CT h 2 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 32 rv N- H H" m TUB UNDERWOOD INCIDENT AGAIN On another page will be found an extract from tho Congressional Itocord containing tho Bpeeches of Mr. Underwood and Mr. Kitchin. Tho reader will note: First That both ask for Mr. Bryan's author ity. Mr. Bryan has given it the Omaha World Herald, owned by Senator Hitchcock. Second That Mr. Kitchin admits making the speech attributed to him. Ho expresses surprise that a democrat would ubo it. That is the parti Ban viow that it is proper to criticise an op ponent but Improper to criticise one of your own paTty. Mr. Kitchin is now convinced that Mr. Underwood was right in favoring delay in re porting a bill reducing iron and steel schedules. Mr. Bryan is not convinced. The action of the Benato on other bills should have no influence on tho houso program. There is no good reason why the house should not proceed to report bills as long as it is In session tho more the bettor. But tho most notablo thing about Mr. Under wood's speech is that it does not meet the real point at issue.,, DID SOME ONE OFFER A RESOLUTION' INSTRUCTING THE COMMIT TEE TO PROCEED TO REPORT OTHER BILLS AND DID MR. UNDERWOOD OPPOSE AND DEFEAT IT? The World-Herald dispatch says ho did and that is tho basis of Mr. Bryan's criti cism. Mr. Underwood admits that SOME ONE offered such a resolution and that HE OPPOSED IT. Did Mr. Clark offer or support such a reso lution? If so, why did Mr. Underwood not so state? If Mr. Clark did NOT introduce or sup port such a resolution why did Mr. Underwood not specifically deny the report? The fact that IN THE BEGINNING he asked for Immediate reduction then on iron and steel has weight but it does not outweigh his opposi tion to immediate reduction now. His REASONS for his present attitude are proper subjects for discussion. Finally it will be noticed that he did not answer tho criticism of the secret caucus. Does he stand for dark: lantern methods? Does he believe that members should be permitted to hide behind a caucus which furnishes no record vote? As a member of congress Mr. Underwood can avail himself of his personal privilege to 'denounce a criticism but his explanation does not explain. If Mr. Underwood's answer is satisfactory to the democratic members of con gress Mr. Bryan appeals from their judgment to the judgment of their constituents. EXPLAIN, MR. UNDERWOOD . Mr. Underwood, In a fit of irritation, attacked Mr. James of Kentucky. He afterward with drew his criticism but he ought to rise to a question of personal privilege and explain: First Why it Irritated him to have Mr. James oppose a fifty-year lease to a water power company? Second Why he impugned the motives of a fellow member of the ways and means com mittee? ' Third Why he used the stock phrase em ployed by the representatives of predatory cor porations when they are denouncing those who defend public interests? He will have to make the first explanation himself; it is incomprehensible to the outsider that he should have been irritated by Mr. James' remarks when he had no personal interest in the measure. He- will have difficulty, too, making the second explanation. He must have a deep seated grudge against Mr. James to make such an at tack upon him. The language was intended as an insult the worst insult that a man like Mr. Underwood could hurl at an opponent. Men like Mr. Underwood can not think of anything more offensive to say of a man than that ho "is mak ing a play to the galleries." Of course, Mr. Underwood is sorry that his anger led him to reveal his disappointment at Mr. James' great victory. But it is illuminating to know that Mr. Underwood's sympathies were with Mr. Paynter and against Mr. James. It gives us a side-light on Mr. Underwood that helps us to understand him. ' The public can make the third explanation itself. When Mr. Underwood accused Mr. James of winning his senatorial fight by an ap peal to the galleries he gave the public an in terior view of "himself. He looks at questions from the plutocrutic standpoint; he has a con tempt for those who appeal to the masses. To him Mr. James appears as a rank demagogue bo does any one else who takes the people's Bide against the demands of the predatory in terests. Of course, he congratulated Mr. James on his victory and ho would have congratulated The Commoner. Mr. Bryan also had he been elected, but in his heart Mr. Underwood has felt toward Mr. Bryaa as ho has felt toward Mr. James. He has had an opportunity to express himself against both. Ho has withdrawn his remarks so far as Mr. James is concerned, but he can not obliterate tho flashlight which he gave the public of the real Underwood when he accused Mr. James of having won his senatorial contest by "a play to tho galleries." MR. ALDRIOH THINKS SO, TOO Mr. J. P. McClure, Purdy, Mo., writes: "Much Is being said and done by republican organs masquerading as democrat papers. I enclose, a sample which is clipped from the St. Louis Re public of August 4. This paper, together with many others, has been quite busy since the con vening of congress 'eliminating' Mr. Bryan from democratic politics. Let Mr. Bryan con tinue his good work, the people are with him." The Republic editorial follows: "We trust that western democrats will not become unduly dis turbed over Mr. Bryan's criticisms of Chair man Underwood; they are but evidences, we take it, of a 'summer mood' which soon must pass. "The ground of our confidence Is the work Mr. Underwood is doing. No democrat for a gene ration has shown higher capacity for practical service as a legislator. The country is getting the kind of legislation it wants. Mr. Underwood is helping, in a position of focal importance, to Bupply it. And there you are. "We should like gently to remind Mr. Bryan that one of tho frontiers of free speech touches the domain of the common scold. To Mr. Under wood and his associates has come the oppor tunity which has never been vouchsafed to Mr. Bryan to undertake constructive legislation. They are doing yeoman service, and should be supported. "That Mr. Bryan should bo dissatisfied with the precise order of events in congress 4s natural and negligible. Tho independence of the course