mawwnm!flwlSiuiB'lm,wum.mfi ttWMUMi The Commoner. VOLUME 11, NUMBER 37 8 Efc a. '. R !t A ft'. Jl. r p' ,v ft j a-r - Mnww a i' b win - ( .-, g&,J iliiSPA ij-HSBBI? Tw"-'V.f-rf7 jjjrL-v Conducted by Ween Writs Mcty t? fD ep a rtmen Tho Adventurers quoth "I am going for n voyage," tho Sailor-man to mo; "Shall I bring you nny treasures , from tho lands beyond the sea? My gnllent ship Is riding now at anchor in tho bay!" So I kissed my daring Sailor-man and watched him sail away! "I. am riding forth to battle," quoth tho Warrior to. me; "My charger's prancing at tho gate, as you may plainly see, I am riding forth to glory, but I'll come again some day!" Bo I kissed my gallant Warrior and watched him ride away. My sailor's far upon the sea, my , warrior's In tho fight, Yet both will nestle in my arms and hold mo close tonight. ,For the soldier and tho sailor-man (be kind to them, 0 Fate!) Are just my merry little lads out swinging on the gate! Hannah G. Fernald, in Delineator. Women Who Keep Young There aro many women who, no matter how long they may live, will always be young, and this is largely due to the fact that such women keep in touch with the interests of the times hard to prove them. Syste matic saving in a family is impos sible, says Elliot Flower, without the active co-operation of the husband and wife. The wife must be accepted as a full partner, and treated as such. In a; large measure, sho is tho dis bursing agent, and it is decidedly im portant that tho disbursing agent should know what there Is to dis burse. It is not enough to give her "what you can afford for housekeep ing expenses" at irregular times and in varying amounts; she must know what to expect, for no woman can plan on an uncertainty, any better than a man can, although she is fre quently expected to do it. If a man's employer should say to him, "I won't give you a specified amount, but I'll hand you out a bit of money from time to time, as you seem to need it," that man would make a roaT that could bo heard in Mars. He couldn't stand the uncertainty. But a good many men expect their wives to stand just that kind of treatment. I think any woman would rather have a certain sum on a certain day, or week, or month than a somewhat larger yearly total split up in pay ments that vary as to amount and regularity. System, in the matter of providing for family expenses, is a saving in itself a very considerable saving. In other words, I think $1,200 a year, thus given, is the equivalent of $1,400 or $1,500 difficult. But the home and family is always the point of attack, if the child is to be saved without com mitment to an institution and the sundering of home ties. Philanthropist. world about them. This insnires healthy thought along other lines turned over to the disbursing agent, xnan tne uun rouune 01 uoiiiubuu or on an nrratic nlan of a few dollars. varying in amount, at irregular times. It is absolutely necessary to successful saving, that we know just what is needed for living expenses, including all reasonable pleasures. It is difficult to systemize one part of a business while all the rest of it is running without any system. Find out what is needed, and how it can best be used, pay into the family purse as regularly as you would make payments on a note, and leave the matter in the hands of the "dis bursing agent," as finally disposed life, and gives them an outlook which keeps them from tho stagna tion that makes for senility. Tho habits, and not the flight of years, take the expression of youth from tho eyes and the look of freshness from the skin, and inattention to vital questions takes the lightness of grace from their steps. Many wo men are old at fifty who should be young at seventy, and would be, if only they would keep their minds active and their hearts full of, sym pathy with others. The greatest foes to youthfulness and consequent of in a business sense. Deauty are uizmusa una muuiBeuue in selfish ease. The woman who keeps young often suffers from bodily in firmities, yet refuses to give up and "go to seed" mentally. A sure way to ward off old age is not to fear it, use only legitimate preventives, look well after the health, and keep the body supple through regular exercise. Tho interest in the young should be kept up, though the woman of advancing years should not try to dress like her granddaughter, or to indulge in kittenish ways. They should sur- round their lives with sweet, warm affections, and above all things, avoid becoming bitter because of trials, Don't fall behind the times, lose step with tho procession, or though you must now walk with dignity instead of the dancing activi ties of the younger generation. Cul tivate sympathy and kindliness, and avoid harping on the times when you were young. Dress according to your ears, but have a great care for har mony and becomingness in your at tire. Be just your dear, sweet self, and keep your mentality active and both mind and body healthy. Saving in tho Homo Wo are told 'by one who is sup posed to know, that tho wastefulness of the family income must be laid to the charge of the women of the family; but while it is very easy to make such statements, it is some- Destitute Children The best authorities claim that one-third of the number of children who are brought before tho juvenile court are simply the victims of ex treme poverty, with no culpability involved. The judge of the juvenile court "has no right, even if he has the heart, to turn a deaf ear to the needs of a' destitute child." The cities havo institutions for tho care of the destitute children, but it is the conviction of charity workers, based upon experience, that com mitment to institutions is not the way to solve the problem of tho des titute child. We are advised to get at the root of the matter, which is to be found in the child's home condi tions. In a large number of cases, lack of employment of the bread winner of tho family is where the trouble originates. The juvenile court officers have practically carte blanche in their work of child bet terment, and could do nothing more conducive to the child's welfare than to enlist the co-operation of the state employment bureau and in every available way obtain remunerative employment for tho breadwinners where children suffer from destitu tion on account of lack of employ ment of tho elders. In the case