The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 17, 1912, Page 14, Image 16

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    f rHiNigVwtMSw-AtoiM3 jr.- ..w SOlt MVW;Wr
The Commoner.
Invention I'ntcntcri Free; sold on com
miHston; flno lnvcntlotiH for buIo, 102-3,
Adam Fisher, St. L.ouls, Mo.
w (JofnDlct rnpln wcftl unit muilr. Hem! M aa
of oar oirrliiiw to wt 12 plucti VlCKK.
BrownMuslcCo.,0110 Commercial Avo.,CMcig
(Continued from Pago 12.)
Theodore Roosevelt, in Uie course of
which President Taft is said to have
roforred to Canadian reciprocity as
likely to "make Canada an adjunct
of tho United States."
Premier Asquitb, who showed rc-
'A "Singer" Is Always the Prido
of Its Owner
' The Slnper Sewing Machine is recognized
nil over the world as the model of ecwing
machine perfection, and nil other niakes
are judged by the Singer standard. That
is why every woman is proud to own a Singer.
It needs no apology nor explanation. Singer Sewing
Machines cover the field; either Oscillating Shuttle,
Rotary Hook, Vibrating Shuttle or Automatic Oiain
Stitch. When a woman can point to the name SINGER
on her machine her friends realize she has the best
machine of its type that money can buy and every
woman knows this.
Singer Sewing Machines are sold only at Singer
Shops or by Singer Salesmen never through dealers
or under other names. Look for the big, red "S."
rA ft AN
'" J'JWFM'
sentment at tlio attack, sharply re
pudiated tho reflection cast on James
Bryce, British ambassador at Wash
ington, and said that tho ambassador
had in no way influenced the views
or policy of the late Canadian gov
ernment, and that as the correspon
dence between President Taft and
Theodore Roosevelt was private, Mr.
Bryce could not have any knowledge
whatever of it.
An Ideal Gift Book
Thoro is no gift more appreciated by the receiver, nor ono
that bettor reflects tho tastes of the giver, than good books.
The Inflttonco of good
litorature can not bo
measured it lives and
grows, long aftor ma
terial things aro for
gotten. An ldoal gift, for
your friends, your
rolativos, or in your
own homo, would be a
sot of
Mr. Bryan's
and Lectures
In two handy volumo3.
A n?w .co,Ploto edition,
containing nil of his
moat important publlo
utterances, from hl3
first entry Into public
ii'0 tho Present
time. Tho only authorl
tatlvo collection of his
speeches ovor Issued.
You can follow Mr
Br,Yai through practi
cally his cntlro caroor,
from his valedictory
oration at Illinois Col
lego in 1881, through his
early publlo lifoT Is
presidential campaigns
his world tours, hfa
platform experiences
and his participation in
tlons devoted to na
tional progross, as well
as international con-
from tho fundamental nnfenPHT C0V03 a io range of topics,
to tho highest Idea?fi .of Mj'tai Problems of national and world lifo
to tho student of aoHni"1? cndeaor. A handy means pf roferenco
on gPooEd paJoifiSff &ffl?l&7n$ &
books Wft tT,ryrealer oC Th0 Commonor to have a set of theso
UponS,recopt if SWEk ?.i,aro m,akIn JhIs liberal limit? offo"
i SneeclicM i oi iwmiiSl 25V . wI1L send Prepaid ono 2 vol. set of The
' iubsSipUonTo1" CConmS?C7onrn'nS0.U?dnln Cloth' and enteV yo5?
subscription will bo crSffw? fon ful1 yoar' T-r your Present
half leather edition a!d Th nmSr moro' I you, want the
Books and paper sent to rtiir2,..fmn52nor on? ?ear encloso $3.25.
filled prompT'iffdrJ-0 S!SS,ro-S5SES5fSB .All orders
, ...M vuiuiuunjau, uincoin, iscn.
A Cheyenne, Wyo., dispatch to the
Denver News, says: Orders were
received by tho Colorado and South
ern railway to seize all empty flat,
box and stock cars, no matter to
whom consigned, and send them to
Fort D. A. Russell for shipping of
tho horses and equipment of the
Ninth cavalry which is expecting
orders to move on tho Mexican bor
der at any hour. Thirty-five stock
cars have been delivered already. It
is expected that fifty more will be
secured by morning. Scouts from
the fort have been out all day round
ing up the men.
Oscar Underwood carried the
democratic primaries in the state of
mill11! " i JBflMI 4f' ii iim i iatf 1 1
James C. Dahlman and his entire
ticket was elected city commissioners
under the new commission form of
government in Omaha.
Woodrow "Wilson carried the
democratic primaries in Texas, carry
ing every county in which Senator
Bailey spoke. Roosevelt carried the
republican primaries.
The Kansas republicans instructed
for Theodore Roosevelt in the state
convention at Independence. An As
sociated Press dispatch says:
Adopting strong resolutions favor
ing the entire nrocrpsRlvo mnvomont
and leaving out the time-honored
custom of laudatory planks in praise
of state and government officials, the
republican state convention named
four delegates-at-large to the na
tional convention with iron-clad in
structions for Theodore Roosevelt
for president. The make-up of the
"big four" is: Henry J. Allen,
Wichita; Ralph A. Harris, Ottawa;
Ansel Clark, Sterling and John M.
Landon of Independence. William
Allen White of Emporia was in
dorsed for national committeeman.
From the minute the convention
opened the ono hundred and four
delegates bearinc inshrnnfinno .
President Taft were working to get
through some of the things they de
sired, but the Roosevelt majority of
790 was too great.
