The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 22, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner
-I m""""" '""-" L"B
re for Victory
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"nthe Campaign of 1912
. . . -rtS2fl?2
y (JoniK your pun xtS'"'--
to keep tlio domo- we&'fc
crniio puny pro
jrcflfllvc. Ho pro
pariul to fight tljoHe
hitorcstf) tliat sock
to divert tho (Uimo
crutlo pnrty from Us
truo courHO. vT,$
Bo prepared to fvj'fi
nnswor tne aru- k -a
muiiin in munu niiu n
aro Hi'ouing mo oe
ntructlon of tho
dotnocrnllc party by
tho adoption of a re
actionary policy.
Know tho truo
democratic position.
Knmi voiirsolf nn.'ttprt
on political probloniH ,
1)V trnttitii? u iriwul i
I .ininru Pnuflf. !$l
ing Wide Range
of Live Topics,
containing all tho
arguments, princi
ples. roiiHonlnir. fnntn
and figures bearing &$l
on tho pressing f&fj
qiiuuiiiiuM ol 1110 uay. W&1
The Conimoiicr Con
dciiNcil will supply
this need, and glvo
you all necessary
information, histori
cal data, etc., and
dcllno tho truo demo
cratic position on all
public questions.
The O o in in oner
Co n tie nne (I is indis
nemuiblo to sfinirmto
?imi,1,t.!CrH ll,V1,puK,Ic speakers. It contains Invaluable information for
bnteii. cnBUBCd In th0 Preparation of political articles, speeches and dc-
all1eiil!IVo,lnHlCMn,,lc,l"c,I1,iB,V0 you.a l.)roa(1 erasP and mastery of
tho 1,1 lon!,srl,,oscnt,ta,if1a way to givo you a clear conception of
mi 11 tttl nnd Inherent rights of tho people.
inilbS11" ComlcnHcil is a condensed copy of The Commoner issued
limnnml?1 ench yolumo representing tho volume number and year of
of a ?SrnS TIl cdItor,aIs and arlIcles dlscss Quostloni
F.V. C,I",,"P Cinieiici1 Is sold by tho single volume if desired. Each
tin ,.S,COml,,et0,1" itself-a vorltablo compendium of political informa
tion from original and authoritatlvo sources containing not onlvtho
speeches and writings of Mr. Bryan, but tho best things from America's
m'VT'1 urcsontctl; analyzed and discussed in a fair, impartial manner
Alth a view of ascertaining tho truth regarding men, natters and events!
, , , -i - i i m, jim miiI i j '" " - ' U .,."1' J.. 4- i..
I I Jtr.. N : : s Ui
Special Low-Rate Offer
We havo on hand only a limited Niipply of The Commoner Coniinuii.ii
work-in0! f,0. work of Progrossive democracy am" "ocnabe every
worker to securo one or moro of these books, Tho Commoner is making
.special below cunt price for a short time. One or moro vohimJs w nBh
tSStB55SYJ,?astt8:y0Ur addre8S tU lh winBC scVarjrics, l3
Commoner Condensed, Bound in Cloth, per Vol., 50cts
CommonerXondensed, Bound in Paper, per Vol., 30cts
Wo-aS'nSpVyvoilirnciff T CW WtWn iSf!
BO C...t P,VJohlme:TrI.,M,ld.1. tVn M flJPJi" "i2 .Ci?lL binding at
in the minor h n.iim. i,..v.. t i .r..:.. r.." .'".M"uo tul s-.oo.
t.. .1 . . .: i'-i"i wi i u Bi'i oi livo volumes rni
II III 'Tnd'xhote ?,olumo I i3 exhausted, bu wo cans
8"fSo)u.,uesfSd9li,:i:rPer' at ; Ccnl" vol""lc' 1'
unnly vnliimno
prepaid, or tho
as to nu l c r , pu ,er and print SB PrlStSS oSi"JiJ?nitlcV ln n11 TSP
uvjiiii 11 ii ii v rtA iiii'iiiu ir ni - i y i.i . . -. '
- - -w 4 rf VJJ. I'iMMI
indttx. which inakVsita valuable handboo oVn C.V Complete referonco
per volume; in paper, $1.00 nanauook. Former price, ln cloth, ?1.50
lloArXlcSfj'Ltt 0UC0 aml mak0 "mlttanco payable to THE COM,
Mark Books Wanted and Send Coupon
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Ncbi .....-
t S0'?""'.? SS10.0 avail myself of your sneelai i.oiw .
Ve midto address b'e oWVi'Ko'lnSlS Cd--X to"S? sTt
iwish nnd onninsori iimn,!. "a..A1S0 marked tho volume or ni,imB. t
m- -v. v.u wvti.u-ub u.wiuuil. """
Total amount
Total amount
- ..,. i;,;n
Tho Louisville (Ky.) Courier
Journal says: Captain Roald
Amundsen, over his own signature,
tells the story of his dash to the
South Pole and details the work of
his party during the months they
spent in the Polar Regions. Great
disappointment is felt in England
that Capt. Seott has not been heard
from and unstinted praise is given
Capt. Amundsen for his achievements.
