' 'W jr w- 'iter' r 16 The Commoner. -p ' .VOLUIOT H, NTJMB1K' (J fife - ; v Ya ' v . &$ fw'tt i H VHP '''?-'' i! liAFOLLETTJB AND ROOSKVEIJD IN OHIO , A Columbus, O., dispatch, carried "by tho Associated Press follows: Progressive republicans of Ohio met recently, formed a permanent or ganization, adopted a declaration of progressive principles, but voted, 52 to 32, not to give their indorsement to United States Senator Robert M. La Follette, as a candidate for the presidential nomination, After re fusing the indorsement of the league the delegates voted, 81 to 11, in favor of a resolution as a personal expression of the delegates naming Sonator La Follotto as "the living embodiment of the principle of the progressive movement and the logi cal candidate to carry them to a successful fruition." The vote came after a three hours' debate on the floor of the convention, and was on the adoption of an amendment to the report of the resolutions committee which had been unanimously in favor of not naming a candidate. Glfford Pinchot, who declared that he spoke only for himself and in no way for Colonel LET ME SEND YOU FOR ASTHMA OR CATARRH 50c PJ&CIC&GE OF MY REMEDY ii F It E E Ba&S&'Nr Write me today If you suffer with Catarrh or Asthma, I want you . to try ftre, at my oxpenso, my Remedy, which Js making 60 many woudorml cures of chronic and . acuto case3. 3 know what It will do mid am there- fore wllllnir to stand the oxpenso ofprovliiK.my t claims. You know I could not afford this If my rcmody did not euro. No matter what you havo tried, don't despair, hut send mo your namo AT ONOB. Othor so-called remedies tor Catarrh nnd Asthma only Rlvo relio for a fow hours or a fow days, whllo tho dlscaso steadily frrows worse and moro dlfllcult to euro permanently. In tho foul slimes of Catarrh and Asthma tho germs of Consumption breed rapidly and tho wholo system is impaired aud loft opon to tho attacks of dangerous diseases. Horrible eufTer- , lnjr results days aro ono long torture and nights i sloepless agony. Itoosdvelt, and Former Secretary of tho Interior Garfield, were the loaders in the debate against giving any candidate an indorsement. Sonator Works of California and later Senator Clapp of Minnesota wore vigorous In urging that the Ohio progressives concentrate thoir efforts in working, for the election of Senator La Follette. Nearly every delegates expressed himself repeated ly in the debate. The vote was taken immediately after an appeal by Common Pleas Judge R. N. Wanamaker of Akron, who declared he had made the first antl-Taft speech in the state and who appealed to the delegates not to go into the presidential campaign by going against the advice of such leaders of -the national progressive league as Pinchot and Walter Houser, secretary of the national league and manager of the La Fol lette campaign. The resolution which was adopted, and which had been submitted to the resolutions committee by Pinchot, Houser and John D. Fackler, temporary chair man of the Ohio organization, read as follows: "We are opposed to the renomina tion of President Taft. We hereby declare it to be the determined pur pose of the Ohio progressive repub lican league to work in harmony and unison to nominate a progressive re publican president, recognizing as fellow progressives all who hold the principles for which we stand, whether it be for tho presidential nomination of Robert M. La Follette or Theodore Roosevelt or any other progressive republican. "We assert the essential unity of the progressive movement Ihrough out the entire state and nation. "We favor the election of dele gates who will favor the nomination of a candidate who will fully repre sent the progressive principle." to take legal Action against them to recover some of th money he lost. Instead, he went into bankruptcy. "Exposure of tho gambling In women's homes at the time the police Ordered it stopped recently was only a drop in the bucket compared with what might be said of it if every thing were told," said the lawyer. "Half a million dollars would not be gin to pay back to the victims what has been lost in half a dozen. resi dences during the last few years. The system worked as near perfect as it could have been. The women went only for 'live' ones and played the game carefully, so as to make It sure and impossible of betrayal. The man who told me of how he was duped knows all about professional gamblers and their methods, and oven he did not find out what he was up against until he had