, fn wT'gyiwyyyj, "' u0 fwyjfciiu1'1 ; jpw r .11 "Tf'WT'yy" w iw; '"w "fS WTf'-' " The Commoner. NOVEMBER 10, 1S11 corruption ceased. Tho Bystom became fixed In the confidence and affections of tho people, until It was unshakable: This republic is tho best governed country on earth. Hon. N. Droz, ex-president of Switzerland, said of it: "Under tho influence of the referen dum a profound change has come over tho spirit of parliament and people. The net result has been a great tranquilizing of public life." Prof. Charles Borgeaud of the University of Geneva, wrote, "The referendum has won its case. Unquestionably it has proved a boon to Switzerland and has no more enemies of any following in the generation of today." The only canton in which tho political boss and corrupt influences remained dominant was and is Freibourg, where direct legislation did not exist and could not be secured under the tyrannical and venal rule of a political dictator. South Dakota adopted this system in 1898. Such was the experience which warranted Ore gon in adopting this system. 2. DELIBERATION IN ADOPTION The passage of tho constitutional amendment for direct legislation in Oregon was not the result of caprice. It had long agitation In the press and party conventions. In the legislature of 1899 there were only 13 opposing votes. Both political parties approved it in their con ventions of 1900. In the legislature of 1901 there was but one opposing vote and in 1902, when the vote was taken, all tho political con ventions favored it, and it passed by 62,024 yeas to 5,668 nays. It should be noted that this amendment was the result of the vote of the legislature, sub mitting it to popular vote according to the then existing constitutional forms. Not only haB Oregon adopted the constitu tional amendment, but in 1910 by vote 23,143 yeas to 69,974 nays (questions submitted Nos. 304, 305) on reference to a referendum by the legislature, a proposition for a constitutional convention was defeated. Oregon Election Pamphlet, 1910, p. 18. The argument used against this convention and which defeated the proposition was that its purpose was to have the convention take out the initiative, referendum and recall from the constitution and then proclaim its enactment without submission to the people for ratification. 3. PRACTICABILITY THROUGH THE MOD ERN BALLOT. It muBt be borne in mind that this case In volves a method of procedure in state affairs which was not in 1787 practicable. So far was the ballot then unknown that the people of New York in framing their first constitution gave the legislature authority to make a trial of the ballot system and to repeal the provisions if the system did not prove practicable. Further more, distances and methods of communication offered at that time obstacles which are now in considerable. The possibility of extending a town meeting to the limits of a state had not occurred to anyone at that time owing to the apparent physical difficulties. Now, however, experience has demonstrated that an actual poll of the people can be taken upon any proposi tion with ease and certainty. In considering, therefore, all old authorities which suggest that the delegation of legislative power is an essen tial feature of our form of government, we must accept such statements with the limitations of the then existing methods. All statements of this nature must be regarded as obiter dicta and not applicable to the existing conditions which have been produced by the growth and develop ment of our electoral system. 4. EXCLUSION OF "CAPRICE" AND "MOB RULE" There is another feature which must ma terially qualify the views of all previous states men and judges. In contemplation of previously existing democratic forms, the actual physical assemblage in one place of all the people was Involved. No doubt there may be in popular assemblages a high degree of nervous tension, susceptibility to the influences of speech, of cabal and of skillful leadership. A condition of excitement may be created which is not consis tent with careful deliberation and which may contain too much of the element of sentiment or sympathy. Even these conditions may not be inconsis tent with decisions which In the long run are righteous and advisable; there may be occasional lapses from good judgment, but the town meet ings of New England are living illustrations of the general reliability of popular assemblages In the decision of public questions. There has been ample opportunity in 300 years of experience with these gatherings to test tho dangers of what is so lightly designated as "mob law," and "tho caprice of tho majority," but it may bo said that no institution In our country has so well stood tho test of experience as tho Now England town meeting. Tho jury system Is open to similar objections, but it has persisted nonetheless and has bcconio one of the cornerstones of tho fabric of human liberty. These considerations emphasize tho absenco of the dangers to which popular gatherings aro exposed by physical contact, whero such methods of deliberation are provided as wo And in Oregon under tho direct legislation system. Petitions for legislation must bo filed threo months before tho day of election. Not only aro tho questions to bo considered matters of general public notoriety, but tho state of Oregon provides that citizens may offer argument for and against tho proposed measures and these arguments, together with the text of the pro posal, are printed at tho oxpenso of tho stato and placed in the hands of all tho voters. There Is thus laid before the voters complete informa tion as to the measures upon which they aro to vote, and carefully epitomized arguments for and against them. 