The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 26, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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    . w f '
, -iiimmmniUitii.iTW
The Commoner
survivor after tho wave that swopt
hor Just before hor final plungo had
"I jumped with the wave," said
ho, "just as I often havo jumped with
tho broakors at tho seashore By
groat fortune I managod to grasp the
l"-lKNMPNT I'osltfnn nrc rasy o irct. MvJee
KjXj V booklet X WU lelli lionr. WrlU toclayNOW.
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Hook, ami List or IiivuiiIIoiik Wnittcd, wnt Ireo.
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P1TCCURED aota?W?oapSWt
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llox 234 Wlnchettor. Indiana.
brass railing on the deck above and
I hung on by might and main. When
tho ship plunged down 1 was forced
to let go and I was swirled around
and around for what seemed to bo
an Indeterminable time. Eventually
I came to the surface to find the sea
a mass of tangled wreckage.
"Luckily I was unhurt, and cast
ing about managed to seize a wooden
grating floating nearby. When I had
recovered my breath I discovered a
larger canvass and cork lifo raft
which had floated up. A man whose
name I did not learn was struggling
toward it from some of the wreck
age to which he had clung. I cast
off and helped him to get onto the
raft and, wo then began the work of
rescuing those who had jumped into
the sea and wore floundering in the
"When dawn broke there were
thirty of us on the raft, standing
knee deep In the Icy water and afraid
to move lest the craft be overturned.
Several unfortunates, benumbed and
half dead, besought us to save them,
and one or two made an effort to
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reach' us, but wo had to warn thorn
away. Had wo made any effort to
save them we all might have
perished. The hours that elapsed
before wo were picked up by the
Carpathia wore the longest and the
most terrible that I ever spent. Prac
tically without any sensation of feel
ing because of the icy water wo were
almost dropping from fatigue. Wo
were afraid to turn around to look
to see whether we were seen by the
passing craft when some one who
was facing astern, passed the word
that something that looked like a
steamer was coming .up. One of tho
men became hysterical under the
strain. The rest of us, too, were
nearing the breaking point."
Colonel Gracie denied with em
phasis that any men were fired upon
and declared that only once was a
revolver discharged.
"This was for the purpose of inti
midating some steerage passengers,"
ho said, "who had tumbled into a
boat before it was prepared for
launching. This shot was fired in
the air and when the foreigners were
told that the next would be directed
at them they promptly returned to
the deck. There was no confusion
and no panic."
Contrary to the general expecta
tion there was no jarring impact
when the vessel struck, according to
the army officer. He was in his berth
when the vessel smashed into the
submerged portion of the berg and
was aroused by the jar. He looked
at his watch, he, and found it
was just midnight. The ship sank
at 2:22 a. m., for his watch
stopped at that hour.
"Before I retired," said Colonel
Gracie, "I had a long chat with
Charles H. Hays, president of the
Grand Trunk railroad. One of the last
things Mr. Hays said was this: 'The
White Star, the Cunard and the
Hamburg-American lines are devot
ing their attention and ingenuity in
vieing with each other to enter
into "the supremacy in luxurious
ships and in making speed records.
The time will soon come when this
will bo checked by some appalling
disaster.' Poor fellow! A few hours
later he was dead."
Aiiu uuuuuui or uoionei Jonn
Jacob Astor was deserving of the
highest praise," Colonel Gracie de
clared. "The millionaire New
Yorker," ho said, "devoted all his
energies to saving his bride, nee Miss
Force of New York, who was in deli
cate health.
"Colonel Astor helned un in mir
efforts to get her in the boat," said
Colonel Gracie. I lifted her into the
boat, and as she took her place, Col
onel Astor requested permission of
the second officer to go with her for
her own protection.
" 'No, sir,'' replied the officer, 'not
a man shall go on a boat until the
women are all off.'
"Colonel Astor then inquired the
number of the boat, which was be
ing lowered away, and turned to the
work of clearing tho nth or hof
and in reassuring tho frightened and
nervous women. By this time the
ship began to list frightfully to port.
This became so dangerous that the
second officers ordered everyone to
rush to the starboard. This we did
and we found tho crew trying to get
a boat off in that quarter. There I
saw the last of John B. Thayer and
George B. Widener of Philadel-
A committee of the New York
stock exchange was brought to tho
pier shortly before the Carpathia nr-
?r?dA briniging $20'000 K to Xl
distributed among those most in
need of assitance. This money was
raised on tho exchange by popukE
?.UbSip?n an? brought to thoPp or
In an oblong box. The committee
was composed of E. P. ThomaT, presi
dent of tho exchange; Charles N0-
blooh, H. N. Barruch, Charles D.
Holdoner and J. Carlisle. 'Surveyor
Henry assigned to their use the little
customs house on the pier.
Several Red Cross nurses and a
dozen physicians arrived on the pier
and two ambulances from St. Vin
cent stood outside.
The Pennsylvania Railroad com
pany had a special train waiting at
its station at Thirty-fourth street
and a number of taxicabs to con
vey survivors desiring to go to Phila
delphia to their friends.
Reginald De Koven told at a musi
cal in Chicago a pretty story in
praise of modesty.
"A group of tourists," he said,
"visited in Bonn Beethoven's house.
One of the tourists, a girl of twenty
or so, sat down at Beethoven's piano
and played tho 'Moonlight Sonata'
none too well Beethoven's own
work, in his own room, on his own
"When the girl had finished she
aroso and said to the old caretaker:
" 'I suppose lots of famous musi
cians have been here and played on
this instrument?'
" 'Well, miss ,tho caretaker an
swered, gravely, 'Paderewski was
here last year, and his friend urged
him to play, but he shook his head
and said:
" "No; I am not worthy.' ' " New
York Tribune.
A stranger in Boston was onco
interested to discover, when dining
with friends, that the dessert he
would havo classed as cream layer
cake at home, was known in Boston
as Washington pie. The next time
he lunched at a restaurant ho
ordered the same thing; but tho
waiter put before him a rather heavy
looting square cake covered with
chocolate. A puzzled expression
camo over his face as he said reprov
ingly: "I ordered Washington pie,
"That is Washington pie, sir."
"Well," expostulated the disap
pointed man, "I did not mean Booker
T. I want George." Everybody's
Once, at the height of the Civil
war, two men at a railway-station
saw a cartload of wooden legs de
part for a military hospital.
"Those wooden legs," said the first
man, "are a rather eloquent protest
against war, aren't they?"
"Yes," agreed the other; "they
are what you might call stump
speeches." Sacred Heart Review.
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