The Kentucky state senate passed
the Knight bill providing for pay
ment of annunities to aged and in
firm Louisville teachers, and provid
ing assessment of teachers.
give for the sweet assurance that
thoy would bo honored after their
deaths as Altgeld is today? He was
rich in this world's goods when he
entered public office and left it poor.
During his term as governor ho
spurned a bribe of ?1,000,000."
The Oklahoma republican conven
tion instructed for Theodore Roosevelt.
The Virginia republican state con
vention elected four, delegates at
large and instructed them for Mr.
An expert accountant testified in
the E. G. Lewis fraud case that Lewis
sold $1,216,723 of an advertised
issue of $600,000 of secured notes.
Theodore Roosevelt was rejected
as a juror in a New York law suit.
The protest came from a railroad
Former Attorney General Francis
T. Hord, of Indiana, who is said to
have held public office without a
break for forty-six years, died at
An average increase in wages of
7 per cent has been promised the
Lawrence textile mill strikers by
most of the companies affected by
the strike.
Gen. Jose Gonzales Salez, late war
minister in Madero's cabinet, has
left on an armored train to fight the
rebels around Torreon.
"Professor," said Miss Skylight,
"I want you to suggest a course in
life for me. I have thought of
journalism "
"What are your own inclina
tions?" "Oh, my soul yearns and throbs
and pulsates with an ambition to
give the world a life-work that shall
be marvelous in its scope, and wierd
ly entrancing in the vastness of its
structural beauty!"
"Woman, you're born to be a
milliner." Tit-Bits.
The presidential preference pri
mary bill was passed by the Massa
chusetts senate.
It is estimated that 150,000 cot
ton and woolen mill operators in New
England will share in an advance of
wages of at least 5 per cent before
April l.
A Los Angeles dispatch to the
Louisville Courier-Journal says
Walter Drew, counsel for the na
tional erectors association, an
nounced that a telephonic device had
been installed in Attorney Clarence
S. Darrow's room in his hotel in Los
Angeles, and that private conversa
tions nau oeen recorded.
America's Most
Forty-six alleged dynamiters, in
dicted on evidence largely supplied
by Orhe McManigal in the McNamara
cases, were arraigned at Indianapolis.
All pleaded not guilty.
The court refused to take the case
or the packers from the hands of the
3ury as requested by the defendants.
The -trial of the heads of the
ajleged sugar trust on charges of
violating the Sherman anti-trust law
was begun in New York.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Chicago says: John P. Altgeld for-
oTbv0 wmin 0t TIllin?is' Pointed
out by William Jennings Bryan in a
memorial address as a man whS
battled for the rights of t Zm
mon people. "Mr. Altgeld voS
their ambitions, aspirations and their
hopes," said Mr. Bryan. "There are
no few people, no aristocracy tS
whom. God has given the right to
make mistakes for tho rest ahLJS
had faith in a go A Igeld
much would ti,,iffaI : How
Famous Songs
How often havo you wished for a
book containing tho old, old songs;
for after all, tho songs nearest to
our hearts arc tho ones wo knew as
children and the ones our children
aro singing today.
We havo just examined a music
folio entitled America' Blont Fn
inoiiH Soukn; these comprise the
best known songs, including patri
otic, home, love, southern and folk
songs. Songs like tho following:
Alice, AVherc Art Thou?
Ilnttle Cry of Freedom,
lien Ilolt,
Dixie Iinnd,
Glpny'H Warning,
Heart Bowed Down,
Kathleen Mnvournecn,
Lnst'lloMc ol Summer,
Hooked in the Cradle ol the Deep,
I When You and I Were Young, Moggie,.
and 50 other universal songs' of
America with music and piano ac
companiment, in largo clear print
and on good papor.
wo havo been so favorably Im
pressed with this splendid collec-
t on of songs, and feel so certain
that nine out of ovory ten readers
of The American Homestead will
bo anxious to own tho book that wo
havo made arrangements with tho
publisher In New York to reserve a
liberal supply for our readors.
Each, subscriber to The American
Homestead who sends us twonty
JZ2, 9?nts tq pay for a year's sub
scription to tho paper, and ten cents
Z piay ,for, wrapping and postago
on tho book of songs will recolvo
a rcn3y lth our compliments.
This offer will hold good as long
as tho present edition of tho books
lasts, and requests for tho book will
Kt fll11 In tho order that thoy reach
tms ollico. "Wo caution ovoryono to
bo prompt in sondlnrg for tho book.
If your subscription is already paid
lnn,adYEncP th0 2B cmts remitted
will still furthor advance your ex
piration dato for ono year.
The American Homestead
Lincoln, Ncbraskn
- - Mwxiua millionaires