The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 10, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
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Coraraittoo investigations at Mil
waukee show tlrat Senator Stephen
don of Wisconsin paid $111,385.49
for hiB seat in the senate.
' A Fremont, Nob., dispatch to the
Lincoln Journal, referring to Champ
Clark's speech at Fremont, says:
Speaker Clark devoted much of his
address to a discussion of congres-
in III llll
Commoner, Twice-A-Week Repub
lic of St. Louis, the oldest, biggest
and, best somi-weokly In the south
west, Farm Progress, the biggest
seini-monthly farm paper printed,
and Woman's World, an excellent
monthly magazine sent a full .year
for $1.25. Send orders to St. Louis
Republic, St. Louis, Mo.
slonal committee hearings on tariff
questions. Ho recited incidents of
committee sessions which he said
showed the injustice of republican
tariff legislation. Comparative prices
on aTticles manufactured in this
country and sold abroad for less than
the Americans charge were quoted
at some length.
"If President Taft pursues in the
future tho policy which ho has
adopted in tho past toward tariff
legislation, we will shut off his tariff
board from its source of supply'
said the speaker.
Speaker Clark's utterances on the
subject of Canadian annexation fur
nished a subject for some heckling
from tho audience. At one point in
his address Mr. Clark became thor
oughly aroused at a question of
No Economical Woman Can Af
ford to Miss This Bargain Offer
1 gf jac ' M ' r -vr"- -- 1 r "mmSf
1 BsSeEttsSE
McCall's Magazine
for 3 years
for 3 years
Three 15c McCaH
Our Special Price
for the Entire
Canadian reciprocity, shouted at liim
from the crowd.
"Nine-tenths of the people of this
country favor annexation of Canada,
and I don't care who hears mo say
it," shouted the speaker. "I am
willing to make this proposition.
You let mo run for president on a
platform calling for the annexation
of Canada, insofar as this country
can accomplish that end. You let
President Taft run against me oppos
ing annexation. Why, I would carry
every state in the nation."
Kyrle Bellew, the well-known
actor, died suddenly of pneumonia, at
Salt Lake City.
Norman J. Coleman of St. Louis,
the first secretary of agriculture, was
stricken with apoplexy at Lexington
Junction, Mo. He was eightyrfour
years old.
Congressman Clark C. Anderson
is generally spoken of as the demo
cratic nominee for governor of Ohio.
An imperial edict was issued at
Pekin granting the demand for a
complete constitutional government
with a cabinet from which nobles
shall be excluded. The emperor
apologized for his past neglect.
President Taft admitted in a
speebh at a dinner given by the
Hamilton club in Chicago that there
was a possibility the republican party
would be defeated at the polls next
was elected grand president of the
woman's auxiliary to the brotherhood
of railway trainmen.
Tho wets won a victory in Pickway
county, Ohio, in the election held
under tho Rose county local option
law by a majority of 817 votes.
A dispute over 6 cents between a
taxicab owner and the driver was tho
direct cause of a walk out of 6,000
drivers and the paralyzing of Lon
don's taxicab service.
. An Associated Press dispatch from
Boston prior to election day said:
District Attorney Pellitier announced
that he has requested the treasurers
of the republican and democratic
state committees to submit their
books to him for examination and
has started an investigation along
certain other lines regarding politi
cal advertisements in the newspapers.
The district attorney said his action
was due to the receipt of a letter
from Governor Foss, calling atten
tion to alleged violations of the law
of 1908 entitled "an act to prohibit
tho making of political contributions
by business corporations," and of tho
law of 1907 entitled "an act to pro
hibit tho publication of unsigned
political advertisements and the mak
ing by certain corporations of politi
cal contributions."
The elections in Switzerland re
turned a radical majority to the
national council. Of 120 seats filled
the radicals secured 110.
It Is not necessary "to telj any
woman who lenows a real lai7?nln
what this offer means. At this
extraordinary special price, limited
to a short time, no economical
woman can afford to miss this
opportunity. It means that when
you secure these two helpful maga
zines for three' yenrs, together with
three 15c pattern!, at tho low
price of $1.00 for all, you will 'got
tho biggest valuo you over received,
besides availing yourself of numer
ous practical money-savins ideas.
Worth many times tho price of this
McCall'a Blagnzlnc for three years.
