J.fHpii" ' ', " ""' e"- "'- "-- v- The Commoner. 15 'AUGUST , 1J1I MR. BKYAN'S ADVISORS News item in Baltimore Sun: When, in company with his brother, Charles W. Bryan, tho commoner walked back to tho Belvedere Fri day night the entire Bryan party was waiting for him in the suite of rooms. With that belief in the judgment of his wife which has always been one of the Nebraskan's strong points, he went over the entire situation with his family. It was after this family conference that it was decided the Colonel should prepare the explanation of his vote so as to have it in readiness in case the occasion which no one doubted would arise should come earlier than expected. Determined to keep himself free to act in any emergency that might arise, . Bryan asked his brother to look out for all visitors and attend to those things not direclly con nected with the fight he was about to wage. "Colonel, we know you are with us," said one delegate, as the party worked its way through the crowd in the lobby. "The people from my state believe in you and know that you are square," was the assertion of a man wearing a Missouri dele gate's badge. At the Armory there was a brief conference between several of the steering committee and Mr. Bryan in one of the rooms of the hall and then leaving his hat, in the room the Nebraskan hurried to his place with the delegation. "Well, we are ready for the fight now5," was his parting shot at Sena tor Luko Lea as he walked through the crowd. His jaw was tightly se4, but there was the same glad light in his eyes, while to the many greetings which met him as he wended his way braska delegation with 'V.t insepar able palm-leaf fan trying to keep up a semblance of being cool, which his thoroughly soaked clothing belied. Rumor after rumor of this dele gation switching or splitting was con tinually told him with a question as to his opinion. "I will not comment on rumors," was his invariable reply. Smiles at Murphy Rumor One rumor that caused him to smile broadly was that Murphy would be willing to swing the New York delegation to Wilson if they could be assured that Colonel Bryan would stick by the New Jersey man. "1 am not in partnership with Murphy and will make no deals with the New York delegation," declared Bryan. "I may not have been So long in politics as some of these men, but during the time I have been in it I venture to say I have been a whole lot busier." ''They are talking of switching in order to see if you will stand," one delegate informed Bryan. "I can switch as fast as they can," was the instant reply. Sitting behind his brother, Charles Bryan corralled the numerous mes senger boys that bore telegrams for the colonel. Before the session was half over he had accumulated a hat ful and still they continued to come. Scores of them were of a congratu latory nature on tho splendid stand he had taken in fighting for progres sive principles. These his brother kept. Others requesting that certain things be done were passed to Bryan. As the vote for Wilson climbed higher he sought out his wife and daughter in the gallery back of tho speaker's stand. Every time his eyes turned in that direction his wife always mot him with an encouraging smile, and when one ballot showed i a decided Wilson gain .he waved his through -the aisles he returned , many, hand to Uie family party following E" n . UTf "I'T'T ,') ii 111 uiii'iir 'ii r , " - " " "" iM.1M.iumiMim- m ojMbuuL.i.MiiFwiajPEi H BBuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut laaaaaam I Var-Vv WKThe cheery answers '- As1 soon as he arrived in his seat he' glaijced toward the galleries where were seated' his wife and the rest of h's family. Perceiving them he waved his hand gayly. and then tu'rne'd Id' converse with the members of ' his' own delegation and many others who came up to grasp his hand and lirge him to Continue his fight against the New York hien and tho preda'tory interests. Always it was tho same encourag ing ansvcr they received. "The democratic party must not yield- lo the dictation of the interests as did the republican party." was his terse fighting motto. "The odds against us should make no 'differ ence. We must show the people that the democratic party will not be tray the trust they repose in it." And by his jubilant victorious manner the colonel sent his inter rogators away much cheered. "I thought we were going to have harmony," was his smiling reply to one delegate who stated that certain