15 JANTJAEY 1, 1M The Commoner. A PICTURE OP BROTHERHOOD Colonel Henry Watterson, tho brilliant editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, lends the eloquence of his speech and tho beauty of his diction to whatever subject has the fortune to enlist his mind. He spoko recently at a church dedication on "Christianity Versus Theology," and his discourse was' one calculated to give tho soul flight. The Journal is pleased to find the address of the Louisville editor trans ferred to the columns of Mr. Bryan's Commoner; and thus it sees these warriors of the democratic faith sit ting together in sweet communion at the feet of tho lowly and now exalted Nazarene. This is not saying that these leaders of thought, these mighty orators of the land, are in full agreement in words, but tho pic ture is of strong men appearing to gether in the faith of the Christ life and service. It is a picture worthy of contemplation and -of admiration, illustrating how easily men may ap pear as brothers, with their bicker ings as temptations of tho devil placed behind them, when their thought is apart from passion and apart from the mischief of sus picion as to what one or the other is driving at in the way of partisan or other worldly advantage. The note of discord is lost in the larger, sweeter note of harmony; and thus wo find these brothers, with hands together, chanting in unison the words of Watterson, saying: "In my personal experience of many lands I have not found that the grandeur and beauty wrought by the hand of man have obscured from me the radiance of the Christ, or the glory of the heavens. I have not found that storied urn, or animated bust has ever diverted my attention from the wondrous tale of the fisher men, or that piles of marble and alabaster encircling the altar, in stead of the earlier archways of na ture above it, have come between me and the worship of God." And when we come to this, with the same voice leading, the hand of Bryan la not withdrawn: I would think twice before trusting tho wisest and best of men with absolute power; but I would trust never any body of men never any sanhedrim, consistory, church congress, or party convention with absolute power. Honest men are often led to do, or to assent, in association, to what they would disdain upon their con science and responsibility as in dividuals. En masse ettremism al ways prevails and extremism is al ways wrong. It is the more wrong and the more dangerous becauBe it is rarely wanting for genial and con vincing argument to plausible sophis tries, furnishing congenial and con vincing argument to the mind of the unthinking for whatever it has to propose." But, to be sure, Colonel Watter son was not talking, nor much think ing, of political faction or of the ambitions of men in tho great world of sin and of strife. And thus to the end of the eloquent chapter we find the two brothers close together, hand in hand, before the Throne of Grace. Sioux City (Iowa) Journal. interior, Nicaragua. Translated from tho Spanish by Aloysius C. Gahan, of tho New York bar. How to Get Rid of Catarrh A Simple Safe, "Reliable Way, and it Costs Nothing to Try. Those who suffer from catarrh know its miseries. There Is no need of this suffering; You can get rid of it by a simple, safe, inexpensive, home treatment discovered by Dr. Blosser, who, for over thirty-six years, has-been treating catarrh suc cessfully. ' His treatment is unlike any other. It is not a spray, douche, salve! cream, or inhaler, but is a more direct and thorough treatment than any of these. It cleans out the head, nose, throat and lungs so that you can again breathe freely and sleep without that stopped-up feeling that all catarrh sufferers have. It heals the diseased mucous membranes and arrests the foul discharge, so that you will not be constantly blowing your nose and spitting, and at the same time it does not poison the system and ruin the stomach, as internal medicines do. If you want to test this treatment without cost, send your address to Dr. J. W. Blosser, 144 Walton Street, Atlanta, Ga., and he will send you by return mail enough of the medicine to satisfy you that it is all he claims for it as a remedy for catarrh, catarrhal headaches, catarrhal deafness, asthma, bronchi tis, colds and all catarrhal complica tions. He will also send you free an illustrated booklet. Write him immediately BOOKS RECEIVED Power Through Perfected Ideas. By Silas S. Neff, Ph. D., president and founder of Heff college. Author of "Talks on Education and Ora tory;" lecturer oa oratory, Croser Theological . Seminary, Dutch Re formed Theological Seminary, etc. Neff College Publishing Co., Phila delphia, Pa. Principles of Economics. Two volumes. By F. W. Taussig, Henry Lee, professor of economics in Har vard university. The Macmillan Co., New York. For Lovers and Others. A book of roses. Commemorating anniver sary days from dawn to evening time of life. By James Terry White. Frederick A. Stokes Company, pub lishers, New York. Christ's Christianity. Being the precepts and doctrines recorded In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as taught by Jesus Christ. Analyzed and arranged according to subjects. By Albert H. Walker, of the New York bar. The Equity Press, 97 101 Reade St., New York. Price, $1.00. The Boy with the U. S. Census. By Francis Rolt-Wheeler. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Boston, Mass. Price, $1.50. Men Wanted. 'By Fred B. Smith. Secretary religious work depart ment, international committees of Young Men's Christian Associations, campaign leader of the men and re ligon forward movement. Associa tion Press, 124 East 28th St., New York. English Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions. With notes on the correct use of prepositions. De signed as a companion for the study and as a text-book for the use of schools. By James C. Fernald, L. H. D. