The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 26, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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    The Commoner.
APRIL 26, 191
terpretatiori of the homo rulo bill is
to he settled by appeal to the judi
cial committee of the privy council.
Senate to Bo Nominated
"The Irish senate is to consist of
forty-five members and the house of
representatives of 164, of which
Ulster is to have fifty-nine and the
universities two. The senate is to be
composed of nominated members.
In the first instance the imperial ex
ecutive Ib to control the nominations
with a view to assuring the repre
sentation of the minority. The
nominations are to be for a fixed
term and as the members retire by
rotation vacancies will be filled by
the Irish executive. t
"In case of disagreement the two
houses are to sit in joint session.
"The lord lieutenant is to be head
of the executive. There will be no
religious bar and he will hold office
for a fixed term. The authority of
the executive is to be coextensive
with that of the Irish parliament.
"The 164 representatives are to
be elected by the existing constitu
encies, but no constituency is to have
less than 27,000 population.
"The collecting of all taxes is to
remain in the imperial service and
they will be paid into the imperial
exchequer, which is to pay over to
the Irish executive an amount equiv
alent to the expenditure on Irish
services at the time of the passing
of the act.
"An additional sum of $2,500,000
is to be paid to Ireland the first year,
and this will diminish by $250,000
yearly until it is reduced to $1,000,
000. "The postal services are to be
handed over to Ireland.
Bpi xne iriBii yaruuiuuui ju tu uu.vw
power to reduce or to discontinue
the imperial taxes excepting the in
come tax and the stamp and estate
duties. It will also have power 'to
alter the excise duties, but except in
the case of beer and spirits it is de
barred from adding to the customs
duties anything which will give a
greater increase than 10 per cent.
"The Irish representation at West
minster is to be 42 members, one for
every 100,000 of the population." .
Sir Edward Carson, the leader of
the Irish unionist party, denounced
the government's proposals as ridi
culous and fantastic, and declared
that the safeguards in the bill are
Best Yet, Redmond Declares
John Redmond, the leader of the
nationalist party, admitted that a
faction of the Irishmen are in favor
of separation, but they are the small
est faction, and if Ireland is given
the management of its own affairs
this small faction will disappear.
He declared that the safeguards are
adequate with a nominated senate
and a veto by the imperial parlia
ment, adding:
"It is idle to say that the safe
guard of the imperial veto is humi
liating, when every one of the self
governing colonies is subject to it.
I consider the bill a better one on
the whole than the bills of 1886 and
"This is a great measure and we
welcome it. The bill will be sub
mitted to the Irish national con
vention, and I shall without hesita
tion recommend to the convention
the acceptance of the bill. I believe
that this bill will result in greater
unity and strength to the empire,
and will end suspicion and dissatis
faction in Ireland and suspicion and
dissatisfaction in this country with
regard to Ireland."
James Ramsey Macdonald wel
comed the bill in behalf of the labor
party, especially in view of the hint
thrown out by the premier that
home rule will be extended to other
, sections of the country. He believed
the measure would Increase the sta
bility of the British empire and make
Ireland one of its most peaceful and
most prosperous corners.
O'Brien Congratulates Government
William O'Brien leader of the in
dependent nationalists, thought the
bill provides a large and generous
measure of administrative homo rule
and purely local legislative power,
although it does not offer anything
in the remotest degree approaching
national independence. He wished
that the government had taken
courage with both hands and given
the Irish parliament complete power
over the Irish purse. He congratu
lated the government on its determi
nation to complete the land purchase
under imperial auspices.
The Rt. Rev. Hon. Eugene Wason,
chairman of the Scottish liberals,
welcomed the bill, while several
ulster and English unionists op
posed it.
Mr. Balfour then moved adjourn
ment of the debate, which was
agreed to.
A Statement by Redmond
Irish Leader John Redmond made
the following statement to a corres
pondent of the New York World
after his speech in the house of com
mons on the home rule bill:
Nothing could have been of more
hopeful augury in Ireland than the
conditions under which the prime
minister unfolded his homo rulo
scheme tonight.
That scheme has been accepted by
the Irish party as a final settlement
of Ireland's national demand.
It is a better scheme for Ireland
financially and otherwise than either
of Gladstone's bills and I feel sure
that it will commend itself to the
good sonse of the British people as
just and fair.
The opposition has so far only
violent, unreasoning hostility to
offer it, but when wo come to ham
mering out the dctnils a more ra
tional spirit may bo found to pre
vail. Anyway, I feel confident that tho
bill will pass into law.
HOW President Taft's judicial mind has worked
in politics is shown by a review of some of his
acts by Amos Pinchot in Pearson's Magazine
for May. If you are for President Taft for re-election
this story of some of his acts will make you do a lot of
thinking. If you arc against him it will give you plenty
to talk about that cannot be dodged. Every candidate
should be judged by his public acts when that is pos
sible. His acts are more important than his words.
The right man as President means a great deal to you.
Just fix that in your mind. Then see by this review
of his acts if you think President Taft is the right man.
Another article in the same magazine gives the written opinions of promi
nent Democrats from all over the countryas to the availability of W.
R. Hearst and other men for the Democratic Presidential nomination.
Tilt whilt ttrlu tfartUlit tn "Thi Uturftd Ttvsir f thi Curti" bj Allan L.
Btnitn hat bun f tinted In ptimfhht ftrm and will bi ttnt t anj Amirltan ad
drtu uftn rntlft ffivt tinti fr tath tfj. Vrltttftr quantltht uftn afftltathn.
