The Commoner. m VOLUME 11, NUMBER 34 '""jm m 1; w . n. $ in Ul' i mi i i i i i Black Hog wallow Land . i fflTTTT-n r"TrnrrrCT'TrrTrai""TOfi In the Gulf Coast Section of the Texas Rainbelt Deep and Fertile Soil that Produces Two or MoreCrops a Year T HESE lands arc being sold in medium size farm tracts at prices that are very low, compared with what the same kind of land in the best farming sections of northern states is selling for. Delightful and healthful climate schools, churches of various denominations, good society 7 in the heart of development, where are model farms and prosper ous farmers. Average yields : Corn, 40 to 75 bushels per acre; cotton one-half to one bale per acre; alfalfa, seven to eight cuttings a year; potatoes, 1 50 to 300 bushels per acre; other crops in proportion. Our lands will bear the closest inspection. Come and see them. Join our homeseek ers' excursions Leave St. Louis and Kan sas City on first and third Tuesday of each month. Cut out attached coupon and mail to us today, receive Free illustrated Booklet. ALLISON RICHEY LAND GOMPANY (Cut outj.oro.).: Allison-Richcy Land Co., Houston,-Texas. 1911 SENATOR REED'S -SPEECH (wish to just answer briefly. The Please send me, 'without obliga tion on 'my part, your Gulf Coast Farm Land Booklet advertised in Bryan's Commoner. Signed: " f General Offices: , : ' Second Floor. Carter Bldg., Houston, Texas. Name , . . . . . m ! t ,. V A M t PO " S -'' ' - " , t.? Ty ................ ......., v --Jr.- : - . . T. -i. 1 Stato .". a. .!. ; .;.,;. . JA ,v '. ... ' : ' 8 .... . ' t. at n ' I ' (Continued frOm Page 13.) their own particular emolument and profit. If it is necessary to talk plain, I will talk plain. I even dare to talk for that miserable wretch who has the temerity to get himself elected to a seat in this chamber and who does not have a vast sum of money at his back. Mr. President, I say that here, just as in the supreme cout of the United States; here as in the supreme courts of the various states; here as in the nisi prius courts of the land; here as in the little justice courts at country crossroads, with no light to guide save that of reason and con science; here as in all tribunals where justice is dealt out with even hand; hero, as there, when a man has a direct personal interest he ought, in all decency, in all good conscience, in all patriotism, to step aside and let those who do not have that interest settle the question in dispute. I would not object to these in terested members' appearance before any committee, as interested parties, to present their case, although the propriety of such conduct may well be questioned, but I say we have the right to object to men sitting in this body and voting upon a question when they have a heavy financial interest to serve. Why, sir, if a man were to sit In any legislative body and take a thousand dollars for his vote, we would brand him a crimi nal; we would put stripes upon him and lock him in a' prison cell for years of time. Becauso some sena tors have come to this body and it has been alleged that they have offered or paid sums of money to secure votes, we solemnly investi gate the question whether they si' all be permitted to sit here. If it bo proper to send a legislator to a prison cell because he takes a thous and dollars for his vote, will you araw me tne line in the realm of conscience between the conduct of the legislator who sells his vote for money .and the act of a man who sits here in the senate and votes tens of thousands of dollars into his pockets by way of a tax levied upon thoso he has sworn to represent and protect? The Rcod-Smoot Colloquy Following is a page from the Con gressional Record of August 15: Mr. Smoot. Mr. President, the in ference to be drawn from, the re marks of the senator from Wisconsin UVir. La toilette) is that the Payne Aldrich bill passed the house, came to the senate, and the committee on finance considered the bill but 48 hours and reported it back with some GOO changes. I simply want to say. to the senators that as soon as tne finance committee was organized in the Sixty-first congress the committee met every day of the week at 10 o'clock in the morning, iuuuiuu uihh o ana u m the evening for weeks and weeks before ever the Payne tariff bill passed the house of representatives, and by the time it did pass the house the finance committee of the senate had con sidered every schedule of .the bill. The finance committee of the senate had the hearings that were halri i.p- fore the ways and means committee of the house. They gave hearings to anyone attended by a senator who aesireu to oe. heard. Any senator who appeared before the committee upon any schedule waa heard; and" the time given to the bill, was not 48 hours, but it was weeks and weeks. Mr. R.eedv:. Mr, President . The- .Vice President. Does the senator from, Utah yield to the sena tor from Missouri? .VS.mooC; lf the senator ? will wait until 1 finish, then I will gladly yield, , Another thing, Mr. President, I senator from Wisconsin says that the Wilson bill had nothing whatever to do with the financial condition of the United States during the years 1894-1897. I say that the Wilson bill had an effect upon the woolen industry of the United States, and an effect upon the woolen industry of England. Let me quote here what the Lon don Times said of the woolen indus try of Bradford, England, at the close of the year 1895. The London Times said: "There is room for doubt whether outside the West Riding of York shire it is at all generally realized that the year 1895 witnessed a re vival in the worsted industry of such magnitude as to be a matter not only for local but for national congratula tion. After long years of depres sion the varying, sometimes, doubt less, intermitted gloom of which had lately become painfully intense, the great manufacturing district of which Bradford is the center was visited last year by the full sunshine of prosperity. Roughly speaking, the Wilson tariff, which came into effec tive operation in the last month of 1894 in place of the strangling sys tem of duties associated with the name of McKinley reduced the cus tomhouse charges upon the principal products of the Bradford district im ported into the states from 100 per cent. of their value to 50 per cent." I also call the attention of sena tors to the fact that during the year 1891 there were 11,886,716 pounds of cloth imported; by 1892 there were 16,248,313 pounds; and in 1893 there were 13,604,965 pounds, or in those three years 41,739,996 pounds while in the single- year of 1895, when the country was in the throes of poverty, there were imported from England 40,070,148 pounds. There were imported within a f eW thousand pounds in that one year of what was imported during the three preceding years under the McKinley bill. Mr. President, I am not going to take up the discussion as to whether the tariff had anything to do with the general distress throughout the country, but I know that it closed the woolen mills of this country and it opened the woolen mills of the Bradford district, in England. The Vice President. The question is on agreeing to the conference re port. ' Mr. Warren. - Mr. President, I riso with some reluctance on this report. Mr. Reed. Mr. President The Vice President. Does- the senator from Wyoming yield to the senator from Missouri? . Mr. Warren. I do. Mr. Reed. I rose to ask the sena tor from Utah a question, and he said he would prefer I would wait until he had closed. I did wait, and I should, like to have the privilege of asking the question. The Vice -resident. Does the Senator.from Wyoming yield for that purpose? Mr. Warren. Certainly. ' Mr. Reed. I understand the sena tor from Utah now to say that' the senate finance committee did hold meetings for many weeks and did have hearings. - ' Mr. Smoot. Mr. President, I said that the senate finance committee did hold hearings, for weeks, and .that any senator who desired to be heard upon any schedule was given the chance, and whomsoever he brought with him was given a' hearing. Mr. Reed. I had not concluded my question. I- want to know if the senator from Utah desires- now w change the statement he made on this floor in a- recent speech, in which he said that the meetings were secret meetings had by only the republi can members of the committee, ana that no ono was admitted except those interested parties who ..came before that secret tribunal organized :!' ,1i 0