NOVEMBER 10, 1911 The Commoner. 9 cups of sifted flour and one of milk, sifting with tho flour previously one teaspodnful of cream tartar and half teaspoonful of baking soda; into this mix the whites of six eggs whipped dry, stirring in very lightly; flavor with extract of vanilla and bake in three shallow square tin pans well greased with lard. For caramel filling put one cup of light yellow sugar and a half cup of cream, with two teaspoonfuls of butter into a sauce pan and cook until thick; take from the Are, flavor with vanilla, and stir until cool; then spread between tho layers. For a fruit filling, boil one cup of water and three cupfuls of fine granulated sugar until it will thread when dropped from the spoon, then pour gradually on the stiffly-beaten whites of three eggs, beating steadily until quite smooth; then stir in a cupful each of chopped raisins and pecan meats, with half a dozen dried figs cut into thin strips; spread this between tho layers of cake and on the top. This is said to bo fine. For tho Cook Winter turnips should always have potatoes added; allow four potatoes to six turnips, but do not put them on to cook until the turnips are nearly tender enough for the table. Turnips should be put on in cold water, salted and boiled" slowly until tender; the potatoes should be peeled and quartered, and when both are one, mash together, and season with plenty of butter, with salt and pepper. Onions may be parboiled, halved and quartered, if very large, and put into a dish with a white sauce and bread crumb layers. Tho large bermuda onions have very little RED It's tho Red Blood Corpuscles that Proper Food-Makes. An Ohio woman says Grape-Nuts food gave her good red blood and restored the roses of youth to a com plexion that had been muddy and blotchy. She says: "For 10 years I had stomach trouble which produced a breaking out on my face. The doctors gave it a long Latin name, but their medi cines failed to cure it. Along with this I had frequent headaches, ner vousness and usually pain In my stomach after meals. "I got disgusted with the drugs, stopped them and coffee off short, and quit eating everything but fruit and Grape-Nuts, with Postum for my table beverage. The headaches, stomach trouble, and nervous weakness disappeared al most like magic, which showod'that when the cause was removed and good food and drink used nature was ready to help. My blood was purified and my complexion became like a young girl's while my weight was increased from 90 to 120 pounds in a few months good, solid firm flesh, where it used to be soft and flabby. "I recommended Grape-Nuts and Postum to one of my friends, who was afflicted as I had been. She followed my advice and in a short time was restored to complete health and in about 8 months her weight increased from 100 to 148 pounds. "Our doctor, observing the effect of Grape-Nuts and Postum in our cases, declared, the other day, that he would hereafter prescribe these food products for gastritis." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. 3?hey are. genuine, true, and full of human interest. odor and no strong taste, and can bo prepared as above and baked, mak ing an excellent dish. There are so many ways for cook ing sweet potatoes, that ono need never bo at a loss, Baked In their jackets, or scraped and cooked with fresh meat or fowls; boiled and sliced, and fried in hot fat, or scraped and sliced, laid in a baking pan, and boiling water to cover poured over them, with salt, peppor and bits of butter, and baked; or boiled, sliced, laid in a pan with buttor, pepper, salt, bits of butter and spices, are but a few of tho ways to preparo them. Green Tomato Catsup To eight pounds of green tomatoes, chopped fine, add four pounds of brown sugar, and boil three hours; then add ono quart of vinegar, one tea spoonful each of cinnamon and cloves and half a teaspoonful of mace. Boil fifteen minutes longer and put away in crocks. "By Littles' Into tho salt cellars put three teaspoonfuls of corn starch to a cup ful of fine salt, mixing thoroughly, and it will not clog or lump. To remove a rusty screw, apply a pointed piece of metal heated rod hot to the screw head; when the screw is well heated it will move readily with the screw driver. The best duster is a damp. cloth not moist or wet) passed lightly over the surface, and changed often for a clean one. A feather duster only stirs up the dust, which settles either back on the surface just brushed, or somewhere else. "When sweeping or dusting, if there Is much dust (and there gen erally is), always have windows or doors open, and begin sweeping on the Bide of the room into which tho wind comes, and the dust will bo carried ahead of tho broom out of tho house. For deodorizing or disinfecting, a solution of chloride of zinc, used in proportion of one pint of tho zinc to four gallons of water, is one of tho most efficient agents. This will promptly neutralize noxious effluvia and arrest animal decay and vege table rotting. For sink pipes, water closets, and like out-houses, thin is invaluable. Any acid spilled upon marble will quickly disfigure and spoil it. Its effects should be neutralized by pouring a solution of any alkali such as washing soda, borax, or ammonia, over the stain at once. Restore tho polish by rubbing with powdered pumice stone moistened with water. It will call for much