15 JANUARY 12, Ull The Commoner. "A RECORD OP BARB PACTS" (Continued from Pago 12.) ins the growing sentiment against him. Meanwhile Canada, at a special election, repudiated the reciprocity pact, and it seemed an example of fate's grim humor that the chief cause of Canada's demolition of President Taft's solitary actual achievement was the Canadian dis inclination to make an alliance with a country ruled by the same big in terests which the Taft administra tion had striven to protect. Other things were happening, but all with the seemingly preverse re sult of failing to make a favorable impression upon the American people. For example, the mobiliza tion of the army on the Mexican bor der had only a fortunate outcome for the Taft administration. But there lingered everywhere the memory of that foolish and needless official falsehood that our troops were sent $tjb$crltm' Jfflwrtisittfl Dept. This department is for the benefit of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per insertion the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebraska. A fift TO FORTY daily easy. Sure ipU.UU automobile puncture repair. Bank backing. Day Products Co., Albert Lea, Minn. A SURE road to wealth in the rain belt, 50 miles from Colorado Springs, extra good alfalfa land. Get a good crop of seed and hay every year. Never falls. Good water and the healthiest place on earth. No irrigation. $20 per acre. See us about it. Nlchols Cockrell Realty Co., 529 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. FOR SALE One hundred thousand pound, red, dehorned feeders. Ad dress, E. J. Merriman, Case, Douglas Co., Colo. "BRTAINTY of Immortality. Edwin Markham says: "Swedenborg gives what seems to be the spiritual calculus of the unseen world." Swedonborg's great work of four hundred pages, postpaid for fifteen cents. Pastor Lan denberger, Windsor Place, St. Louis, Mo. nRUMBULL County, Ohio, has good 1 soil, good water; land is cheap: why not write L. Abell, Cortland, O., Route 1, if you want a, farm. First enquire as to judgment and honesty of agent. Wisdom, is it not? WANTED AGENTS. To poll Farmers Account Book. Quick Seller. Blplndueomontw. njRhly In dorsod. Addros L.L.Syphop. FortWny no, Indiana. 5 Fine PGST CARDS FRPF W Send only 2c stamp and receive 5 very finest Gold Rmbossod Cards F 1112 15, to Introduce post card offer. Capital Card Co.. JDept. 314, Topolca, Kan. ECZEMA .CAN BE CURKD. My mild, soothlnj?, guaranteed cur e does 1 1 and FiikkS am plk nrovea It. Stops Tire Itciiino and cures to stay. White Now Totjay. Dr.CANNADAY, 174 Park Squara.Sedalla, Me. Tobacco Habit Banished J?R. ELDER?' TOBACCO BOON BANISHES all forms of Tobacco Habit la 72 to 120 hoars. A post live, Quick and permanent relief. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after the first dose. One to three boxes for all ordinary cases. We cnaran tee results In orery ease or refund money. Seat for our free booklet el vine tall inform atios. Elders' Sanatarlum, Dept, 41, St. Joseph, Urn Don't Wear a Truss fAPP STlAnTSPtASTRPADSaredirrrfB Kfl HJIbP Ikr JmrZ IHt from th tniL KmIi, hiuIUIma .!! i WVe22P N-nCtordoMlf dbeUTepurpoKlr I ZrirSf - Nfi 7V boM !" aaourrly la place. VfCia(lBBB ' eirJi liioatrepo.buclcIeaoriDrinra aa. - A lmtilip,ioeaaaaictiaf6orcomprcta XTr2 obatluato ea eert. Thouaanda JT . uiiDPuanilluif IIC11W IDFmitlTH lOITQ I at homo wlthonthlndranoe from work. Soft a Tel. VJv (a lAorerr It natural, m do further uo for treat. rfii----f Awaked Gold Medal. Wo proro what wo IK AL Of PLhPMtt$.&!