The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, February 09, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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11 A
The Commoner.
(Continued from Pago 12.)
tho secretary of tho Interior, on tho
ground that Mr. Steeneraon was not
a logal momber of tho tribo.
An Associated Prcsn dispatch says:
Frosidont Tuft has been asked to
issue IiIb Arizona statehood procla
mation on Lincoln's birthday, Febru
ary 1 2. Tho roquost camo in a tolo
gram to tho Whito houso, announc
ing that tho oleclion returns wore
on their way to Washington. Arizona
bocamo a torrltory during Lincoln's
A Washington dispatch, carried
by tho Associated Press says: After
amending the child labor bill so as
to prohibit tho invasion of privato
rosldoncos in quost of information
that moasuro was passed by tho
senate, 54 to 20. Tho negativo voto
was cast by Senators Bailey, Bryan,
Chilton, Culborson, O'Gorman, Over
man, Payntor, Smith (Maryland),
Stono, Thornton, Tillman and Wat
son, domocrats, and by Senators
Burnham, Clark (Wyoming), Gal
llngor, Iloyburn, Nixson, Oliver,
Wetmoro and Works, republicans.
Tho bill authorizes tho creation of
a bureau in the department of com
morco and labor for the collection
of information pertaining to tho wel
faro of children and child llfo.
Special authority is givon to in
vestigate questions of infant mor
ality, tho birth rato, orphanage, ju
venile courts, dosortion, diseases, ac
cldonts, occupations, legislation and
kindred subjocts.
Tho provision expressly forbidding
tho invasion of domestic privacy by
agonts of tho bureau furnished the
principal subject of contention. Tho
point was raised by Senator Thorn
ton of Louisiana, who offered an
amendment prohibiting agonts of tho
proposed bureau from entering pri
vato dwellings without tho consent
of tho occupants. In presenting the
modification Mr. Thornton inveighed
In strong language against the right
of an ofllcial to entor privato homes.
"Law or no law, it is not going
to bo done In my homo," ho said
Tho amendment was lost by the
voto of 30 to 42, but its defeat was
followed immediately by a similar
provision offered by Senator Culbor
son which failed by tho closo voto
of 30 to 37.
This advance in tho affirmative
voto encouraged tho supporters of
tho amendment, and whilo Mr. Cul
berson was framing the provision in
different language several brief
speeches wero made.
In its now form tho Culberson
amendment prevailed 39 to 34.
It reads: "No ofllcial or agent or
representative of said bureau shall
over tho objection of the head of the
family enter any houso used exclu
sively as a family residence."
Tho Washington correspondent to
tho Associated Press says: Presi
dent Taft has suspended Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs Valentine's
recent order which prohibited in
signia and religious garb at school
exercises in the Indian schools.
In a letter to Secretary of tho In
terior Fisher which was immediately
forwarded to the commissioner, the
president ordered Mr. Valentine's ac
tion held up until a hearing could be
given to interested parties and a
conclusion reached in respect to the
matter after full consideration. The
correspondence was mado public
recently. Tho president said the
question was one "of great impor
tance and delicacy," as to which the
commissioner had not consulted
either with Secretary Fisher or him
self. Tho president said:
"I fully believe in the principle of
tho separation of the church and
state on which our government is
based but the question presented by
this order Is of great importance
and delicacy.
"They ariso out of tho fact that
tho government has for a consider
able period taken over for tho uso
of the Indians certain schools hereto
fore belonging and conducted by dis
tinctive religious societies or
churches. As a part of the arrange
ments then made the school employes
who wero in certain cases members
of religious orders, wearing the dis
tinctive garb of these orders were
continued as teachers by the govern
ment and by rulings of the civil ser
vice commission or by legislative ac
tion they have been included in the
classified service under the protection
of the civil service.
"The commissioner's order also
necessarily amounts to a disoharse
from tho federal service of those who
have thus entered it. This should
not be done without a careful con
sideration of all phases of the mat
tor or without giving the persons
directly affected an opportunity to
be beard."
