The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 22, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
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Postmasters In session at Omaha,
Neb., heartily applauded a proposi
tion that Postmaster General Hitch
cock bo made tho republican nomi
nee in 1016.
Republicans of South Dakota met
at Huron and inaugurated a La
Follette boom.
A Lincoln, Neb., dispatch to the
Omaha World-Herald, says: W. J.
'Bryan, under the auspices of the
democratic state committee, will
spend three weeks making campaign
.speeches for the democratic state
ticket, beginning October 5. The
schedule will call for an average of
three speeches a day. It is expected
that every county seat in the state
in the more thickly populated
parts of the state will bo reached
by Mr. Bryan. Chairman Byrnes
,of the democratic state com
mittee will confer with C. W.
Bryan regarding dates and locations.
In his speeches in favor of tho demo
cratic state ticket Mr. Bryan, will also
address voters on national issues.
A Louisville Courier-Journal dis
patch says: There will be no strike
of the shopmen of the Illinois Cen
tral over recognition of the federa
tion. Tho principal factor in ending
the trouble was the action of the exe
cutive board of tho international as
sociation of machinists refusing to
authorize the strike.
Mayor Gaynor, of New York,
through the chief of the bureau .of
licenses, notified all persons engaged
i, Jn the moving picture business not to
Bhow any films or stereopticon
views relating to the Beattie murder
case. Mayors in various other cities
have adopted the same course.
Former Governor and Mrs. "Wil
liam Larrabee celebrated their fiftieth
wedding anniversary at Ames, Iowa.
actual rebels in imposing punish
ment. The possibility of very serious
results in Sze Chuen is great. If the
rebellion is not properly suppressed
it is likely to spread to other pro
vinces where there has been much
discontent of late. Some of the
newspapers are urging the people to
join In the uprising, but the mer
chants everywhere are fearful that if
the rebels are successful it might be
the beginning of a general conflagration.
France has replied to Germany's
proposals on the Moroccan question,
declining to accept.
The interstate commerce commis
sion began an investigation of Okla
homa City's complaint that new rates
proposed by the railroads discrimi
nate against it as a packing house
and livestock center.
The interstate commerce commis
sion suspended advances in freight
rates on single packages and small
lots until April 28, 1912.
The referendum vote at Cleveland
by the garment workers resulted in
a vote of approximately 10 to 1 for
a continuance of the strike.
Tho Brooks locomotive plant of
the. American Locomotive company at
Dunkirk, N. Y., will be closed indefinitely.
The eruption of Mount Etna is be
coming more intense and a panic pre
vails at Calania, Sicily.
untrue the statement that tho pro
gressives would throw their support
from La Follette to ChaTles Evans
Hughes. "The announcement of the
candidacy of Hughes is an effort of
the regulars to confuse the progres
sives and swing votes to Taft," said
Mr. Nolan.
Rodney J. DIegle, former seargent-at-arms
of the Ohio state senate says
he is preparing a confession and that
it will make startling revelations con
cerning bribery in the Ohio legisla
A Cape Girardeau, Mo., dispatch,
carried by the Associated Press says:
Eugene E. Abbott of the First Pres
byterian church here, resigned, giv
ing as one reason that his salary of
$2,000 was excessive, considering the
amount appropriated in charitable
and other church work. He has ac
cepted a call to a church at Fulton,
Mo., where his salary will be $1,800
per year.
Senator Atlee Pomerene of Ohio
is confined to his home by a kidney
affection which threatens complica
tions. '
The republic of Portugal was for
mally recognized by Great Britain,
Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria.
The rubberized balloon Viking,
constructed for A. Holland Forbes of
New York, has been purchased by
citizens of St. Louis.
Henry Harrison Hinckle, who is
said to have read the Bible through
eighty-five times, died a.t his home
at Emporia, Kan., aged ninety-two.
He has been a member of the Metho
distchurch seventy-five, years -
the people, all of whom would bo
vitally affected by any radical change
for the worse in their living con
ditions," said he, "are singularly de
pendent on you and although they
may be temporarily misled, in the
end they will realize that you are
what we all know you to be, their
true and lasting friend." After Mr
Davidson concluded the president
shook hands with the delegates, and
made them a short speech, saying:
"I am very much touched by your
coming here to bid me Godspeed on
this trip, which I am to take. I am
going to do the best I can on this
trip to talk to the people on the
issues of the day, not alone the poli
tical issues, for there are a great
many issues that it is well for the
people to consider that do not attract
politicians at all. They are the is
sues that do not figure in the head
lines and yet contribute much to the
welfare of the people and it is well
for the people to understand them.