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York. Price, $1.50, net. The Will Which Is of Force a Cure for the anti-Christs. By J. W. Edwards. 3828 Tejon St, Denver, Colo. Price, $1.25. Other Sheep I Have. By Theo dore Christian. The proceedings of the Celestial commission of Church Unity. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Critique of Pure Kant or a Real Realism vs. Fictitious Idealism. In a word the bubble and montrosity of Kantian metaphysic. By Charles KIrkland Wheeler. The Arakelyan Press, 368 Congress St, Boston, Mass. Price, $1.50. The Shadow Men. By Donald Richberg. Forbes & Co., Chicago, 111. Social and Political Influence of the United States in Central America. By J. M. Moncada, ex-minister of the A SALIY FROM THE MOTORMAN A Washington street car was get ting under way when two woinen, rushing from opposite sides of tho car to greet each other, met right in tho middle of the car track and in front of tho car. There tho two stopped and began to talk. Tho car stopped, too, but tho women did not appear to realize that it was there. Certain of tho passengers, whoso heads were immediately thrust out of the windows to ascertain what tho trouble was, began to make sarcastic remarks, but tho two women heeded them not. Finally tho motorman showed that he had a saving sense of humor. Leaning over tho dashboard he in quired, in the gentlest of tones: "Pardon me, ladies, but shall I got you a couple of chairs?" Lippin-cott's. SMscritm' jfftlvrfl$litfl Bepn This department Ifl for the benefit of Commoner subscribe, and a special rate of pIx cents a word per lnTtlon tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. fcA 00 TO FORTY dally easy. Sure pu.uw automobile puncture repair. Bank backing'. Day Products Co Albert Lea, Minn. SHOCKED THE SUPERINTENDENT Ho entered the superintendent's office in a kind of bashful, well-I-got-no-business-hcre sort of manner and quietly asked the busy man if the superintendent was in. "I am he," replied that official without raising his eyes from tho desk "what do you want?" "One of your trains killed my dog a few days ago and I thought I would stop in and " "Well, he had no business on our tracks; you should have kept him tied." "Yes, I know," meekly responded tho caller, "but I didn't and he got on the track and was killed, and I thought you ought to " "But we won't! We don't pay for killing dogs on this road." "Who said anything about pay?" replied the ex-dog owner. "I'd been trying for a month to get some one to drown that measly cur, and as tho railroad has killed him for mo, I thought you ought to be paid for the Job. Here's $2." Railroad Employe. A SURE road to wealth In tho rain "bolt. RO miles from Colorado .Springs, 5 mllos from railroad, oxtra Rood al falfa land. Get a Rood crop of seed and hay overy year. Nevor fails. Good water and the healthiest place on earth. No Irrigation. $20 per acre. Ke us about it. Nlchols-Cockrell Ileal ty Co., 529 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. pBRTATNTY of Immortality. 13d win Markham says: "Swedenborg gives what, seems to be the spiritual calculus of the unseen world." Swedcnborg'o great work of four hundred pages, postpaid lor nucon cents. 1'astor Lan denberger, Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo. DROTIII3U, accldcntly discovered root. - will euro both tobacco habit and Indigestion. Gladly send particulars. J. W. Stokes, Mohawk, Florida. 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Freight Pjub P ICES OR NEW L PIER sssaaszsssri scsssr esses Mara la m chanee to BUY LUMBER at 20 to CO wer ec . ss then Is uraally asked for It. In ahaolntelv brand new and first clonn la every particular nnd truar&nteed cndia. Wo bandit 80,000,000 feet from lumber mills at hal t tho usual prlcca und wo are riving tho publlo tho benotitof it. There la absolutely no possibility for yoa to ko vrrontf in this matter. Hover In twenty-years has Lumber been offered at such low prices as wo namo. If you do not take nil- vantage ox uus cimnce, yoa sro musing c opionuta opportunity, wo auoto iroiitac prepaid price. SEND UMBE Hub rWH. fc SHUT WfPRji'jajaBBinKWTTgj Inclndo In Yonr list ovnrv sin pin nrtlcln von nood to bnlld or ininrovo. It mnkrw no difToronco wkother yoa need a f all carload or not, wo will earoyou money. Oar stock included ovcrythlnn used In baUdta. and la Rood material too: nothing better made, Evary dollar's worth la covered by a binding- KSMrantee. Thousands of satisfied customers ovcrywhoro. Our Canltal Stock and Hnrnlus Is over Sl.fJOD.000. We harn a nnmnlntn stncknf Plumbta!! Mater- I lal. Heating; Apparatus, Hardware Fencing. Furniture, Carpets, Rues, Office Furniture, Pipes, Mverra, structural iron, machinery, pry uoode, ciouune. Groceries, 5 nee a. Etc, fctc WRITS FOR OUR FREE ILLUSTRATED BUILDIHQ MATERIAL CATALOCI No. R. B. 334 CHICAGO HOUSE WRECK CO., ttik ami trM Sl CHICAGO. EXTRA BARGAIN THE COMMONER Devoted to tho cause of good govern ment. THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD The popular farm and household monthly. THE HOUSEWIFE A beautifully printed and illustrated monthly homo magazine, containing: best continued and short stories, fash ions, fancy work, homo decoration and kindred subjects. All Three for 1 Year, Prepaid Under this offer, present subscrip tions to any of above publications will be advanced one year. Send remit tance to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb $1.00 m t - ,.v J.