ipjtr- TT-. X ? ," r f j".-. The Commoner SEPTEMBER 2. 111 5- k T r W "Y ""TT -'"-"'" T-v "! ' .White's dissenting opinions in the Trans-Missouri and Joint Traflio association and Northern fecurities cases would probably havo novor been written but for the apparent necessity of point ing out bow unreasonable and improper it was to turn aside from "the light of reason" and establish a hard and fast rule that all contracts in restraint of trade were forbidden by the law under consideration, but when he made that objectionableness apparent ho had by tho same token made it apparent that precisely that was what the court had held and intended to hold and adhere to. "Inter arma silent leges" and Illustrations from tho tented field are not often opposite to the consideration of legal questions, but every one knows how fatal it is to have a gap In the line through which a vigilant enemy may march his forces and overwhelm the lino. Rosccrans learned that to his sorrow at Chickamauga, and tho learned chief justice may yet learn to his sorrow and to the sorrow of the people how dangerous a" breach he has made. Already the papers announce that tho vigilant and gifted attorneys for the meat trust are asking to be reheard on the validity of the indictments against them, for the apparent reason that if only con tracts in "unreasonable" restraint of trade are made criminal the law Is too wholly "vague, Indefinite and uncertain" to make a contract In restraint of trade a crime and that, therefore, the indictments against them should be quashed. Oh! the pity of it the pity of it! The holding and process of reasoning was so unnecessary and forced, and but for the high character of the court handing down the opinion so purely an obiter dictum. In both the Standard and the tobacco cases, it was held that each of the contracts or schemes was in un reasonable and vicious restraint of trade and forbidden by law. Having so held, it was a most excellent place to stop, for if contracts and dealings were open to the objection that they were in unreasonable restraint of trade it was wholly unimportant to know what might have been the rule if they had been otherwise. It would seem that it was necessary to make it clearly appear that the associate had become the chief justice, and that he and his new as sociate justices were "in the saddle," and had the power to make tho dissenting the prevailing opinion, and so without any necessity or proper legal duty therefor they made use of their power I must believe to the great detriment and injury of the rights of the people and the government and for the assurance and protec tion of would-be and actual malefactors. What does It profit the people or the law offi cers of the government' that corporations are compelled to hunt new methods of evading or flanking the law with impunity? Trusts may be embarrassed, but will never be destroyed until, instead of being required to make or find a new method of seeming to com ply with the law, but having all the benefits of a "reasonable restraint" of trade, some indi vidual trust magnate with blood In his veins, wife and children to be humiliated and social position to be forfeited, shall find his way be hind the bars, there to ponder over the whole some lesson that "the way of the transgressor is hard." What Mr. Taft Will Meet on His Western Trip PROGRESSIONS THE UNITED STATES (With apologies to Rudyard Kipling.) God of the nations, seeing all God of the world since time began You heard the ancient freedom-call And gave his liberty to man God of Patience, bear with us yet, Though we forget, though wo forget! Our nation's great; how long to last? Through ages old the mornings stand; The mighty kingdoms of the past Today are ruins in tho sand God of Mercy, to ua b kind, For we are blind, for we are blind! The war-cries and the rantlngs cease The officers and files are gone, But not for long the reign of peace Imperialistic swords are drawn God of Justice, remind us yet That we forget, that we forget! Greed-crazed and led by power's sway We follow close the Roman kings Like them, with pride for but today. Nor count the shame tomorrow brings O, God on High, try save us yet, For we forget, for wo forget! Meeker, Colo. Guy M, Stealey. Referring to Mr. Taft's wcstorn trip tho Philadelphia North American (rep.) says that he will meet with stern criticism and adds: Mr. Taft will havo no right to complain. Ho sounded his own "koynoto" In his address at Hamilton, Mass., when ho designated his tariff record as tho chief issue of tho 1912 presiden tial campaign. On the whole we can not count this determi nation among his blunders. Tho peoplo, for whose support ho is going to appeal, aro peoplo who have been very busy reading and thinking and talking among themselves for two years and a half about tho man they nominated and elected president against tho opposition of the most powerful forces of special privilege. They know that the Taft arbitration treaties entail the imperilment of the Monroe doctrine and tho control of immigration. They know that the Taft reciprocity Is a trust-serving cheat imposed upon 30,000,000 Americans linked with agriculture. They know that Taft "currency reform" Is the Aldrlch device to put the credit of every American business man undor the heel of the masked Wall street cen tral bank. And they know that tho Taft con servation is Bailingerism. They may be "enemies," but they aro not fools, tho men in tho region where President Taft Is journeying to snare delegates and essay the regainment of some measuro of popular esteem. He is well advised to centor his at tempt upon the tariff. All those othor four topics are understood too well to profit him greatly. But what Is President Tagt going to tell those fairly wise men of tho west about tho tariff? He will have to explain why ho vetoed the most scientifically framed protective tariff measure ever presented to a president a veto that caused a long-time eulogist of Mr. Taft, the New York World, to say truly: "He has made himself personally responsible for the tax levied by organized greed and sel fishness on the poor man's coat, the poor wo man's dress, and their children's bed when it was in his power to lighten the burdens of those who labor that they may live." Wo refer, of course, to tho La Folletto bill revising the "indefensible" wool schedule, pre pared by disinterested experts in consultation and based upon the tremendous