The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 26, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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INUAHY 26, 1012
The Commoner.
me. Sometimes the necessity for
kits of some kind takes the form of
R perverted appetite for chalk, egg-
lells, and tne like.
That Cistern
It would he a good thing to dig
tnd finish the cistern before the
)ring rains come, and thus be sure
If having the cistern filled by the
)ld, icy waters that fall before the
tummer heat. No toilet preparation
grill make the hands softer, smoother
r whiter than rainwater; and noth
ing makes washing easier than
plenty of good, soft water. In fact,
for every household use, nothing is
lore to be desired than soft, sweet
linwater. It is not so very big a
fob to dig and wall, or cement a
Mstern, and the water should run
phrough a filter of some kind, in
rorder to free it from any foulness
Ithe water gathers from the air or
from the roof. Any one who has
cleaned out a cistern knows what
a foul black mess the bottom holds,
and this foul matter is .mst the
settlings of the water which pours
into tne cistern.
Somo Pick-Up Work
Dresser cover For a dresser
Rover, take three embroidered hand-
Ikerchlefs, sew a row of insertion
laround each one. ""then 1oin them
together, and put a narrow lace
laround all: line with any nref erred
color of cambric, tacking at each
corner so it can easily be removed
lor laundering. Put at each corner
J bow of ribbon the color of the lin
Dusting Cap Cut out a circular
Jiece of cambric, a yard in diameter,
r any color preferred: this allows
Kpr a hem, above which should be a
Easing for the tape or elastic draw
Btring. Sew down the hem and
mice tne .casing with machine stitch-
ling, then stitch with colored silk,
Illustrating the Effect of Food.
The remarkable adantabilitv of
Grape-Nuts food to stomachs so dis
ordered that they will reiect every
thing else, is illustrated by the case
or a woman in Racine, Wis.
"Two years ago," she says, "I was
attacked by stomach trouble so
serious that for a long time I could
not take much of any sort of food.
Even the various kinds prescribed
by the doctor produced most acute
"We then got some Grape-Nuts
food, and you can imagine my sur
prise and delight when I found that
I could eat it with a relish and with
out the, slightest distress.
"When the doctor heard of it he
told me to take several 'small por
tions each day, because he feared I
would grow tired of it as I had of
all other food.
"But to his surprise, (and that of
everybody else), I did not tire of
Grape-Nuts, and became better day
by day, till, after some weeks, my
stomach entirely recovered and I was
able to eat anything my appetite
"My nerves, which had become, so
Weakened that I feared I would be
come Insane, were also restored by
the Grape-Nuts food in connection
with Postum which has become our
table beverage. I appreciate most
gratefully and thankfully the good
that your food preparations have
done me, and shall be glad to answer
any letters inquiring as to my ex
perience." Name given by Postum
Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Read the little book, "the Road to
Wellville," in pkga. "There's a
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
They are genuine, true, and. full of
human interest, x
using any fancy stitch. Edge with
lace and run in the elastic or tape.-
The woman who embroiders, can
work pretty designs on tho front,
neck and sleeves of her underwear
or lingerie, much cheapor than she
can buy the machine worked gar
ments. Tiny tucks are much liked
to give fullness to these garments.
For.using up scraps of woolen or
fleeced goods, cut into strips about
two inches wide and gather through
the center, using the ruffler attach
ment on the sewing machine; mix
dark colors and light ones evenly,
then stitch closely on a strong piece
of goods the size you want your rug.
Save all the scraps of flannelette,
and fleecy goods, and at your leisure
piece into quilt covors. A thin lin
ing of cotton batting, with a quilt
lining of flanneleMo will make a
warm, comfortable quilt at very
little cost in money or time.
Contributed Recipes
Devil's Food, Cup Recipe First
part, one cupful of brown sugar,
half a cupful of butter, two heaping
cupfuls of flour, half a -cupful of
sweet milk, the yolks of three eggs,
and one small teaspoonful of soda
sifted with the flour. Second Part
One cupful of grated chocolate, one
cupful of brown sugar, half a cup
ful of sweet milk; place this part
over the fire until everything is dis
solved, stirring but do not let it
boil. When all is dissolved take it
from the stove and let it cool. Now
begin with part one and rub sugar
and butter together, then add eggs,
milk, then the flour and soda, then
add part two, cold, and mix into a
smooth dough. Bake in layer cake
pans that have been greased and
floured. Use a moderate oven. Fill
ing for cake Two cupfuls of brown
sugar, half a cupful of cream, half
a, cupful of butter. Let boil five
minutes, then stir until cool. Flavor
with vanilla, and fill between layers.
