The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 14, 1912, Page 14, Image 16

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The Commoner
Bossio "Wondor if Maudo knows
that wo tiro looking at hor gown?"
.Tcsslo "Cortalnly; whnt do you
suppose sho 1b walking down this
Btroot for?" Philadelphia Tole-graph.
"You will bo tho victim of a fatal
"Good gracious!"
"Calm yourself. It won't happen
until tho end of your lifo." Polo
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A now, comploto edition,
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Yqu can follow Mr
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lego in 1881, through his
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f rom th r HSriJH1' ,of thcso speeches covers a wido range of topics,
to ffio hh?hp?i,,ineVtal-nd v!tal Problems of national and world life
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This mWa Ji a vropioms 01 me present ana luturo.
7B0 pairos BinffrnmPrifta .tw5 handsomo 12 mo. volumos containing
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bnSSi WTiv. tY,cry,raaor of Th0 Commoner to havo a set of these
Unon roSoin. 7 K'tr ,a" J2uliL"?.fn8.JDora. .n"ea oiTor:
. Qiiii V wiinT f . """" pi-uyuiu ono a vol. set 01 Tlie
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. '...,,, auuiBoo, jiuiu vuitaniuNiiii, juincoin, neu.
Fill Out and Mail This Coupon for Special Offer
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Ne.
Enclosed And $2.25 for ono 2 vol. sot of The Speeches of Wllllnm
Jennings Bryan, bound In cloth, and The Commoner for one ySE
P. O.
............ ..........
(If half leather edition is wanted, send $3.25.)
an iLUMmmmmmmammmmZLim
An Associated Press dispatch says:
Tho causes which controlled Presi
dent Taft in granting an uncondi
tional pardon to Willard N. Jones,
convicted in tho famous Oregon land
fraud cases, became known, and it
was learned that, based upon the
same charges of unfair and improper
methods by tho United States gov
ernment's prosecution of the alleged
frauds which stirred the country six
years ago, applications for the presi
dential pardon of two other men are
being considered by tho department
of justice.
Franklin P. Mays and Hamilton
H. Hendricks are seeking pardons on
the ground that they likewise wore
denied their constitutional rights.
Mays, indicted with the late Senator
Mitchell and Former Representative
Hermann, was convicted of conspir
acy and sentenced to four months'
imprisonment and to pay a fine of
Consideration of their appeals for
executive clemency will be based
upon the investigation which re
sulted in Jones' pardon. These
cases havo not yet reached the president.
Investigation of Judge Robert W.
Archbald was concluded. He de
clined to take the stand in his own
Senator George S. Nixon of Nevada
died as a result of an operation.
tion, that the department had al
ready caused the inquiries to be made
into the case of which you spoke to
me, namely, the proceedings in tho
western district of Washington to
cancol the naturalization certificate
of Leonard Oleson, and, upon exam
ining the report, I found, that tho
proceeding was institued at the in
stance of ono of the local officials of
the 'department of commerce and
labor and brought by the district at
torney without previous communica
tion with this department. I found,
moreover, that no report had been
taken on the trial of the testimony
of tho witnesses and that counsel for
Mr. Oleson had requested that the de
cree be opened in order to enable
him to make a record. I have in
structed the United States attorney
to facilitate him in every way within
his power towards the opening of tho
decree and tho securing of a new
trial, or, failing, that of an appeal
to the circuit court of .appeals.
"I have further notified the United
States attorney that upon the facts
stated by Judge Hanford in his de
cision the department was of tho
opinion that a gross injury had been
done to Mr. Oleson in. cancelling his
certificate of naturalization. Yours
very truly,
The house may not take action on
Representative Borger's resolution of
An Associated Press dispatch says:
Frank confession of President Gomez
said that ho was unable to meet the
demands of the large plantation own
ers in eastern Cuba for adequate
guards against tho marauders and in
surrectos was the factor that led Cap
tain Kline, commanding the United
States naval station at Guantanamo,
to set in motion the body of United
States marines gathered there for
just such a purpose. Captain Kline's
action in dispatching nearly half of
his available force of marines into
the Interior of Cuba gave the signal
for tho departure from Key West to
Guantanamo of half of the second
squadron of the Atlantic fleet which
had been lying at anchor at Key West
ror tne past week.
Mr. fnawtln
A course of forty lessons in the history,
form, structure, and writing of tho Short
Story taught by J. Brg K-cnneln, Bdlter,
Iilnplaeott'i Hagailoc.
250-page catalogue fru. Write to-day.
f0 Ilmue rlaco. Bprlngfleld, Hm.
The following is an Associated
Press dispatch: Encouraged bv n
.letter from Attorney General Wicker-
snam recommending reopening of the
case depriving Lepnard Oleson of
beattie or citizenship because he was
a socialist, Representative Berger of
Wisconsin declared his Intention of
urging impeachment proceedings
against United States District Judge
Hanford, who decided tho issue.
Representative Berger averred he
would exercise his prerogative as a
member of tho house and would call
up as a matter of special privilege
a resolution for the impeachment of
Judge Hanford. Berger laid before
the president and tho attorney gen
eral a copy of the record in the Ole
son case and he -received a letter
from Mr. Wickersham saying that
srosB mjusuco naa oeen done to Mr.
Oleson." Oleson's certificate of
naturalization was cancelled by
Judge Hanford on testimony that
Oleson subscribed to the principles of
the socialist party.
Mr. Berger bases his view that an
impeachment action will succeed on
tho following letter from Attorney
General Wickersham received after
the representative had called on him
m tno matter.
"Hon. Victor Berger, house of rep
resentatives My Dear Mr. Berger
After you left I found, on inyestiga-
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This department Is for the benefit
or Commoner subscribers, ard a speclal
r , sIx cents a word per Insertion
-tno lowest rate has been mado for
them. Address all communications to
a no Commonor, Lincoln, Nebraska.
QTARK Bro'a., Louisiana, Mo., Blgr
veaIn troe Belling. Best torma
Known to nursery world. Box 95.
ECnZ55 SPECIFIC absolutely Buar-
lnova1' Bont by mal1' $1.50 Alm
ldovs Pharmacy, Cooporstown, N. Dak.
WSi fftaM. manufacturer
nai fi?V?0 money Problem," an oriffl-
S?f5tL hi?fUmiimai.d0 of tIn-or brass and
drnS niLlltti?,.t0 manufacture. Ad
aress, Oliver Bllson, Walcofleld, Nob.
B5J5i I000, FARMS, everywhere, for
.ni, OJ-Jfot our plan fr exchaneinA
Graham Bros., Eldorado, Kan.
atjLjL . -