lost nearly $10,000 in a week." Most profitable to the women who promoted the rsheme, according to the informant, was a man "capper" whose nam is well known in th Itot of tho city's professional gamblr He holds forth in the South Side "r4 light" "district, where he is proprietor of an all-night restaurant. Through his aid the women were thrown intov touch with the $7,000 "live one." Meantime other victims wer brought in through tho agency of other woman "cappers" who operated at down-town hotels, and, aided y smiles, perfume, fashionable gowna and fascinating manners, effected a complete disguise as to their real purpose. "In addition to tho card 'juggling accomplishments of the women and a few men whose professional services they frequently found it to their in terest to enlist when a particularly wary victimwas being handled, they had provided themselves with electri cally controlled dice tables," said tho lawyer. ."With electrical batteries and loaded dice it was possible to play the .game in an absolute 'sure thing' manner." Bt SPECIAL LOW-PRICE CLUB OFFERS ON STANDARD PUBLICATIONS FOR 1911-12 For the convenience of our readers the following combination offers have been arranged. Write ns for. best prices on any combination of periodicals Tho Commoner must always be Included. We will save you 20 per cent in most cases and in some cases CO per cent from tho regular price of such periodicals. IN CLUBS OF THREE Success Magazine $1.00 TrI-Weekly New York World 1.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Price for all Three. .$1.00 Uncle Remus's Homo Mae.... ..$1.00. Success Magazine" 1.00 The Commoner 1.00 1 Mv romodv clemiBoa tho syrtem of impurities and stops tho drlpplnR in tho throat, hawking and Bplt ting, foul breath, head noises, loss of tasto and smell, hoarseness, watery eyea. heals tho scabs In noso, provonta gasping for breath and sleepless nlchts. Write mo to-day and I will mail you 1'KKE a r0c package and my BOOK, both in plain wrapper. Mention your dlsonso. T. GORHAM, 171 Gorham ttldgM Uattle Creole, Mich. WONDER LAMP Tho United Factories of 3 Wyandotte Street, Kansas City, Mo., is making an offer to send a Wonder Burner which fits E7DE7ET yur d lamp, fre. ? ?,n0 tT Km En person in each locality in the U. S. who will show and recommend this marvelous new incandescent 100 candle power- oil lamp burner. Simply send, your namo ana address for thoir offer. NEW DOLLAR Method of handling all kinds of llEAIi ESTATE In all sections ol tho country. FARMS, BUSINESS CHANGES. UNIMPROVED LAND. DON'T BUY, SELL or EXOIIANQE until you havo sent Kt&mn for particulars. "FARMER" BOWIiES, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. ANYTHING WHATSOEVER That you jcouUI do, 1! you were In Washington and knew how, you may do through this llureau at small cost. Address: GOVERNMENT-INFORMATION BUREAU, JCoelc Box 80, Wellington, d. C. FLEECING "LIVE" GAMBLERS Special dispatch to the Cincinnati Enquirer: Chicago, 111., November 16. Sensational disclosures, show ing the city-wide rami'flcations of Sheridan Road's society gambling and laying bare the methods by which certain women reached down town, and even into the South Side "red light" district, for their victims became public as an aftermath to the order of Chief of Police Mc Weeney 10 days ago, demanding that gambling in women's residences on the North Side be stopped. The story, which is offered as proof that the social gambling was far from the innocent little game that the women attempted to defend, and that within the last two years It yielded for its various feminine pro moters more than half a million dol lars, much of which was obtained from men lured to their homes, came from a prominent Chicago criminal lawyer, who learned of the scheme from a client who fell victim to the extent of $7,000 and a collection of diamonds in one evening. Requesting that the name of his client be withheld, the lawyer con sented to relate the method of the woman gamblers and pointed out how' its wholo working was as precise in every detail as the "capper" and "bring-in" systems of the best pro fessional gamblers the city has ever known. The story of his client's ex periences, he declared, -indicates that unfair methods in manipulating the cards and the dice at some North Side homes were not uncommon. So cleverly was the "juggling" of the pasteboards accomplished, he insists, that one of the men, a steady loser and a professional gambler himself, was not able to "beat" the game. To escape the humiliation which public ity would give as to the way ho was Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Price for all Three. ..'