The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, August 11, 1911, Page 14, Image 16

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The Commoner.
til V
Prepare for Victory
in the Campaign of 1912
by doing your part
to keep tho demo
cratic party pro
gressive. Ho prc-
nn'rml in flirftf thnflf
...... .. "o'-r --,-n
interests mat bbbkk,
cratlc party from ltBWjlj&
Bo nronarcd to JS
answer tho argu-ir?
ments of thoso who
arc socking tho de
struction of tho
democratic party by
tho adoption of a re
actionary policy.
. Know , tho truo
democratic position.
Koop yourself posted
on political probloms
by getting a good
Library Cover
ingWide Rang
of Live Topics,
incr vwirl Rnncrp Hrna
-"C w -.- .M..0w it&mtf.
? ",sBrwrTnnnrr"-TTrfnn yrrjmnirrim" nwrnnrniwri
WSjiVSW fm f .w.-j. ..imrvj--rr-i,sTa.i MMfcAWjAa.wrf jr. f w ijHtimww.wjiaMifitf.iiiigai
containing all tho $?!!
arguments, prlncl- m$
pies, reasoning,. facts Wt&4
questions of tho day.
Tlic Commoner Con
densed will supply
this need, and givo
?'ou all necessary
nformation, histori
cal data, etc., and
deflno tho truo demo
cratic position on all
public questions.
The C o m in oner
Condcnxed Is indls
nonsablo to students
of politics and public speakers. It contains invaluablo information tor
thoso engaged in tho preparation of political articles, speeches and de
bates. Tho Commoner Condensed will givo you a broad grasp and mastory of
all public questions presented in a way to givo you a clear conception of
tho fundamental and inherent rights of tho people.
Tho Commoner Condensed is a condensed copy of Tho Commoner issued
in book form, each volume representing tho volume number and year of
Tho Commoner's publication. Tho editorials and articles discuss questions
of a permanent nature.
Tho Commoner Condensed is sold by tho singlo volumo if desired. Each
volumo is comploto In Itself a vorltablo compendium of political informa
tion from original and authoritativo sources containing not only tho .
speeches and writings of Mr. Bryan, but tho best things from America's
public men presented, analyzed and discussed in a fair, impartial manner,
with a view of ascertaining tho truth regarding men, matters and events.
Our Special Low-Rate Offer
Wo havo on band only a limited rmpply of The Commoner Condensed,
To advanco tho work of progressive democracy and to cnablo ovory
worker to securo ono or moro of these books, Tho Commoner is making a
special below cost price for a short time. One or moro volumes will bo
sent prepaid to your address at tho following special prices, as long as
tho supply lasts:
Commoner Condensed, Bound in Cloth, per Vol., 50cts
Commoner Condensed, Bound in Paper, per Vol., 30cts
Owing to tho largo previous sales of these books, volumes I and III
in tho cloth binding aro exhausted and no moro will bo printed. This
in no way affects tho other volumes, as each book is completo in itself.
Wo can supply volumes II, IV, V, VI, and VII in tho cloth binding at
CO Cents per volume, prcpnld, or tho sot of flvo volumes for $2.C0.
In tho paper binding, volumo I is exhausted, but wo can supply volumes
II, III, IV and V, bound in paper, at 00 Cents per volume, prcpnld, or tho
set of four volumes for 91-0.
The Commoner Condensed in both bindings is identical In all respects
as to matter, paper and printing. Printed on special book paper, in largo,
clear typo, each book containing from 421 to 470 pages. Tho slzo of each
book is G by 8 inches by i to i inciies tmcic. comploto roforonco
Index, which makes it a valuablo handbook. Former price, in cloth, $1.50
por volumo; in papor, $1.00.
Send your order at onco and mako romittanco payable to THE COM
MONER, Lincoln, Neb.
(Continued from Pago 12.)
Elena, Countess of Donoughmore,
daughter of M. P. Grace, of New
York; Margaret, Countess of Suffolk
and Berkshire, daughter of Levi Z.
