The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 21, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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The Commoner.
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A special dispatch to tho Lincoln,
Nob., Journal, says: Advocates of
legislation for tho suprosHion of. tho
opium trafllc aro urging congress to
net at this session. Tho president's
message of May 31 was devoted to
that subject. Tho United States
government load In this movement,
Wntnon E. Colcinnn
1'Hlont Jjiwyor,Wiwlil:iKton,
n.O. Ailvli-o and l)OokH free.
Untcfl rciutoimlilo. Hlulicrtt nifurcuces. lIciiLnurvlccit
' Jl. J. Mil i JL ItKTIJltNlSI).
Viva report iw to 1 ntciitnlilllt.v llliiftrnti'il (Juldo
tlonk, uml I.lHtor liivuntlonsNViintcd, Hont Irco.
VIOTOll .J. liVANM & CO., WnnlilnKtoil. I).0.
A Kidney Specialist
Should be employed if you want the
best results. Why take patent nostrums
and employ Inexperienced doctors when
your life Is at stake. When you want
good work done you employ an experi
enced man. Why not apply the same
rule when your health needs attention.
In the past 24 years I have treated over
40,000 patients. More than your fam
ily doctor would treat In 200 years.
Why not cet the benefit of my experi
ence when It costs no more than the
ffimllv ilnctnr. Consultation and exam
ination of urine free. Write today for malllnir case for
urine and book of cures. Address
DR. J. F. SHAFER, Specialist,
408 Penn Ave, Box '. Pittsburgh, Pa.
and has boon supported by twelve
other governments In its efforts to
mitigato, if not entirely suppress, the
world's opium evil. Accompanying
tho president's message was the
recommendation of tho secretary of
stato that such legislation should bo
specially considered by the mouse
and senate.
Tho United States senate will take
a llnal vote on tho Lorimer case
July Gth.
By a voto of 83 to 37 the senate
refused to permit the amendment to
tho iron and stcol tariff revision bill
which embodies tho proposal to re
peal the Canadian reciprocity law.
Tho appropriation bill passed by
both houses provides for the aboli
tion of tho court of commerce. It is
said that President Taft will veto
this measure and that if ho does
tho pay of all government employes
will be held up for a time.
by tho friends of tho late Mark
Hanna because ho had prosecuted
against Banna's wishes the Cuban
Representative Fitzgerald of Now
York charged in tho house that
President Taft had misused tho $25,
000 traveling expense fund voted by
Representative Robert C. Wickliffe
of Louisiana, was run over by a rail
road train near Washington city. Mr.
Wickliffe was out on a fishing trip.
Railroad lawyers led an attack
before the house judiciary commit
tee on the house anti-injunction bill.
Samuel Gompors, president of the
American Federation of Labor, de
fended tho measure.
Tho houso of representatives has
adopted tho report which removes
Genoral Leonard Wood from office
March 4, 1913. Friends of General
Wood charge that ho was being sued
Tho presence of American war
ships in Havana harbor, according to
tho view taken by the department of
state at Washington, is regarded as
greatly diminishing the likelihood of
intervention by the United States.
Tho ships' presence will, it is be
lieved, have the effect of restraining
tho restlessness in Havana.
Two Pieces of Standard
Sent to You Withut Cost
Send us only 10 cents to covor
mailing charges and wo will send
'you absolutely without cost two
free rmmnle nlcccH or. line nneci
uiunIc. Mako your choice from tho
list of 25 beautiful vocal and in
strumental selections appearing in
this advertisement, give the num
bers of tho two nieces you wish, fill
out tho coupon and mall today. This
offer is good for a limited time only.
Wo make this extraordinary offer
simply to glvo you an opportunity
to soo samples taken from our
Library of over 300 pieces of tho
world's best music by tho greatest
composers, and to toll you how you
can got any or an or tneso pieces
absolutely without cost in oxchango
for a little pleasant work among
your friends. This Is your chance
to build up a flno library of music.
This library comprises over 300
of tho world's best musical compo
sitions In standard sheet music
form, Including standard composi
tions as well as tho latest popular
successes of tho day. Tho best
vocal and Instrumental, classical,
soml-classlcal and popular composi
tions. Full sheet music size, printed
on heavy music paper from litho
graphic stones. Tho original ar
tistic edition, illuminated tltlo
pages in two, threo and four colors.
Lincoln, Neb.
VifiiiWBSS I
With five justices concurring and
four dissenting, the United States
supreme court handed down a de
cision in which it is held that con
spiracy to violate tho federal laws
is punishable in any state where an
overt act is done to further that conspiracy.
President Taft has vetoed the
army appropriation bill, disapprov
ing, particularly, the provision
which would oust Major General
Leonard Wood from the office of
chief of staff on March 4th, next.
here that tho Southern Pacific has
justified the exaction of higher rates
southbound from Portland to points
inland than to San Francisco. The
existing rates subjecting intermedi
ate points to tho long and short pro
vision will stand with the adjustment
of rates to be made by August 1.
Don't Invite Torture by Neglecting Na
ture's Warnings Try My Drafts.
Coupon Brings "Them To Try FREE
Don't let that Rheumatism gain an
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rheumatism of every kind, To Try Free.
Thousands write us that tho Drafts
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why hesitate?
When tho Drafts
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they're simple,
convenient and
harmless, though
powerful. Then
after trying, if
you aro satisfied
with the relief
they bring you,
voti can send us
Frcd'k Dyer, Cor. Sec. Qno Dollar. If
not, they cost
Efforts of tho republican minority
in the house to defeat the Under
wood steel bill by adding the senate
amendment to repeal tho Canadian
reciprocity measure, was defeated by
a vote of 144 to 101.
you nothing.
