The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, January 26, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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    f I V i r rjjfe X, 'gqfl'JrC Sffe'
t.l v
t4 i
ft. I? I IBBfrx
2$ W
The Commoner
nlscouraires tlic nnimnl that Is nlways '
breaking out ain't jret through, nud
the barb wire top prevents crowding:
nud renchlnir over.
The Peerless Is extrn heavy, frnines nearly i
two InchM In diameter; filial with the
famous Peerless fencing of all No. 9 wire
n fence that fltnnds the hardest usage.
fielf-ralslue It lifts itself you don't have.
tocarry Itaround. AlwHysswiugsupclcar
of the ground, over snow, ice or ruuimn.
GALVANIZED a heavy rust-proof coat.
n ennt Hint Insls. No oaint on the Peerless.
Your dealer can get Peerless Gates. If he
will not, we will ship to you direct.
Peerless Wire Fence Co., iwSSi "n.
Whr not buy the bett when
Irmican buy theinatsuchlow.un.
Fhranl-ot Factory Triccsf TIIIHTT
nUT. Ournew lmtrovcmciitalv'
lutrly surpass anything cm produced.
IDVUH fiiiuTif. frnitir tnt
I HOOMKR BTOTK FACTORT 1 0 1 fltaU Ft. Marlon, lad.
aaj nn tw. V1 '? 'MMIMJT
HHjjH iflrcwak
Tho point was raised in the trial
of the alleged "bath-tub" trust at
Detroit that the decision of tho
federal supremo court eliminated
tho criminal feature of the Sherman
Henry Labouchere, the famous
editor of Truth, a London society
and political paper, is dead in his
villa near Florence, Italy.
More than $2, 000, 000 was left to
charity under tho will of the lato
Richard T. Crane, tho Chicago iron
Judge E. H. Gary, chairman of
the United States Steel corporation,
defends tho treatment of employes
against attacks recently made in
public speeches.
constitutions that may be adopted.'
The court says the vital statistics
act contemplates an unwarranted
exercise of police power, which was
prohibited by the ordinance of 1787.
In view of the language of the
court in the opinion, members of the
constitutional convention, now in
session here, were discussing in an
interested way the question whether
the initiative and referendum and
recall, if adopted in the proposed
new constitution, may not afterward
be knocked out by the court as be
ing a departure from the republican
form of government as laid down by
the ordinance of 1787. Chief Justice
Shauk and Judge Spear dissented
from the majority of the court upon
the ground that the opinion of the
court was too broad, but neither of
them filed a dissenting opinion.
democrats see an end to th Folk
Clark feud in the agreement of the
two men to abide by the Joplin con
vention. Bach has agreed to quit tho
race for the presidential nomination
If the Missouri delegates indorse his
opponent. The agreement was in
the form of letters to a local news
paper in response to an editorial
in which the state convention was de
clared to be useless unless the oppos
ing candidates agreed to abide by the
decision of the delegates.
Following a declaration of its
policy by the French cabinet the
chamber of deputies by an almost
unanimous vote expressed confidence
in the government.
Mr. Uomeseeker
Learn about tho fortllo farm lands
of Montana, tho beat of tho now coun
tries, where your beat chnnco is and
your luHt chanco to Hecuro good land
free as a homestead or cheap by
Send name and address to J. H. Hall,
State Commissioner of Agriculture,
Helena, Montana.
TfTf JTfT mp (Herniate, AtHx., Hoard 0
...... T'rt for luroriuntlon about
Aalt Mlirrv Vattt-y. Qunrtcr million ncres,
ftllalfu, citrus frultfl. Finest Boll, wiOornml climate
Ideal Inrni locution.
Chairman B. F. Yoakum, of the
'Frisco linos, declares that in his
opinion the Improvement of the Mis
sissippi river will help rather than
hurt the railroads.
The body of William Campion, a
watchman who was killed in the
Equitable building fire in New York,
was recovered.
X JM. J. Jlj J. & It 1ST U UN K II.
Frco report ju to Patentability Illustrated Ouldo
Ilook. and List or Inventions Wanted, sont free.
VICTOlt J. EVANS ft CO., Washington. D.O.
A Nashville, Tenn., dispatch to the
Louisville Courier-Journal says:
Tho Vertrees committee proposed to
the rival committee that a demo
cratic primary be held April 27, in
charge of a primary board, consist
ing of three members named by
Chairman Vertrees, of the Vertrees
committee, and three named by
Chairman O. C. Barton, of the Bar
ton committee.
The three members named by Ver
trees and the three named by Barton
Headquarters in the interest of
Congressman John W. B.oehne's can
didacy for the democratic nomina
tion for governor of Indiana were
opened at Indianapolis.
James T. Harahan, former presi
dent of the Illinois Central, Frank O.
Mel cher, second vice president of the
Rock Island, E. B. Pierce, general
solicitor of the Rock Island and Eld
ridge E. Wright, son of Luke E.
Wright, former secretary of war,
were killed in a private car in a col
lision between two Illinois Central
trains at Kinmundy, Illinois.
