y-3yjr!?i'arfl -05- 4 -. w- h k r w U I . K t. k$ The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY m Entered at the Postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class matter. W 11,1.1AM J.Uhyan lidltor Mill Proprietor KlCllAItl) 1. Mx.tcai.vk .AHcdnlc Editor ClIAltl.Kfl W. BnrAN PllMlBhW Fdltorjnl rooms nnd Iliwlneafl ( fl'co 124-520 South 12th Street One Year fi.00 Three Month .25 Six MoB(hi) .GO Sliiicle Copy .03 In Clubs of Fivo or Sample Copies Free, moro, per year... .75 Foreign Post. 5o Extra. SUBSCRIPTIONS can bo sent direct to The Com moner. They can also bo sent t'.. tiff' newspapers which have advertised a clubbing: rato, or through local agents, where sub-agents have been appoint ed. All remittances should bo sent by postofflce money order, express order, or by bank draft on New York or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps or money. 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ADVERTISING 'Hates will bo furnished upon appl lection. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb, Mighty little dross in the output of the demo cratic house during the special session. The senate has dono much better than usual this year thanks to the aid rendered the democrats by tho insurgents. The president's veto of the cotton-iron schedule did not create much of a Bensation it was a sort of "others also ran" affair Head the poll of democratic senators and members of congress and see if you can discover any Bigns of Nebraska instructing for Harmon, The president tells congress that the com mission selected by HIM haB such a monopoly of tariff wisdom that nothing was left for sena tors and members of congress to do. Here's to Senator Owen. His bravery In tying Arizona and New Mexico together at the last session insured Arizona's admission at this session with her progressive constitution. The new state ought to name a county after him. Senator Bailey voted against the admission of Arizona even with the recall stricken out but no other democrat joined him in his objec tions. How fortunate for the party that Senator Bailey's arguments no longer influence his colleagues. The plutocratic papers which gave so much space to Mr. Underwood's attack on Mr. Bryan have littlo to say about his offensive attack on his colleague, Congressman James, and they freely forgive him for surrendering the right of the house to frame a' bill reducing the duty on iron and steel. A GOOD BEGINNING The sending of thirteen members of the poul try trust to the penitentiary for the violation of tho Now York anti-trust law is a good'- be ginning. They entered into a conspiracy H'6' rob the people of 'their state why should thenot be treated as other thieves? :F.aaj . Penitentiary terms for a few of the ''high toned criminals ho practice grand lafceny through monopoly methods will do . more1-than anything else to end the, reign of commercial lawlessness and restore competition. ! I . .....fr.iHl -..-... -A.''. The Commoner. "Bryan a Dead One Old Bill' of (Cincinnati Post.) If you share tho fallacy, popular in some quarters, that William Jennings Bryan, of Lin coln, Nob., Is dead, go with him to a Chautauqua lecture or ride 40 miles with him on an interur ban trolley car. See the populace fall on his neck. See the men wring his right hand dry. Hear tho woman purr sweet purrs into his ear. And see William J. himself receive a fat pack age from the manager of the Chautauqua, which, on being opened, proves to be none other than a check for $200 and an assorted collection of worn but perfectly good greenbacks. Dead? Nay nnd no. William Jennings Bryan Is still our most animated politician. See tho mothers of Georgetown, O., where Bryan spoke recently, pleading with the Peer less Leader that he shake their babies' hands. See him do it, and also pat baby's cheek. See mother's face abeam with happiness. Hear mother say: "This is Mr. Bryan, baby. Some day 00 be a great man like him." Hear father declare: "I met you-in Maysville once, Col. Bryan." And hear the colonel: "Yes, sir; I remem ber it was late at night." The colonel's touch of reminiscence causes father's iron mask of care to drop from his face, and It becomes radio-active with rippling smiles. Tho colonel xlead? He's one of our livest wires. See the lovely town of Georgetown. See the leading stores all closed in the colonel's honor. See old campaign portraits of the colonel, dug up from treasure chests, decorating the win dows. See the newly painted white courthouse waving the stars and stripes from Its tower, and only one of many gay gonfalons that waved in Georgetown Tuesday. See the proprietor of the leading dry goods emporium proudly selling two shirts to the ' colonel, thus becoming the exclusive purveyor of , Georgetown to his peerlessness, William J. Bryan, the only. The colonel deceased? If you think so, please wake up. Hear the colonel in the Chautauqua assembly at the Brown county fair grounds speaking as he spoke Tuesday. See every seat in the race track grand stand filled at a quarter per. Hear the colonel on his favorite topic, "Plutocracy." Hear the colonel say: "If I should run again they would ring tho tliird-term issue on me. For what with one president taking half of my platform and an other president talcing the other half, you see I have already had two terms." And listen to the thunderous applause. "Go to it, Bill, go to it." "Right you are, Bill," they cry. "I am very happy now," continues