The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 22, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner,
MARCH 22, 1912
i , i .
quoted freely from it. Solictor Rood
sent out of the senate chamber for
legal volumes to fortify his arguments.
The government's fight to split the
merger or tne uuiuu jtuuiuu uuu
Southern Pacific railroads was begun
in the supreme court.
Majority Leader Underwood has
prepared a "breakfast table" free list
hill as the last of the house tariff
measures this session.
Brig. Gen. Edwards, chief of the
insular bureau, assumed responsi
bility for the delay in transmitting to
congress papers in the case of Maj.
B. B. Ray.
President Taft will confer with
the Texas congressional delegation
on the' Mexican situation auu wm im
press upon them that neutrality must
be enforced strictly.
nnia in mirh-the monopolizing
power of patentees over unpatented
articles used in operating patented
machines, drawn to conform to the
"patent" decision of the supreme
court were introduced in congress.
Secretary Stimson urged the house
military committeo to recommend
legislation to increase the efficiency
of the national guard.
Representative Francis, of Ohio,
will ask an investigation of the
American Woolen company.
Temporary authority was granted
the L. & N. railroad by the interstate
commerce commission 10 ebwuubu
rates on coal shipped from Kentucky
and Tennessee mines to Georgia.
The rernort of Director. M. A. Sco-veli;"or-!tTie
agricultural experiment
. .. ..." - ii..i J,, Hm onl 1911
station, snows uiu.l m aj-v "
over 11,100 samples of foods and
drugs were examined and analyzed.
Oscar Underwood's friends claim
that he will have a solid delegation
from New York to the national convention.
sistants raided hotels and theaters,
and haled eighty absentee members
before the house, when the bill
UbENfib Invention
An emliely n limp "'
Cr.anireMr.Hry kerc-ee Wwint'on Into beautiful large hHe HsM.
lliU c ' e'ectikKy. Jwln
tally nle. Meat tl oM Mylo
lamp. Not a mantle. Can t Hreak
President Taft spoke at Toledo, 0.,
against the recall of Judges and judi-
rt1 ,1yS-... TT - 1 1. ... 1.
Miai uuuiaiuiiH. no uxiireBseu ma ais
appoiutment at the senate's amend
ment to the arbitration treaties.
T7,nirrT,ol-1r oMInn ia rvnnnlrA T
1iq lir11oo wove nn1 mnonc! nwirn i i rr
VIA lwvu, "UJU lAHVl mtUUO V,U 111 11111,1.1
on the bill to provide allowance for
loss of distilled spirits in bonded
warehouses, where that loss is
through no fault of the distiller.
Under the bill a maximum loss of
fifteen and one-half gallons is al
lowed for the eight-year bonded
Big Profits XVtfSS'
J8 110 'ily for you. Hip-rene
uni'K estY- Sample o""'1 ,5
poi'uaiil. I'iirtt viUflfe.
TtlERADIOLITECO., Dopt. R.t Tolodo, 0.
K-rammation May : rar mommy. "'''"" ". r
IlUSETlUALLESSOll. Oxmcnt.lJcpt.93R St Lou I a.
TIia linnao nnrnrmtrnn nn huilrlinirs
and public grounds adopted a reso
lution calling on each member to toll
his first choice for a new public
building in his district.
After the senate had confirmed the
nomination of Mahlon Pitney as
associate justice of the supreme
court, the action was set aside, op
position developing because of de
cisions in labor cases made by him.
An Associated Press dispatch,
under dato of March 15th, follows:
The democratic free sugar bill
passed the house today, 198 to 1 Oii.
Its passage was helped by twenty-four
republican votes, although this was
offset by the defection of seven
i1omnp.rn.Ufi votes acairist the bill by
members from Louisiana and Colo
rado. At the last moment repre
sentative Martin, one of the Colo
rado members, blocked an attempt
t-n. v ninnc nr 11 pnnairiornnmi ul liilj
excise tax bill, which, through taxa
tion of incomes, is expected to make
up the revenue lost by the free sugar
mnn on t
Representative Moridell of Wyom
ing, republican, sought to amend the
measure by making it become effec
tive only after receipt by the tariit lul
board. Representative Broussard of -;
T, submitted an amendment " mc ior partem..
lonvinn- tho. dutv as it is fixed at
WntROB I!. Colcmnn
Patent I.Hwycr.WiiHhliiKlon,
llatcn reasonable. II Ishcht rcf cicticvs. lk-atnervlcoa.
pay our rmaii proi loimi
iMtll tti.1 tuf a!ifflflL Sftfrnftfl.
