11 SEPTEMBER 8, 1911 The Commoner. that the Sherman anti-trust law failed to comply with what he con sidered the requisites of a proper statute. ing. Unless some unforseen develop ment occurs there is llttlo doubt that ho will recover. An 1853 half dollar which was re cently taken as payment of fare by the conductor of a south side Chi cago street car is said by experts in rare coin to bo the most valuable single coin in the collection now on exhibition at the meeting of the American Numismatic association at Chicago. The conductor turned the valuable half dollar in and the re ceiver replaced it with another and sent it to a Chicago dealer. Later it was sold to DeWitt Smith of Lee, Mass., for $500. Smith later refused to sell It for $2,500. It is now in the collection of H. O. Granberg, a wealthy mine owner of Oshkosh, Wis., who refuses to state what he paid for it. It is said to bo valued by its owner at $15,000. The coin lacks the arrows and sun's rays of other coins of its mintage, and is believed to be th'o only one of its kind in existence. An Albany, N. Y., dispatch, dated August 31, says: Moneys on do posit in postal savings banks are sub ject to taxation according to an opinion given today by Attorney General Carmody to the stato board of tax commissioners. The attorney general holds that the state law which exempts from taxation money due savings banks depositors was in tended to apply only to savings banks as they wore provided for in the stato banking act. The damage done by a hurricane which-swept the south .Atlantic coast Sunday, night, August 27, will total more than a million, dollars in the oity of Charleston, S. C, alone. Many persons are known to have perished and it is feared that re ports from several islands will swell the death list. At the government navy yard the damage was reported in excess of more than $20,000, tor pedo boats being badly damaged and buildings injured. Thousands of men are clearing away the debris left by the hurricane. Laws prohibiting the pretention on the stage of characters represent ing the Diety; making it a felony and limiting the annual interest of carry loans to 18 per cent, are among those passed by the recent New York legislature to go Into effect Septem ber 1. J. J. Frlsble, Curtis aviator, was killed at Norton, Kan. An Associated Press dispatch from New York, dated August 31, says: "In obedience to the decision of the supreme court, the Standard Oil company is relinquishing its control of the subsidiary concerns, and to day is the date set for the ending of the old regime, with the end of business today the company's books, containing the list of stockholders, will close and the stock of its sub sidiaries will be distributed among the stockholders in the parent or ganization of record,at that time. The work of apportioning the company's holdings of the stock of more than thirty subsidiaries affected will occu py at least three months, it is ex pected, so that the readjustment will not be complete prior to December 1. The American Bar association, in session at Boston, elected the follow ing officers: President, Stephen C. Gregory, Illinois; secretary, George Whitlock, Maryland; treasurer, Frederick K. Woodham, New York; executive committee, Edgar H. Far rar, Louisiana; John Hinckley, Maryland; Linn Helm, California; Ralnh W. Breckenridge, Nebraska; Hillis R. Bailey, Massachusetts, and Aldis B. Brown, District of Colum bia. The resolution denouncing the principle of recall of judges was adopted by a large majority. A Baltimore dispatch, dated August 30, says: On the face of almost complete unofficial returns today from the democratic primary election in Maryland yesterday, State Qnnntnr Arthur Huco German will defeat State Senator Blair Lee for the gubernatorial nomination by one vote in the state convention to be held in September. A factor that contributed to Senator Lee's defeat was the loss of one vote each in two of the counties he carried because of a decrease in population as shown by the last census. The condition of Congressman J. t T.nttn. of Nebraska, who was Bandits robbed the Oregon express train on the Southern Pacific railroad near Lamoine, Cal., and made their getaway with booty. The corner's inquest, held at Canonsburg, Pa., concerning tho deaths in a panic during a picture? show at the Canonsburg opera house August 26, when twenty-six persons were killed and scores injured, re turned a verdict censuring the mana ger of the show and tho state de partment of factory and building in spection. The Southern Pacific Railroad company, through Julius Krutt schnitt, vice president and director of maintenance and operation of tho Harrlman lines, has absolutely re jected a demand for recognition of the federation of shop employes com prising five shop craft unions and 25,000 men. That such recognition, with its implications, would hamper the company in performing its duty to the public was the position taken by its officials. Union leaders asked for it on the grounds of economy and expedition, and admittedly because of a feeling that greater centraliza tion of capital and power made cor responding centralization among various unions desirable. The unions involved had asked their general officers for permission to strike in the event of tho refusal to grant recognition of the federation. It is thought possible that the repre sentatives of the five shop craft unions will seek another meeting with the railroad officials before tak ing definite action. THE STATEHOOD VETO Following is a page from the Congressional Record: The Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Underwood.) The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Clark.) (Applause on tho demo cratic side.) Mr. Clark of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I