The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 20, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
Amazing Invention.
Entlrel new kind lampburn
er, zcncrates gu, makes ex
trcmely largepowerf ul white
light. Smokeless, odorless,
Sells everywhere. Nothing
like it Excluslre territory
contractseranted. Positively
not sold In stores. Agents
making biff money. Exper
ience unnecessary. Samnle
outfit 35 cents postpaid. Particulars FREE.
Sare (8.00 to 823.00 on
Hoosier Ranges
and Heaters W
Why not bur tho Beat whon you I
mem as bucq iow un-oard-of.
Factory prlooii.
mr now lmnroromcnts
ausoiutolT surpasi any
thine ever, broduced.
Baya enourhon a ulntla
fltOTn to liur vnti vrlntnr'a
iuoi. xninr uayn rreo trial
in jour own nomo Doioro yon
bny. Bond poatal today for
iarrraoaatalosand prleaa
101 StsU gt. HU. Itiil.
Los Angeles. Tho next meeting
place may bo chosen by the executive
Frank A. Munsey has purchased
tho New York Press, a morning
newspaper, and it will support Theo
dore Roosevelt.
U '"m9MD BHflMB 4BBBH1
MiifKWE' JiBSniMS'
I W AddroM E
B Haaslar XtfiMt Co1-
Sold on Merit Alone
If you will remit ono dollar Tor n sot of Storcna
Auto Tiro Valves nnd try thorn 3 days, wo will
refund your inonoy 11 not antlnfitctory.
Wo warrntit thorn not to lealcnnd to Bavo you ono
third tho tlino nnd Inbornny othor vnlvo requires.
Thousands of pleased nuto ownora recommend
Stovens Auto Tire Valve.
Stevens Manufacturing &, Supply Co.
1X38-2B-27 WabaHh Ave., Chicago
The most valuable crop Jn the world.
Kaslly grown throughout the United
Staf flnrl rfinmln rTai..- 1- . f
your garden. Send four cents and cret our booklet No 7. tell
Jajf all about It JfeDOffKLL MNSKNG QAKUKN, Joplla, .
Show this wholly viilbl Typa
writer to your friends and 1st
thara sea wherein it excolL)
stay 8100 Typewriter
uihui u no wuum una on
to you Free of Ono Cent
,OK Cost for you to kwp
iuii o your uwni
Then on a postal card, or In a
Utter to us, simply say: Hall
EME1S0N TYPEWRITER CO.. in n 9 Wedlock, Hllwls,
tlblWMW ""T"1
A Greensboro, N. C, dispatch
says: Whether or not a newspaper
incorporated under tho state laws
"for tho purpose of promoting re
publican doctrine and espousing the
candidates of that party," has a right
to lend its editorial support ana in
fluence to the Roosevelt and John
son ticket is to be determined in the
North Carolina courts. The first step
in the litigation will be taken when a
minority of the stockholders of the
State Dispatch of Burlington, N. C,
will potition Judge Whedbee to re
strain the majority stockholders and
the editor of the paper from pub
lishing editorials or articles support
ing the national progressive cause.
Aviator Howard W. Gill of Balti
more, -Md., was killed on the aviation
grounds at Chicago. His monoplane
collided with another seventy-five
feet in the air.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Denver says: William J. Bryan
opened his campaign in the west in
behalf of Woodrow Wilson and the
democratic national ticket. Arriving
in Denver early in the evening from
a brief vacation at Grand Lake, Colo.,
hedendunced both William T. Taft
and Theodore Roosevelt as unworthy
of election to tho presidency. Mr.
Bryan spoke vigorously against the
third term.
"It would open a door which no
man might be able to close," he de
clared. Mr. Bryan's argument against
Taft was that he is not in harmony
That Produce Twenty Profitable Crops
There are few parts of the world which offer the agricultural
opportunities that we are offering on our ARTESIAN FARMS,
situated in Clay County, Florida. Of all Florida this is the locality
which will increase in value the quickest. Here is a place to come
with your family and establish a home, and if you will put forth
the same effort that you are now doing where you are located, you
can quickly grow wealthy for you can select one of twenty or moro
profitable crops that will make you money every year without a
failure. This is not a new and wild country, but is in the heart of
population,' education and refinement. Land values are naturally
growing rapidly, and these farms that we are now offering you for
$35.00 an acre will bring $100.00 an acre before you realize it. We
make this statement regarding this territory because we are con
vinced of its coming greatness.
The rainfall in this section is, ample. Tho climate is all that could
be desired. In fact, here everything that tends to success seemB to
be pretty well blended. Please do not compare our region in Florida
with tho numerous localities now being exploited in the public press
Wo are not a drainage proposition but our land is ready for you to
move on and we are glad for you to come as soon as possible. You
can immediately begin to grow crops from which you in a very short
time can realize large profit. Our soil is a dark sandy loam and
is underlaid with a clay sub-soil. We have water and rail trans
portation. We are within ten to twenty miles of the growing citv
of Jacksonville. We want agents for this land and we want buyers.
212 Scarrilt Building, Kansas City, Missouri
with the progressive spirit of the
day. "He already has b.een repu
diated by a majority of his own
party," he said, "so that he can not
hope to poll more than one-third of
tho vote of the country, if that large
a proportion."
The speaker disputed Roosevelt's
right to the leadership of the pro
gressive movement.
"The democratic party was fightiifg
for all the national reform measures
when Mr. Roosevelt was opposing
them," he declared. "Roosevelt's
position on the trust question and on
the third term are dangerous to the'
He dwelt at length on Roosevelt's
attitude on the trusts and his rela
tions to George W. Perkins and the
United States Steel corporation.
In advocating the election of Mr.
