The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 22, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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MARCH 22, 1912
The Commoner.
La Follette on Taft and Roosevelt
Following is a United Press dis
patch: Mandan, N. D., March 15.
"I am not going to make a personal
attack on any man, neither, on Mr.
Roosevelt nor President Tat, but
this is a time to" judge tliem by their
records," declared Senator Robert
M. La Follette in his address early
today at Jamestown, N. D., in his
campaign to secure indorsement of
the republican voters at the first
state presidential preference primary
to be held in this country. Then the
progressive leader fired away as fol
lows: "If I had been president when
these great trusts were forming,
when McKinley and Roosevelt were
national executives, I should have
called the United States district at
torneys of the whole country to
Washington and I should have
handed each one a copy of the Sher
man anti-trust law, and I would have
said: 'Go home and-commit that to
memory and'come back here at this
same hour tomorrow.' Then when
they came back, I would have said
to them: 'Now you know what this
law means, go out and do your duty
as prosecutors. If you don't I will
put you out and will put in men who
"Oneslighttouch of the. firm hand
of government when these great combinations-were
forming would have
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restrained them. Now the problem
is more serious and more compli
cated, but we've got to meet it and
solve it or hand it down to our chil
dren. We can solve it with the bal
lot, perhaps they could not."
With two speeches at Jamestown
today and another here this after
noon, La Follette threw his hat into
the North Dakota ring and followed
it with both feet. Tho Roosevelt
leaders have redoubled their efforts
nnfl iha lllftpr Mmnnirrn nrfiinl, 1,
raged for months has become inten
sified It is to be a finish fight, with
no quarter asked or given and will
be settled only when the people have
cast their ballots Tuesday.
La Follette will make another
speech tonight at Bismarck and will
wind up his campaign tomorrow at
Fargo and Grand Forks. La Follette
declines to make any statement re
garding the message alleged to hav'e
been sent to him by Roosevelt con
taining assurances that the former
president would not be a candidate,
but would support La Follette.
In all his speeches so far La Fol
lette has held President Taft respon
sible for failure to enforce and
strengthen the anti-trust laws and
attributed most of the political ills
of today to this and to the failure
of the Roosevelt and Taft administra
tions to make effective efforts to re
vise the tariff downward.
In each speech La Follette preached
the progressive doctrines of the
people's power direct primaries,
initiative, referendum and recall.
While the efforts of the La Follette
supporters are centered about the
tour of their leader, the Roosevelt
leaders are holding meetings in all
parts of the state. Congressman L.
B. Hanna is in charge of the- Roose
velt headquarters at Fargo and is
directing the campaign from there.
Assisting him are John F. Bass,
brother of the New Hampshire gover
nor; Frank N. Talcott, chairman of
the state central committee; Alec Mc
Kenzic, of Bismarck, and John M.
Kennedy, of Fargo, all former
friends of the administration.
James R. Garfield and umora
Pinchot, who stumped the state for
Roosevelt, have left. La Follette
leaves tomorrow night and the local
orators will then fight it out alone
until Tuesday.
The public is interested as it has
never been interested in a national
fight before and both sides are con
fident of victory.
Besides the honor of carrying the
first statewide presidential preference
primary ever held, the prize as scarce
includes the ten delegates to the na
tional convention, the national com
mitteeman, the nomination for gover
nor and the control of the state machinery-.
While no active political
organization i" in operation in be
half of President Taft, the business
interests of the state are conducting
a quiat campaign. The leaders in
this movement are hopeful that the
break between the La Follette and
Roosevelt factions in tho state will
be so great as to result in the choice
of the president for the party's can
didate at the primary.
La Follette was greeted by enthus
iastic groups of people at the sta
tions through wnicn uis warn
passed. Despite the blizzard, a
crowd of 500 with a band-met -at the
station in Valley City. He talked to
an audience of 1,300 at the audi
torium of the state normal school
and to 1,500 at the armory.
"I am very sorry, Captain Snob,
that circumstances over which ITiave
no control compel me to say no.
q"May I ask what the circumstances
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The one Illustrated abve is very
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You may have your choice of any one of the two beautff ul Scarfs shown
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These Scarfs are stamped on an excellent quality of Imported -white
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Address Orders to The American Homestead, Lincoln, Neb
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