o,002 Qrsnd Ave., Kana Oily, M
tAND OF PRIZEWINNERS, Gallatin Valley. Montana,
Si. imniirecl acres, irturaieii laiwi. i ituc. . "-v
Representative Ben Johnson will
be the umpire in a fight between the
forces of Taft and Roosevelt over
presidential preference primaries in
the District of Columbia.
leaving tuu uuv.j u.a . ",, ,
-r.f iMif jftirncrnllnir the Cuban
preferentials. Representative Gopd
and Prouty of Iowa, Lenroot of "Wis
consin and Norris of Nebraska strovo
to have incorporated a clause proviu-
ing for a Dounty on sugar, uapwiuuj
that produced from beets. All amend
ments failed.
Republicans who supported the bill
were: Representatives Anderson,
Davis, Lindberg, Miller, Nye, Steen
arann nnrl Volstead of Minnesota;
Good. Kendell and Woods of Iowa;
- i- I r nnnnn
n A rmy vp TtrrBi G 8KCUKKD oilVifiB
Krcoropnrt n to 1 nlrntnbllltv llliirtrutcd Ouldo
llonic. niul l.lHt of IiiviMitlniin Wiintcd. scut rreo.
VICTOH J. KVAKS Hi CO., Washington. D. tt
Over 2300 Free Homesteads
.. ... i. tii ri..i.ruln,it Vffnrn SInno. 000
in Wiuililimtnn nml Ibiui CoiinUra. WlicatlJiml.
onicliil vnluo ColoraUo'H mil I'lirni JToluct ..-
77"'. CololllHt'B OlllllO BlVOHllht ',li,U;"t'rl!'r'1
vacant Public LbiiUm In Ooln., U. K. IjiihI Olllrta,
Croii UPiwrlK, tr. COLONIST, 113.1- 10th Ave,
Grceloy, Colo, l'rlco 'Jj coiiih.
Murdock and Young of Kansas,
tt 0-i T-Toisnn of North Dako-
ta; LaFollette and Warburton of
Washington; McKenzie and Prince
of Illinois; Gary of Wiscons n; Dyer
of Missouri; Holland of Ohio; Kent
f nnltfnmia: Lairerty ol vjiobuu,
i --
4P" f T E" BIIS A
Manufacturers, uisagreeing wau or uamoiuw. , , Ti p n'
the treasury department's interpreta- Norris of Nebraska and Sells of len-
tion of a tarni act, can iuiljui t i ueaac.
shipment ana appeal iu iiie uuowio
CAN lHCCliniCW. My mlhl.Footlilnr. warnntejl
iTCiMNn ami cures u may. """"" .,
Dr.CAKHADAY, 174 Park Square, soaan-, i-u.
Senator Works of California, ad
vocated an amendment to secure a
single presidential term of six years,
in a speech before the senate.
The house adopted tho Mann
amendment to Ihe agricultural appro
priation bill increasing the amount
for forest fire protection to ?50U,uuu.
Guy M. Freer, a traffic expert be
fore the Stanley committeo investi
gating the Steel trust, stated that
the Duluth, Missaba & Northern, an
ore-carrying road, said to be a sub
sidiary of the United States Steel
corporation, in 1910 earned more
than 240 per cent.
In a speech asserting ; that Taft's
administration has fulfilled all of
the. republican platform Pledges ot
1908, Secretary of Commerce and
Labor Nagel at Indianapolis made a
vigorous attack upon the initiative,
referendum and recall.
The BpoctaST States
senator being ww --... - - - .
house committee drew a large audi
enco to hear the evidence of Sena
tor Fletcher in the Everglades m
Governor Albert W; &; inf.
Florida, entered a protest, to the in
vestigation in the Everglades case,
claiming it was limited in such way
as to injure his state.
As the resulTTfThgthy filist
on the private pension bill in tne
house, Ane:-ergeanL-afeanns.and as
t- o-of rnnrn nrnffiCtion thl'OUgll
higher duties, according to a decision
of the United States court of cus
toms appeals.
Dr Harvey W. Wiley has resigned
as chief chemist. He will become
manager of a pure food magazine.
Referring to the fight on M. W.
