"t'l T f y-rf jw:- 1 . 16 The Commoner. VOLUME U, NUMBER i ttji m i 1 1 i immmmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm9mmmmmmmmmmmmmwfmwmmmmmimmam ... i . i - .M . . .. - ... . - . . . . .. i .. .,--.,. . HHI '., It 'I ii if nMi !l IS lm i I- 1 1 1 it ;ft. r in 25-12 FREE llf: Jo sir. Paul Moral: Tho name of Marat will forever be associated with the Reign of Terror during the French devolution. Ho fell at last by the hand of Charlotte Corday to avenge the loss of 'her lover. This period contains more of dramatic interest than any 'other in the world's history. It is out of this period that the Empire waa born, dominated and ruled .by rfapQloon. It la generally conceded the beat account of Uio French Revolution is by America's great historian. Dr. John Clark Ridpath Tho story of this period should be read by every American who prizes his citizenship and loves his country. 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