M. Eva Doty.
Drop Cake Twelve ounces of
sugar, five ounces of butter, three
eggs, one large cupful of sweet
milk, one and a quarter pounds of
flour, a few drops of extract of lemon,
two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
Take half the sugar and beat with
the eggs for about two or three
minutes, then rub the rest withhe
butter; then beat and add the eggs
a little at a time, mixing well each
time, then add extract of lemon, then
the flour and baking powder sifted
together. With a teaspoon drop the
dough on pans that have been
greased and floured, and bake In a
hot oven. A good pan to use for
these is fifteen inches long, ten inches
wide, and one inch high and holds
five rows three in. each row. The
pan will need greasing only once,
and the whole batch can be baked
without greasing or flouring again.
What is meant by greasing and
flouring a mold is to first grease,
then put a handful of flour in the
pan and shake all around the bot
tom and sides, also the pipe in the
center when there is one. W. L.
Odds and Ends
For the breakfast cake, this will
make an excellent and cheap dress
ing, much better than one can buy:
One quart of water, and four pounds
of sugar; boil and skim; add one
rounded saltspoonful of pulverized
alum to keep it from graining; re
move from the fire and tir in one
half ounce of cream tartar. Add any
flavoring liked, but it iB excellent
with noiie.
Turpentine is a sovereign remedy
for fresh cuts and bruises. Peroxide
of hydrogen, bought at tho stores,
is Just the right strength for house
hold purposes. It will take the sore
ness out of cuts and sores that are
"always getting hurt" Apply it
with a little lint wound on a tooth
pick, or, if in a hollow place, pour
a littlo on tho sore. It will foam up
as long as there is any poison in the
sore; after using, bind a dressing of
dry powdered sulphur on tho sore,
and seo how quickly it will heal.
Balsam apple, steeped in rectified
spirits, is an old fashioned but
sovereign remedy for cuts, sprains,
and bruises. Such remedies should
always bo kept in tho house.
For strengthening weak oyea,
nothing is better than equal parts
of roaewater and witch hazel; have
it as hot as can be used without dis
comfort. A teaspoonful of green tea
steeped for fifteen minutes in a pint
of water, and applied hot to tho eyes
is also good.
When woolon garments need
cleaning and pressing, it is recom
mended to dip a towel in a pint of
quite hot water in which three
tablespoonfuls of coal oil have been
stirred, place it smoothly over tho
garment to bo cleaned, pressing until
dry. Tho oil must bo well stirred
in the hot water before dipping tho
towel in. It is said to remove
stains, dust, grease, and leave tho
garment "good as new." This is for
coarse garments.
The ready-set tea-table is no lon
ger seen in up-to-date houses. The
house-dust is supposed to render the
china not so clean as when tho tea
service is brought in on a tray at
serving. It is more sanitary and
"Telling" Eggs
Whether an egg is fresh or stale
can be readily enough ascertained
by holding It up to a lighted candle.
In order to do this, It is beat to havo
a funnel made of something which
will exclude tho light, and with tho
small end at tho eye, look through
tho egg at tho larger ond, holding
It directly between you and tho
light. If a dark spot, however
small, Is vlsiblo, tho egg Is unfit to
eat; a frc3h egg must appear translu
cent when hold up to a candle. An
other test is tho buoyancy of tho
egg. A very old egg will rest on
salt water llko a cockleshell; an egg
a week old will float, an egg half a
week old will float simply Im
mersed; an egg a day old will ho
submerged, but nvill not sink, wlillo
tho "strictly fresh egg" which every
groceryman claims to sell, ought to
sink to tho bottom like a stone.
These phases aro duo to a decreaso
in the density of an egg as it ages,
a decrease occasioned by tho evapo
ration of water through tho pores of
tho shell.
Cy "Come on, Hannah, let's take
a look at old Wall street."
Hannah (nervously) "Don't you
think wo'd better do our shoppln'
flrtjt?" Life.
CDrr Send sample of your hair (full lenzth) and we wilt
& gen( you tj,, beautiful 22-Inch Human Half
Switch to match. If satisfactory, (end J 1.70 or fell 3 to your
friends for $1.70 each and ct your free. Odd
shades nl hair a little higher. We will alio give a
ladles' Hair Net l'UKE with every switch, lithe
switch don't suit, return same within 10 days, hut you
keen the hair net for your trouhlr U'rltr now. I'n
cloieSc for postage. I.KMIKK EK.N0.1 CO VtpU
J, Hoi HiH, Ix)incfle. Cal,
viir Am!
Sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42
inches, bust measure. It requires
4 yards of 44-inch material for
the 36-inch size.
i t.
Sizes 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.
It requires 5 yards of 44-inch ma
terial for the 17-year size.
Sizes 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.
It requires 3 yards of 44-inch ma
terial for the 18-year size.
Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. It
requires 3 yards of 40-Inch ma
terial for tho 10-year size.
THE COMMONER wiU supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The
designs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern.
The price of these patterns is 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our
large catalogue containing tho illustrations and descriptions of over
400 seasonable styles for ladies, misses and children, mailed to any
address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give us your name,
address, pattern number and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Department, Lincoln, Nebraska