gathering of the scientific truths of half a' century that cost 'the nation tho life of Dolllver. Is Mr. Taft going into tho west to repeat his declaration at Hamilton? This Is what he said there: "We of the republican party aro under an obligation as soon as opportunity comes to advocate and carry through a revision of tho tariff which shall meet the present popular de mand, and to which we aro really pledged. Therefore, when tho tariff board shall make Its report in December on wool and cotton, I expect to submit to congress recommendations based on their report for a revision of both schedules. "I have already expressed my opinion that the woolen schedule is too high, that it has pro vailed for so many years that it ought to be re vised, and is the subject of complaint not only to consumers, . but also by those who are en gaged in the industries affected. So far as I can help it, however, no such revision will take place unless it is made with a full knowledge of the facts as found by an Impartial investigation." There are some free, honest, unkept news papers in that "enemy's country," and we doubt not that already some of them have called the people's attention to the striking similarity of this presidential utterance to one put forth thirty-one years ago and cited by the Wor cester Post in a highly illuminating chronology of the "indefensible" schedule K. Tho parallel was the petition of the National Association of Wool manufacturers, as follows: "That the present tariff (schedule K) should continue until special and minute Information from experts shall indicate the changes that can safely be made; that the best method of obtaining the required Information is through the Eaton tariff commission." Mr. Taft is going out among people who share the belief of every disinterested and com petent student of economic world conditions, that the wisest way to handle the tariff problem is through the work of a commission of non partisan and disinterested experts, properly paid and endowed with semi-judicial powers to compel the giving of testimony, not to fix the rates, but to gather all tho facts, with regard to cost of material and production, both here and abroad, and from evory posolblo vlowpolnt, so that whatover party may bo In powor can legislate intelligently. But ho Is going among pooplo who know that his present tariff board has no logal standing, no legal powers, Is exactly In tho position tho lntorstato commerce commission was In when it had no powor to enforco Its docislono and no ono paid tho slightest attontlon to what it did or said, is simply a group of mon who do not command tho respect of any ono, hnvo no fixed terms of office, and aro simply lnlonded to bo subordinate clorks, with no othor authority than tli at tho president confers upon them, with no right to summon witnesses or to pursuo material Investigations. Will Prestdont Tnft vonturo to repeat his denunciation of tho progrcsslvo republicans in his Hamilton speech for inconsistency In hav ing declarod themselves In favor of a non partisan tariff commission and then treating with contumoly the present tariff board, which tho president insists is to all intonts and pur poses tho sarao thing? If so, wo think that theso historical citations will promptly bo brought to tho attention of his audlonccs: "August 20, 1910 President Taft, in a let ter to Congressman WllUuin B. McKinloy, states that: " 'The precise difference Jn the cost of pro duction sought for is not capable of doflnito ascertainment' and 'all th.it even tho most scientific person can do is to exorcise his best judgment in reaching a conclusion.' "Octobor 17, 1910 William Whitman, presi dent of tho National Association of Wool Manu facturers, spends four hours with the tariff board at Washington, and then Issues tho following statement: " 'I opposed tho tariff commission very strongly, but tho tariff board Is a very different thing. I want to do what I can to show my appreciation of President Taft. I bollovo ho means well and Is doing well, and I am ready to meet him half way.' "December 8, 1910 Banquet of tho Ameri can Association of Woolen and Worsted Manu facturers at Now York. Chairman Emory, of the tariff boaTd, present. On this occasion Chair man Emery said: " 'There aro certain things that aro very diffi cult to get, and one thing, that according to tho platform of tho republican party and inciden tally, that does not mean anything to mo, ex cept that I have been given tho job according, to that platform, is to try to get tho cost of production. I thank you all, gentlemen, that you did not laugh. (Laughter.) I frankly say right hero that this Idea of settling things on cost alone by any mathe matical or algebraical or geometric ratio or problem or theory, is all nonsense. You must not think I am joking about this thing, but there is a joko about it, and the joko Is this: I have no powers what soever. Tho tariff board has no powers. There is really no such thing as a tariff board. Tho law says that for certain purposes tho president may employ such persons as he sees fit. I am ono of such persons. That is all." (Laughter and applause.)' " Twenty-seven months ago the North Ameri can made what it then considered fit comment upon tho self-Identification of President Taft with tho Payne-Aldrlch tariff bill and tho forces back of it. Wo repeat that comment, which was written as a forecast as the only fit forecast of tho outcome of the presidential candidate's present tour: "What the political effect of this flouting of pledges and perfidy to tho people will be wo do not know. Our disgust is such that wo do not greatly care. But far greater than our con cern about tho party complexion of tho next congress is our fear that the real, honest, equit able, prosperity-breeding and industry-fostering principle of protection will bo endangered by the tyrannical and dishonorable course of the present republican leadership. "The country will make answer at the polls. That answer may bo delayed. The plight of the democratic opposition is so pitiable, and its congressional course so impotent, inconsistent and contemptible that national rebuke in all likelihood will have to bo administered to in dividuals rather than to a party. "But whether through a regeneration of the democracy, or more probably through an align ment of the progressive elements of the exist ing parties, there will come a day of reckon- 1: t 4 EfcfcHtota.&fe