J v f-rjR.- ST ', 'rW fI$$iFfwl?ffwv,'" rWr' The Commoner, 7 JANUARY 26, m J f -T " wr-v ' enough to present, inquire and indict, but not to act as a trial "jury, that is, to give fair and adequate expression to the voice of the county as to the guilt or innocence of the accused. Ac cordingly, it was enlarged by including .repre sentatives of "the four villa" and the jury of an other hundred, also, at times; by coroners, knights and others of representative character. The principle of representative government as a whole was cherished and preserved chiefly in the jury, and parliament itself arose in the form of a great, national, representative jury. It is entirely fitting, therefore, that the international grand jury, at least in the initial stages of its growth, shall be representative in the large sense of the nations concerned, and that tho senate shall share with the executive the re sponsibility of its appointment. Indeed, since the national grand juries are summoned by courts of sufficient criminal jurisdiction, the supreme court of the United States may well claim its share in the appointment af the inter national grand jury especially since the jury is to perform an . essentially judicial function. But the senate's claim to a share in this judi cial function of the international grand jury can not be thus readily granted. It does not appear to be well founded on constitutional interpretation, and it is certainly most repug nant to the ideals of justice and fair play cherished by the old world members of tho family of nations. At the second Hague con ference, for example, the Austrian and other delegations persistently and almost tauntingly iriquired of our American delegation how tho United States government could possibly enter into any world treaty of genuine obligatory arbi tration if the United States senate must exercise the right of approving, not only the general treaty itself,, but also a special treaty determin ing the object, scope, etc., of the arbitration of every individual dispute. Although Great Briain and France have agreed that the senate shall ratify the compromise (that is, the agree ment for the arbitration of each specific dis pute), as well as the general treaty, it can not be expected that all other nations will be thus complacent, or that they or any other nations would make a general treaty submitting all justiciable cases to arbitration, and at the same time assigning to the United States senate the right tof deciding on the justiciability of each case as it arose. Evidently, if such be the con "" stltutlonal limitation of our' government in in ternational affairs, it, like the power of the na tional government over the state in such inter national matters as the treatment of resident aliens, is greatly in need of revision. In some way, by constitutional interpretation or consti tutional amendment, the United States govern ment must haye the shackles stricken from' its limbs, so that it may fulfill unhampered its duties toward the other members of the family of nations. But In regard to the joint high commission's duty of determining "the-justiciability of specific disputes, It does not appear that the senate Is vested by the constitution with any right or duty. This is clearly either an administrative or a judicial measure. If it is an administrative measure, .it must be performed, not by the senate, but by a commission acting linder the executive, even as tariff boards pass upon the dutiabllity of imports under a treaty of recipro city. If it .is a judicial function, it must a fortiori be performed, not by the senate, but by a commission vested with judicial powers, in the appointment of which the senate may con cur, but In the performance of whose judicial duties neither the senate nor the executive may interfere. It is not to be tolerated, under the rules of fair play, that a government may act as the judge or the petit jury In Its own case; and it is no more to be tolerated that a govern ment shall act as its own grand jury, and insist on the control of inquest, indictment or present ment' of only such cases, as may suit its pleasure or convenience. Of course, the Ideal International grand jury would bo one, not only composed of "good and lawful men," whose interest in any particular case does not transcend that common Interest which every good member of society feels in the enforcement of law and justice, and who would therefore pass upon it with faithful impartiality, but it would be one also fairly representative, not of the governments Interested in the par ticular case at issue, but of the family of nations as a whole. The senate's committee has criti cised the proposed treaties on the ground that they "are not in the direction of an advance, but of a retreat from The Hague provisions, because they revive ttie idea of confining, membership In the commission, if insisted upon by eithe party, to nationals instoad of to wholly dis interested outsiders." "While this criticism Is entirely just from tho point of view of tho ideal, it does not como with peculiar propriety from a branch of tho legislative department of tho government which demands for itself tho right of withholding from arbitral adjudication caBos in which It is vitally interested, especially since, immediately after this criticism of the treaties, it strenuously objects to vesting in an outside commission the power to decide on the justici ability of disputes. Prom the point of view of tho practical, we can not expect to create im mediately an Ideal international grand jury; and it should be remembered that national grand jury; and It should be remembered that national grand juries grew slowly in representa tive character and In scope of jurisdiction, being summoned at first only to inquire for the body of the county, pro corpore coraltatus.