V The Commoner m i I 14 1 ? 11 tw i IS if H 1 : K t- f fi.v & i. The Revolution in the Republican Party Moro than two hundred insurgent republicans from all-sections of tho country mot at Chicago and in speeches and resolutions reflected tho mighty revolution that is now going on within tho republican party. INSURGENT PLATFORM Tho gathering adopted the following p'iat form: "We, republicans from thirty states In con ference .assembled at Chicago October 16, 1911, .believing in progrossivo principles declare: "1. Tho progressive movement is a struggle to wrest tho control of government in the na tion and states from tho representatives of special privilege, and restore it to the control of tho people. Tho issue is the same in all tho states of the union, though tho problem may be presented in different ways. "2. In the national field tho control of gov ernment by special privilege is evidenced by tho influonco and power of tho reactionary leaders of both parties in checking or preventing the enactment of the progressive policies pledged by the republican party. "3. Tho progressive movement aims to nominate and elect as candidates of the republi can party men who will with sincerity and singleness of purpose represent its rank and file, and carry out their will. "4. The present condition of uncertainty in business is intolerable and destructive of indus trial prosperity. It is worse than idle to leave tho question of whether great business enter prises are legal or not, 'merely to judicial de termination. Industrial corporations should by affirmative legislative enactment, be given defi nite rules of conduct by which business con ducted in accordance therewith shall bo made safe and stable while at the same time the in terests of the public shall be fully safeguarded. We seek constructive legislation not destruc tive litigation. "5. We favor the ascertainment of tho choice of republican voters as to candidates for president and vice president by a direct primary vote held in each state pursuant to statute, and where no such statute exists, we urge that the republican state committee provide that tho people be given the right to express their choice for president. "6. Constructive leadership being the urgent need of the present time, it is necessary that republicans support a candidate for president whose record gives the fullest assurance of the enactment and enforcement of sound progres sive policies. "7. Robert Marion La Follette, of Wiscon sin, years ago found conditions in his state not unlike those of the nation today. Under his leadership, all opposition was overcome, and there has been enacted in Wisconsin a system of laws that stand as models for legislation in all states of the union. Laws have been passed in the state adequately regulating all publio service corporations; equalizing the burdens of taxation; providing for direct nominations by the people; protecting legitimate business and capital honestly invested; promoting the welfare of labor in short, real representative govern ment has been restored. "8. The record of Senator La Follette in state and nation makes him a logical candidate for president of the United States. His ex perience, his character, his courage, his record of constructive legislation and administrative ability meet the requirements for leadership such as present conditions demand. "9. This conference Indorses him as tho candidate for the republican nomination for president, and urges that in all the states or ganizations be formed to promote his nomina tion." REPORT OF ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE "Resolved, That we recommend to the pro gressive republicans of all the states that they at once organize by counties and precincts to uphold the principles put forth at this conven tion, each state to proceed in this movement according to its local conditions, and we recom mend that the chairmen of such organizations report to and co-operate with the chairman of the progressive republican campaign committee already formed at Washington." REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE "In the raising of funds to carry on this campaign we earnestly urge that a method of popular subscription be devised so that the pro gressive movement which is in behalf of tho . people shall be financed by the people. We also recommend that a permanent national finance committee of flvo to take chargo of tho finances of tho campaign be appointed by the chairman of this temporary committee in consultation with the chairman of this conference, and with W. L. Housor, chairman of the progressive re publican campaign committee." MESSAGE FROM RUDOLPH SPRECKLES The following telegram was read to tho con vention: "San Francisco, Oct. 16, 1911.- Deeply regret my inability to be present at the progressive conference today. You are organiz ing the people's fight against special privilege, and if you succeed the next national adminis tration will respond to tho best interests of tho wholo people and at the same time safeguard the interests of all legitimate business. Ninety per cent of tho American people are progressive at heart and it is but necessary to make the republican party respond to the spirit of tho people to assure success at tho next national election. "I hope you will make an appeal to all good citizens to actively Join and support the move ment and give their financial aid as well. The people must be made to understand that they muBt finance their own fight. Let the average citizen's dollar take the place of corporation contributions and you will have an organization that will be free to serve the best interests of. the whole people. Business prosperity depends upon tho confidence of tho people and this can be secured by giving the people a voice in their government and a fair deal for all legitimate business. "In my opinion the one man who haB the con fidence of the people and whose whole publio career gives proof of his being safe and fair for all legitimate business is Robert M. La Fol lette, and I hope he will have the support of your conference for the next republican nomi nation, and if nominated his election Is certain. Then the great and general unrest will end. All honest business men can go forward in confi dence and prosper. "Health permitting I will soon be ready to do my share in the fight you are waging for numan rights. (Signed) RUDOLPH SPRECKLES." FLETCHER DOBYNS' SPEECH Fletcher Dobyns, president of the Cook Coun ty (Illinois) Progressive league (Chicago) ad dressed the convention as follows: "Mr. Chair man, and