f ; V Jwr Tn .'" " "' SEPTEMBER , 1812 The Commoner. 15 to speak the whole truth, for tho whole truth will surely ho brought out. "It Is a notable fact that Senator Penrose confines his statements to allegations unsupported by legal proof. It is also worthy to note that Mr.' Archbold does not produce any of the interesting documents that ho has in his possession to establish the truth of his utterances. Ho quotes Mr. Bliss, who is no longer there to question the accuracy of his statements, but he does not produce any letters to or from Mr. Bliss, to or from Senator Penrose, to or from Mr. Babcock or to or from Mr. Roosevelt. "Mt. Archbold's word needs docu mentary support. That fact has been proved heretofore, and Mr. Archbold has already been confound ed by the evidence of his own letters and those of his agents and con federates in political life and public plunder. "As a matter of fact various re publican campaign committees soli cited Standard Oil money and ac cepted Standard Oil money and em ployed Standard Oil money in the campaign of 1904 and various demo crats received Standard Oil money then and later. "Mr. Archbold has told part of the truth, but not all of it. Let him tell all of it and produce the interesting! documents that encumber his files. "Mr. Roosevelt, too, should tell of the -visits of Mr. Rogers and Mr. Archbbld to him in 'Washington; of Mr. Sibley's "activity in bringing about these meetings; of the 'perfect understanding' that existed, and various other matterd of interest and importance to the nation. All of these things will appear in due time, and Mr. Roosevelt might as' well re late them now. ' . . "It must be "said' of Mr. Roosevelt, however, that, although he received the -financial and' political support of - ...-' DON'T PAV TWO PRICES Sto e too to txs.00 oa oosier Ranges and Heaters W Wby not tray the Beat wbea 70a oar wem as aucn low tuv- earu-oc factory prices. ar now lmrroTcmants aDsoiuwiy surpass any thine e t e r produocd. B&to enouch on ft elncle BtoYO to buy your winter's fuel. Thirty da-rn fr trial In your own home before yen oay. sana postal xoaay Tor lancarreaaataiecanaprMas. 101 SUttSt. Hsrfsa, Is tho Standard Oil company, ho repu diated that institution after ho was elected. "In tho same manner Mr. Wilson received tho financial and political support of Senator Smith, of New Jersey, and repudiated him after election. "Mr. Roosevelt can boast of a be lated honesty, so why not bo com pletely frank with the public and tell them the whole truth? Why should not Senator Penrose and Mr. Arch bold and Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Sib ley all tell the whole truth, particu larly when they can be so confident ly assured if they do not I will?" Washington News Postmaster General Hitchcock has made an order prohibiting general mail delivery on Sunday. ' A Wash ington dispatch explains: Holders of lock boxes at first and second class postofllces will havo access to them as usual. Mail for hotel guests and newspapers will bo de livered to them through their lock boxes by the simple arrangement of having that mail sorted on tho rail way mail cars before it, reaches its destination. The postmaster gen eral's statement, in part, follows: "By tho proposed changes in the method of putting up mall in tho offices of origin and in its handling on the railway mail trains, It Is be lieved that a satisfactory distribu tion can bo made in postofllces on Sundays with far'less work than is now required.' In Nicaragua and It was bollovcd that they would bo strong enough to pro tect American interests there. A great rebellion is on and tho worst sort of predictions are inado. AOnrmJ-Ono cent InTfst! fn a portal card wJJl brlnr yo a $30 v ftf) a wnIc proposition. Ameri can A.umlnum Co., Ply. 2O0H, Lomont, Illinois uuicnnrriE.ni .u. riimii nt 1ft. Mutj Md4. WflU COM EST, Mr, BU laal, Mm, ANYBODY CAN LAY T. Warranted For Twenty- Flv Years. .FREIGHT PAID krife ?!"".." ' "". ini., 11. in.. a.. ua., Ala., Misc. and Fla., on all orders of tlireo roll or more. Special ITicca to thcio Stales oa request. ONE-PJLY - - - - Weighs 30 Jtor., XOS SfRoro Feet, 81.10 pr rail. TrVO-PJLY - - - Weigh 45 Iba., 108 Hqaetre Fef, tl.R per rlL ft TIIKEE-PIiY - Welgha 55 lbs., 18 Kaptare Vent, flH Jcr Mil. TERMS CASH: Wo naro yoa (he rho1calor' and retailers1 profit. Tfetft special prices oniy uoia gooa ror immeuisio swpmcaw tun or Rsfct Write for FREE SAMPLES or order direct from this ftdYertlsetneat. 