An Associated Press dispatch from
New York says: Chairman Norman
E. Mack, of the democratic national
committee, announced the committee
on arrangements for the democratic
national convention to be held at
Baltimore on June 25. According to
a resolution adopted by the demo
cratic national committee at its re
cent meeting at Washington, Chair
man Mack, Vice Chairman Hall of
Nebraska and Secretary Urey Wood
son of Kentucky are ex-officio mem
bers of the committee on arrange
ments. Those appointed by the chairman
are: Josephus Daniels of North Caro
lina, Clark Howell of Georgia and
John T. McGraw oE west Virginia,
representing the south Atlantic
states; R. M. Johnston of Texas, rep
resenting the southwestern states;
Martin J. Wade of Iowa, Edwin O.
Wood of Michigan, Roger C. Sullivan
of Illinois and Thomas Taggert of
Indiana, representing the middle
western states; Robert- Ewing of
Louisiana, representing the gull
states; Robert S. Hudspeth oi? New
Jersey and Thomas Brown of Ver
mont, representing the eastern and
New England states; Forme Gover
nor John E. Osborn of Wyoming,
representing the Rocky Mountain
and Pacific coast states, and J. F. C.
Talbot of Maryland.
Senator Cummins of Iowa has an
nounced that he is a candidate for
the republican nomination for presi
How You Can Get
An Automobile Free
We want honest, sober, jounc mm In
every country to learn at home to repair,
run unci to teacn
others, and then
sell the Coey
"Flyer," a 6-cylln-der.50H.I'.,5-Ui-senscr
"The World's llest
Value." Write lor
lull particulars how
you can L'et one.
Free. Address. V. A.
Cojr' School of
Motoring, Ml! 1.20
Mlrh, Arr..DrpUS0
Chlrago, 111.
An attempt was made to assassi
nate Premier Yuan in Pekin. Two
soldiers and the horses attached to
his carriage were killed.
E3 bYiSSsbV YyH msi
wrmWm m
are to select a seventh. Chairman dent. This has caused the Roosevelt
Vertrees named Parks Worly, R. B. boom to take a fresh spurt.
Hickoy and C. A. Stainback.
No action has been taken on the
proposition as yet by the Barton
committee. Both committees will
soon be in session, and it is certain
that the Barton committee will ac
cept the proposition, as it is practi
cally the plan Col. Barton formu
lated. The proposed plan is to have a
primary for white democrats only
for the selection of candidates for
senator, governor, controller, treas
urer, secretary of state and railway
commission. The plan contemplates
a convention on May 16 which will
name a candidate for supreme court
judge, a, candidate for a judge of the
court of civil appeals, candidates for
presidential electors, a new state
executive committee and delegates
to the national convention. The
convention Is also to formulate a
state platform.
The minister of marine at Rome
has received a report from the
Italian naval forces outside the Bay
of Kunfida, describing a brisk en
gagement with the Turks at 6,000
yaras, m wnicn Fort MMy was
destroyed and Camp Younfouda
The Spanish cabinet, of which
Jose Canalejas was premier, resigned
aB a result of a difference of views
with King Alsonso as to the advis
ability of commuting the death sen
tence of a rioter.
I Want frt npnil vi-v
i i ,ItLlc1flIrl Speaking and
kiiLcniiii ! -n
SUV "Mama" and r'Pan. A
The prettiest, daintiest and
Bweeiesiuouv von everniiv
Stylishly dressed; lace trimmed
uai ana sown; shoes and stock
lags; 17 Inches tall. Pretty heed.
a.oK goucn cuns.biiuis its eyes
send ho Money SS3
yea whnt to do.
tor promntnesou Bo1
not delay and fvewUT
seadyea another del
ts2H!eettall. BoUtdeUV
yours la a lew dnvn.
mjr-M.wn.At Hcpu 50, inaianapolls, Ind.
K)i3 fl &&
Ef'SftuMf'iC. M i TsJ
saaanA --l ajiiirv 1 Aaaar
A Columbus, O., dispatch says:
That the ordinance of 1787, under
which Ohio and four other states
were admitted into the union, is still
in full force and effect, and that it
stands superior to all state laws, and
oven to the state constitution, was
the gist of a decision rendered by the
Ohio supreme court.
In announcing the decision the
court declared unconstitutional the
act creating a state board of vital
statistics because Its provisions re
quired the furnishing of information
without giving compensation there
for. In the course of his ruling
Judge Davis, who wrote the opinion
of the court, Bays:
"The ordinance of 1787 is still
under, above and before all laws and
Provisional President Sun of the
Chinese republic declares his own
willingness to resign when the
Manchu government is ousted, and
intimates that Premier Yuan Shi Kai
may be his successor.
The Revere House, one
most noted of Boston's
of the
A Treat
So Sweet
Add Cream
Then Eat. .
Tho democratic executive com
mittee of the Seventh congressional
district met at Frankfort, Ky., and
called a primary for March 16 to
nominate a candidate for congress.
W. C. McDonald was Inaugurated
as the first governor of the state of
New Mexico at Santa Fe.
A St. Lonis dispatch, carried by
the Associated Press says: Missouri
"The Memory Linger
Postum Cereal Company, Umltd,
Battla Creek. Mich. .
'StmmeBttotiMfiMnu i mm
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