I have not referred to the issues
which your chairman and spokesman
has touched on with so much elo
quence, because I do not think it is
necessary. Regarding reciprocity,
the arbitration treaties and the tariff
board, you know where I stand and it
is not necessary for me to convince
those who are of the same opinion
that I am."
James Russell Soley, former assis
tant secretary of the navy, died in
New York.
A Pekin cable said: An imperial
edict issued recently says that the
ringleaders in the disorders in Sze
Chuen province intended to proclaim
independence. As a consequence the
Chinese government lias ordered the
viceroy to destroy the rebels tot the
last man. The viceroy's attention
having been called, however, to the
'fact that many of those taking part
in the disturbances are misguided,
the government instructed him to
distinguish between them and the
Prohibitionists won in the local
option election in Morgan county,
General Porflrio Diaz is at Baden
Baden to take the baths.
Three years and three days in the
federal prison at Leavenworth was
the sentence imposed ont James
Brenton, former mayor of Des
Moines, for selling liquor to. Indians.
The Japanese minister of educa
tion, M. Hazba, carrying out the new
government's policy of interior de
velopment, announced that two new
imperial nniversities, accommodating
a total of one thousand students,
would be opened.
The second annual Appalachian ex
position was opened at Knoxville.
Champ Clark of Missouri was
given an enthusiastic welcome home
by the people of Pike, Mo.
Lieutenant (Jhoutar, a pupil of the
French military aviation school, was
killed while making a flight at Villa
coublay. A gust of wind capsized his
machine and he fell 300 feet.
A Minneapolis dispatch carried by
the Associated Press says: "W. L.
Nolan, chairman of the executive
committee of the Minnesota progres
sive association league branded as
for Limited Time to New or Renewing Subscribers
YORK WORLD, both One
Year for Only One Dollar
I I ' ' I' ' ' II II I I I
Addre Order to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebr
Katherine Cecil Thurston, the fa
mous author, died suddenly at Cork,
New England business men told
Mr. Taft "good-bye" when he started
for Beverly, Mass., on his western
trip. Herbert M. Davidson of Wor
cester, Mass., president of the New
England Association of Commercial
Executives, accompanied by eighty
members of that association, went to
Beverly to cheer the president off.
"As you go out from among us on
your long and arduous tour," said
Mr. Davidson, "we want you to go
with he Godspeed of New England
ringing in your ears. Other sections
may waver, but we will not. You are
president and as such are entitled to
our sympathy, our loyalty and our
unfaltering truBt. And you have this
in abundant measure." Mr. David
son, applauded frequently by his as
sociates, approved the president's
course on reciprocity, his policy on
conservation and his determination
that the tariff shall be revised only
-when a non-partisan body of men
shall have reported that reductions
are warranted. Even if the passion
of the hour precluded approval of the
president's notion at this' time, Mr.
Davidson declared history would
justify Tilm. "The great masses of
A Los Angeles dispatch, carried
by the Associated Press, follows:
Declaring that President Taft is a
reactionary and does not represent
the true sentiment of the republican
party; strongly urging consideration
of Senator Robert M. La Follette as
a candidate for the presidential nomi
nation; attacking the last session of
congress for failure to pass general
tariff revision laws and recommend
ing the formation of a new political
party, Senator -Works told members
of the united league Just where he
stood on these questions. ''Republi
cans are now facing the question
whether they will build up the re
publican paTty or turn against it and
destroy it," said Senator Works.
"President Taft is not a representa
tive of the people. He is a reaction
ary, but he also is a merry man, with
a most plausible manner in explain
ing away his mistakes. Taft and La
Follette are destined to face each
other in the next campaign and if
it were brought to a popular vote
today La Follette would be nomi
nated. But, unfortunately the situa
tion has not reached this stage. How
ever, it will be the duty of all re
publicans to stand, by the nominee.
The democrats are split worse than
the republicans ever were. Any re
publican who votes the democratic
ticket will be throwing away his vote.
If, however, Taft does not secure a
renomination, .republicans will be
confronted with a problem. It would
do no good to turn democratic. The
democratic party is more reactionary
and it is split wider .than the repub
lican party ever was. Progressive
republicans, therefore, will be con
fronted with this alternative, to re
main within the party and save it
from defeat, -while working to purify
and improve -it, or if they can not
bring themselves to vote for Taft, to
join progressive democrats who can
not support Wilson, or any other can
didate, and form n new party." Sena
tor Works said he would choose to
remain within the republican party
and remain in conjunction with other
. During the Gqrman army maneuv
ers, the dirigioie nanoon a j,
caught fire and fell near Grossbelow.
The crew saved themselves by jump
ing as they neared the ground.
A New York dispatch, carried by
tho Associated Press, says: Charles
F. Brooker, republican national
committeeman from Connecticut, a
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