Fill Out and Mail This Coupon for Special Offer
TIII3 COMMONER, Lincoln, Nc.
Commoner for one year.
P. O.
(If half leather edition Is wanted. 'shVoV;'
variations added to ouit each
season's styles, aro products of tho
wild worm. As raveled out from the
cocoon the silk is uneven In texture,
and this unevenness gives that'
quality or roughness which wo ex
pect to And in pongee. The largest
proportion of silk fabrics is made
from the cocoon spun by the culti
vated worm. If perfect cocoons aro
used and the silk merely unwound,
tho result is the extremely valuable
product called "reeled silk." But a
much cheaper silk may be made by
using tho imperfect cocoons, or
those from which tho moths have
been allowed to escape. This is still
pure silk, but ' these cocoons aro
made up of countless short fibres
instead of the one continuous fila
ment of the perfect cocoon. By tho
use of spinning machinery similar to
that used, in cotton manufacture, this
wasto silk is carded and spun into a
product called spun silk. If this is
of good quality it can be made into
a most satisfactory fabric, but when
a poor quality is used and factory
vaste added, the resulting silk is
decidedly not worth while. Charles
Waite, in Good Housekeeping.
Show this wholly tWble Tyn.
writer to year frlendi and left
them im wherein it ezoells
any S 100 Tynewritor
miulo, If wo would nd on.
to you A' roo ot uno uens
,jj. tUHb lor you to ceep
forver u ypur own?
Then on a postal card, or In a
letter to ns, limply say: Mall
EMEBSOH TlfPEWRJTEH CO., Im 52, WoodiiKk, Hlinols.
Dodily Fat and Doubla Chin Vanish
without starvation diet, vio
lent exerciscs.straps.belts, cups,
WlrPtl. .Inolroto onrdnllnir nta.
tricity; rollers' bandages,' soap,
salts, pills, oils, vibrators, drugs
nrmnrlfnlnnnnf nttw Vlmrf lfAn4
nTTT?K?Trment ot Gee for harmless FAT
i;u.9TI0N' Stands supremely victorious over
ali.Nothineto doubt. No risk. Delightful results
guaranteed.Thousands of pleased patrons.Strong
testimonials. Better get rid of FAT, the FOE. be-
RnTJLB?t3 rIP ?y(iu-, Delays are dangerous.
Bend postal or letter today suro for my TREE
MARJORIE HAMILTON, 2151 A,. D. Bids- Danvar, Colo.
BnVi"iiJL''"1 ii i 'jg
Subscribers' JMwrtisittg Dept
The republican national com
mittee has been called in special ses
sion in Chicago June. 6. This early
meeting is necessary on account of
the large number of contests that
will have to be disposed of.
Edward Callahan, the noted Ken
tucky feudist, was shot from am
bush and died as a result of the
desperate wounds he received.
Pure silk is produced from two
sources: the mulberry silk, or the
Hlllr rtVtf ntnr.,1 11. . . - k u
iti 1 , lum uie cocoon of the
cultivated worm feeding on the mul
berry leaf, and the wild silk, or that
obtained from the cocoon of the wild
worm, which usually feeds on oak
leaves. The difference in the food
and care of the worm itself has a
decided effect upon the cocoon and
the resulting fibres. The silk of the
wild worm is inferior in smoothness
and firmness of quality. The luster
is less than that of cultivated silk
on the other hand, wild silk is often
the stronger. The cocoons of either
variety are always ecru in color. All
oSSfSw0 Songe Variety; Raahs.
Shantungs, Tussahs, and the new
This department is for tho benefit
of Commonor subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per Insertion
-tho lowest rate has been mado for
Mem Address all communications to
Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska.
TOR Sale Flno Mississippi stock farm
of 1.G00 acres all in cultivation and
pasture, and COO acres already planted
to wheat, oats, corn and cotton; 24
tenement houses, two residences, four
large barns, grist mill and storo; 200
head fine cattle, including: 3 registered
Hereford bulls and six hoifers; 20
mules. 100 hogs, 20 shoop; no over
flowed land; 38 miles from Jacksoru
?rIco only 845,000 for all, worth
double. J. D. Peacock, Jackson, Mls3.
gARHED ROCKS, Bradley strain, farm
ti-."1!?'0 stock, eggs $1.00 per set-
Crn$o.feff Pr 10' - T' Gantt
GSRMENT Faris Free Our offl
hih 132-pago book and paper do-
?Tn!?,?,? IW acro ln evory county in
United States; contains stato maps,
owfa la-.?'o falnfall maps, tablet
Saft 1912 township section plata-
"JI'",5 WAU.UI. location vacant govern
AaaUL?1,' J5 ? Postal
...vwl,1 olit XTU.UI, iUlUU.
ES SPE?IFIC absolutely gur
kiAvS1' sont Hy maI1' $1.50 Alm-
, .uu,imauyt jooperstown, is. aK.
W? C anff tho Crowd ln Wash
qnnrr 1"5n' . .t. democratic campaign
i? nnf2w wlth Now York Publisher;
n?i,Si?iS Pier copy: attractive prices to
Sori?nalosr: .rder now- Leon W08t
ArtSnsas. Westorn AGnt, Hartford,
WSr0?"88170 Democrat to
on'vitiCQJ-llJCQa' to obtaln patent
thirV JS? machine; will assign ono-
clT5H' Write , Immediately. William
F. Klolnsmith, Morton, Minn. """""
STTA5.K.Br,s- Louisiana, Mo Big
known f ln tree filing. Best term
Known to nursery world. Box SB.
PST- .....b
ft, (
rLT . - . . ski
Ju -