came in 1907. ' Charles Morse had made tho mistake of fail ing to content himself with mastery of the ico market. He had become a possible impediment to J. P. Morgan. He had made a merger of Atlantic coastwise steamer lines. Morgan was juBt about ready to perfect the railroad-trolley-water monopoly of New England transportation. Morse s boats provided undesirable competition Morse became a marked man. And both Heinze and Morse had come to New York and were dabbling in finance . The,U?1Ic was ml8led as to tbo real situation 5? ?k"lfUl P?e8s, asenta keeping alive the fiction that the old business enmity between the Rocke- stm rexistrerdman grUP and thG Mrgan Interests Persistent, secret, united work led only te th finding that tho intruders from Montana ana New England were better fortified than tho masters of Wall street had supposed. After withstanding months of warfare they still had at their back financial institutions which were able to give them protection. Just when, how or by whom the decision was reached to wreck the Heinze and Morse banks we do not know. But it now is history that those banks were wrecked, the first victim being the Knickerbocker Trust company, subsequently proved thoroughly solvent. Of coirse, it must bo borne in mind that Heinze and Morse had been conducting their fight on illegitimate banking lines, although it is believed they differed little from the general methods of other Wall street promoter-bankers. It was not until it was found necessary to wreck banks, by withholding from them clearing-house sanction, that the scheme of the steel tryst to pillage the Tennessee Coal and Iron company became known. Tennessee Coal and Tron long had been tho Naboth's vineyard coveted by the steel trust. Its property, developed and undeveloped, was well nigh equal in value to that of the steel corporation itself. It was better equipped than its more powerful rival with the modern open hearth process. It owned a wealth of high grade ore, almost at the doors of its furnaces, needing no such long shipments as from the northern lakes to Pittsburg or Gary. Right at hand was abundance of coking coal. Labor was plentiful and conditions of living in tho mild climate cheap. And there was competition in transportation. It waB a potentially formidable competitor of Morgan's pet "billion-dollar trust." Therefore in the most fevpred period of tho 1907 panic it happened that the powerful New York banks refused suddenly and utterly to con tinue loans unless United States Steel bonds were substituted for Tennessee Coal and Iron securi ties as collateral. It was believed that the trust company of America was a heavy holder of the stock as col lateral, and was really the strong financial power which had enabled a Tennessee Coal and Iron syndicate to withstand so long the subtle attacks made upon it. Not until the trust company was forced to ask for mercy, after a wrecking run which the presi dent now testifies was started by a statement of George W. Perkins, then a partner of Morgan, and after it had disclosed its assets, which in cluded less than $50,000 worth of Tennessee coal and iron stock, behind loans otherwise amply protected, did other banks dare to come to its assistance. But the panic was forced harder and harder until the really vulnerable spot was reached. And what followed is told by John W. Gates, who, like Thomas Lawson, has done a public service, just once In his life by turning state's evidence against one-time accomplices who plucked him. Gates testified that the result was "forced sale, in which the purchasers got all the best of the bargain." Not a dollar changed hands in the transac tion, the absorbed company being paid for by securities issued by the steel trust, and not a dollar was added to the funds of the New York banks to check the progress of the panic. It was all but so much manipulation for the direct profit of the financial combination headed by J. Pierpont Morgan, and the losses were all borne by the general public, including the legitimate business men of America, who are still paying the price. Meanwhile, in the most acute days of the panic, Theodore Roosevelt had been deluded into making the worst mistake of his career, with the best possible intentions. He trusted Mor gan's subservient tool, George B. Cortelyou. And through that 'stenographic taker of Wall street dictation he was persuaded to listen to the tales of woe of Frick and Gary, of the steel trust, and sanction that iniquitous merger, to prevent a predicted crash of credit and values that be was warned would wreck or cripple every legiti mate enterprise in the land. Once Tennessee Coal and Iron had fallen into the grasp of the panic-makers, following the crushing of Heinze and Morse, It was to their interest to stop the panic. By that time all the money in Wall street had been absorbed by Mor gan and Standard Oil. Morgan sent for nw handy man, George B. Cortelyou, unhappily 'S - r ,