&J2l&l.e!2 coupon and mil today. Id4a- ' .. PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 64 SL Louis, Ha. Haas , , ""y fcatern nail will bnnjt Free Trial Plajwuj ,,.,' to the Rio Grande merely to engage In maneuvers. And the American people have a fixed dislike of being distrusted by their presidents. Mr. Taft, in his superlative eulo gies of the sanctity of courts and Judges, might haye struck a sympa thetic chord. But meanwhile he was making such notoriously unfit judi cial appointments as those of Arch bald and Knapp. Mr. Taft and his attorney general were prosecuting trust after trust. But all they have succeeded in doing so far has been to nag tho big financiers into disgusted enmity. For the farcical results of tho "dissolu tion" of Standard Oil and the To bacco criminals have made it ap parent to the people that they gain absolutely nothipg and rouse the suspicion that perhaps in some anti trust procedure there lurks a des perate playing for the recovery of a forfeited popularity. The two extra sessions of congress called by Mr. Taft the first for tariff legislation and the second for the ratification of the reciprocity agree ment had left business hanging in the air. Neither session settled any thing definitely, but, on tho contrary, increased uncertainty and unrest. The Payne-Aldrich bill really opened the tariff controversy anew, and reci procity succeeded only In directing the public to tho abuses of Big Busi ness. All this made up a record of deception, futility and utter weak ness. The opposition to the renomination of Mr. Taft has not abated, but has Increased with the passing months. The interests which ho has sought to Berve have been forced to admit tho hopelessness of his re-election. Busi ness, with its costly uncertainty due, in a largo measure, to tho unstable qualities of the president, at last has been compelled by the spirit of self preservation to advise the dropping of Taft's name. The last hope of his admirers was swept away when the president's last vague and self-contradictory message to congress on trust legisla tion was read. The most loyal Taft supporters among all ranks of think ing business men were forced to accept that document of the presi dent as final and conclusive proof that his capacity could not be counted upon to lead the country out of the maze of doubt and uncertainty of the present complex economic con ditions. Thus this amazing situation exists. The great body of progressives is' steadily growing and taking state after state in the west away from Taft. The business interests of the east, big and little, good and bad, are against Taft. The president's own state of Ohio Is in revolt against his renomination. Nevr York, large ly 'dominated by Wall street, can not be carried for Taft, according to the republican national committeeman from that state. Virtually all other eastern states would like to see Taft eliminated and are only sullenly acquiescent because they do not yet know which way to turn. Every practical politician, little and big, now realizes that the renomination of Taft means the de feat of the republican party next November. And back of all this shrewd body of spoilsmen is an over whelming army of Independent citi zens, divorced from their old party fealty against their will by just such leadership. Here stand the millions of Americans cut loose from party ties, but ,united In being filled with angry determination to defeat next time the man who once obtained their ardent support by false pre tense. ' What will happen six months from today we have not the least idea. But each week the likelihood grows less of the deliberate commission of suicide of the republican party. NAILED Householder "Hero, drop that coat and clear out!" Burglar "You bo quiet, or I'll wako your wife and give her this lotter I found in your pocket." New York Evening Mall. POETRY FOR TODAY To market, to market, To buy a fat pig; Homo again, homo again, Price Is too big. Judge. I m Nfe Twm Fm sHti H IfVv I 9 MAmmmmama a. imn, ,'" WKotvyyay i Novor Before and Nmvor A RmoOng Offer Like ThM We BATeonlro limited ainotintottmaOorrneatea iron Boonns M til price. Jt U brand new. perfect, nret-claae In enrr reaped, batfjrJf r wmlghtm wetoanhtlfcataforccaMloandmufltftall Itqulcfe. Hhoota 22x2txlX Inok corrogntloa. Our wrecking mrimm only fH3J par mnumrm, delivered IT. O. B. Cars phlcaro. On this Horn npocify ))t No. 700 because wo cannot pay xroleht ot this unheard price. let us, how erer quota 70a the lowest Frcfwht Prepaid Price B&W&fi; ' "T , m m . .1 , . . 