....,. ..?1.00 La Follette's Weekly Mag.... $1.00 Fruit Grower .- 1.00 The Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price $3.00 Our Trice for all Three $1.75 National Monthly Magazine $1.00 Trl-Weekly New York World 1.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price $300 Our Price for all Three $1.75 Tri-Weekly New York World $1.06 Current Literature 3,00 The Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price. . . . '. .$5.00 Our Price for all Three $3.00 La Follette's Weekly Magazine, Na tional Monthly, Fruit Grower, Uncle Remus's Homo Magaizne, Modern Pris cllla, or The Public may be substituted in the above combination in place of Trl-Weekly New xork world. National Monthly $1.00 Independent v. . . 3.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price $5.00 Our Price for all Three $3.00 Trl-Weekly Now York World, La Folletto's Weekly Magazine, National Monthly, Uncle Remus's Homo Maga zine, Fruit Grower, Modern Prlscilla, or Tho Public may be substituted in the above combination In place of tho National monthly. Success Magazine .$1.00 Reviews of Rovlows 3.00 Tho Commoner 1.00 Total Regular Price, Onr Price for all Three. .$5.00 ,$3.00 Blr Bargain 481 acres land $10.00 per aero ?. M beaten at his own game by a com js. ii, moutimer, Charlottesville, -Virginia. , pany of women, the victim refugee Tri-Weekly Now York World, La Follette's Weekly Magazine, National Monthly, Uncle Remus's Home Maga zine. Fruit Grower, Modern Prlscilla, or The Public may bo substituted in tho above combination in tho place of Success Magazine IN CLUBS OF TWO I'nbi. Willi I'rlce Cotn'uner American Homestead $ .25 American Bee Journal, Chi. 1.00 American Boy, Detroit 1.00 American Magazine, N. Y... 1.50 American Motherhood 1.00 Atlantic Monthly, Boston.. 4.00 Boya- YVoria, jaiiytnT-Iirrrrrr- tOO Breeder's Gazette, Chicago 1.75 Commercial Appeal, weekly .50 Common Herd, Pallas, Tex. 1.00 Cosmopolitan Mag., N. Y... 1.50 Courier-Journal, Louisville 1.00 Current Literature, N. Y. . . . 3.00 Delineator, New York 1.00 Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.. 1.00 Enquirer, Cincinnati 1.00 Etude, Philadelphia ....... 1.50 Everybody's Magazine, N. Y. 1.50 Field & Stream, N. Y 3.00 Forest & Stream, N. Y 3.00 Fruit Grower, St. Joseph... 1.00 Good Housekeeping, N. Y.. 1.50 Health Culture, Passaic... 1.00 Hoard's Dairyman, Weekly 1.00 Housekeeper, Now York.... 1.1T0 Independent, Weekly, N. Y. . 3.00 Industrious Hen, Tennessee .50 Irrigation Age, Chicago.... 1.00 La Follette's Magazine 1.00 Literary Digest, W'kly, new 3.00 Literary Digest, W'kly, Ren. 3.00 " JMLcvjairs Magazine, jn. x 50 McCluro's Magazine, N. Y. . 1.50 Metropolitan Magazine,. N. Y. 1.50 Modern Prlscilla, Boston, mT, .75 National Monthly, Buffalo.. 1.00 Outing Magazine, Now York 3.00 Outlook, New York, W 3.00 Pacific Monthly, Portland. .. 1.50 Pearson's Magazine, N. Y.. 1.50 People's Popular Monthly.. ,25 Pictorial Review, Now York 1.00 Poultry Success 40 Practical Farmer, Phila,... 1.00 Progression 50 Public, Chicago, Weekly. . . 1.00 Recreation. N. Y., Monthly 3.00 Republic, St. Louis, soml-w. .50 Review of Reviews, N. Y.. 3.00 St. Nicholas, N. Y 3.00 Cincinnati Daily Post (Rural Edition) 2.00 Scribner's Magazine, N. Y.. 3.00 Southern Fruit Grower 50 Springfield Republican, W.. 1.00 Sturm's Oklahoma Mag.... 1.50 Success Magazine, N. Y 1.00 Table Talk, Philadelphia... 1.00 Technical World, Chicago.. 1.50 Twentieth Century, Boston 2.00 Uncle Remus's Homo Mag. .25 Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer LOO Woman's World, Chi., M. . . ,25 Woman's Home Companion 1.50 Word and Works, with Hick's- Almanao 1.00 World's Events, Chicago... 1.00 World-Herald, Omaha, daily 4,00 World-Herald, Omaha, daily exoept Sunday 3.00 World Today, New York. . . . 3,00 $1.00 1.40 1.40 1.75 1.G0 4.60 1.00 1.25 1.75 1.25 3.00 1.G5 1.25 1.00 1.90 1.85 3.00 3.00 1.25 1.75' 1.50 1.50 1.90 3.00 1.00 1.35 1.25 ' 3.25 . 3.G0 1.05 1.90 1.75 1.35 1.25 3.25 3.25 1.85 1.75 1.00 1.55 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.25 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.25 2.25 3.75 1.00 1.G0 1.G0 1.40 1.60 1.85 2.25 1.00 1.10 - 1.00 1,75 1.25 1:45 4.00 3.25 3.00 Saturday Evening Post or Ladies' Homo Journal added to any club for $1.50 each. Address All Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. m i