Letter, of Chicago:
i. TKese names,, are; hard to pro-
vn.ounca- byione who ..hasnot'been ar
special, envoy to a coronaton trade.
c.aTnivai (laughter:' and applause)
Adela, Countess of Essex, daughter
of Beach Grant, of New York; Cor
nelia, Countess of Craven, daughter
of Bradley Martin, of New York;
Beatrice, Countess of Granard,
laughter of D. Ogden Mills, of San'
Francisco; Grace, Lady.Newborough,
daughter, of Col, M. H. Carr, of Ken
tucky; Elizabeth, Lady Cheylesmore,
daughter of F. O. French, of New
York; Lady Barrymore, former wife
of the late Arthur Post, of New
York; Romaine, Lady Monson,
daughter of the late Gen. Roystone,
of Medham, N. J.; Mary Louise
Leith, of Fyvle, daughter of Derrick
A. January, of St. Louis; Frances,
Lady Ashburn, daughter, of J. C.
.Donnelly, of New York; . Lenora',.
uountess, or. ranKervine, daughter of
the late J. G. Van Marter,' of New
Mark Books Wanted and Send Coupon.
THIS COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebs
Gentlemen: I deslro to avail myself of your special below cost offer, and
I enclose monoy order in payment for The Commoner Condensed, to bo sent
prcpnld to address below. I havo also marked tho volumo or volumes I
wish and onclosed tho correct amount.
Send Vol. 2, cloth, at 50c Send Vol. 2, papor, at 30c....-..-
Sond Vol. 4, cloth, at GOc ; fiend Vol. 3, papor, at 30c ,'
Send Vol. 5, cloth, at 50c... ...: Send Vol. 4, papor, at 30c
Sond Vol. G, cloth, at 50o Send Vol. 5, paper, at 30o .
Send Vol. 7, cloth, at 50c j - ,
Total amount
Permit me here to indulge the
hope that the good day is coming
when the position of the plain Ameri
can citizen will be so lofty that puny
princes of other countries will fade
in deserved insignificance by just
comparison. (Applause.) Then may
we see this reign of international
nuptial alliance, based upon a mon
grel mixture of wealth and titles of
nobility, run its course before an en
lightened, world-wide sentiment. My
duty would be unperformed if I did
not pause to here shed a tear of
sympathy with our scorned and dis
credited duchesses, countesses, and
princesses. Behold this item of news
from the public press, which meets
our gaze:
"Representative Sabath learns that
despite the millions which we send
along with our maidrniR nnd which
enrich the thin-blooded nobility of
Europe the compensation is not ade
quate. About the time they are
crowning a king we discover that
some of our heiresses who have
bought little coronets can not wear
them in the procession. Some obso
lete rule or regulation is revived,
and with gravity and solemnity they
are relegated to the stands erected
for the common people. A resolu
tion introduced by Mr. Sabath di
rects tho secretary of state to in
quire Into tho 'humiliation' that title
bearing American women are forced
to undergo; how many of these in
ternational alliances are being nego
tiated, and at what figures; whether
any of the coronets are made of
pewter or tin; and whether there
is danger of 'titleitis' becoming
Our hearts and tears should go
out to these heiresses in their hour
of trial, as their las.t hopes fade into
the realm of cruel mockeries. But
the designs of our overambitious
plutocrats to not end there. They
now demand the great diplomatic
posts in tne cnier European capitals.
There they have placed the scale of
living so high that in some instances
our envoys have installed themselves
in viceregal magniflcance. Sumptu
ous palates and country estates have
been taken, the rentals of which are
so vast as to make the salaries paid
by this government appear utterly
contemptible and exceeding 20 times
the amount received from our treas
ury as their official emoluments.