1 . Katetlal. We tnut sere ear ewrrfao stock oa all o! oar roofing materiel asa -tiece we hare liter &y "tnake4" prices on rery kind of roofing material, tlila (a year opportune lly te tray wast yon tteed, a tretaeadous saving. We latesd to Maintain ou leaderalila u the Urcest "ttlrect to copiutoer " Keefiag Material Coaccza ertfc e4 we defy aay eoatpeUtor to saeet eaTsstct. The-aate4 faying pewtf. WM HAMMER Fmrmttkft FREE Vtta onr erdr for Uiwt-or OHUnx wo OtVO. bMluty lr, on felt-alud, afiteia4bmmra br flfcown. iteaambrtnlUB,MnMT aM,,'ty"bacamrtiutwmB a uoi mtao 01 proponjM IbO HUklt, ASM !1 eraotbto cmi iioeL not oittut ea klekorr fcoiaio Property TaJ4 by our renter. no rtnprS, 1 altit-fi Ir btli anapmia. juit mch m bimatr as I any aaattatr on erjiiiMaiMitii,iiMititfi. yoa Iito dally tno for aroma faonM abd fans lb kind oo onl atul our these fay Wor H tor at any hartirato a lor. enr thra or nonionim fit Xooftnv.aMliigor Calllnt awl MH a umo Sao sumwet.. tno. fSuf Mum Advaniatm aVSi - barioK orctakatioa 11,900.000.00 capital aod turplaa wake It JgiW M fJS to pick ep saaa" a4 M laesa ajpa to yoa IftJW tMJFtM &, Vur JUfttraemM 7 "J. www wwmn i&mwww m ro awtnuunnzw u y ' 11 .. , Ti mcli give yoa the.heattel ear year ( ezperieace aad oar beet adTics.es to toe klad ad aaUty you should hay. 10IS oa are acrlej erwr fclad ef reefisf, eltfiijcf cJH. tumtlBir of rcreobas your home. bars. . poultry hoM9. etc. write ni end m fil We have foil stocks ef Plata flat, Corraratcd, Stamliar Betas and V" Crlmp4 QmtvsmlzGtf ami Pakttod GmverShwm akecU. soluble for all coverlae purposes ttoofiai:, fildlny. Cell be. Llnlnr. etc. Matai AMAfM mrm hmat andheaotit la tbe lonz tub. easiest to lay. loarwt life, aon-abiorbent: fire, water and llrblalaa proof! aoobw A- T..t . - J . ..-. -I . A .' t... It - f.. . ... . " JUia aqnBserwarxaer in winter; e 00. uut num mm, wu onuaary care wiu wmjb uieuaxc aa SSt ES1 ! Write Tmlswr Fmr Frmm Samplmm floyf. rKE I m- Ti 1111 1 1 maim uiV .iiiiaaai S2f2SS!SlSi 1 Tell U5 kind of balldlnn and le, altoatk foroar fffS imw frmtmlt HaJtt fWWj &f?.n I wddear.eatllyanderood roofine proDo.ltIoa,lncindiag mr mtfSflrtS CWAkMfrM Kponaa caulo . which, for eicbteca years has ptotetted every purchaser. Yeur money back II any rood I saw your BO. in. I U to toeet our representation. Don't fall to aend coupoa for.Creit J'ree Koofinu BockZj I!l!11 QHIGAGO HOUSE WRECKING 0, Baaa. I MM P" '"W ! I WPW l il il "ul 1 1ft. 1 BBBBBH bV BHBHbBWBIIB . IHflflH BBBBLRBlBMiH HHbBV MH Jff Htsljfla afiflBU Yoa can transform any kerosene (coal oil) lamp or lantern into dazzling brilliancy with our wonderful Bright Light Bonier. 60 candle power invisible and unbreakable Steel Mantle. Brighter than electricity, better than gas or gasoline, and perfectly sale No generating simply light like any kerosene lamp. Nothing to get out of order Positively will not smoke or flicker. AlrF.NTS WAWTFII EVERYWHERE. Sells like wildfire. iurijm A W w fill M. ILU An opportunity of a life time, work .all or spare time. Experience unnecessary. Mako big money bo Indepen dent Writo today. Act quick territory coiner fast. Complete sample, post paid, 30c, 4 for $1.00. Mosey b&ck If sot satisfactory. BRIGHT LIGHT CO., Bent. IOC Grand Rapids, Mich. w ORDER A COPY OP The Platform Text-Book Containing THE DECLARATION OP INDEPENDENCE THE CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES AND I All the National Platforms of all the Parties A handy compendium of political information that should be In tho hands of every American voter of whatever party affiliation. It clearly shows the trend of political principles from the earliest foundation of our government to the present time. This book Is printed In clear type, bound in substantial paper covers, and contains 207 pages. Tho supply is limited, but orders will be filled as long as they last at 26 cent per copy, postpaid to any address. Send your order today. Address all Orders to The Commoner, Lincoln. Nebr. WWU.V1 jAiJaut&j,u!ih 36 . . a. .Kl, AA i .ii J V Oi'-ii v! - i.. .l3lL'- i-"rf t. A I ibf fa t r " ia