-whllo down until 1548 (2 and 3 Edw. VI,' c. 24) It was the rule that, when a man was wounded in one county and died in another, the offender was at common law indictable in neither county, be cause a complete act of folony had beon com .mltted in neither. It is evident from past his tory and present human nature alike that too rapid progress can no, be hoped for in the development of the newly born grand jury of the nations; it Is evident also, from the senate's vigorous opposition to the alleged radical char acter of the president's proposal, that this pro posal marks a decided step toward the ideal. Tho ideal international grand jury, also, would act for each member of the family of nations, large or small, just as surely and po tently as it would for any of the others. The senate committee's warning that "If we enter into these treaties with Great Britain and France we must make like treaties on precisely the same terms with any other friendly power which calls upon us to do so," is a reflection of the ideal and of tho senate's attitude toward it; while the president's frank acceptance of the alternative, his refusal to be terrified by the fear of the subjunctive, and his loyalty to jus tice, regardless of the sldo on which the weight of her scales may turn, is a splendid object lesson to the nations, and another great step toward the ideal which declared that, just as public wrongs are considered in every civilized nation to be committed, not primarily against the individual, but against the commonwealth, so international wrongs must be considered as committed, not primarily against the family of nations, to whom international rights and du ties pre-eminently pertain. In practice, again, it should be remembered that for generations after the introduction of indictment by means of ' the. national grand jury, the accused, if sufficiently powerful, would refuse "to put him self on the county," that Is, to submit to jury trial, and that from 1275 A. D. to 1772 A. D. it was held necessary to punish such refusal by imprisonment and. by the peine forte et dure. We can not anticip'ate that the "great powers," ' led on as at present by the wlll-o-'-the-wlsp of territorial aggrandizement, will submit immedi ately to be haled Into court and compelled to make retribution for their high crimes and mis demeanors. But we" may be profoundly thankful that our president has thus lifted from the dust the standard of international justice; and we may be assured that, as the nations rally one by one to that standard, an international public opinion will be created, so enlightened, so just . and so Invincible, that no international delin quent, however great or obstinate, will refuse to bow to that sovereign power of our time, and to the indictment of the ideal international grand jury which will represent it! Standing face to face today with the great "present crisis" in the development of interna tional justice, holding within our grasp the immeasurable power for good possessed by the international grand jury which President Taft is offering to our own and other nations, we may well recall and ponder Lowell's heartfelt cry In another great crisis of our country's and the world's history: "Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide, In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side; , Hast thou chosen, O my people, on whose party thou shalt stand, Ere tiie Doom from its worn sandals shakes the .dust' against our land? . Careless seems the great, avenger; history's pages but record . - .. .' ' H Ono doath-grapplo in tho darkness 'twixt old systoms and tho Word; Truth forover on tho scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne, Yet that scaffold sways tho future, and, behind tho dim unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own. New occasions teach now duties; Timo makes ancient good uncouth; They must upward still and onward who would keep abreast of Truth; Lo, before us gleam her camp-fires, wo ourselves must Pilgrims bo, Launch our Mayflower, and steer boldly through the dosporato winter sea, Nor attempt the Future's portal with Iho Past's blood-rusted Key." Swarthraore, Pa. THE UNFOLDING OF WOODHOW WILSON From an editorial In the Philadelphia North American, the following is taken: "About a week ago tho fine sensibilities of a largo number of Americans were shocked by the publication of a letter which had been writ ton five years since by Woodrow Wilson. It was not that tho letter was in any way a reflection on the honor or tho intellectual honesty of Doctor Wilson. For what ho had written was but an expression of his private Judgment, which, whether correct or otherwise, Jio had had a perfect right to make. But he had made it in confidence in a private letter, writton to Adrain H. Joline, a man at that time his friend and an associate in tho affairs of Princeton uni versity. And five years afterward Mr. Joline had so far forgotten the tenets of good taste and of personal honor as to publish a letter written to him In the confidence of intimate friendship. - The appearance of tho letter in the newspapers caused something of a political sensation. For its principal feature was an opinion adverse to William Jennings Bryan, and rather forcibly . and idiomatically expressed In Doctor Wilson's wish that Mr. Bryan might be "knocked Into a cocked hat." Tho publication of this letter after five years, during which time Doctor Wil son had evidently changed much In his attitudo toward political devices and leaders, though not at all toward principles, was plainly Intended to cause an estrangement between Mr. Bryan and Governor Wilson, hurtful to the lattor's chances as a presidential candidate. The bigness of Mr. Bryan's character is forcibly reflected in his refusal to make this letter an issue between himself and Governor Wilson. But this fact does not mitigate the meanness of tho spirit that caused its publication. That was a return to the ancient politics, which consisted in personal abuse and betrayals and the trading on honor and confidences. Such was the politics that obtained in this country during a period when no vital principle commanded the attention of the people and when elections were only a fight for spoils. Those who were so fortunate as to have read William Bayard Hale's article in the Janu ary number of The World's Work "Woodrow Wilson, a Biography," it is entitled would hardly have noticed the incidental reference to a Mr. Joline. Tho article is an Inspiring story of the translation of a great democratic mind from the narrow field of university life Into the broad plain of national action." The North American then describes Dr. Wil son's work at Princeton university, particularly his refusad to po'rml' a donor of $500,000 to dictate tho policy of tho college. Successful In tills contest he was defeated in another one and the story is told by the North American In this way: , "After ho had won the fight, another endow ment this ono of more than $3,000,000 was left to tho graduate school. President Wilson was beaten by tho mere weight of money. In the hour of his defeat, he scored one Fabian vic tory. Adrain H. Joline, who had run for alumni trustee as an anti-Wilson candidate, was over whelmingly beaten. That accounts for the publication of the Joline letter. Woodrow Wil son was defeated in the battle for democracy in tho little world of Princeton. But his fight had unfolded his mind. He had always been for democracy, but he had hoped to achieve it through the old governmental machinery. Ho stepped from the field of defeat In Princeton with a broader and deeper knowledge of the problems of democracy. Out of that defeat he was called to leadership in his state and nation." -v.. . ' v, .;? '.', 'V.