A clean, beautifully illustrated
monthly magazine that will bring
more joy and beauty into the llfo
of every woman who reads it. Cir
culation over a million; Tho
acknowledged Fashion Authority of
America. Besides McCall's is a
reliable guldo and handbook on
Fancy Work, Needlework, Dross
making, Health and Beauty, Music,
Household Matters, etc. Intensely
practical, helpful magazine. Noted
for its delightful short stories and
Lincoln, Neb.
Enclosed And $1.00 for The Ameri
can Homestead for 3 years McCall's
Aiagaieine o ycaraf uuu xarw iuo
Mc Call's Patterns, to be selected I
from McCall's Magazine, as per g
directions In your offer.
Namo ... .-. tjLt.jj.MAf:jxco??t--.
Town --wrvt -- ---.- '
Stato . . .- .-. -- Rural Rt. . . .
(Present subscriptions to Ameri
can Homestead to bo advanced 3
years, or tho two magazines sent
to different addresses .If, dosjred.)
entertaining articles on subjects of
popular Interest.
The American Homestead for three
years. A practical, instructive maga
zine for all interested in farming,
gardening, fruits and flowers, poul
try raising, etc.
Three 15o McCall Patterns. Each
ono who accopts this offer will bo
entitled to select three pnttcrns
from McCall'n magazine, any time
during tho three years, all at once,
or from separate issues as desired.
"When you want patterns, send ordeT
direct to Tho McCall Company, 236
West 37th St.. Now York, N. Y.f on
a postcard, giving number and size
of pattern, and add these words
each time: "This pattorn is due on
my subscription to McCall's Maga
zine." This Is all that is necessary,
as your credit of throe patterns
with Tho McCall Company will bo
checked off and filled as fast as you
send tho cards.
Think of getting all of tho above
for oaly a dollar! Think of tho
amount of good reading and culture
you will give your home and family
for three long years. Think of all
tho good money-saving information
and practical lessons In household
economy you will get during that
tlmo measured besldo a dollar. If
you do, you can see that it will be a
real home necessity, and that you
will lose money by not making this
small investment at once. Sca
toot order today, and tell your
friends about it. Why, a re
cent number of McCall's tolls any
woman how to make a princess
dress, every stop taken being finely
Illustrated. This instructive article
alone Is worth the price of this offer
to any housewife, but think of an
tho other things to come every
issue. Fill out the attached coupon,
oncloso money order for $1, or a Jl
bill securely wrapped, and this off
Becomes yours immediately.
Iilucoln, Neb,
At tho McNamaTa trial in Los
Angeles Judge Bordwell accused the
defense of attempting to circumvent
his ruling.
Official announcement has been re
ceived of the appointment of Mgr.
Palconio, Archbishop Farley and
Archbishop O'Connell as cardinals
and they have been summoned to
Rome for the consistory.
Alexander It. McKim, New York
inspector of dams, Bays that the
Austin, Pa., dam which broke was
only twenty feet thick at the base
instead of thirty, as provided in the
original plans.
A Chicago dispatch, carried by the
Associated Press says: A letter ap
proving the purpose of America's
young people and encouraging them
in organizing for a clean civic govern
ment and the overthrow of the liquor
traffic from W. J. Bryan was read
at the opening of a conference of the
organization here. Mr. Bryan's let
ter read: "While I am in sympathy
with any effort that may be made in
the interest of temperance, I am now
carrying too many burdens to permit
me to take up any additional work
To Be
In the
Former Governor James B. Grant
of Colorado is dead.,
The conference of governors of
cotton-growing states recommended a
reduction in acreage, a system of
storing cotton in warehouses con
trolled by the different states and
the periodical publication of statis
tics bearing upon the world's crop.
Mr. Bryan completed his tour of
Nebraska and then made a trip to
Kentucky, speaking to large crowds.
A New York disnatch to tho "LmilB-
vllle Courier-Journal says: In spite
of apparently unfounded rumors to
the contrary, the United States .Steel
corporation made the usual distribu
tion of quarterly dividends on com
mon and preferred stock.
Fifty students of tho University
of Minnesota organized a La Follette
The Iowa state federation of re
tail merchants "was organized at
Dubuque by 250 retail merchants.
Franklin H. NicolaL a fnmrittr
Auburn, Ind., banker, left the federal
prison at Leavenworth, a free man.
Mrs. Ada Marshall of Philadelphia
with cream
for breakfast
The rest of the day will
take care of itself.
Post Toasties are thin bits
of White Indian Corn
cooked and toasted until
deliciously crisp and appetizing.
u The ' Memory 'Linger "
.S6ia by Grocer.
Pestum Cereal Company, Limited
Battle Craek, Hfch., U. $. A.