fully agree with my well beloved friend, the gentleman from tihtioIk (Mr. Mann), that the growth of this country since 1860, in wealth and in every other respect, has been phenomenal. No man rejoices in that more than I do. I permit no living human being to be more pa triotic than I am. (Applause on the democratic side.) I suppose his figures are correct, but the gentle man leaves out of his calculations the most important element of growth in the United States since 1860. and that is the growth in population (applause on the. demo cratic side); and surely no republi- :; r:r in a Rochester, Minn., can will dare to claim wat ido re- WnTtrtl over awek ago for, an in- publicans begat all tnat. increase m toJrttoti SderoStinues enourag- population, (Applause on the demo- cratlc side.) Democrats did thoir full share in that regard. Who created this wealth? Domocrats had as much to do with increasing it as the republicans had. (Applauso on tho democratic side.) It makes mo weary to hear peoplo talk about somebody wanting to destroy tho in dustries and prosperity of this land. It is a lie. (Loud applauso on the democratic side.) No sane man wants to injuro in tho estimation of a hair any legitimate industry of this country. (Applauso on tho democratic sido.) It is a thing in credible. That is what I have con tended for always, and especially sinco we carried tho house and had the responsibility placed upon us. It is our country as well as yours; our children must live hero as well as yours; we have as great a stake in the prosperity of tho republic as you havo; and, in the language of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, every one." (Applause on tho democratic side.) Tho president has tho constitu tional right to veto this bill If ho wanted to do so. I am not quarrel ing with him about that. I am, as his personal friend, lamenting his .lack of wisdom. (Applause on tho democratic side.) Ho has raised an issue which will rago with unabated fury until the close of the polls in November, 1912. (Applause on the democratic sido.) We most cheer fully welcome that issue. Wo will meet the president and his stand-pat cohorts at Philippl. You gentlemen talk about our putting tho president in a hole. We did not havo to do so; ho has done it for himself. (Applause on the democratic side.) But, nevertheless and notwith standing, the gentleman from Ken tucky (Mr. James) stated the literal historic truth when ho said that tho right of veto is a' remnant of the royal prerogative. Ho was correct also when he stated that no English sovereign has dared to exercise tho veto power in something like 200 years. If George the Fifth should veto an important measure ho would lose his crown and his throne and be sent on his "travels," as Charles the Second facetiously denominated his banishment. My good friend from Tennessee (Mr. Austin) who nominated mo for president and I rejoice In the fact that tho republi can members of this house feel as kindly toward me personally as the democrats do (applause) it is a matter of infinite pride with mo the gentleman got this tariff board business wrong. The gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Underwood) and myself never advocated this tariff board. (Applause on the democratic side.) We never voted for it. I will tell you what we did advocate and what wo did vote for, and that is to make that board a board of real ex perts and then make it responsive to the house of representatives in general and to the ways and means committee in particular. (Applause on the democratic side.) I am will ing to do that now. I am not going to say anything derogatory of this tariff board, but I am going to say what I think, as I always do. The gentleman from New York (Mr. Payne) and the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Dalzell) and all tho rest of the republican members of the committee on ways and means who served on that committee in the Sixtieth and Sixty-first congresses when the Payne-Aldrich bill was framed and passed, and the gentle man from Illinois (Mr. Cannon), who, while he was not present when the first tariff bill was made in 1789, has been present at nearly all the rest of them (laughter); and the gentleman from Alabama (Mr. Underwood), and the gentleman from Texas (Mr. Randall), and the gentleman from New York (Mr. Harrison), and the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. Brantley), who were also on tho old ways and means com mittee any ono of them knows moro about tho tariff today than that ontlro tariff board rolled togothcr. (Applauso on tho democratic Bide.) I namo only tho old members; but I will say that the now democratic members of tho ways and moans committee were selected for their fitness for such work; and I dcslro to bear witness in this distinguished prosenco to tho fact that no set of men over worked harder, more por sistontly, or moro painstakingly in tho discharge of a duty than havo BmCTdTMlIS Raising Fniiti and Veietabki In 6 Sou. Stain, tmertcd by 5. A. L. Kr. Land dieaD. Water Dlentllul. Healthy climate. Net $500 to $1000 pet acre 3 to 3 crop a year, in Manatee County, on Wt Coait ol Florida. Ralie Oranen, Crape Fruit, Vejcctt ble. Illustrated booklet Iree. J, . I niUBt. VJCII. IIIU. Hk, fceaboard Air Uno Railway, Suit Got, KKldcVi. INVESTINQ for PROFIT FREE FUU HIX MONTHS. 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Writo today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 87 07 Bank Building Peoria, 111., and get full information of this new and wonderful discovery, absolutely free. Asthma SAT FZVEK RSMZTJT Mat by express to you ou Vn Trial, it ltcurss send ftl; If not, don't. Uive express oslce. Wrltcteaar. XAXXOXAX. CZEMXOAX, QO., 40g 2sytar ., U4asy, Old M & -S j ..SftE6ft&Mfc'dfc . lfr.i2L,