Send this cou
pon and mako
us prove these
strong claims.
Do it today.
This $I.OO Coupon FREE.
Attorney General Wickersham will
institute two suits, it is stated,
against tho Southern Pacific and
allied railroads to recover oil lands
in California which the government
values at $750,000,000.
Good for a regular $1.00 pair of Magic Foot
Drafts to bo sont Freo to Try (a3 explained
above) to
iaino ...
Mail this coupon to Magic Foot Draft
Company XC25 Oliver Bltlg., Jackson, Mich. ,
The Amerlenn HomcMtcntl, Lin
coln, Nebi Enclosed find 10 cents
(stamps or coin) to covor mail
ing charges on two pieces of
sample sheet music, taken from
your library of over 300 pieces
of tho world's best music, and
also tell mo how I can obtain
any number of theso I wish
without cost to me. (B)
P. O.
Send No No,
Select Your Choice of Two
220 Come Back to Erin Moore
222 Dear Heart Mattel
227 Flowers That Eloom in
Spring Sullivan
212 Last Rose of Summer Moore
2G7 Still as tho Night Bohm
279 When You and I Were Young,
Maggie , . . . y Butterlleld
305 How'd You Like to Bo My
Beau (a sweot littlo lovo
song) Phil Burt
30G I'vo a World of Lovo In My
Heart for You Phil Burt
307 Sing Lovo's Old Sweot Song
Again (Big song success)
308 Vision of Eden (Sacred
Song Monnott
309 When Everything Was Sun-
shlno Wood
310 When First I Saw tho Love
light in Your Eyes Wood
1 A Frangesa March Costa
12 Barcarolle (From Tales of
Hoffman) Offenbach
46 Evening Star (Tannhauser)
GO Faust (Transcription) . .Loybach
52 Fifth Nocturne . . , Loybach
74 II Trovatoro Dorn
146 Poet and Peasant (Over-
ture) Suppe
314 Collogo March Medley. . .HawJoy
326 Loving Hearts (Tono Poem)
K. Reiser
334 Sweet Meditations (A charm
ing reverie) Kay
329 Moonbeams on tho Lako
312 At Sundown, Reverie (Big
Success) Wilson
The grain report issued by the de
partment of agriculture shows a
healthy increase in the estimated
production over that of last year.
A Washington dispatch, carried
by the Associated Press says: The
houso has so amended the sundry
civil appropriation Dill as virtually
in the opinion of Aattorney Genoral
to repeal the Sherman anti-trust law,
Wickersham, if the provision is
finally enacted into law.
The amendment, it is said, would
legislate Jacob M. Dickinson, for
merly secretary of war, out of the
employ of the government as its
"chief counsel" in tho steel trust
suit, as well as similarly affect Mr.
Townsend, special assistant to the
attorney general in the proceedings
for the recovery of oil lands from
the Southern Pacific companies and
Tho provision would forbid the
attorney general from using the sun
dry civil appropriations for the pay
ment of salary or allowance to any
person holding another position
under tho government or who had
been in the federal employ during
the preceding two years.
A dispatch from Washington says:
Tho interstate commerce commis
sion denied tho application of the
southern Pacific company for relief
from tho operation of the long and
short haul law on traffic between
Portland, Oro., and San Francisco
and common points. It was hold
Best Farmers Unc Printed Stationery.
RIso to tho dignity of sound business.
100 Notehend.s, 100 Envelope, 100
CartlN, $1 postpaid. Neatly printed with
name of farm and products." Bo up-to-dato;
advertise your stock, poultry,
dairy products, etc.
National Printing Co., Suclbyvlllc, Ind.
Subscribers' Jiawrti$iit0 Dept
PCZEMA SPECIFIC absolutely guar--
anteed, sent by mail, $1.50 Alm
klovs Pharmacy, Cooperstown, N. Dale
ROOK 1000 FARMS, everywhere, for
-f trade; get our plan for exchanging.
Graham Bros., Eldorado, Kan.
acres rich Red River bottom land,
4 miles east of. Shrovesport, La., and
wo deslro to securo good tenants who
can farm 320 acres or more. Not sub
ject to overflow: very rich and fertile;
TV,1 SQ1 Jln 40-acrQ tracts and up.
Allen & Hart. 308 Commerce Bldg.,
Kansas City Mo.
J7 ARN $10 weekly addressing post--'
cards at homo. Bunch of cards and
particulars 10c. E. B. Postcard Co.,
Station D13, Grand Rapids, Mich.
DEAUTIFUL Draughon Estate in
" garden spot of North Carolina; 430
acres fertile land; good 8-'room dwell
n,EMIn .Jarse oak grovo; 150 acres in
cultivation; balance in pasturo and
timber; largo barn and all other noco's-
sary outbuildings; In Sampson county,
on main thoroughfare, 3 mllos from
Delway, 9 miles from Rose Hill, on R.
F. D. and telephone lino; well watorod:
good neighbors; schools and churcheB
convenient; delightful climate; ex
tremely healthful locality. Price, for
o nnX ""i"1' uy ?i an acre, with
$2,090 cash and balance in 5 years,
$700 yearly. Direct from owner who
d5sir?, t0 so11 immediately on account
of falling health. Tltlo perfect. South
ern Homeseekers' Bureau, Wllkea-