The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL. 11, NO. 35 Lincoln, Nebraska, September 8, 1911 Whole Number 555 Get Together The old fight is on again. For sixteen years the democratio party has had its quadrennial struggle to free itself from the strangle-hold of Wall street. The victory won in the national con vention of 1896 put the party, as an organization, on the side of the people, but the Wall street element of the party defeated it by such a combination of fraud, force and corruption as the country had never before seen. As soon as the election was over the Wall street element set about to carry the party back to its wallow in the mire of plutocracy. It failed, but its failure only intensified its thirst for revenge, and it defeated the party again. In 1904 Wall street regained control of the organization by constant reiteration of the charge that radi calism had caused two defeats. It posed as the prophet of success and promised a big campaign fund and victory. Seeing that the rank and file were unalterably opposed to the proposed exploitation the Wall street democrats deliberately united with the Wall street republicans and converted a defeat into a rout. The memory of 1904 made it impossible for the Wall street democrats to make much headway in 1908, although with the aid of all the servile agents of plutocracy it did its best. Powerless to .control the party it again threw its influence to the republicans. The defeat of 1908 gave Wall street renewed courage and it is again at work. The same predatory interests control most of the leading dailies. Some of these papers call themselves republican and some of them call themselves democrats and their masters uso them to keep up a sort of Punch and Judy show for the amusement of the public. But whenever a convention is to bo held or an election is at hand they are all back of the men supported by the interests. Today, the Wall street crowd is backing President Taft for the republican nomination and it will seek to control the democratic nomination also, but let no democrat be deceived. When election day comes the solid support of the plunderbund will be thrown to President Taft. From the lowest possible standpoint of expediency it would be folly to allow Wall street to nominate the democratio candidate. Our party has made a record for reform which renders it impossible to gain the confidence of the big criminals who evade punishment by controlling the government. .The only hope of the party is in the nomination of a positive, progressive, aggressive democrat. Any other course would be suicidal. Let the unpurchased, unintimidated, democratic democrats of each community get together and agree upon the candidate who best represents the sentiments of the rank and file and support him. The predatory interests always unite. The masses should not be divided at a time like this. Get together nominate the ticket. Those Questions Governor Marshall and ex-Governor Folk have answered the questions submitted by The Commoner. They have indorsed the proposition that THE CONSTITUENTS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHERE THE CANDIDATES STAND ON IMPORTANT QUESTIONS AT ISSUE. The other candidates have, in their speeches, answered many of the questions and may think that a categorical answer is unnecessary, but surely there can be no objection to repetition in the statement of one's position and on some of the questions a direct answer is imperatively necessary. Take, for instance, the trust ques tion. The supreme court has virtually repealed the criminal clause of the anti-trust law. Do the candidates acquiesce in this decision? If not, have they the courage to take the people's side of this great issue. Ask them? The readers are urged to secure from the candidates an answer to these questions. Also, are they in favor of the indorsement of the Denver platform remedy on the trust question If not, what remedy do they favor? A trust-controlled demo cratic president would be worse than a republi can president for his surrender to tho trusts would injure the party while a trust controlled republican president strengthens tho demo cratic party. Find out where tho candidates stand on the trust question and send their answers to The Commoner. CONTENTS GET TOGETHER THOSE QUESTIONS LORIMER THE LEADER BIRDS OF A FEATHER THE REORGANIZATION FARCE CLARK REPLIES TO PRESIDENT TAFT A PLUTOCRATIC PROTEST AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION "GOES DEMOCRATIC" ALDRICH CURRENCY SCHEME MEANS A BANKERS' TRUST PRACTICAL TARIFF TALKS HOME DEPARTMENT WHETHER COMMON OR NOT NEWS OF THE WEEK WASHINGTON NEWS BIRDS OF A FEATHER President Taft may get some idea of his point, of view by looking up the records of those who most violently assail the recall of judges. Every big criminal who practices grand laTceny by law or who trusts to the partiality of corporation judges to grant him immunity when Ho violates the law every one of these will applaud the president for insulting the intelligence and patriotism of tho people with his veto. Every subsidized newspaper that sells its editorial and news columns to the predatory interests will echo the president's appeal for an independent (?) judiciary, Every attorney who In ofllco relies upon secret retainers from favor seeking corporations and those attorneys, who, out of office, win fame and fortune by furnishing legal horses on which members of the plunderbund may escape from punishment all these will shout approval , of tho president's veto and hail him as a "Daniel come to judgment." He will be Indorsed by some through a mis understanding of tho real issue and by many for partisan reasons but his militant and vocl or who, as defenders, share the booty. Is Presl who have their hands in other people's pockets or who, as defenders share the booty. Is' Presi dent Taft willing to be judged by the com pany ho keeps? TO THE PEOPLE OF ARIZONA Eliminate the recall of judges and" come Into the union. You will then be free to restore that provision of your constitution, and you will dis appoint your friends if you do not restore it at tho first opportunity. What a revolt there Is against the republican party! It would be a political crime to destroy the democratic party's chances by nominating a Wall street candidate. Lorimer the Leader Those who regard tho Initiative, referendum and the recall as a menace to our government have at last found a leader worthy of tho cause. Senator Lorimer has taken command and wo may expect his genius to organize such of tho opponents of these reforms as are not repelled by his record. In a speech delivered before tho veterans at Duquoin, 111., tho senator said, ac cording to tho Chicago Record-Herald: "Since I was a boy I have heard it said that this government of ours must fall, but I have always believed it was indestructible so long as no laws can be placed on tho statute books ex cept they first be acceptable to tho greatest minds of the country. I thought that no serious blow could be struck at tho constitution or that no set of men traveling from one end of tho state to the other could threaten the constitution. "But of late I am convinced that there Js a method by which the government can be de stroyed. Wo have been renouncing everybody and everything. 'Do the people rulo?' they ask. Of course, the answer Is 'Yes.' "But we can only trust ourselves by some method whereby every statute enacted Is first investigated by careful minds as to its effect on the people. Can anyone who thinks say that laws placed on the statute books by tho initia tive and referendum will be put there after Intelligent consideration? That is absolutely impossible. "Talk about the Intelligence of tho people! Toll me, is there any man hero who knows any one whom ho would trust and follow on every question that could bo presented? When we aro willing to give up representative government we will accept the initiative and referendum. After years of experience I am convinced that If wo want a' law on the statute books all tho peoplo combined are not capable of putting it there intelligently, but must appoint some one to draft it and be responsible for it. Where does tho responsibility rest under the initiative and referendum? "There is a mania just now for passing all kinds of laws. You men must rise up and 1 f II i .., j 1 1 uiinmiH!)-Tinlllii 4i.-m&-. u "- i..