The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 16, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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The Commoner.
Licensed uutlcr Harder Patent No. 0U7732'
loast affected by molsturo' and exposure. Made ONLY
in one-piece staves, absolutely preventing bulging,
and saving more than half the time required to erect
mo ordinary silo. The anchoring system is the best
10 do round in any silo and makes tho silo as arm
as a rocic.
Pelt gaskets that make our silo door abso
lutely mr-iigut are placed not on tho frame
uut un iiic uoor itseui consequently they
V.U.WJIUL uu uurn on. oy pitcniorics or other
vuuio wnun lumuiing suago.
Tho lock, is so simple that all you
" u uu J3 io turn one lever,
u,uu your uoor is lociced tight
and fast.
Fill this out and
fiend to us and we
will mail to you free of
The IIlngc-Door Silo Is the to erect, lias the
longest lire, una leccpa
your Hiuifje in better
L O'l n l i eonuition the yenr
cuarge our OHO IDOOK ana . " tnnn any
other silo made.
Namo .-., V .
p o
, . -A -
ft0 . .
miurcss, JNebraska Silo Co., Lincoln, Neb.)
Of course you need a Silo there's no question about that. Neither is there any ques
tion but that t&o Hinge-Door Silo is the BEST.
Tho Hinge-Door is the greatest improvement that has been mado since the inven
tion of tho Silo. Tho continuous hinged door makes- a perfect ladder. The doors are
always in place. It's the easiest Silo to open doors simply swing inward, where they aro
out of the way.
No Freezing of Silage in Winter! Careless farm hands CAN'T take door out. No
one can possibly bo too lazy to close them. They're so simple to operate. 1
A Silo door, to be secure, should weigh from 30 to 50 pounds. How would you liko
to lift this with one hand on a blustery winter morning, wliilo hanging to a so-called
ladder about 20 to 40 feet above the ground?
With our Hinge-Door, all you do is raise the lever, push back the door, and you
aro at your silage! 7
The "door-ladder" is perfect, both in construction and in practicability. It's not a
make-shift Each door is equipped with eleven malleable iron castings. Tho two hinges
form the rung of tho ladder, strong enough to hold a ton! And this step is provided
every 15 inches. s
But we can't tell you even a FAIR part of our story in this space. Write todav for
our free booklet that gives all tho facts.
Wo can PROVE to you tiiat it takes LESS time to erect a Hinge DoorSilo than anv
other on the market. Ifc J
"i'. '.!
ZL -i
Tobias, Nebraska, February 5, 1912. Will sav to anyone whom it mav concern" thn T im
HornrymBartelH.Sed l toe SILO COMPANY for seTlm? mo a HINGE OORILO-
Ord, Nebraska, February 13, 1912. I am very
much nlcasGd with th prio.vk- on L..'
chased of you last year. It has come up in
every.. way -to ray expectation and Is all you
claim .for it It has kept my ensllago in per
fect condition and there is not a particle of
waste and no mouldy silage, but it is good clear
through to the very edge. When I first saw your
silo I was impressed with it owing to its con
y&njntv.doo.ami splendid quality of wood. I
think tho Hinge-Door Silo -has the best and
most convenient door I have ever seen on a silo.
?h?5?ddor ,s,eay & clImb and cannot be beat
I have found tho Nebraska Silo Company in
every way roliablo and accommodating In busi
ness matters. W. M. Gray.
Republican, Nebr., January 24, 1912. I can
boTievoTt ?oF ? satlsfld with my Silo, 23
?hiSy fc .be aJL! you represent it to be. X
Si ho nge-Door a decided improvement
over any other door on tho market and the
1??PS ,aro of the v6ry best Quality. Some of
I,i?n.SWs onr other make0 of Silos hero in my
S$orhod 1favo way- But neither my
wilSllours.AUlD. SSi had y tr0Uble
in,? K" haa supply fulfilled all our expectations
and wo aro highly pleased with it. Wo got it
?&. nii?d shapo an.d wero much Pleased with
find qnUOify f wood,In tfte staves. As wo have
Sn-l0 of exPrlenco with other makes of
SiSiouS neSflPe?lalIy. Is t0 door-frames, I was
anxious to nnd out how wo would liko the
JE""1?00- We ,,ave nlwy been more or lew
5.nZblert1 n setting "d help to put door!
back and keep the silo closed, In order to pre
vent freezing, but find that with the Hinge-Door
nre HSiinke I,,c?Hurc,,n closInB them, as they
arc easily opened nnd closed. Wo have two
a noSunt0rtiWandr thero W&B, differ2n?e Yn thS
am, unM tliat rozo around the outside during
on fn!?t Wtvhn0r thIa 7jntep amounting to over
and tinu8 slloi,wIth Its tight roof tight closed doors, did not at anv timn
ar0slaS itfSUldW ni0t b0 throwhdowJ wffh
Brooders? fork-Bau&or & Frost, Holstein
FREE BOOK ?nd. ,cQ for ur " UWWn illustrated book, tellinc nil
Hlnge-DoS Silo Bf0ral, and Ucularfy the
tV i . or SI1 We have, without auestion
seeVSTo 'SSaSnSor111 " t0 Uy af tS V
Dollars to you! Wrltoat once! K mCanS
inYRi EXninIT at tho State -Fair will bo
located same as last year directly in front of
the cattle barn. Wo offer free silatrn to ,,
Stock Exhibitor at the Fair. Come aid sSeulf.
Nebraska Silo Company
Missouri and Southern Iowa: Bellows Bros
Maryvlllo, Mo.; Kansas and Oklahoma Conti
nental Creamery Co., Topoka Kans ivrini
sota Ofllce, 2707 Girard Ave?. SfannS&ia ? "
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