f -tr,"p'' ? HM fflB "tm- K m--r " m il y - I-& m 4 am A UrfU, ;V"r if .11 .ti i i 1-,! "ft ; If i r I ' ' fll 14 The Commoner. AsiiM ItKUKtlY tent mi I'HKK TIlIAI. I! Itflur cni! ll.OOj 11 mil. don't. Mvr I'zprros (Ufitr KVl lliftnlml foiiinj , Hl'J )lil Af., Hl'luej, 0. MHKMnAffDB;n NO OURE NO PAY-'" Mil I fl'y our mnall profonaional loo w until rureit anil NntlBlIcO, Oermnn. Amrlaenlnitltul,002arandAve.,KansusOllyiMo. HfKn w' BaSMsi u3BW ri w bi la na CAN lllSCUJIKI). My inlJ(l.sootlilii(f.KiiarniU"0(l cure (low It ami Km liHAMi'i.ici-rovc'Hll. Stops Tins Jiciiimi mill (much to stay. Wiutu Now-Today. Dr.CANNADAY, 174 Park Squaro, Sodnlla, Mo. Newspaper Comment on the Wilson Harvey Incident FAULTY METABOLISM AS A COMMON CAUSE OF niSEASE, is the subject discussed In Ilulletln No. 1 of the Sinter Pathological laboratory. The Ilulletln Is sent free on request and v. Ill prove inter cstlnc tn everyone In Pain and Poor Health. Address : John F. Slmfcr, M. 0. 214 Pcnn Ave, Pittsburg. Pa. New York World: But wo can sco nothing shocking in giving this frank answer to a plain question. Presumably Col. Harvey wanted the truth when ho asked the question. Presumably Governor Wilson be lieved he was telling the truth when ho answered. "Ingratitude!" arises the chorus of Governor Wilson's shocked op ponents. Wo should bo far from shocked even if we could discover ingratitude in Governor Wilson's position. Ingratitude is ono of the rarest virtues of public life. "Gratitude" is responsible for many of our worst political abuses. Upon "gratitude" is built every corrupt political ma- SPECIAL LOW-PRICE CLUB OFFERS ON STANDARD PUBLICATIONS FOR 1911-12 For tho convpnlonco of our readers the following combination offers have been arranged. Wrlto us for best prices on any combination of periodicals Tho Commoner must always bo included. We will savo you 20 per cent in most cases and In somo cases DO per cent from tho regular price of such periodicals. chino; upon "gratitudo" is founded the power of every ignorant -and unscrupulous boss; in "gratitude" is rooted the system of spoils, of log rolling, of lobbying. Lorimer was elected by "gratitude." Payne-Ald-rich bills are passed for "gratitude." Harriman campaign funds are raised for "gratitude." Tho great majority of the voices which are denouncing Wilson's ingratitude are the voices of machine politicians, chief among whoso stock in trado is this "grati tude." No, what wo need in public life is a great deal more of discriminating ingratitude. Such "ingratitude" as gave Charles E. Hughes the confi dence of the people when he opposed the bosslets who had helped to elect him; such "ingratitude" as gave Governor Wilson himself the ap plause of the people when he de feated for the senatorship Jim Smith, who had helped to elect him. IN CLUBS OF THREE Success Magazlno $1.00 Trl-Wcolcly Now York World 1.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total rtegular Price $3.00 Our Price for nil Three $1.00 Undo Romus's Homo Mag... $1.00 Success Mngazlno 1.00 Tho Commoner i.00 Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Price for nil Three 91.00 La Follctto's Weekly Mag.... $1.00 Fruit Growor 1.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Price for nil Three ?1.75 National Monthly Magav.Ino $1.00 TrI-Weekly Now York World 1.00 Tho Commoner l.oo Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Price for all Three jji.th Trl-Wcolcly Now York World $1.00 Current Lltoraturo 3.00 uw ww.iiiiiuiiui J..UU Total Regular Prlco $5.00 Our Price for nil Three $3.00 La Follctto's Weekly Magazine. Na tional Monthly, Fruit Grower, Undo Romus's Homo- Magalzno, Modern Prls cllla, or Tho Public may bo substituted In tho abovo combination In placo of Tri-Wookly Now York World. National Monthly $100 Independent 390 Tho Commoner ijrjo Total Regular Price $5.00 Our Price for all Three $3.00 Trl-Wcckly Now York World, La Follotto's Wookly Magazine, National Monthly, Uncle Romus's Homo Maga ztno, Fnilt Growor, Modern Prlscllla, or Tho Public may bo substituted In fcuu uwuvu uuiiiuinuuon in piaco of National monthly. Success Magazine $100 Rovlows of Rovlcws 300 The Commoner i'qo IN CLUBS OF TWO I'abi. I'rlc American Homestead $ .25 American Bee Journal, Chi. 1.00 American Boy, Detroit 1.00 American Magazine, N. Y... 1.50 American Motherhood l 00 Atlantic Monthly, Boston.. 