tho colonel. "I never felt better in my life. I am relieved of the responsibilities of the presidency. What's the use of working when you can get somebody else to do your work for you in Washington?" Hear 'em laugh and shout: "That's good, Bill; right you are." "And the recall," remarks the colonel, "is nothing else than a means of prying an un desirable official away from the public crib." "Wow!" shouts a man up in front. "The recall is simply a business method ap plied to politics. What business man would not dismiss an employe who was unfaithful to his trust? And how long, oh, how long, will we permit unfaithful servants to draw public salary while they embezzle power?" Now listen, will you, to the thunder of the clap of hands made hard at the plow. Bill dead? Forgot it. Now see him get down from the platform, all limp of collar and moist of shirt, "while the shoulder of hi coat sprinkled with perspira tion, looks as if the colonel had been under a hose. Hear 'em say: "Right smart speech, colonel.'' "The same Old Bill, by George; 'put 'er here, colonel." And hear the Brown county Buffragette say: "Colonel, I hope to vote for you gome day;" "Very kind5fbf you,M replies the colonel, blushing all' Over. f :, - "Say, colonel, 'please let me have , your fan," pleads a sweet young lady from't'CJeorgetown. And the colonel, with a bow, surrenders his palm leaf, and thus there is added another VOLUME 41, NUMBER 34 Nay, He's the Same Plain Folk" Bryan relic to the collection of Bryan coats and Bryan hats and Bryan trousers and Bryan shirts that are treasured by lucky democrats in various sections of the country. And now comes "Doc" Meyer with his auto oh, fortunate auto to bear tho colonel away to the depot, where he takes a car for Cincin nati. Hear the crowd cheer him on his way with a shout. Tho peerless leader no more? That's popu lar Action. See all the men in the car crowding into the smoker of the car where the colonel has found a seat. Observe the colonel occupying a seat all by himself. See all eyes centered there. Hear Old Pop Hoadley observe: "Colonel, hope you'll pick us a good man next time." And the colonel: "I'll do my best." Observe-the populate of the town crowding around the car at every stop and pushing their hands through the open window at the colonel. Hear Mr. Newlywed saying: 7Colonel, my wife is at the other end of the car. I'd like to have you meet her." Whereupon the colonel leaves his seat and holds a 10-mlnute reception to Mr. Newly wed's bride. (Great jealousy among the rest of the passengers.) It's a triumphal tour. And then his peerless ness takes off his wilted collar and puts on a fresh one (size 17) in full view of everybody. The car reaches 'the depot at Fourth avenue and Sycamore street. A drunken man reels oiit of a saloon. His. vision is uncertain as to the exact position of the sidewalk and tho telegraph poles; but he instantly recognizes the colonel. "I have voted for you five times," says tho man, and then he makes a "touch" and gets a quarter. "Five times?" queries the colonel as he passes the coin. "Then, sir, you have the distinction of voting for me more often than .any man in the United States." The colonel has onjy run for the. presidency three times so far. W. J. B. among the departed? No! , As Senator Gore, the blind solon from Okla homa, who was the evening's lecturer at the Chautauqua, remarked, "He will live forever in the hearts of the people." Bryan left Cincinnati for Urbana, 111., at 9 o'clock Tuesday evening, after being entertained at dinner by Walter Wichgar, president of the Business Men's club, and John L. Snuff. Cin cinnati Post CONSTITUTIONAIilTjr OF LAWS , Chevy Chase, Md., Aug, 7, 1911. Editor Tho Commoner: Mr. J. H. Ryckman, in your issue of April 14th, last, questions the right of the federal courts to declare a law unconstitutional. He doubts that such a power was conferred upon these courts by the constitution of the United States, and thinks it Is a usurped power merely. .jMuch interesting discussion on this subject wjll be found in the speeches and writings of Calhoun and Hayne, at. the time of the nullifi cation crisis, 1830-33. For instance, Calhoun sontly denied that the constitution conferred any such power upon tho .federal judiciary. He admitted the right of the courts to pass upon the constitutionality of a statute In cases properly before them, but only as a right or duty arising from tho nature of the case, and then not so as to bind the several United States or to decide questions of sovereignty. Such a right he contended resided with every one of the several states (In matters arising within its own territorial bounds), pending a general convention of the states and a three fourths vote therein against the objecting or vetoing state this in view of the fact that the federal government and all its. departments (in cluding the judiciary) is one of strictly dele gated powers, while the several states (I. e., the , people thereof) possess all the residuary, undelegated powers as expressly set forth in the 10th article of the amendments." From this it will be seen that "nullification" waff nothing else than a system of state referen dum. And 1f popular referendum is coming to bev recognized as a remedy and a safeguard for thespeople of a given state, why not state referendum to guard the states of the union against' judicial usurpation and centralized despotism? LLOYD T, EVERETT. H ,. y.v,. & ' jfvi