. NOVEMBER 10, 1911 The Commoner. 11 tor the present. I have not felt that I ought to be connected with an en terprise unleas I am in a position to rive time to it." State Senator Hugh S. McGill, principal of the Princeton, 111., high school, has announced his candidacy for the republican nomination for United States senator, against Sena tor Cullom. He says ho is a progres sive and promises to work with La Follette. Governor Plaisted, and his council, of Maine, have reviewed the returns from the late prohibition election and they have decided to accept the corrections in the vote from four towns. These corrections reverse the result which indicated a majority of 26 for the repeal of the prohibi tory amendment. The corrected re turns as accepted by Governor Plaisted show that Maine retains constituional prohibition by 758 votes. WASHINGTON NEWS President Taft will bo asked to transmit to tho Czar of Russia a protest against the "systematic op pression" of tho Jews in Russia. In a decision handed down by the supremo court complete control of the railroads by the interstate com merce commission and tho virtual elimination of state commissions from such control is foreshadowed. Tho supreme court of tho United States declined to grant tho request of tho commonwealth of Virginia to "speed the causo" in tho common wealth's suit against West Virginia to compel it to pay a portion of tho old debt of the Virginia commonwealth. TAFT AND LITTLETON ON THE SHERMAN LAW United Press dispatch: Morgan town, W. Va., Nov. 1. There was rejoicing in the Taft camp today, and the president was congratulated over the "victory" last night, also there was no little indignation over what the Taft supporters declared 'was a deliberate "baiting" of the president by the Pittsburgh chamber of commerce. Before an audience that included perhaps hundreds of Pittsburgh "millionaires" and at least-150 minor officials of the steel trust subsidiaries, the president was forced to sit while he heard Repre sentative Martin W. Littleton (dem., N. Y.) denounce the Sherman anti trust law and demand Its repeal. " The Pittsburghers cheered Littleton to the echo as he riddled the statute, declaring that it was incapable of enforcement. It had been a long evening of tire some speeches up to that time, and when Littleton concluded with z: burst of oratory amid a storm of cheers, the presidont had but nine teen minutes to the time his train was scheduled to leave Pittsburgh and for the first time since he be came president, Taft "got mad" right out in public. Realizing that he was butchered to make a Pittsburgh holi day he went right after Littleton's argument. Scarcely a sound of ap plause greeted him as he arose, Pittsburgh business men being con vinced that ho had been subdued. But with more vigor than he had ever put into public utterance, the president defended the laws with his face suffused and his huge body swinging from side to side he swung his fists at the Pittsburghers and told them they must obey the law. Littleton had said that the law was indefinite, and the president, shaking his big fist at the long rows of business men, shouted: "That law has been on the statute book twenty years. It has been con strued, and construed and construed by the supreme court. I have had myself, when ( n the bench, an op portunity to consider its purpose and its effect, and two decisions were rendered last spring which are epoch making and which in my judgment give definite meaning to that statute. They are there, and you will find thorn, if you will search through the language of the speech of the gentle man you have jus.t heard. MThat any combination in restraint of trade with the purpose and effect to control prices, stifle or suppress competition, or establish a monopoly, is a violation of the statute. I say " the supreme court put into that law the purpose, and I am talking to men who understand business, and I am talking to intelligent men, and I Theodore Roosevelt has made an attack on President Taft's peace treaties. The Associated Press correspon dent says: Tho legal host gathered in Washington to fight before the supremo court of the United States for the constitutionality of tho Initia tive and referendum methods of legislation in this country was augmented by counsel representing the state of Washington. They sent a brief to the court, but they are not expecting to participate in the oral argument of the point which arises in a case from Oregon. In the brief it is said that the "lifting of tho veil" in James Bryce's "American commonwealth," in 1888, from the machine rulo in this country followed by further publicity of machino rule mothods, has arousod a largo propor tion of the American people. "Thoy are thoroughly aroused, moro so than when tho British pasaod tho stamp act against tho colonists and began to encronch upon their libori tles," says tho brief. Tho court is told that tho people aro domanding the initiative and rof orondum method of legislation to cure tho evils of machino rule. Al ready seventeen states, it Is snid, have taken to thomsolvcs, or to