Pitney's nomination to tho supreme
bench, the Associated Press reports
said- Senator Culberson, of Texas,
eJ in the attack, and in his speech
and those of other senators the New
Jersey judge was assaueu .-.
language which extended even to an
attack upon his general fitness ior
awn. uiiu baged
mainly on Chancellor Prey's de
cision in the glass blowers' case. That
dedston restrained journeymen green
2oUrulowers,their officers ad the
members who suuun. u,t.M,--
S i New Jersey some years ago
Som using coercion or persuasion to
fiom usuib u". , ivfi their work
rbreaoiio on racr of tho master
ind doctrine. The decision
J&iSKd tba strmers trou . po-n-
? tSr? an'd'MSad picketing
Senatofcummins, of Iowa pic
tured the decision as oppressive to
AmSenafo"Iao?Gorman and Senator
d'tavacterized it M showinga
?a,,gwnTams and Shively joined the
do'smHhr'ofMgan, spo.e in
UUadrstress was laid hy tho oppo-
sition to tne ui which held
the glass sorter5 . because
the lower courts m J the
they en3om" - f employes
PafebJ nPof undTany ; contract to
The Inquisitive Old Women
"Guard, why did tho train stop be
fore we came to the station?
The Guard "Ran over a pig,
mlThe Inquisitive Old Woman
"What, was it on the lino?"
The Guard "No oh, no; we
chased it up tho embankment!
London Sketch.
tj.. in o-oa vnn'ro eettin' a
good thing out o' tending the rich
Smith boy, ain't ye, uuuu..
Doctor "Well, yes; I got a pretty
good fee. Why?" ,.
Lady "Well, I hope you won t
forget that my Willie threw the brick
that hit 'im!" Scribner s.
"A man has to be up-to-date to do
anvthiiig nowadays."
"Yes" replied Mr. Dustin Stax.
"When' I talk to an investigating
committee, I find it desirable notf to
ii .Tir,iir n-n tnn nasc
dwell nuuuiuBBi; -Washington
"See here, you old rascal, why
didn't you tell me this horse was
lame before I bought him?
"Wal, the feller that sold him to
me didn't say nothin' about it, so I
thought it was a secret. LUe.
"Tommy," said his brother,
"you're a regular little glutton. How
can you eat so much?"
"Don't know; it's just good luck,"
replied the youngster. Christian In
11 m v&
HA m
111 1 iWJr wiUM
W I 1
Learn How Oklahoma
makes Bank Deposi-
tors Safe
Our New Booklet now
being mailed on request.
rrloiuli of IhlH roforin can materially aid In Jta
conVn Pi adopt on m well assccuic UioinMlvoj from
nil pojallilo low by oponlutf an account with the
Ouarnnty State JJank.
4 per cent Interests on Time
Deposits and Savings Accounts.
M. G, Haskell, Pres.
H. E. Davis, Ass't Cash.
Four yoars successful operation.
fl Wear a Truss
.-innHi x hiq:.
v (rouilbuuuu
i, IxiuB mttlicino ppu-
igg "Young Sillicus says his
hpart is lacerated." ,
uer '" i.wo'c th lnss?" Phila-
who were nui -- . the sena- wubb-- -- - -ve
the gJUie decision and'delphia Record.
caton malutrlf julbolTe purpoMi
iffo (rp, buckle or tprlng n
not llp,o cannot e&afoorcompT
n-nlntt thrt Millie hone. The molt
otiuluato caiei cored. Tbotuaad
alhoraownouiumarDcoirorawOT. ouuuin-
ret ur to nnn'T Intxpewlf e rrocwi or re
TrUl of Piipao
--w-M r - .
eorerr 1 iinuril. o no lunncr uhs ior iron.
Awtrdol uon McanL. o proro inn "
coujon anil mail TODAY. Addcit
K"m Awarded U'i wcaau in
PLAPA0 LABORATORIES, Block 64 St Louis, Ma
.dtlret t
Return mail -ill bnee Vice Trial Wapao
nave ,wm V"" ,"':,;;. iit,, and
" ' a .. .t..A-j-i itiifM nM
v'.'"3:iV-r;T7;rf;;;. l
f eseii.y.. " '""A'A .1 , von
S-AiJ I uii rmutaeietfi
otliew ask for clieap whecU. Other reliable
models fromllSup. AfoWKOOdiocond
hand mnchlno$3 to $8- ., .
"""" " f ""."r.;:;7,;H.aia'.-
f 1) CVC1C or a pairoi hic v- --vj
W until you Cet our Uk new catalog and
-. au,..r,fi,i Mif-;s0iix nrw vuir
A posUl l-rluus everything. "''H'"":. ,JmM,
I IllLav ions, aim iuhuiki "v ",,. ' l,
IU,lcr Ainlf erUheeJnlnB money dllDE our bl
cycles tires ami sun.lrles. Wrlto tot ny. u,..ea
TrIU name oa
tors had copies
i .
, Ii
; . ,5
r lii iiliMMi-iiill-fimi-iri -Mjj