delegations did not seem to care much whether or not the dove of peace made its home in the demo cratic nest. "But that crowd seems to think more of running the steam roller on the public highways than of harmony."' Friends from different delegations continually sought out the commoner 'where he sat in his place in the Ne- hfs .'interests so closely. Wifh true loyalty to the husband and father, both the wife and daugh ter refused to express themselves as favorinc any particular candidate. Thev did not want any compromising statements emanating from the Bryan fnmily. t was more to them that the head of the family was win ning h's own fight than that any cand'dte should win. When the attempt to recess unHl 8:30 in the evening was made, which to Wilson forces so bitterly fought, they looked anxiously at the colonel. Subscribers' Jjgwrtisittfl Dcpf. This department !s for the benefit of Commoner subscribers, aj T a special rate of six cents a. word per insertion the lowest rate has beon made for them. Address all communications to The Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska. KTJ3W YORK FARMS Catalogue Free. C. G. Parker, Moravia, New York. THE TARIFF Masterpieces from ,1 Jefferson to nQ.w; book sent prepaid. fiverT-bodyfajfiaajng j partfcularj, "freer ugpeiaTiu- jduu, j LET US BEAR UP St.' Louis Republic: It becomes our duty to note the fact that that portable iRndmark of democracy, Mr. William Randolph Hearst, is on the move again. Once more he has ut tered words of valedictory and stepped outside, the' ranks. As we go to press the democracy is worry ing along without Mr. Hearst's sup port. This is no time for either regret or exultation. We have no way of judging of the future except bv the past. If anything is to be deduced from the record, the party is not thu& lightly to be rid of this silent statesman and saffron editor. If not when the daffodils blossom in spring, then far off in summers which we sure shall-see Mr. Heart will return. The easily affected should curb their emotions, for in so many months or years Mr. Hearst, having returned, will rend himself from us again. We may as well begin to brace ourselves now to endure the shock. It is battleships this time. It may be gar den seeds or gypsy moths the next. Comets are of three classes: those that move in elliptical orbits, those whose orbits are parabolic and thope of hyperbolic paths. The ellip tical .comet may fly with frenzied speed toward outer- -darkness but f Here's Road to Comfort A vanished thirst a cool body and a refreshed one; the sure way the only way is via a glass or bottle of cca Ideally delicious pure as purity crisp and sparkling as frost. r Our new booklet, telling AlCv of Coca-Cola vindication at Chattanooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine as made by THE COCA-COLA CO. ATLANTA, GA. Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca-Cola. ..50 Bijs Tiiis Eftgut Top Buggy. WARRANTED FOR Five fetal! Price tMJOO. Bngrfea, Surrey Spring Wacom, Farm Wagons, wa bare cut oct oar Jobbers, onr Whole Balers and onr Befallen and offer YOU their profit. Write tsday for oar Free Catalog and Delivered Prices Mutual Carriaoe & Harness Mfg. Co. SUUa 44 East St. Leula, lUlnoU, or US K. Vu&aah AVMUO, CMp, (The days of big profits are past) Osrhie sew modern factory Is turning; ost the I$eat lsngine money enn bay. guaranteed 0 years, witti every advantage at big reduction In prices, no rlk.ffunrantee fulfilled or money refunded. Use distillate, gasoline and many other fuels. All sizes. 1 1-X to 40 II. P.. any style. Write quick for free catalog and sew special prices stating size wanted. WITTE IRON WORKS CO. If 62 Oakland Avne, KANSAS CITY. MO. imjMi.mn nsntnxK interval unaccounted for, it will be back in the solar system, cutting square across the orbits of regular and well-behaved planets and spread ing its tail like a peacock across the heavens. The comets which follow parabolic and hyperbolic paths never come back. William R. is a comet of elliptical orbit. We have only to wait, and &' ' sf-iof7,sooneELiori later, -albeitoiwith alvastith.e sweet sorrow of parting from your hat,! Everybody's Magazine. him will suffuse our eyes once more, for the outer dark can not contain him. Auf wiedersehen; Good-by, Bill, an' take keer o' yerself! The Prisoner "There goes my hat. Shall I run after it?" Policeman Casey "Phwat? Run avay .and. never come back. again? You-stand here and.. I'll run -after