of events of our individual prejudices and prepossessions is one of the sad and familiar facts of life. The Lincoln statesman is shooting well, but his piece lacks eleyation. From a com fortable position in the rear where, of course, the artillery ought to be he is hitting the front rank in the back." St. Louis Republic. Mr. Aldrich, also, doubtless thinks that Mr. Bryan is "a common scold," because Mr. Bryan has opposed many of Mr. Aldrlch's schemes, among them the Aldrich currency scheme. If the editor of the St. Louis Republic would get nearer to good old Missouri democrats he would not take offense because Mr. Bryan in sists that the democratic party shall be true to its principles. Nor would the editor of the Re public write such editorials, for Instance, as appeared in his paper of March 1, wherein he commended the Aldrich currency scheme. From the indorsement of the Aldrich currency scheme as worthy of support, to the denuncia tion of Mr. Bryan as "a common scold" because he protests against the democratic party going republican is but a short step. Let the St. Louis Republic look to its own standing among true and tried democrats. That standing is imperiled by the indorsement of such trust schemes as the Aldrich currency plan. WHY NOT PROBE IT? Representative Beall of the house investigat ing committee asked George W. Perkins of the steel trust about that trust's contributions to campaign funds. Mr. Perkins refused to answer and the committee held a meeting in which the democratic members decided to in sist upon an answer from Perkins and in tho event of further refusal to order him befora the bar of the house for contempt. Later Representative Littleton of New York, democrat, who had not attended the previous session of the committee induced other demo cratic members to reconsider. The Associated Press says that Representative Bartlett of Georgia, democrat, supported Mr. Littleton in this position. Mr. Littleton made a statement in which ie said that the committee had no authority to ask Mr, Perkins as to his contribu tions to campaign funds unless it could be shown that he was afterwards reimbursed by the trust. Following Mr. Littleton's statement, Chair man Stanley declared that it was well known that campaign contributions "that were not spread on the records withtany degree of volu minousness" wore made, by- corporations. "An inquiry," said Mr. ..Stanley, "as to the methods by which the United States Steel cor poration kept Its books with reference to this WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN If the democratic members of the house did not submit .to secret caucuses on public affairs there would be no doubt concerning any of their proceed ings. Why should any .democratic member submit to the secret caucus? Why should not the .public business .which these men have to do be transacted in the open so that their constituents may be able to fix responsibility for all that they do and for all that they fail to do? Tho secret caucus. is one of the worst foes of popular government. If. you are opposed to It write your member of congress and urge him to protest against it. practice is relevant. Mr. Beall may and will exercise a wise discretion in the matter, but as to the question as to what difference there was in the way the United States Steel corporation and other corporations, that Is the New York Life Insurance company, kept its records, the chair still is of the opinion that it is relevant and competent, and should Mr. Beall insist upon an answer to that question the decision of the chair is not to be altered." Why is it that every time "the system" is pushed into a close place by some" faithful demo crat, some other democrat rushes to "the sys tem's" relief? ON ITS OWN TESTIMONY. John I. Haynes, St. Louis, Mo. Apropos to your splendid articles on guaranteeing bunk deposits, I enclose information from' the 'New York World, May 24, 1911, showing the loss of thirty-seven million dollars in. two years in the state of New York. Yet the New York World is opposed to bank guarantees. From the New York World: "The new state superintendent of banking will take charge, to morrow, it is expected, of the principal office of the department the one in this city. When he does so he will receive as a legacy from his predecessor fifteen banking corporations which have failed in the last two years and six months, sweeping away more than $37,000,000 of the people's money. "In some cases dividends have been paid, but in the majority not one cent has been handed back to the depositors who placed their money in the institutions." THE PEACE TREATIES The treaties between the United States and Great Britain and the United States and France ought to be ratified at once. They have gone as far as public sentiment will permit in sub mitting questions for final settlement, but the most important clause is the one providing for INVESTIGATION in EVERY CASE. This clause closes the door to var. Investigation will result in reconciliation; wars are the out growth of acts done while the nation is mad. The primacy of our nation Is peace, the peace movement is a matter of congratulation, and it is appropriate that Great Britain whose people share our language and France our ancient friend and ally should be associated with our own country in the signing Qf these epoch-making treaties. President Taft will look back to these treaties with pride and satisfaction. "CUT DOWN THE ROBBER TARIFFS" Editorial in Houston (Texas) Chronicle: Bryan charged that Underwood feared to try reducing protective tariffs on iron and steel. Underwood says Bryan's charge Is false. But Underwood, with power to reduce, doesn't reduce the iron and steel tariffs. Talk is cheap. The right way for Underwood to prove Bryan's charge is false is to do what Bryan sayB he dare not try to do. As for the "wild applause" given Underwood by his fellows in the houso at Washington, it may, as Bailey's Houston organ claims, prove his fellows believe him a "pure" man, but it is a' long way from proving him a square democrat. The way for him to prove that is to obey tho democratic party's promises, and the American majority's orders, and cut down the robber tariffs on iron and steel. l r-