"WWff 'W,w"'W'imnfrrT!'''' yi " w-imtyyiyw ... - 'i ,. ,-s - OCTOBEB 17, Mil The Commoner. Pimples Removed Quickly Tho New Calcium Sulphide Treat ment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption. Trial Package Sont Froo to Prove It. You don't want to wait forever and a day to get rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions. You want to got rid of them right now. Next week you may want to go somewhere where you wouldn't like to have to take the pimples along. I Got Rid of My Pimples In a Few Days Witk Stuart's Calcium Wafers." You can get rid of them just in time by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers. These wonderful little workers have cured bad boils in three days, and some cases of skin diseases in a' week. They contain as their main in gredient the most thorough, quick and effective blood cleanser known, calcium sulphide. Remember this, too, that most pimple treatments reek with poison. And they are .miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not' a particle of poison in them. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This is abso lutely guaranteed. They can not do any harm, but they always do good good that you can see in the mirror before your own eyes a few days after. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you be cause of your face. Your blood makes you what you are. The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look Into the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks to you. We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in the world so we will send you a free sample as soon as we get your name and ad dress. Send for It today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest contented until you have bought a 50c package at your drug gists. Send us your name and address on the coupon below and we will at once send you by mail a sample pack age, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 406 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Free Package Coupon F. A. STUAUT CO., 406 StBart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Send me at once by return mail, a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, absolutely free, to provo its remarkable results. Name Street ntv ."".'... State. 15 spread, according to Genoral Bernar dino Reyos. Ho assorts he had no hand in tho outbreak. The outbreak in Tabasco, said General Reyes, is th result of discontent created by lack of liberty in tho recent elec tions, in which the candidacy of Ma dero was imposed by Madero on tho people by tho authorities. Jose Pino Suarez is tho new vlco president of Mexico under President Francisco I. Madero. Tho Chinese government claims to have won a groat victory over the revolutionists. John R. WalBh, tho former Chicago banker, died at his homo in Chicago nino days after President Taft had paroled him. Mayor Gaynor of Now York ad dressed the Atlantic Deeper Water ways association at Richmond, Va., and said that if freight rate discrimi nation were abolished monopolies would disappear. Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, superin tendent of schools in Chicago, "de clared in favor of woman suffrage at a gathering of school teachers at Des Moines, la. An Associated Press dispatch from Richmond, Va., says: Governor Mann expressed the opinion that tho women of Virginia will have equal suffrage within ten years. "Evolution of tho democratic form of government leads to this logical result," he said, "and however dis tasteful it may be to some of us, we might as well face It and prepare for its coming." The governor declared that he was not committed to equal suffrage and that he. was by no. means committed to the belief that the granting of the ballot to the women would be either wise or expedient. His remarks were made In a wel coming address to a convention in session here, and created a mild sensation. In a speech delivered In New York city, William R. Hearst declared that ho is again a democrat and will affi liate with the party. Nathaniel P. Langford of St. Paul, Minn., one of the discoverers of the Yellowstone park, died, aged 79. Glfford Pinchot declared in favor of Senator La Follette's nomination in a speech delivered at Seattle. The forty-eighth annual conven tion of the National Wool Growers' association will be held at Omaha, December 14th, and the official or gan of the association calls all wool growers to be present and join in the effort to save the industry from de struction through tariff revision. James R. Garfield, who is some times called "Roosevelt's proxy," has declared in favor of La Follette's nomination. A Chinese mob In Hankow at tacked German marines and it is predicted that other nations may now interfere. James Manahan, a well known re form democrat of Minneapolis, Minn., participated In the La Follette con ference at Chicago. Senator Cullom of Hllnols says that if the people want him to have a second term he is willing. Senator Jeff Davis of Arkansas, was married recently, and is now on his honeymoon. WASHINGTON NEWS (Continued from Pngo 12.) arc expected to becomo local associa tions. All local associations will bo required to appoint