For May
13 "lVITrV 13 """JLJ.
k v"
&i PER SQUARE FOOT Buys Best Corrugated Steel Roofing
Tf -Only REAL Protection -Better, Cheaper Than Shingles,
Slate, Composition Absolutely Wind, Rain, Snow, Frost, Light
ning Proof Can't Leak, Rust, Rot Fire Resisting Easy To
Lay Wonderful Bargain All Low Price Records Smashed!!!
We say "S-M-A-S-H" and wo mean SMASHED roofing prices not just a tittle bit
Under others but SMASHED to SMITHEREENS; prices that will shake the very founda
tions of the roofing industry and drive our competitors into tho tall timber. You know
os. Every Farmer who reads tbia extraordinary price-wrecking, record-breaking offer of
New Corrugated Steel Roofing
At Only Vc Per Square Foot
Will at once know that it ia tho lucky chance, of a lifetime to bay the beet metal
roofing In the world at a mere fraction of its real worth. Our tremendous baying power
enabled us to pick up for spot cash a stock of this brand new, perfect. Corrugated: Steel
Hoofing at a truly remarkable bargain and we will offer it direct to our frieada at our
usual ono small added profit. Every Farmer in the country knows that
Steel Is the Best for Roofing
There is nothing elso that will compare with the wonderful qualities ef Corrugated
Steel for real protection. It outlasts all other kinds of roofing many times. Steel is
fire-proof, rain-proof; frost, wind, sun and lightning-proof warmer to winter cooler in
summer cannot leak, rot, rust, warp or taint rain water. It ia in every way toe most
perfect material for roofing, ceiling and siding ever known.
Beats Slate, Shingles, Rubber, Etc.1
Prepared roofing cannot be leak-proof. It cannot last, it peels', cracks, warps and the
elements get into it sooner or later. Slate chips, cracks and w far too expensive to shin
Shingles blow off, warp and leak and the up-keep la entirely too expensive. There are no
drawbacks 'to 8tcel Roofing. It lasts year in and year out with only ordinary care. You
bxo absolutely safe and accuro from tho dements. . It is insurance proof, and is the only
real safe ana sure roofing to use. Our prieo for this Genuine Corrugated Steel Roofing fa
not only much lower than you would pay for shingles, slate or prepared roofing, but ic is
also a big saving over any other Steel Roofing on the market. Remember, we are in position
to give you this remarkable and truly extraordinary bargain beeanee of, the extraordinary
purchaso wo mode. Such a roofing chance never oecured before maybe never again! It
is your ono big opportunity don't let it passll
Free Roofing Catalog and Samples
Do not hesitate to take advantage of this wonderful roofing offer. Send for Free Samples
and get our Roofing Catalog, with full inatructiona for laying the roof. All you need U a
hammer and we win send yon one free if you order three or more squares. No need writinz
a letter, simply use Special Roofing Solo Coupon by writing your name and address in same
wo will understand that you simply want full information, samples, prices and SDedncationa
which will be sent you at once, prepaid. Send no mosey juat name and address.
Shall We Lay Aside Some for You?
Tliis is your opportunity to get your supply of 8W1 Roofing at a price thefcwfli net yoH
tremendous saving. But you must put to your reservation at once ifyou wish to par tici Date.
Ko need, however, to buy now. Simply write u far sassplea, then state aboutwben yoa
33 want SPT" "PS J" w ?& bold it for you without aay deposit of any sort, ershipment
willbemadoiBsmediaUy. But by no meaiui overlook thiaopportanty. Get our samnlaiiat
ence and our ceaplet friees. They will startle yoa. Yoa will be sararkedat waatTfrSlni
isSr atrffi &HF? " &
3Stk ami Iron Streets, Dept A3 34 Calcage
Brand New, Perfect Steal Roofing
While Supply Lasts At the Unheard-
of Low Price Vtf per Square Foot 4
We have put a price on this Steel Roofing that will move it
out in jig time," and wo would want as many of our custom
ers as poteible to profit by this, wonderful bargain while the
supply lasts. So don't put off writing or you may be disappoint
ed. Safest way will be to sit right down now and mail the
Free Saraplo Coupon, so tlat we can lay away a supply in your
name if you decide to order later when you have examined
sample and understand our terras, etc. Orders will be filled
strictly in order of receipt by our roofing department.
Fair Field For Everybody
We feel this is such a "good thing" for our customers that wa
want to treat them all alike, and give everybody a fair chance to
Set in at lH cent price. Rut, while we have a large stock of this
teel Roofing on hand now, remember that wo have thousands of
customers all over tho country who watch for our advertiscmenta
and depend on them for special bargain values. An we nave never
offered such an unheard of roofing valuo before, we expect evea
our big supply will eagerly be grabbed up by those wbo will rec
ognize the rare opportunity at sight. Be ono of thecal!
All Records Broken
We have offered hundreds of big bargains to our customers la
tho past, and our business has grown to an enormous volume as a
result, but wo want to say hero that this Steel Roofing Offer at Hi
cents a foot caps the climax as the roost remarkabla money-saving
opportunity we save ever been fortunate enough to offer during
or entire business career. So send your name and address as
enco-either in letter, postal or. If you prefer, mail the
Chfeatre Heus WraekffiK C
3StH awf Iran Ste., BptA334t CMcaga
Without any promise to buy or obligation of any kind on
ray part, please send me, free, samples, prices and foil par
ticulars of your wonderful Steel Roofing Special Bargain Sale.
RaHOIag. Size...
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