vote on a proposal to tako to themselves, an option to ballot direct upon public questions whenever thoy choose to do so. It Is argued that tho question is a political ono for congress to decide and not a judicial ono for the courts to pass upon. Tho American dreadnought Dela ware of the Atlantic fleet, leads the other battleships in efficiency at battle practice held off tho Chesa peake capes during last Soptember, with a score of 52,551. There is now every expectation that tho exploration of the portions of tho Maine immediately affected by either an explosion of a mine or of the magazines, will bo completed by tho end of November. Secretary of War Stimson is strongly in favor of military train ing in tho public schools of tho country. know what I am talking about when I say that men who know whether they Intend to stifle competition, men who know whether they intend to establish a monopoly. The president's face grew red, and his sentences flowed fast and vigor ous, and his breath came in short gasps. The thousand Pittsburghers leaned forward eagerly to see the president in a fighting mood. He turned to Littleton who sat at the table with him, and waving his arras around his head flail-like he almost screamed: "My friend, Brother Littleton of fers what? Does he offer anything but a repeal of this statute and then an enactment of another statute, which is to be subject to the same construction and to be put in a form of federal incorporation? I am in favor of federal incorporation, but that is no reason for repealing this statute. Let us enforce the statute, and then let the parts into which these trusts that were formed for these illegal purposes go into the federal incorporation act and receive the protection that they are entitled to if they follow the law. There is only ono course open to us, gentle men, and I say that with all the sincerity I can command, either we are going to have individualism and a freedom from these combinations that suppress competition, that con trol prices, and that establish a monopoly, or else we aro going on to the point where the people will de mand that the power which these few men are going to retain in their hands shall not be further exercised by them, but that it shall bo trans ferred to the government, and then we will have state socialism. I know I am speaking against the leaning of most of these gentlemen. I can not help it. The law is on the statute book. I-believe it is a just law. "The main point is that the. law has got to be enforced, and this stifl ing of competition, this establishing of monopolies, this arrangement to control prices must cease, or wo must deliver over to tho gentlemen who have it in their hands to run tho en tire business of tho country or, and then, tho final step, turn it over to tho government to fix prices, and to fix compensation for every one and we will have a socialistic republic." The big form of tho president, shaking with emotion, leaned for ward over the tables. The veins on his forehead stood out like taut cords, and he rattled tho dishes be fore him as ho pounded the table with his big fist. Littleton had de clared that it was practically Impos sible to prove intent to violate the Sherman law. "No man within the sound of my voice, but what knows," shouted the president, "if he is in business that makes a contract with his competitor, whether he is trying to control prices, whether ho is trying to stifle compe tition, or establish a monopoly and that intent is easily proven by the circumstances. Can you tell mo any business corporation that has been punished by that statute that ought not to have been? Tell mo that, be fore you tell mo how difficult busi ness is. Show me where the statute has worked unjustly. You can not do it. "If your purpose was honest and innocent, and yon only increased your corporation as much as possible, and your pursued the methods that aro known to honest business, with out attempt to drive out competitors, without an attempt to control prices, you can go on and make your busi ness as large as you choose. I say with great deference to my friend, Mr. Littleton, that his remedy is only to abolish this statute and give us another one just as difficult of con struction, and what are you going to do with those who are now under Indictment or under the decree of the court? Are you going to abolish that statute and let them go back in?" DON'T PAY TWO PRICKS l HToU&CQto3.C0cm HOOSIER, RANGES HEATERS MM fltl 1.1. lk.M ftl UlflllM. w hnnl l I hlArm IVts.tt Til IB-TV niTH k'ltrr.TUlil. itttrtrir vim BUT. Our new Improvr menu lwj luthr lurp anrtliln ( eer pnxjor C UwalcriilCci m ni'ii ma fivimrt ii. muutm ! noo'iir.RBTOTr.rirTom ioiHu m. turtmia4. From tne Peanut Holds of VlrnfrJa. To the Orange Crorcs of Florida Thru the 6 Sou. States tmerted br the S, A. L. Kr. You can be Indeoenleafe J alilne frulu and vegetables. Land cheap, eajyteues. Ideal climate, plenty of water. 1 to3 not a year, net 1500 to $1000 per acre In W ana 158 county, on tiiewcitCoutolMonaa. uooUet free. 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