The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 22, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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    SEPTEMBER 22, 1911
The Commoner.
man whom he advises, and caros a
great deal less about It; hut ho, also
Increases his substance by giving
them prescriptions galore, while the
inexperienced, careless, and fearfully
ignorant complainant goes on ruin
ing her health by unhygienic habits
and unsanitary conditions, just the
same, trusting to "her physician's ad
vice" to undo her mis-doings. There
is just one perfect, unfailing beauti
fior, and that is health of body, mind
and spirit. Good habits, right think
ing and right living, abundance of
sleep, a good digestion, correct as
similation, active bodily sewage, and
a clear conscience, will do what all
the creams, greases, lotions and
powders can never do make you
beautiful. Try to get acquainted
with your body, and treat it well, in
side and. out, and you will see "a
Removing Stains
When looking over the summer
laundry, one is apt to find many a
discoloration that must be removed.
For white goods, the most effective of
all cleaning fluids, as well as the
cheapest, is javelle water. It is
made by dissolving one pound of sal
soda in a quart of hot water and
adding to it the clear liquid left
after dissolving half a pound of
chloride of lime in two quarts of
water. The water should be care
fully strained from the sediments of
both the lime and soda before
bottling. Keep this .tightly corked
and out of reach of careless hands.
Javelle water, chlorinated soda', or
chloride in any form, are unsafe in
careless hands, for unless the fabric
is immediately well washed in two
or three clear waters, the result is
What She Gained by Trying Again
,, . '
". A. failure at first makes us esteem
final success.
A family in Minnesota that now
enjoys Postum would never have
known how good It is if the mother
had been discouraged by the failure
of her first attempt to prepare it.
Her son tells the story:
"We had never used Postum till
last spring when father brought home
a package one evening just to try it.
We had heard from our neighbors,
and in fact every one who used it,
how well they liked it.
"Well, the next morning Mother
brewed it about five minutes, just as
she had been in the habit of doing
with coffee without paying special
attention to the directions printed on
the package. It looked weak and
didn't have a very promising color,
but nevertheless father raised his cup
with an air of expectancy. It cer
tainly did give him a great surprise,
but I'm afraid it wasn't a very pleas
ant one, for he put down his cup
with a look of disgust.
"Mother wasn't discouraged,
though, and next morning gave it
another trial, letting it stand on the
stove till boiling began and then
letting it boil for fifteen or twenty
minutes, and this time we were all
bo pleased with it that we have used
It ever since.
"Father was a confirmed dyspeptic
and a cup of coffee was to him like
poison. So he never drinks it any
more, but drinks Postum regularly.
He isn't troubled with dyspepsia now
and is actually growing fat, and I'm
sure Postum is the cause of it. All
h:e children are allowed to drink It
and they are perfect pictures of
health." Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
Read the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
Ever read the above letter? A
new one appears from time to time.
SJhey are genuine, true, and full of
tinman interest.
disastrous to tho threads. It must
bo used only -on white goods, and
even then highly diluted.
For tho Toilet
A "beauty specialist" tells us that
ono who has been plump in youth
and grows thin as she advances in
years takes on wrinkles more readily
than where the reverse is true. This
is due to tho wasting of the tissues,
leaving the skin flabby and ready to
sink into grooves marked out by
years of facial contortion. Most of
skin-foods are hair-prompters as well,
and not one woman in a hundred
knows how to massage the face
properly; so, it is but a choice be
tween age and coarseness. Massage
improperly done tends to increase the
flabbiness of tho skin by stretching
it. A better way is to contract the
skin. And this is the recipe given
for that purpose, though it may not
suit all or many cases. Here is the
method given: Equal parts of rose
water and glycerine, with enough
lemon juice to taste sour and enough
alum to bo detected by taste will has
ten the contracting of the flabby skin
and it is claimed, will stave off the
wrinkles for years, if persistently
used. The face is to bo sponged with
it morning and night, across the
wrinkles and crontly massaged with
the fingers; the face must be always
wiped upward instead of downward,
from the nose to the top of the ears
outward. A ;jasto of beaten egg
spread over the face for half an hour,
then wiped off with soft water is said
to make the skin very smooth, and
the alum preparation will make it
Singeing the hair is better than
cutting it, as tho ends are not as
likely to split. Twist the hair in a
tight little strand, rub in the direc
tion of the scalp to lift the ends from
the roll; then have a second person
apply a lighted taper to all the little
ends that stick out; this must be
done carefully, and one cannot singe
her own hair. A good shampoo is
made by dissolving five ounces of
pure castile soap in a pint of boil
ing water; do not let boll, but keep
at or near boiling point until all
soap is dissolved. Pour this into a
large-mouthed jar; when cold it will
be a jelly. To use, take two table
spoonfuls of the mixture and beat
into it two raw, fresh eggs; if too
thick, add a little water. Then wet
the head well, and rub the mixture
well into the scalp. Never put the
agg in until ready to use. This is
enough for one shampoo. Rinse
well with clear water.