84tsfctkMi guaranteed or money refunded. We refer you to Southern Illinois National Baatt CENTURY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, DpU 672, East t. Lauls, Ills. inetoertrwctiblo by Heat, Cokl, i I bbbsssbHsb I pj m Aoareos m B9 nsansr aifam vo., fbmmmmmmSiBmmh Address JjfaariwStaaaCa. tgtt Hsrtsa, Isj It la the best policy koldcr's com paay la the Halted States. ASSETS, $5,400,000 , Twenty-five years olB. Write The Old Line Bankers Life JLlacola, Nebraska Trusses Like These Are A Crime Get Rid of Strapand Spjs and be CURED ..Simply write for Jour hoe cJoth-tound JJook ! AdTke, con taining lacts which took os i rears of day-after-day experience to learn. It tells how- e,0e people Here bneted or cured In a simple ana inexpensive wj. vu. j;.. ... w---..r should not be allowecMo'iell their miscry-roiklnk Uusses. Exr plains ary, ters the daosera 01 JW":Wi.?JX&lY3Z5. '.. . X .. j .. -.--ii-- .,,I3ulf4hi4iwrnZ-rtfrtArViwiV. ' 5! '""rrr.:. cVif.M,M j pVa ru,; KunhyBfjtisL3LSvf& ofeersooifhow1!? ?A&A "feafl'ftsl 'book -ol IrnobooW di"onlIyott.hadwnetoBdondoctori-VoV. I w to getUnmedlaie reiki without risking a penny. Just address ' BoX 77J-CLUTHE CO., 125 E. 23d St., New York City .Representative Henry George, jr., is seriously ill at his country home near New York City. An Associated Press dispatch says: Announcement was made by Post master General Hitchcock that the postofljee department would bo in readiness on January 1, 1913, to put into general operation the re cently authorized rparcels post sys tem.' ' .; The postal express business, which must be organizea':within tho next four months, will extend over more than a million njjles of rural de livery and star routes and will cover in? Its various ramifications all sys tems of transportation of parcels now utilized by private express com- panics. The details of the parcels post system will be worked out by a series of committees composed of officers and experts of tho depart ment under the personal direction of Mr. Hitchcock. "First of all," said Mr. Hitchcock, "must be prepared a classification of thd articles that can be accepted fo.r transportation Dy parcels post, xn latrt admits to the mails practically alp kinds of merchandise that can betransported safety, Including pro ducts of the farm$$hd garden as well as factory produdEg providing such articles do not '-weigh more than cleyen pounds nor exceed seventy t'vv'p inches in combined length and girill. The present equipment of tho malil! service is not adapted to the carriage of such-rnierchandise, and, therefore, new equipment must be provided, It in ploy extensively those used in handling parcels Other problem ing 'of new stam Jdantification for tvAa. '-"'--" t . ' ? If- vfG shall em- ipers similar to countries in mil." hide the print- Krand a plan of it or aamagea tft. 2L & I s i t jJeresident Tattvbrdered the di- 5-ii. rt tnniiauBmrn 'Panama tn paiUU Ul nwuo-yw U...U.U, w Nicaragua ana later reecinaea ino order. Five hundred marinei are f THE P A XTON .I IHLjltl J. VJL 1 RALPH KITCHEN, Manager AMERICAN PLAN $2.50 PER DAY AND UPWARDS EUROPEAN PLAN $1.00 PER DAY AND UPWARDS Fourteenth and Farnam Streets, OMAHA, NEB. Council Bluffs ana" Seuth Omaha Car Lines Pass the Deer FLORIDA FARMS That Produce Twenty Profitable Crops There are few parts of the world which offer the agricultural opportunities that we are offering on our ARTESIAN FARMS, situated in Clay County, Florida. Of all Florida this Is the locality which will increase In value tho quickest. Hero Is a place to come with your family and establish a home, and if you will put forth the same effort that you are now doing where you are located, you can quickly grow wealthy for you can select one of twenty ormtfro profitable crops that will make you money every year .without a failure. This is not a new and wild country, but is In the heart of population, education and refinement. Land values are naturally growing rapidly, and these farms that wo are now offering you for $35.00 an acre will bring 8100.00 an acre before you realize it. W make this statement regarding this territory becauso wo are con vinced of itg coming greatness. . DO NOT COMPARE THIS LAND WITH EXPLOITERS' PROPOSITIONS The rainfall in this section is ample. The climate is all that could be desired. In fact, here everything that tends to success seems to be pretty well blended. Please do not compare our region in Florida with the numerous localities now being exploited in the public press. We are not a drainage proposition but our land is ready for yon to move on and we are glad for you to come as soon as possible. You can Immediately begin to grow crops from which you in a very short time can realize large profit. Our soil is a dark sandy loam and is underlaid with a clay sub-soil. We have water and rail trans portation. We are within ten to twenty miles of tho grqwing -city of Jacksonville. We -want agents for this land and we want buyers. WRITE FOR FULL INFORMATION IN REGARD TO A FREE TRIP TO SEE OUR LANDS IN FLORIDA, TO ARTESIAN FARM LAND SALES CO. 212 Scarritt Building, Kansas City, Mission J ifc&Sfa'' r -wfr . -axr i - k ii - m 4 .- - ..'