4.00 Boys' World, Elgin, 111 50 Breeder's Gazette, Chicago 1.75 Commercial Appeal, weekly .50 Common Herd, Dallas, Tex. 1.00 Cosmopolitan Mag., N. Y... 1.50 Courier-Journal, Louisvlllo 1.00 Current Literature, N. Y 3.00 i-MMuieaior, iew York 1 00 Democrat, Johnstown. Pa., l.nn h:nrti1tAii nl-l 1. T" T T ijinimiui, wiuuwumu 100 1 Etude. Philadelphia ... 150 1 ni iV Jr. Au.BH.ssiiie, in. x. 1.50 1 Field & Stream, N. Y 3 00 3 Forest & Stream, N. Y...7. 3 00 3 IKiecv.:: i : r,,...ii,. t :' """''.. luaiu a uiLirvmnn wnnii. 1 Housekeeper. New York.... 150 Independent, Weekly. N Y ? nn Industrious 'Hon, &iSesiei O Irrigation Age, Chicago inn La Folletto'sbMagazin?: '. '. i'oJ Ltcrary Digest, W'kly, new 00 Literary Digest, W'kly Ren. 300 McCall's Magazine, N. Y... 50 McCluros Magazine. N. y if0 Metropolitan Magazine, N. Y. 1.G0 Modern Prlscllla, Boston, m 7k Nat onal Monthly, Buffalo .' i'.oo Olltlnsr Mnirn.7.ln Tn, - 1. i'XX Outlook. Now York, W... 3 00 1.50 1.50 .25 1.00 the Pacific Monthly, Portland x-uuraons Magazine, N. Y.. People's Popular Monthly.. Pictorial Review. Now vnri Poultry Success XX practical Farmer, Phila.... 100 Progression X Public, Chicago, Weekly!!' 100 Recreation. N. Y., Monthly a no Republic, St. Louis, seml-w GO St. Nicholas. N Y..": ' Cincinnati Daily Pout (Rural Edition) 2 0ft rntW- wt?.T.a"e-' "'.. Y . 2.00 Springfield Republican, w!! 3.00 3.00 TTIlh Com'uner $1.00 1.40 1.40 1.75 1.G0 4.60 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.25 1.75 1.25 3.00 1.G5 1.25 00 90 85 00 ,00 25 75 50 1.50 1.90 3.00 1.00 1.35 1.2F, 3.25 3.60 1.05 1.90 1.75 1.35 1.25 3.25 3.25 1.85 1.75 1.00 1.55 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.25 VOLUME 12, NUMBER 4 and sympathies run counter to hia own. Wilson should thank Wa(tterson and Harvey for their carefully laid little plan to get a statement from him and publish broadcast his warn ing to professional politicians of all classes that they need not sorvo him if they expect personal gain thereby. .50 1.00 1.50 1.00 Table Talk Philadelphia!!! 100 Technical World, Chicago 1 kh -.. v.i.hi uviiiurv. Knarnn .. ru".vu ,,ReTmV!:.8 HoJne MaT.. .ir.xi, uiiur vjcean and i' uniicr 2.00 Trl-Weekly Now York World La Fr0ll?K,s Weekly Magazine, National Monthly, Undo Romus's Homo Macra zlno. . Fruit Grower. Modern PrinVn i n 1D..V1I .. . . . ... - t i.. i "UIIU, '. uo Buostituted the above combination In tho placo Success Magazine In of 1.00 .25 1.50 Total Regular Prlco $5.00 flllf "Prliir f.r .,11 nn. . ... .. ., 4Ull.c 3.00 woman-R wVriy;; .n- . "". Jll.. OL woman's Home Companion Word and Workn .uk H'ck'B Almanac l00 World's Events. Chicago 1 nn Wor d-Herald. Omahafjaiiv J'oo World-Hcrald. Omaha, daily except Sunday . . . . . ly , n World Tnrlnv XI. v , ' Z'00 Saturday Evening Post or Lariir.n' tt n t . .. '. rK :-00 " -uuruui aQU 0 any club for JLC0 ech. Address All Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb 2.25 3.75 1.00 1.60 1.60 1.40 1.60 1.85 2.25 1.00 1.10 1.00 L75 1.25 1.45 4-00 Z.00 New York Evening Post: The American people can hardly be called upon to throw overboard one of the most promising candidates for the next presidency simply because ne gave to a plain question a plain answer. "I have from Col. Harvey and Governor Wilson," says Col. Watterson, "statements according to the memory of each touching what did actually happen and was spoken on tho occasion named. These do not materially differ. They coincide with my own recollection." Let us have these statements, and let the public judge whether what Wilson said was simply the frank utterance of a truth in reply to a friend's can did request for information, or, as so many eagerly hasten to assert, a deliberate act of selfishness or in gratitude. And in the meanwhile, let it be remembered that this affair is but the latest of a series of bombs exploded at the feet of Governor Wilson, which, whatever else they may be, are an indisputable evidence or tne formidable character which his prospects for the presidency have assumed in the eyes of his enemies. Louisville Evening