V 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 12, NUMBER 3 4 ttU sm. t SJf JTJ i 1 kife ' 'HK1 I I Want to Give Away Thousands of 10-Day Treatments Free TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERINGS; OF HUMANITY r IHflUulliHB I " ' B EgHKA. DR. ABDOTT I want every man or wo man reader of this paper who suffers to write me and get this wonderful TEN DAY Treatment of mine FREE. It is not an experimental distribution of medicine, such as have been made before, that I am offering you. It is not a sample of a medicine or a proof, but a bonafide ten-day treatment that has cured a great many people and should cure you. And it is absolutely free to you. There is no money to pay. I even pay postage and all charges, I just wait to relieve thous ands of sufferers in return for the Success that my thirty-two $&ars of labor in the medical profession have brought mo. If you have rheumatism, backache,' kid ney or bladder troubles, chronic catarrh, or any q the other Uric Acid complaints, write -to me, filling-vout the little coupon herewith' .' attached and I will send you at once a full Ten-Day Treatment, as, thous ands of earnest testimonials I have in my possession will prove to you. There is too much sickness in the world and it. is mostly due to neglect. Long treatments, expensive courses of medicine, with their consequent expense, are no longer necessary. I can and do cure with these Ten-Day Treatments and I want to give thousands of sufferers a chance to profit by my discovery at my expense. It costs you nothing, now nor at any time. Don't send me any Money not even postage I will pay all expenses. But if you value happiness, success, a healthy mind in a healthy body, don't waste any time but fill out this coupon and mail it to me. Remember it is FREE. MY TEN DAY TREATMENT Positively CURES BACKACHE FREE Are you racked with pain? Do you suffer so that your daily work is a torture instead of being a pleasure ? Have you lost ambition, zest, enterprise, the desire to better yourself because of pains, aches, dullness! Has rheumatism set its clutches on your muscles and palsied your limbs so that life is hardly worth living, your days a horror and your nights a terror? I can relieve your sufferings and I want to do it now. "Write to me. Pill out the coupon and mail it tome. That is all you need to do. I will do -the rest and it will cost you absolutely nothing. Rheumatism, backache, kidney troubles, bladder troubles, chronic catarrh and fe male weakness are generally due to one cause -uric acid poisoning. My treatment which is different from all others, vill dis 1 pel your pains; it will make life worth living. Take it and you will get up in the morning after a sound night's sleep, re freshed and invigorated. Once more your muscles will respond to your will! and do so readily without twinges of agony, with out reluctance. Your backache will vanish and you will bless me and thank me as have done thousands of others. This treatment is not an experiment. It does not contain drugs that injure you while giving temporary relief. We have vouched for it according to law. I am not offering to send you a sample but a full ten days' course of treatment with full instructions as to how to use it and all of it is absolutely free, to you. I want to convince you that' it is your duty to yourself and to those who love you and are dependent on you to try this free 10 day treatment of mine. No man tortured with uric acid complaints is fit for the battlo of life. Ho cannot bring his brain nor his hands to work properly when his body is racked with pain. No wo man can caro for her home, bring up her children right or work if she is cross, miser able, distracted by suffering. The struggle is too keen, competition too merciless, the fight for success too strenuous to be handi capped by physical ills. To the man or wo man who suffers I want to bring relief, com fort, happiness, success. Fill out the coupon attached here and mail to me. Don't wait until tomorrow, tomorrow never comes, do it at once. With my Ten-Day Treatment, I will also send my book on Uric Acid Diseases. It Is a pamphlet full of the results and ex perience of thirty-two years, during which I have specialized In uric acid complaints. It contains also a few of the tens of thousands of testimonial letters from preachers, lawyers, men and women of affaire the country over who have not hesitated to say just how much I have benefited them. DR. G. B. ABBOTT P. S. Perhaps you have a friend who is a sufferer. Don't hesitate to havo him or her fill out this coupon or write me a letter, or you do it for your friend. They will call you blessed. COUPON TEN DAYS' TREATMENT FREE DR. G. B. ABBOTT, 1044 Austen Building, Chicago, 111. Havo you pain in the back? Have you Rheumatism?. .... Kidnoy Trouble? .Do You Get Up Nights to Urinate? Aro you constipated? Where is the most pain? Havo you Catarrh? yOUr ago? Married or' Single Namo Address j Lr0' Ntfi .JMA You owe me nothing now nor later. WHHHH