Wilson, Mr. Bryan commended the
democratic platform as representing
all the reforms for which the people
are ready. He urged th6 suppoYt of
Wilson as tho man prepared to put
these reforms into execution.
Washington News
President Taft celebrated his fifty
fifth birthday with his aunt, Miss
Delia Torrey, at Millbury, Mass.
Robert G. .Valentinecommissioner
of Indian affairs, has resigned his
office and announces that he will sup
port Roosevelt.
senate campaign expenditures com,
mittee, names of the men who
handled their campaign funds Thn
financial managers have agreed to
appear before the committee when
its hearings begin September 30
Senator Bankhead will appear for
Oscar W. Underwood; Former Sena-
i:' V
A meeting of the republican na
tional committee will be held for the
purpose of disciplining or expelling
those members that are not loyal to
An Associated Press dispatch says:
The Southern Pacific Railroad com
pany has asked the state department
at Washington to protect its interests
in Mexico it was announced at the
office of the chairman of the execu
tive committee of the railroad. It
was a formal statement issued tell
ing of telegrams received by the com
pany declaring that bodies of rebels
varying from 100 to 3,000 were pil
laging the country, cutting telegraph
wires and burning railroad bridges.
More than two miles of bridges
have been burned during the past
ten days, according to these tele
grams. In ono instance, according
to the dispatches, the rebels captured
a passenger train, loaded the pas
sengers into one coach, carried it to
within seven miles of Naco and
uiujjpea it into iNaco oy gravity. The
locomotive was then disabled.
The telegrams, five in number
have been placed before the state de
partment at Washington by the
Washington attorneys of the rail
road, it was stated at the office of the
chairman of the executive committee
and a formal demand for protection
based upon them, had been made. '
A United Press dispatch says: One
immediate result of the resignation
of Commissioner of Indian Affairs
valentine to join the progressives is
expected to bo the publication of the
report of Secretary of the Interior
Fisher on the religious garb contro
versy. Valentine denied to Catholic
teachers on the Indian reservations
the right to wear their costumes
but soon afterward President Taft
revoked the order and directed
Fisher to investigate. His report has
been in the hands of the president
several months and it is now ex
pected it will be made public.
An Associated Press dispatch savs
Presidential candidates in the nre
convention fight of last spring have
furnished to Chairman Clapp, of the
Now isce here, friend! What'o
tho uso or your tearing ana scratch.
lncr your eyes out. reading this Ann
rrint with those old. dim and mlstv
spectacles of yours, when you can juat
aa well wrlto and get a brand new nalr
of my wonderful "Perfect Vision" lenaes
absolutely ireo or charge.
You see, I havo absolute confidence
that just ono try-out on your part will
make you -a permanent booster for
my famous "Perfect Vision" spectacles,
an'd'am therefore going to send every
reader of this paper a pair of my latest
improved lenses absolutely freo of
chaxgo as an advertisement.
Because these "Perfect Vision"
lenses of mino will enable you to
read the very finest print in your
bible, thread the smallest-eyed
needle you can. get hold of, shoot
the smallest bird off tho tallest
treo-top, and distinguish a horso
from a cow on the cloudiest days
and as far as tho eye can reach.
Now you certainly do want a pair
of those wonderful "Perfect Vision"
lenses of mine, and I surely want to
give you a pair absolutely free
without ever asking you to pay me ono
penny for them, now and never.
So just wrlto mo your name and ad
dress on tho below coupon and send it B
to mo at once and I will immediately
mall you my Perfect Home Eye Tester
and a four-dollar cash certificate en
titling you, absolutely freo of charge,
to a brand now pair of my wonderful
"Perfect Vision" lenses, which will
again enable you to enjoy your reaa-
mg, sewing ana nunung just u
much as you over aia in
younger days.
v a a tinio nsmB an aanrasi hbibw
r5rR. HAUX, The Spectaolo Man, ST. LOUIS, MO.ll
Pleaso send mo full particular of your freo offer at once.
yuiu ig
Erickson Leg
Dooa not chafo. oyer
boat or draw end ox
SftU BR Vaw VaM
1 livti ,,Blb factory la Um world
at Ifuaucua ATt..H.,uiuMipulitiaa. Sond I ox catalog.
Subscribers' Jldvcnisino Dcpn
1V1 folder and circular. Lawrence J.
Anderson, Lowistown, Montana.
T EARN of tho vast undeveloped re
- sources and unparalleled progress
of South Florida. "Enterprise," Ar
cadia. Fla.. tolls it all. SI year.
TO CLOSE an estate, modern, $6,000,
x house, $4,750. Terms. WritoA.Ure,
administrator, 239 Bannock, Denver,
FOR SALE 315 acres of sandy loam
land, 2 miles from railway town,
at $25.00; 400 acres of black hog wal
low land, 3 miles from growing town
at $35.00; both tracts in South Texas
Gulf Coast country. Addross, Wm. F.
Koch, Victoria, Texas.
Mexico have
; the opppr-
making in-
Wo handlo
Bank Bldff.,
HTHE resources of Now
- natuiy ueun Bcratcnca
tunltles for great money
vestments are wonderful,
all kinds of high-class
Hall and Hall, Capital
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
IMPROVED alfalfa land, near good
4 town and railroad, $60.00 per aero.
Warner Land Co., Vale, Oregon.
POR SALE or rent, by owner, 160
1 acres improved levol, rich farm land,
ono mile of station in Kingfisher
County, Okla. Price $40.00 per acre.
Addross, Ira Holland, Route 7, Lincoln,
DENVER'S FinoBt Livery, quick sale,
great bargain, nets over f50i
monthly; must havo $10,000, cash. Col
lott, 628 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo.