-A The Commoner. VOLUME 12, NUMBER j 14 1 If! .'f t. Ii il t u II I 1 ffi jv ' ( M HHrm,.B 1 place from wlicro tho chief justice Hots it. Many juriBts and political economists (lake Judge Doster, for merly of tlie Kansas supremo court, nB an example) say that such statutes as that for an income tax, that com- ( polling or allowing workmen's com pensation, etc., are political, and that ft is properly and legally for the loKlslativo department to determine whether they violate the constitu tional provisions against confiscating property. Of course, those who take this view rocogjilzo that the courts do tho other thing; but they protest, nevertheless. Then, too, such decisions as that of the majority of tho court in the Dred Scott case, invalidating the Missouri compromise statute, have confused the popular mind, at least, as to what is a political action within the opinions of the judiciary. The people will he very glad that the court has taken the view it has with regard to the initiative and referendum. It was not clear how tho court could prevent the people from legislating for themselvoB, even if the court took the opposite view to what it did take. Still, it is gratifying that a clash between judicial reasoning and popular neces sity has been avoided. It might be wished that the prob lem of adjusting our judicial system to such public necessities are mani fested in the general progressive tendencies of the time could be as easily solved or avoided. It may be added to what has been said, that the supreme court does not hold that everything which may be dono by tho people through the ini tiative will be constitutional. In that regard there remains the always pos sible conflict between the people's right to legislate and the court's power to veto legislation by constitu tional construction. The court holds only that if tho people wish to legis late directly as well as by represen tation the court ha3 no jurisdiction either to prevent or approve that way of transacting the political busi ness. Kansas City Times. h2SkKv nter a ujiP.viHr .ATBOTa NEW BUSINESS Road every word of tills rcnmrkablc offer. I offer good, honest men an opportunity to get into businesH of their own. No experience neccosary. 100?J profit Sells on sight. Every body enthusiastic. Work at homo or travelingall or spare timobo your own boss. Mako just as much aa my other men arc making: II. 0. Wingo sold 720 machines in six weeks profit $1,080.00. Slauffer pent third order for 300 machines. Stevenson averaging 30 sales a day. Klrpan sold abe hi ID minutes. Btegcst. easiest lhjhtninff seller of tho age. Half-minute demonstration docs tho trick. Over 250,000 machines in tho hands of satisfied customers. Apoaitivo Automatic Itnzor Sharpener Absolutely Guaranteed. Only Machine Made that Hones as well as Strops Any Razor $100.00 Reward ltf any razor old tlo or MiXety-tbat loa not need crindliur. Sto$90a iGaarto. tad to abarpan vary rax or aafatyor j oldatylo. M&& m Absolutely Dcrfcct In Ma work. Has Droved Its vitun liv tho demarti! nf thnn. aanda of razor mrm In 'Sftyy very pnrt of tha U. S. 1KB S?.nt9an I'SSWil?,?? 8a,lCB lw.cn? for tho tru,y wondorf nl NEVER FAIL SHARPENER. Everybody eager to buy. A eolden op portunity that Insistently knocks for recognition. Get busy. gotnorNOW. I've not tho plan nnd tho Roods. EvorythinatoholD r.v.(.. .,..tl4w uuouiuLU DIU1UU UUiU. The Only Successful Invention Of Its Kind in Existence Only machines that brings to n keen, smooth, volvoty edRo every razor, safety or old stylo! Grand Freo AdvcrttHlnir Sncclnl Intro (luntory Plan stnrU you. You must succeed. IliBh class work. fasofnotlnB, pornmnont. SEND NO MONEY. Send namo and address at onco and Kot comploto Information, to ROthor with Free Trini Offer. InYCstleate. Address SECRETARY "TVOUUM' THE NEVER FAIL CO. 1309 Colton Bldg. TOLEDO. O. fT t. Vhf SlSB. T'C ""i t3laj 'afciftjiV'TllBtaiaaaMaPr i I ll". ii TIIE COMMONER Devoted to tho cause of good govern- THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD mornthly?PUlar fUrm and household TIIE HOUSEWIFE A- beautifully printed and illustrated ISaroJSbKS h0m d--atfonfaaSnad TEN YEARS OP CINCH How would you like all your money in a bank you did not control, and, if you didn't like it, be unable to change to another bank for ten years? You would say that anybody who would tie himself up that way needed to have a guardian appointed, wouldn't you? Well, that is what Aldrich and some of your so-called "representatives," otherwise known as United States senators, aro trying to do to Uncle Sam. Tho latest central bank scheme is known as the "national reserve as sociation." Senator Burton from Ohio introduced it a few days ago. It is known as S. 4431. Ask your representative or senator at Wash ington to send you a conv of t. Section 23 provides that when the national reserve association is or ganized, the United States govern ment Shall deposit its Cfineral fnnrln with it and "thereafter all receipts of the government, exclusive of trust funds, shall be deposited with said association and its branches, and all disbursements by the government shall be made through said associa tion and its branches." So your Uncle Sam would have to put all his money in just that one bank and do all his banking with it. The national reserve association will be governed by a board of 46 directors and on it your Uncle Sam is to have only four; to-wit: secre taries of treasury, agriculture and commerce and labor and controller oi tne currency. (See Section 9.) Pretty small minority for so heavy a depositor. Pour out of 46, wouldn't cut much ice? But notice the way the thing is cinched: fa frSt1? 