Post: Tho cir cumstance reveals to the people a leader who is an uncompromising truth teller; a man self-reliant, and courteous and candid; a man not subservient to practical politicians and discarded party leaders seeking new alliances; a man who does not surrender personal responsibility for any of his acts even to political as sociates who presume on a real or an Imaginary personal and political intimacy. Of that stuff great men are made, and if the democrats are seeking a great man for leader; one of intel lectual power, whoso career makes mm avauaDie, tney may see him por- nteu m iuib account of a con ference strictly confidential, tho re velations from It leaving Governor Wilson untouched, and Watterson and Harvey thoroughly discredited. - Newark (N J.) Evening-News: that n nri wauerson but an "lngrate" (familiar word) no statesman, but a school-master, s Bimply confirmatory evidence of WflBon'8 determination to put poli cies above politics, principles above pzvrtlEanshlp. an attitude or mind utterly incomprehensible to tho old lino politician. It amount to a renewed pledge to the cUlzenfl that Governor Wilson 7inLnl VnlZ9 partlBan Ga SS5mM nd,ng uP'lm, when fuWWng those obligations means putting a man in office whose policies Newark (N. J.) Star (Senator Smith's paper) : As a critic, in view of the circumstances, he (Col. Watterson) is outspoken. Ho got his impressions then and there. "Governor Wilson is not a man to make common cause with his politi cal associates" or to be "deeply sen sible of his political obligations." Col. Watterson makes this state ment, as he says, reluctantly and with the feeling that it was "needful to a full and impartial knowledge by the public, but more especially by the mass and body of democrats who are earnestly seeking a leader in the coming contest." Col. Watterson's high character as a public man, his long and distinguished services to the democratic party,' and his repu tation for open candor all give weight to his words, which hardly require further comment. Baltimore Sun: January 16 the current number of Harper's ex plained that Governor Wilson had stated directly "that our support was affecting his candidacy injuri ously." Jan. 18 was published Mr. Wat terson's statement. On the same date we also published in our morn ing edition the statement of Mayor Dahlman of Omaha, Neb., that the action of Mr. Harvey is "the collapse of the Wilson boom." Simultane ously appear the criticism of Mr. Shea, a prominent democrat of Wil kesbarre, and tho remarks of Mr. Matt J. Regan, "recognized leader of the Bryan democrats of Wiscon sin," that the incident "would cost this state to Wilson," and the de nunciation of I. T. Jones, "speaking for the Iowa democratic state1 cen tral committee." These condemnations, made simul taneously in different parts of the country, before tho accused had been Wan9af3 n nian or woman t0 net as our in BHlJflBM Ibrmntlon reporter. All or spnro time. No experience necessary. $30 to 8300 nor month, isothlncrto boII. Send stamp or particu lars. SALK8 ASSOCIATION, 730 Assocla tlon Itldg. INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA. NEW RUPTURE CURE Don't Woar A Truss. HrnokB' Appliance. Now dis covery. Wonderful. No obnox ious HprliiRs or pads. AutomaUc Air Cushions. Ilimts and tlrnivH the brokon purta togotlior ns you would a brokon limb. No salves. No lyinphol. No lies. Durablo, cheap. Sent on trial. Put. Sept. J Vf 110 CATALOGUE intEC. STREET, Marshall, Mich. Tobacco Habit Banished ro SS8' TOBAOOO DOON BANISHES all ? nf ubT Hnbi' ln 72 t0 120 "" A poll N ;T ndmP"nnont rollof. Eaay to Ultt. thZ Z for,TobBo after tho first lost. On. Jo? f l !0ry CM0 or refund ". Send IUdS flaaJ'00" eMn ftt11 information Bia.ra Baaatarlum, Dopk. 41, 81. Joseph. Moi Subscribers Jiacrtisina pept, ofhommnn?tm?nt A? for tho benefit ?ato Si subscribers, and a opeclal them Z?,?L rate-bas boon made for ThoPnmiS f1.1 communications to mo Commonor, Lincoln, Nebraska. FndfcS1110 acrea irrigated in DoltaCo TEf? ?" als fruit farra " JJ01ta Go- J Q Joppa, Paonla, Colo. EApa?ti,(in?a pa,y cPyinB address IClf Mfddleport, S8' mY' tL. mi m r2 .i s rti.T.i 'r tt, t' I 'rt'lZZ. u ' . V yhmmm MWWttMlWMIwiMrtM, - wy. ..