'These matters are before the voter in his home, the object of study, de liberation and discussion. He Is freed from passion or influence in tho consideration of his duty as a voter, and probably in tho history of republican institutions, no better system has been devised for securing from tho voter a calm, dispassionate and patriotic decision as to his duty with respect to proposed legislation. "Mob rule" is far removed from this system. It will also bo observed that tho voter is not called upon to study the character of men but tho merits of measures, and an entire shifting of the character of political discussion is thus accomplished. Personalities of men cease to bo determining factors when tho merits of con crete propositions become tho objects of con sideration. Tho training of the voters in their public duties is such as to practically revolu tionize the character of political controversies, to elevate the standard of citizenship, suppress passion and prejudice and to bring nearer than ever to perfect form, the deliberations of tho people upon their own affairs. B. The Demand for the System 1. IMPERFECT POLITICAL CONDITIONS It Is apparent that our country is In a con dition of reaction against the control of privi lege as powerful as that of France in 1792, of England in 1838, of Switzerland In 1848. In France the republic was created, in England parliamentary government became a reality, and in Switzerland the union of states was perfected; here we are perfecting our de mocracy. The present movement constitutes the most momentous political revolution in pur history, conducted without bloodshed and even without acrimonious political contests. It Is a movement economic in its nature and ac cordingly steady and irresistible. Its objects are political, and it moves on like a tidal-wave which legislatures and courts can not halt. The causes of this movement are apparent. Political organizations have not been respon sive to the popular will. The effort to obtain good government by the selctlon of "good men" has failed. Legislators have become the people's masters in the exercise of unlimited power. Party platforms are not regarded as pledges. The people are unable to trust their servants. A power has developed which dominates poli ticians, parties and public servants. Evidences of repeating, bribery, corruption and perversion of delegates, representatives and officials in cities and. states have persisted, and even the judiciary has at times been found subject to Influences, hostile to tho people's Interests. The average citizen has abandoned efforts to regu late party machinery and to participate in party caucuses. The new political movement aims to clear the avenues between the people and their Institu tions. The perversion of party caucuses has been met by the plan of direct nomination of candi dates at the polls. Even the direct nomination of delegates to presidential conventions is being accepted; repeated scandals and' notorious cor ruption of legislatures In tho election of United States senators have caused two-thirds of the states to devise methods of circumventing the constitutional method of election by the legis latures, and it is probable that in the imme diate future the national constitution will be amended to secure direct election of senators by the people. The numerous laws of states for the pre vention of corrupt practices and tho limitation of campaign expenditures havo been supple mented by national legislation, which Is prob ably but tho boginning of drautlc cnactmonts to maintain tho purity of elections. 2. FAILURES OF THE LEGISLATIVE SYSTEM Tho founders of tho republic dreaded tho power of tho executive. Patrick llonry In veighed against it. Joffornon insisted with im passioned force that tho republic would fall through tho usurpation of power by the judicial department. Prophecy takes a hard test by tho light of experience. All fear of the executive has censed after moro than a century of trial. For tho first tlmo tho judiciary hns become a subject of apprehension in the last few years. But it Is tho legislative department that has proved tho weakest of the departments of stato. Tho people aro strengthening this branch of democratic government by applying moro democracy. Tho sovereignty Is being placed In practlco, whore It exists In theory, with tho pooplo; tho Instrument Is "direct legislation. In adopting this system thoro havo been no Interferences with tho regular operations of tho customary legislative machinery. Representa tive government remains, but Its products aro no longer beyond populnr reach. Vicious and corrupted acts can no longer bo fastened upon the people against tho will of tho majority. Exporlcnco has proven that it is not safe to trust delegates with unlimited power to raako laws, and the question presented in this case is whether there remains In tho peoplo tho power to apply controlling Influences to them. Tho history of this year's legislation furnishes a long list of broken pledges. Tho governors of Colorado, Malno, Now York, New Hampshire havo publicly denounced tho legislatures of their states for failure to redeem the direct promises of party platforms. Governor Shafroth of Colorado declared that in tho longest legislative session in thirty years not a pledge has been redeemed. In Maine a direct primary act was refused by tho legislature and at tho polls under tho "initia tive" amendment of tho constitution, tho measure was adopted by a vote of 55,840 yeas to 17,751 nays. In 1902, under a law permitting an expres sion of public opinion at tho polls, tho peoplo of Illinois favored by a vote of 428,000 to 87, 000 a constitutional amendment providing tho Initiative and referendum. Tho legislatures for eight years took no action. In 1910 the peoplo again made the demand by vote of 447,908 yeas to 128,398 nays. All the political platforms In dorsed it. The legislature this year has refused to pass the measure. Two investigations are now In progress In volving corruption in tho election of senators of the United States; it is not denied that $107,793 was expended to secure the election of a senator by the legislature of Wisconsin. Even In England faith in parliamentary gov ernment has been shaken. Mr. Lecky says: "A growing distrust and contempt for repre sentative bodleB has been one of the most char acteristic features of the closing years of tho nineteenth century." Democracy v. Liberty, I. pp. 142, 143. Mr. Dicey remarks: "Faith in parliaments has undergone an eclipse." 13 Harvard Law Rev. 73, 74. Governor Woodrow Wilson has described the political situation as follows: "Many of the old formulas of our, business and of our politics havo been outgrown. We still revere 'representative government,' but we are forced to admit that the governments we actually havo have been deprived of their repre sentative character. They do not represent us. They are filtered too fine through the sieve of secret caucuses and other machine processes; there are too many conventions preceded by too many private conferences between us and tho persons through whom we legislate and conduct our governments. "We, the people, have not free access enough to our own agents or direct enough control over them. We mean by one change or another to make our governments genuinely popular and representative again. We are cutting away anomalies not institutions." Boston Common, May 13, 1911. Such are the failures and scandals which havo created distrust in parties and legislatures and caused the people to secure direct control of their political machinery, their officials and d