patience and work to restore it to Its first con dition. If the cream gives out at the wrong moment, try beating together the white of one egg and a teaspoon ful of sugar in a teaspoonful of water. Put the whipped mixture in the cups before pouring the coffee out. Cornish Pot Pio Make a crust of a pint of flour in which has been rubbed a quarter of a pound of finely chopped beef suet, mix to a dough with a scant cup of cold water in which a tea spoonful of salt has been dissolved. Line the sides, but not the bottom of a deep pudding pan with this, reserving enough for a top crust. Draw, wa"sh and wipe dry two young pigeons, or two tender young chickens, and lay them in the pan; dust inside with salt and pepper; over these put a layer of sliced apples and onions; have a pound and a half of lean mutton cut up .and simmered in a little water until ten der, with two peppercorns and a Rnoonful of salt: bo sure to cook until tender; then cut it into veryj small bits and add it to tho pio, dotting all over with bits of buttor. Contlnuo until tho pan is full; pour in tho water in which tho meat was cooked, and cover with a thick crust of tho dough; cut slits In tho top for tho escapo of -tho steam; fasten tho edges together and bako an hour in a brisk oven, covering the crust if it is likely to burn. Pumpkin Pie Mash two cupfuls of pumpkin that has boon cooked very dry, sweeten well, stirring in gradually whilo warm three well beaten eggs, ono tablesponful of sifted flour, tho grated rind of ono lemon, a' pinch of powdered cinna mon, allspice and mace, each; two tablespoonfuls of butter and about a cupful of rich milk enough to thin to a thick batter; beat well, fold in one cupful of chopped figs and one-fourth of a pound of seeded raisins cut in half. Have nice pastry shells and bake until a golden brown In a moderately hot oven. Apple Pie Lino a pie tin with any good pastry and fill It with peeled, cored and sliced apples, having tho apples ripe and tart; when full add bits of butter, one-half cup of sugar, and dust over it a heaping teaspoon ful of flour; over this grate half a nutmeg and add enough water to cook tho apples; bako until dono and tho apples soft. Eat with whipped cream. Winter Boqucts Very few homes are supplied dur ing the winter with blossoming plants, but tho winter boquct Is still a possibility, if you do not dolar longer. As yet, In most locnlltlcfl, tho woods and country lanoa aro still lighted up with brlKht loaves and gay colored vlnoB and thoso may bo brought homo, prosod and crystallized; a tall Jar, or Jartllnloro filled with gay-colored loavon or grasses mako a beauty spot In tho dullest corners, and if tho gay loaves havo faded, It is easy to dyo thorn with tho ton-cent packago dyes. A BimplG way to presorvo leaves 1b to crystalllzo them. Into a Jar of boil ing water turn all tho alum tho water will dissolvo, making what is known as a saturated solution of alum; dip tho leaves, ono at a time, in tho solution until tho coating lo as thick as desired; these crystallized leaves, If allowed to dry each tlmo before dipping them again, mako a very dazzling nppcaranco, but tho coating Is transparent, and tho colors aro not dimmed. Bunches of seeded grass, dipped until well coated, will recall an Ice-storm. There Is no excuse for a dull homo. Tho "Rendy-Mudo" Ganncntfl For thoso who have little tlmo, and less strength, many things may bo profitably bought ready-made. It Is certainly a saving of tlmo and vitality for tho over-worked housowlfo to got the garments ready to put on. But it is best to see the garments beforo you buy, for In many of them tho cutting has been badly dono, and the seams will never set right, be cause they arc cut without regard to thread. LATEST FASHIONS FOR COMMONER READERS fo7 H jf 0030-0022 .COSTUME FOR EARLY FALL Jacket, 903G, sizes 32, 34, 3C, 38, 40 and 42 inches, bust measure. Skirt, 9022, sizes 22, 24, 2G, 28 and 30 inches, waist measure. It re quires 7 yards of 44-inch material for the costume for a medium size. This illustration calls for two sepa rate patterns, which will bo mailed to any address on receipt of 10c for each, in silver or stamps. m'Juf l I Pl vXUl I I 0047- LADIES' LONG COAT Sizes, 34, 38 and 42 inches, bust measure. It requires 4 yards of 44-inch material for the 34-inch size. 8808 GIRL'S DRESS Sizes, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. It requires 4 yards of 44-inch material for tho 8-year size. 8018 BOY'S BLOUSE SUIT WITII KNICKERBOCKERS Sizes, 2, 4 and 6 years. It re quires 3 yards of 27-inch material for tho 4-year size. l I 88?$ THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam allowing patterns from the latest Pari3 and New York styles. The de Bigns are practical and adapted to the homo dressmaker. Full direc tions how to cut and how to mako tho garments with each pattern The price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our largo catalogue containing tho illustrations and descriptions of over 400 sea. gonable styles for ladies, misses and children, mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering pat.erns give U3 your name, address, pattern number and size desired. Address TECH COMMONER, Pattern Dcpt., Lincoln, Nebraska. r-tfjjfgrfnilYM,;-'"-vitfTl--i-w-fft i -i 1 1 tfttr Hfc t njirfi 'Mwftj tfjfeawrtiiyaayii.w jmkkt mMMiu -''-iT"'-JliinliUmtimMii--it-' '' - ' rJ,uM.. A