Little Things
Be sure there is a pocket some
where in every dress the little girl
has to wear. There Ib always a place
for one, if we set about finding it,
and the patch pocket can bo made
rather ornamental if neatly put on.
There is nothing the school child
needs more than one or more
Overalls for the smallest girls and
creeping babies, as well aa for the
little man, will save much work and
money uselessly spent on clothes that
are always In the wash, and never
comfortable to play in. Little ging
ham "pokes" that will stand hard
usage and always come out of the
wash fresh and becoming, can take
the place of the white head wear
with a good deal of saving to tho
Gingham aprons can take the place
of the dress-up frocks for the next
size little lady during the autumn
days, and will bear many a stain
without harm, besides allowing for
the romps and frolics the girlie Just
must have, in order to grow. Light
weight wash goodB make up nicely
for these aprons, either in the one
piece styles, or with sleeves and
shoulder seams. They are pretty
trimmed with bands, bias, or
straight, or with torchon lace that is
warranted to stand tubbing without
a tear.
For the boy's wear, it is n good
thing to choose textures that do not
require starching. Seersuckers come
in several colors and strlplngs, wear
well, wash easily, and require only
a pulling into shape when put on
tho line, and a good shaking out
when dry.
An exchange editor tells us of "the
fresh afternoon got-up which involves
a flood of tears with the putting on,
and spankings with the taking-off."
Wo, who are mothers, will recognize
tho "situation," without any picturo
portrayal, and while teaching our
children to take a pride in their per
sonal appearance, it is just as well
to so dress the babies that both we
and they will be comfortable in tho
use of them.
When a clear cement Is wanted,
try melted alum. For mending pieces
of valuable china, or fastening the
pearl handles on knives, or mending
pearl toilet articles, it is splendid.
Melt the alum over intense heat, but
do not scorch, and apply very hot.
For cleaning the kitchen paint,
boil a pound of wheat bran in a gal
lon of water for one hour; then
strain and use the liquid for going
over the kitchen paint after it has
been washed thoroughly to remove
all smoke, and the bran water will
give it a clean, glossy appearance.
For preventing the rusting of wire
screens, it is advisable to use a mix
ture of two parts of boiled linseed
oil and one part powdered rosin,
heated and stirred well until the
resin is dissolved, then apply very
hot with a brush. It is claimed that
this protects against nil hinds of
weather much longer than tho paint
that in specially sold for that pur
pose. Tho mixture must bo kept hot
all the time it is being applied so that
the rosin will harden afterwards into
a smooth coat that will not wear off.
Put it on sparingly, so as not to clog
the space bctweon tho wires.
Some Tried Recipes
Grape Catsup Boll a pint of
vinegar and two pounds of sugar for
a quarter of an hour; in the mean
time, seed ten pounds of grapes and
heat the pulp and skins slowly until
they nearly reach tho boiling point;
but do not lot them boil. When done,
cool, rub through a sieve and mix
with the sugar and vinegar, adding
an ounce each of ground cinnamon,
cloven and mace. Cook for about
twenty-five minutes, and if the mix
ture scorns too thick, reduce It to the
proper consistency by adding a little
hot vinegar and sugar in proportions
as above. When sufficiently cool,
cork tightly in bottles.
Steamed String Beans Cut or
break tender beans into quarter-inch
lengths, wash, and lift them out of
the water Into a sauce pan with a
level tcaspoonful of salt and a scant
half-teaspoonful of soda. Cover the
pan and set on the Are; stir occas
ionally, using but a moderate fire.
They are to be steamed, not boiled,
and the slow flro will cook them
until tender with no more water, in
about half an hour. Then add one
largo tablespoonful of butter and
half a cup of cream; let come to a
boll again and dish at once, serving
while hot. Try them until you make
a success of steaming.
fj I SJfj laE)
II I l 111'
il 1avA
Sizes, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 years.
Requires Kk yards of 44-inch ma
terial for the 17-year size.
Sizes, 32, 34, 3C, 38, 40 and 42
inches, bust measure. Requires 8
yards of 36-inch material for the
36-inch size.
Sizes, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42
inches, bust measure. Requires 3
yaTds of 32-inch material for tho
36-lnch size.
Sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years.
Requires 4 yards of 36-inch material
for tho 8-year size.
THEJ COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make tho garments with each pattern
The price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large
catalogue containing the illustrations and descriptions of over 400 sea.
sonable styles for ladies, misses and children, mailed to any address on
receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give U3 your name, address,
pattern number and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept, Lincoln, Nebraska.