Should not the blush of shame and
anger come to the face of every true
American wnen he realizes the dig
promised and abased in foreign
courts by envoys who maintain from
their private purses a style of living
characterizing the government send
ing them as a mere mendicant? The
time has come when thia humiliating
spectacle should be brought to a
close by" a decree coming: from: the
frear, andiminds. of the true. Ameri
can, citizens;. Perhaps the. trouble
hegaiiby jtheifa1Luj:enof thfs .govern
ment to ma'ke propter- provision for.
iferiepreaontat.veV abf oacl.' -,'.,-All
."other governments;- havo .p.ur-,
sued! such course by thus establish
ing homes for their envoys in foreign
courts. That is the universal rule of
all the .more . important governments.
Europeans-.regard, not. so much tho
jjipu.uu.t yju ii, resilience as
tho. fact Jthat it. is ,he,officiaV homo
ofr the government maintaining it.
An adequate home, in, any European,
capital" provided by this', government
for our, envoy becomes, by reason
of that fact alone, a place of. the
highest importance . and . dignity.
After such house has been provided
and equipped, by .our government, the
envoy, whether rich or poor, must
reside, in the style 'thus approved by
his country. In this manner the new
envoyr immediately, enters, upon, his
'arrival, into a w.ell-equipped .home,
the interior and exterior of which'
appear about the same, no matter
whether its occupant is an historian
or writer, like Bancroft, Motley, or
Taylor, or a multimillionaire, able
and eager to establish himself with
his own accidental riches in Water
loo palace or Devonshire house.
The Sixty-first congress passed an
Frco rpport as to Fntontnbllity Ilhutratod Out J j
Book, nnd List of Tnvontlnns Wanted, sent frco.
VICTOK J. EVANS Si CO., Washinctoo, D. O.
Deafness Cured
Tho secret of how to use tho myster
ious and invisible nature forces for tho
cure of Deafness and Head Noises has
at last been discovered by tho famous
Physician-Scientist, Dr. Guy Clifford
Powell. Deafness and Head Noises
disappear as if by magic under tho uso
of this new and wonderful discovery.
Ho will send all who suffer from
Deafness and Head Noises full in
formation how they may bo cured,
absolutely free, no matter how long they
have been deaf, or what caused their
deafness. This marvelous Treatment is
so simple, natural and certain that you
will wonder why it was not discovered
oetore. investigators marvel at tho
quick results. Any deaf person can
havo full information how to bo cured
quickly and cured to say cured at
home without investing a cent. Writo
today to Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 8705
Bank Building Peoria, 111., and get full
information of this now and wonderful
discovery, absolutely free.
ut $m.. i ns Tntn.! nmnnnfc ... .1 N
Ma ' ft Yk" w ww --,-. ,.-w,,-), -,, fc.,
!tp'$$ . Namo '......
? h$-A -
t ; I I p.o -.
t . n !:. - . I : :
Subscribers Havertisina Dept
This department Is for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rato of six cents a word por insertion
tho lowest rate has boon made for
thorn. Address all communlqationa to
The Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska.
DECOS Valley irrigated lands for salo
1 and exchange. William Dooloy Ss
Co., Artosia, New Mexico.
LJAVANA Cigars, mado from pure
1 Havana tobacco, 25 for $1.00, de
livered anywhere in tho United States.
Havana Specialty Co., Dopt. 16, Baton
RogUo, La.
("LOSING out salo O. I. C. May piga
at ten dollars each, pair eighteen
dollars, for thirty days only. J. M
Drydon, Phelps City, Mo.
FARMS at great bargains. T. A.
Rnctrott fS1Virln nirlnlinmo
00--V, .W.V.K.1, Il.iU.UUl.t.l
STUDY tho temperance question; the
book entitled, "Dangers of Alcoholic
Beverages," by J. M. Flanory is what
you want; price, postpaid, 35 cents;
remit by cash or money order. Ad
dress, J. M. Flanory, Prestonsburg, Ky.
Tiinii tn toii on FrM Tnl. XX
'A AL.
HSTI1I119 It ewes end 81: If not, .'(.
nity of this great republic thus com-' fSSS WSSrSSS
-N- 1
iBHIHHhhIh 7-3jiiBB'M'fc"1''1'"