5?: Con&ress reserves the right to alter or amend the pro- ?,0JSi f, this ?ct' t0 take effect at the end of any decennial period from and after the organization of the N R A-" at is, Uncle Sam can not change his banker for ten years i - The Oklahoma News. years. stitutedl a crystalized statement nf the reform doctrines he has hpon proclaiming throughout the countrv for years, not a word, not a sentonS was uttered calculated to Qitend ihl feelings of the most sensitive stand patter. William Jennings Bryan la a greater man in the eyes of the American people today than if ho had been elected president. His honorable and clean record aa a man; his high ideals of moral and social ethics and his eminently just and practical principles of political economy can not be successfully assailed, and his influence may go a long ways toward naming the pro gressive standard bearer of the com ing presidential campaign. Chey enne (Wyo.) State Leader. ' NEVER AGAIN "I notice that you courteously re frain from mentioning the namo of your political rival in any of the speeches." "I can't say my practice in that re spect is so much a matter of court esy as of prudence. I once started in to denounce a rival, but as soon as I mentioned his name the audience biyst into deafening and continuous applause." Washington Star. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? A reservation of fertile valley land 13 now open In Mexico. Homesteads Free. Only requirement is to have fivo acres planted within five years. An authorized Improvement Co. will plant the bananas and market them oh shares. Your share should bring $200 per acre, annually. Apply im mediately. Address tho Rio Tonto Land Co., Block 408, Greensburg, Pa. They are distributors for the U. S. The land lies between the river and rail road. Climate fine, eternal spring, never hot never cold. Atbundant rain fall. Three crops a year. You need not go to Mexico Don't Wear a Truss FBP 'Ir & STUARTS PLASTRPADS " v from the trusi, belug medicine appll kC&tor made atlf jUbalt purpotel; to bold too parts securely in puct. Ho straps buckle or spnnr cm. natilln.cnnuniitrhlifoorfcmcrelJ atalmt tha nubia bone. Tho niOJt obitluato cues cared. Tlioaunii at home without hindrance from work. Haft at t ! J in atiiil. i..v..Hil... Pfv of re. fcVV ten a i-Mrery is natural, so no further ne for trnn. ffK---LJ Awarded Gold Medal. We proio whit m I KlAl M Bl MrJiraybrndtn(iTouTrlalofPUp iiini, ur ra.nrnuihiAtniiif vrkk. f5?TD "t $m5 nurmn mii II mt . r . . M iuu u.u iuuti, Auortaa lTriUnamooa PLAPA0 LABORATORIES, Block 64 SL Louis, Mo. Namo . $1.00 All Three for 1 Year, Prepaid tJiadfe thl3 ,ofer Present subscrlp. tlons to any of above publications will tancao toUCed n year s mit. The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb BARGAIN OFFER for Limited Time to New or Renewing Subscriber! a aaaaa a Mai ,j tmm THE COMMONER and THRICE-A WEEK NEW YORK WORLD, both vue i ear tor Only One Dollar. Address Orders to THE COMMONER, Uncon, Nebr Address Beturn mall rrill briaa; Ttt Trial Flapao THE BIIYAN BANQUET Last Saturday night William Jen- ?nngAmBai1 thv, foremost statesman in America, honored the city of Cheyenne with a visit. He was given a great reception at the Plains hotel where a sumntnm,n i," "inole1' 5?2!.d " BrX made an Td! tit. "-"iJeracion and which appeared in the Loader. reform, Sunday ' J Kll llll . I ' ll mm lyila to meet the originator of the nro ISSLV0 Amovement in the United 5? to' tht8fni1Ual B7an ed oS,i ful1 expectations of hin Bryan s tho fnfhw . V"1 lnat could bo formed with a mSff tioB embodying the prlnctnlS "" Tot In an that ho said, which ,. PATENTS ""SSSSSk"" l-'roo report as to I'atontabillty Illustralcd Guldt Spok. nnd List of Inyontlons Wanted, sent frco. VICTOK J. 15V ANS & CO., Washington. D. a I rMrmMM STR0NGES ;rr.iiiifr unc i' Br BLW o-,. - m n il TjlWTt. QA-lnnVi T7nrAnAAaff. A7.irtn jPorm Fenco 23 1-Sc. CaUlofrne tree. ' COILED fiPRINR arajrMftir CO.. IBox 234 Wlnsheatara Indiana.' LAND OF PRIZE WINNERS, Gallatin Valloy, Montana. Six hundred acres. Irrigated land. No better. No. 1 Water rtcnt. Forty-five dollars per acre. Five thousand down. lance, six percent. 1 1-2 miles from School, tofrn and Rail'? Write ror particulars. P. M. Abbott, Tlirte Forks, Jlontaua. WANTED! 2000 RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Subscribers" Jfqertlsing Dn Tills department Is for tho benefit 2Conim?ner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per Insertion -tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to J-no Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. ET us show you a big saving In fenco V.WWU yiui na oiays our Twin rw"" t'ost as a gate and our concrete base to uso rotted off posts over again. Twin Post Co., Racine, Wis. THE Llttlo Hotel Wllmot, Phlladol- Phia. is only a stop from the Pennsylvania Railway station; a good room for you at $1.00 a day; If you Wifo is with you, 2.00 a day, TU Ryorson W. Jonnings Co. MriaWv-:-rTtTBSjW' MymS5WWWwHBHBHpBBMMBMMHBMBMM .