Gentlemen of the Conference: After the many very able speeches to which we have listened I shall not attempt at this hour to enter upon any discussion of progressive principles and policies, but I do want to say that although we started s little lae In Illinois, that we have started, and wo are going to be there at tho finish, and we are going to be there strong. (Applause.) "Last spring Mr. Merriam demonstrated to the people of Chicago and Cook county and tho state of Illinois, that it was unnecessary for them to remain in bondage to the patronage brokers and the bosses that have disgraced this state for so long a time, and the people have learned that lesson and the spell of bosses and machines is gone. Now, we have started out to win this fight in he state of Illinois. The .bosses succeeded in defeating Mr. Merriam here in Chicago because their spell had not yet been broken, and they preferred to have a democrat to a republican that they could not use for their own ends. But they never can have that power again. "Illinois Is a republican state, and we have named for our governor a candidate who is a thorough progressive, a man who for years has been fighting for those principles in the legisla ture of Illinois, a man who has been a progres sive at heart and who has fought forjhose prin ciples, and so we believe that in the coming fight that we aTe going to win. We believe that Mr. Jones is going to be tho republican candidate for .governor. (Applause.) Wherever we go we have found that the people are determined to take the government of this state back into their own hands. They believe that the patron age brokers, the bosses, the spoilsmen have only disgraced this state and have misrepresented and betrayed the people and they are determined to take the reins of government back Into their own hands, and they are going to do it at once, the very first chance they get which will bo at the next primaries and tho next election. "I want to say to you further that tho pro gressive republicans of Illinois will stand be hind Senator La Follette for president of the VOLUME 11, NUMBER 49 United States. (Applause.) From every part of this state has come the report from the farmers, from the laboring people, from the business men, those who want to see tho gov ernment taken back into the hands of tho people, who want to seo privilege and bosslsm over thrown in this country and in Illinois, they say they look to La Follette as tho great leader of this cause, and wherever we have gone this has been the sentiment and this is the sentiment ot those who aro leading in this movement. So we pledge you that the people of Illinois will give their supoprt to the progressive republican policies and to La Follette for president." (Ap plause.) SCRIPPS PAPERS TO SUPPORT MOVEMENT H. W. Rickey, editor of the Scrlpps' daily newspapers, which are large in number and powerful in influence, addressed the convention as follows: "Tho spirit of insurgency, progres sion, reform, or by initiative, or other name, this great world wide movement for a square deal for the common man may be called is just as much alive and as militant in Ohio today as in California or New Jersey or Wisconsin. What is needed in Ohio is leadership and organiza tion. "While I am not a politician and make no claim to extraordinary political sagacity, I claim to have some knowledge of political conditions in my state. "For 26 years I have been n the newspaper business in Ohio; for ten years I was the editor of an independent newspaper with the largest circulation in the state; and for the past six years have been and am now editor-in-chief of a league of independent newspapers with some 400,000 circulation in the state. "We have a primary law in Ohio providing for the election of national convention delegates by popular vote, and I have never been able to figure out just why the political overlords of the state permitted this law to be passed, but we have it and in my judgment that it is the opportunity which the, common people of all parties in Ohio will take full advantage of to put the state up in the van of those states that have already emancipated themselves from the grip of privilege. "Robert M. La Follette can at least split even with President Taft in the delegation to the next republican convention. This is not a pre diction, for I am neither a prophet nor the son of one, but it is the statement of what my observation and general knowledge of the situa tion tells me is an obvious fact. But this dream will not come true unless it is made to come by leadership and organization. "In the papers which I have the honor to represent, and in dozens of others throughout the state, we have ready to hand that vital thing, a state-wide honest medium of publicity. "Do not misunderstand me. Our newspapers are not republican, they are not pledged, and I distinctly disclaim that I am now pledging them to La Follette or any other man. But we stand for progressivelsm in both parties, and the friends of Senator La Follette may feel sure that when they throw down the gage of battle to President Taft in his own state, they will have honest and full publicity, and probably more. "Just a word in conclusion. While progres sivism in Ohio is ripe for picking, it can not be picked by pussy foot methods or those gentle men who, while calling themselves progressives, are so judicial in temperament and so fearful that business or some other conditions will be disturbed. "The leadership in Ohio must be aggressive, as well as progressive. It must be undertaken by men who are willing and will consider it a privilege to make whatever personal and poli tical sacrifice they may be called upon to make, who are patriots before they aro partisans, who are inspired by feelings of real sympathy with labor, who are willing to burn their political bridges. "The greatest care must be exercised in the election of an executive committee to take hold of the movement. I do not care to go further into tho details of this particular phase of the matter at this time beyond suggesting and earnestly recommending to this conference that you get busy in Ohio at once. "It is 'not beyond reason, in fact It is quito within the range of possibility, that before many months have passed it will be apparent, even to President Taft himself, that he cannot count with any degree of certainty upon the support of even his own state." SENATOR CLAPP'S STIRRING SPEECPI Senator Moses E. Clapp of Minnesota, de livered the following stirring speech: "Mr. 1 v i Im. ?. ' I- il J A 1'H Hii . .J,i.abirttli;