of shiftless families, or families whore sickness or disability is the cause of Making Rugs Out of Scraps For the sisters who wish to know how to make rugs from scraps of silk or velvet, we give the following: Cut the scraps in pieces or strips about two inches long; then sew them through the middle to a' piece of heavy cloth about a yard and a half long. Make the center "hit and miss," of harmonious colors, then a stripe, if you have material suitable, then finish the border hit and miss. Commence in the middle and sew toward tho outer edge. Another way is to cut the pieces into strips about two inches wide, sew ends together as for carpet weaving, then put the ruffler on the sewing machine and gather, scant or full, through tho middle of the strip, and Bew these strips on a piece of heavy cloth the required width and length. Another way is to cut into strips and sew as for carpet, and take to the weaver and have woven the re quired size. The cloth to which the scraps are sewed should be heavy enough to lie flat on the floor with out curling up at the corners or ends: For using up pieces of woolen dress goods, old or new, take In large pieces, which you can sliape to suit yourself, as well as the small pieces; have a foundation of heavy cloth and sew these pieces on as you would for a" "crazy quilt," then work the seams with all harmonizing colors of carpet-chain. The pieces may be lined with cotton batting if liked, which gives them a raised look. Pieces of men's wear and heavy flannel make good rugs in this way, and they are serviceable. A very handsome rug can be made by cutting all scraps into bias strips,' an inch or two wide, sewing as for carpet rags, mixing the colors har moniously, even dyeing some of the rags with bright colors, and send them to the weaver for a suitable sized rug. The finished rug should look like chenile when done. short sleeve does not lose favor for tho general garments. For the school girl, blue serge still holds its undisputed place, rough diagonal serge, with red or blue spotted foulard silk for trimmings, satin-striped prunella, with black satin, plaid worsted with any bright color for piping, diagonal cheviot with soutache braid, are all good wearing materials for the school room. For the small girl, or the careless one, wash goods are much better than silks or worsted, as they can riot be kept as nice if not washable. If the season demands the heavier goods, it is well to havo plenty of gingham, or cotton aprons to be worn with them. For tho Housewife Where the furniture is scratched, take one-half pint of sperm-oil and one tablespoonful of turpentine; mix well together by vigorous shaking before using, and apply with a woolen cloth, rubbing until the mix ture is absorbed. For a bed spread made of scraps of lace, embroidery or lawn, take an old sheet and tear into blocks about twelve inches square; sew the scraps on the blocks of white goods as the "crazy-quilt" work used to be done, working some fancy stitch around the joining of the pieces; sew the blocks together and work all the seams with mercerized cotton thread, white or fast colors. It will take about twenty blocks for the spread. For the badly-tarnished brass bed stead, wash clean with, a solution of sal soda, rub with lemon juice or vinegar, wipe off thoroughly and apply a paste of finely-pulverized rotton-stone rubbed up in sweet oil. When well dried, rub off and polish with whiting and a chamois-skin. If preparations sold for this purpose are used, be sure' to rub' with whiting afterwards. ' One of the best cleansing solutions is made as follows: Grate two medium-sized potatoes into a bowl con taining one pint of clean, cold, soft water; strain this through a sieve, rubbing up and squeezing with tho hands before straining; let the liquid fall into another vessel containing an additional pint of water; let it settle and then pour off the water carefully and bottle for use. For spots on fabrics, softly rub with a sponge dipped in the potato water, after which either wash it in clean water, or sponge with clean water, dry carefully and iron. It is cleans ing and will not hurt delicate colors. "Following tho Fashion" It is a point to be remembered that the smart woman no longer shows her buttons in the back. Among the new materials, nothing Is more stylish than reversible serge which is always a solid color on one side, such as black, dark blue, brown or tan, while the other side may be plaids, stripes or contrasting color. Whichever side is used for the suit or coat, the reverse side is freely em ployed for trimming, and often forms a panel on the Bkirt, facing on the bottom, or a Bection"to lengthen the goreB. Any one having out of date clothes too good to throw or give away will find it very easy to remodel the gar ment Into one of the latest patterns. So very little of the material is used now for the garment, and a garment is often made of a: combination of goods or colors so that one of the old-time full skirts will often make a whole one-piece dress. Tho sailor collar is still an at tractive feature, the collar often being adjustable, so it can be omitted "Freckles and Tan" This is the season when tho "beauty doctor" is besieged with the army of women and girls who have carelessly spent tho summer laying in a supply of "color," but are now extremely anxious to part with a goodly share of it. The blotches of tan ana the tiny specks of yellow are not agreeable to contemplate as we think of the indoor functions that call for the "lily-white" skin of the poet's fancy. It is useless now to tell these sisters that they should have worn their bonnets and gloves, or at least a veil when going out Into tho summer sunshine; It will be just as useless, next spring, to tell them to do so. They won't; so what are vnn trnnt fn rln nhoilt It? Of COUrSO, the beauty doctor stands ready to supply you with any amount 01 greases, foods, bleaches, and freckle and tan removers, and they reap a lively harvest because of your care less exposure. .We are told, too, to "get the advico of the family physi cian" about the blotches and deep freckles, and many women and n do go to the physician, wu "--chances to one, knows little, If any or worn, at nlenRiirn. Tim rtntMi child destitution, the problem Is more neck still stays with us, and the more about such things than the wo- K w V V' 6