Catholic interests made rigorous
complaint against Commission Val
entino's order, which directed that
those who could not consoientiouslv
comply would he given a reasonable
time to make arrangements else
where than in the Tndian schools.
honlfh rtA michf fr mfi..
w.... w wouw wv, a emu iroill Mu
presidential race. Medill m-p?
mick, heretofore a hp. Follette nm
issued a statement saying that n
gressive republicans ought now
support Roosevelt in order to beat
Frco report ns to ratontablllty Illurtnitcd'n!,,
Book, and List of Inventions Wanted. sp ith-nn
VICTOlt J. IS VANS & CO., wSffin
if .
ftllRFfl ? " "0 PAT-ta
Dovotcd to tho cause of good govern-
moLnthly?PUlar fam and ' household
A beautifully printed and illustrate
monthly homo magasslSS, contafning
best continued and short stories fash?
All Three for 1 d fr
Year, Prepaid $ JLUU
Under this offer, present subserin
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ta0ncacdtoinCed n yea?' ndrerlt"
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb
Congressman William R. MoKinlev
of Illinois, -was elected chairman of
tho republican congressional committee.
tor Lumted Tune to New or Renewing Subscriber,
One Year for Only One Dollar.
Addres, Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr
An Associated Press disp.atch savs:
The house of representatives avoided
going on record on presidential third
terms. Jnst at the moment when
the Slayden resolution, aimed pri
marily at Colonel Theodore Roose
velt, seemed ahout to pass, a shrewd
parliamentary turn by Norris of Ne
braska displaced the measure from
further consideration. Tt may be re
vived later in the session, but its
position of vantage on tho house
calendar was lost.
Mr. Slayden, a Texas democrat, in
troduced the resolution some time
ago. It sought to express the "opin
ion of the house" that the example
Of Washington in rnHrlno- off
second term had by universal con
currence become the time-honored
custom of the country, the violation
of which would be fraught with peril
to free institutions. The resolution
was called up recently with but little
n"lulus uuu mere was a quick
matching of wits. Suspension of the
rules was required to pass the meas
ure and to suspend the rules a
second" had to be considered as
ordered. Mr. Sims of Tennessee ob
jected to the "second," and a vote
by tellers on ordering this parlia
mentary move was necessary The
republicans in hurried conferences
had determined not to vote on the
resolution thus putting the demo
crats in the position of passing the
measure by a party vote, and, in
the opinion of a number of them in
dicating fear of Mr. Roosevelt as the
republican nominee.
. J1100 tho bulk of the democrats
decided not to vnr t , "".,..
and it was defeated, 90 to Bl fir
Sri08' h0TeJer' cast their votes
for the "second." Former Speaker
Cannon led the way and was followed
hLMp',McC? of Massachusetts who
third Ptlrmei,t0 S?,eak Wlnet ttS
third-term idea; Mr. Bingham of
Pennsylvania, "father of the house '
anwMh' !? 0f Connecticut'
cji With th0 cond" defeated, Mr
Slayden was forced, amid a burst of
applause, to withdraw his motion for
suspension of the rules. The resolu
:neiiird to th -
i rvzv& s
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Washington dispatches say that
frlendfl of Senator La Folfette had
held a conference and decided that
on account of the senator's p?6r
Subscritm' flgygrmiitg Depu
This department is for tho benefit
or commoner subscribers, and a special
rate of six cents a word per insertion
-the lowest rate has been mado for
mi m AddresB all communications to
i ho Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska,
E"ML,B00d Pay copying addresses.
7 Particulars six stamp. Hlnchey,
, MxuuiByu! I, , X.
pOR SALE Ninety acres irrigated
w, ,Iid ln, Morgan Co., also fruit farm
in Delta Co. J. q Joppq, Paonlo, CoIp.
EA4?LY Surprise Sood Corn for sale?
.J,S corn Is yollow, small cob, deep
in' vy early; -this corn is a vrl'
on J-.the famor; will mako itself la
nLays4rrm from G0 to 80 bushels petf
O' Write for information. W. A.
fort fndU South Clay, Frank-
WESTERN Kansas farms and Range.
nii rAf 8600 acrca, 1B0 acroa la
irftlfa' 1500 acros eood alfalfa land. acres growing wheat, 11 acres
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mills, fenced and cross fenced, $16 po
acf." ,Can elvo reasonable terms. Hav
several quarter sections for trade fo
I'ansas. ' M Dennln' av
"3 -?-,
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