examiners, which is a development of tho movement for local clearing houno examiners, now being proraotod throughout tho country. Ono criticism of tho first plan was that there was no way to remove a bank from an association. It has boon provided that a local associa tion may suspend a bnnk which falls to maintain Its reserves or comply with other requirements of tho law. It is also provided that tho note issue of tho association shall at all times be covered by at least one third in gold and other lawful money. Any notes, however, lssuod In ex cess of $900,000,000 must oither.be covored by lawful money in full or pay a special tax at tho rate of 1 per cent a year. Any notes issued In excess of $1,200,000,000 not covered by lawful monoy will pay a tax of 5 per cent. Mr. Aldrich, in transmitting tho plan to the commission, said that the system of reserves and taxes pro vided Is expected "to Insure tho maintenance of adequate reserves by the association and otherwiso to pro vide such effective regulation of dis counts and note issues as would enable the organization to respond promptly at all times to normal or unusual demands for credit or cur rency without danger of undue ex pansion or inflation." The features outlined are tho only substantial changes in the plan as it was submitted tentatively to tho commission last January by Mr. Aid rich, although detailed qualifications are introduced at many other points. as to their organization and opera tion. It is to bo used In rate regulation. Socrotary of Agriculturo Wilson denies tho report that ho contem plates resigning from tho cabinot. 25 'Beautiful Tho Interstate commerce commis sion has ordered all express com panies to furnish tho commission by December 1st information in dotall Postcards Without Cost to You HkjA mKjWbrffM KttfKUm TiyiyaijKx bv1 smQNl BVlVMv LIilij9flsBsssssssssF SEND FOIl TIIE2M TODAY For a. limited tlmi wn will anrwi without eoHt and nnHtnnlil n unt nt 2S DrmKtfuI I'oHtcanlM, in cxqul slto designs and colors (no two aliko), to anyone who sends us one yearly subscription (now or ro nowal) to Tho Amorican Homo stead at 26c, tho regular yearly price Boys and girls, get your parcntn or frlcndn to glvo you their subscription for this farm and household inniiLhlv. unml iih Mm 9Rn and the cards will bo tcnt you with out cobi uy return man. Address, TUB AMKKICAN IIOMKSTKAD LIucoIn, Neb. A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan s Speeches 1 ' ' Containing All of His Important Public Utterances In two handy volumes. Tou can follow Mr. Bryan practically through his entire career, from his valedictory oration at Illinois College in 1881, through his early public life, his presidential campaigns, his world tours, his platform experiences, and ils participation In meetings of organiza tions devoted to national progress, as well as International congresses for the promotion of tho world' peace. The subject matter of these speeches covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamental and vital problems of national and world 1! e te the highest Ideals of human endeavor. A handy means of reference to the student of social problems of the present and future. ONLY AUTHORIZED, COMPLETE COLLECTION WhHe Mr. Bryan's speeches, lectures and public addresses have appeared from time to time in different editions of his works, or have been Issued In separate form, these two volumes contain the only authentic, complete and authoritative collection of all of his speeches ever issued. This is the first publication In book form of a complete collection of Mr. Bryan's peeches from his first entry In public life up to the "resent time. Two Handy Volume This complete collection com prises two handsome 12 mo. vol umes containing 750 Pages. Fron tispieces mowing Mr. Bryan at various rtages ofl., career, r-ith biographical Introduction by his wife, Mary Baird Bryan. Printed on good paper in large, clear type and handsomely bound Th two-volume ret sent prepaid to any address on receipt of the following prices: Bound in blue tlffri Kll toP"; -; bound "5 half leather, gilt tops, 13.25. lib eral offer to agents; write for terms. SPECIAL, OFFEn For . short time only, we will irlud with each order received at the above prices, a year's subscription to The Commoner, without extra comU If you are a subscriber te The Commoner your date of ex piration will be advanced one year. To secure this offer coupon must accompany order. Address and make remltcance payable to THE COMMONER, Mmcola, Neb. SPECIAL OFFER COUPON The CenmoBer, XjIbcoIb, Neh. I accept your liberal short iime alter for the new books, "The Speeches of Wllllma JcbbIbk Bryan," which in cludes, without extra cost, a yar subscription to The Commoner. Books to be snt prepaid to address below. (Mark offer wanted.) 1 enclose $2.25 for The Speeches of William Jennings Bryan. 2 vols., cloth binding, and The "Commoner for one year I enclose $3.25 for The Speeches f 'William Jennings Bryan, 2 vols., half leather binding, and The Commoner for ene year........ Name P. O. If now a subscriber to The Commoner your date of expiration will be ad vanced one yr-r. 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