- I? if'.'m ' 'vTyHf"7" 'mature 1 The Commoner. 9 JULY 21, ltll people that thay may grot rich by robbing eacK other. It U a fraud in that K lagalbcc piracy on tho part of one locality against another. The producers of one commodity are permitted to collect tribute from the producers of some other commodity, who in turn are given right to pilfer gome other line of producers. The wider and more extended this system of privilege be comes, the harder it will be for the government to eradicate it. This tariff pauper differs from the ordinary pauper, in that In one instance the poorer member of society Is supported by the state, while in the other the more oppulent Is the one supported. The men of millions are the ones benefited by this protection of industry, not those who toll. The evils of this national fraud are far-reaxxhing, and will take us half a cen tury to blot out. No government is in a posi tion to instruct its people in truth and honor which advocates an economic falsehood, and participates in a national game of piracy. The state might as well try to legitimatize any other form of piracy upon the high seas, as to attempt to render equitable tariff piracy within the state. The democracy of the nation, as well as the nation itself faces a crisis. We must not be deluded by the siren song as to temporary "vic tory." We must not accept a barren victory either of measures or of men. Measures can not be carried out without men who are not afraid. The democratic party Is fortunate In having an abundance of presidential timber. Therefore let those who have been on the fir ing line for years lead the way, and let the recent converts help in the revival. If Mr. Bryan deems it best not to become a candi dae, why not Governor Folk? He has been weighed in the balances and not found wanting. Count upon Washington as being progressive. Yours for progressive democracy. RUSSELL P. COLLINS. STANDING TOGETHER CIRCULATE THE COMMONER York, Pa., July 5, 1911. Editor Commoner: I have been a reader of your paper for several years past, and have secured a number of sub scribers. Nothing would give mo greater satis faction than to know that your paper went each week into the homes of two millions of Ameri cans citizens. Our country would have a better citizenship, If The Commoner would be read in every state of the union, and if it held the place in the hearts of the people that it does In mine. It gives us information we can not get from any other newspaper. Some of us in York have been noticing each week the column headed, "Watch It Grow." I have taken the trouble several times to count up the number of sub scriptions secured in one week. It would be a matter of considerable convenience to your readers If you would give the total number each week. One week I counted It up to more than eleven hundred. MoBt of our so-called "great dailies," and many of our "weeklies" have exhausted their efforts in ways to secure -new subscribers; but I do not believe there has over been a paper known whose readers were as Teady to secure subscribers as have the readers of The Commoner, without being offered a premium. You had an Interesting article on the front page of your last Issue, "A Possible Compromise." The manner of choosing United States senators has been discussed among some of us democrats a good deal, and we have been wondering for a long time why no one has suggested allowing the states to uBe whatever method they see fit. It is worse than absurd, that a few congressmen should be allowed to propose the method by which the states shall select their ambassadors, and then offer them that method, or go on as they have been doing. The time Is long overdue when the states should exercise their sovereignty, and meet to gether in a body of delegates to revise the con stitution. It should be nobody's business out side the citizenship of the state, as to what method is used to select her federal senators, or ambassadors, as some of our great statesmen in the past have chosen to designate them. When the states do assemble in convention to revise the constitution, as they surely will some day, I hope that one of the first points to be considered will be an age limit for the members of congress. The congress has seen fit to put an age limit on officers of the army and navy, and upon members of the federal courts, yet there is no place on earth where there is greater necessity for an age 'limit than in the congress of the United States. Men are there today who are long past their years of usefulness, while others have served so long that the knowledge gained Representative Pinly H. Gray, in tho house of representatives: "Along with the tariff on woolen clothing, behind which the woolen manufacturers have intrenched themselves for fifty years to exact millions in tributo annually from the people, there Is a tariff on raw wool, placed there and kept there at tho de mands of. the woolen manufacturers themselves. And while this tariff would have the effect, if allowed to operate, to Increase the cost of tho manufacturers raw material, yet wo are confronted with the spectacle of the woolen manufactur ers, their agents, attorneys and special representatives entreating and implor ing congress to allow the tariff on wool to remain, and to permit them to con tinue the payment of a tax on their raw material. "Why have the woolen manufacturers thus demanded and why are thoy still demanding a tariff upon wool and ask ing to bo permitted to continue tho pay ment of this tax? Let no man bo de ceived In their purpose. It Is a strata gem to gain tho wool grower's support for a tariff upon manufactured wool, to blind him with self-interest, to make him a party to the crime of extortion and close his mouth against the evils of pri vate monopoly and the exploitation of tho consumers of wooltii clothing." 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in long service is invariably used to thwart legis lation in the interest of tho people. Twelve years in tho senate, or fourteen years in the house, should be long enough for any man to serve in tho congress. I know that some will answer that many of our greatest statesmen have done their best work after serving long terms, but I would answer that by stating that more of them have done their poorest work after serving long terms In the congress. Let us consider this suggestion a little and see what it would do for the present congress, if no ono was allowed to sit in that body who had passed the age of seventy years, and if no one would be allowed to serve more than four teen years in the house, or twelve years in the senate. The spectacle of the United States senate be ing in session three months without accomplish ing more than should be done in one month, seems to me a conclusive argument against allow ing old men, and men of more than two terms to be there. Yours truly, P. W. BIGGER. MR. BRYAN'S PLAN Mr. Bryan's suggestion of a basis of compro mise between tho house and the senate in tho controversy over federal control in the direct election of senators is worthy of consideration. His proposal, as reported from Washington, Is to give the states authority to elect as they choose, either indirectly through the legislature or directly by vote of the people. He Is confident, no doubt, that nearly all if not all would select the latter method, and that the legislatures would be compelled by public sentiment to grant the privilege of a direct vote. Aside from the fact that this plan is offered as a compromise it has a value. There may be stated In which opinion Inclines heavily toward the Indirect method, states in which general assemblies have served admirably the purpose of selecting men for the upper branch of tho national legislature, states which have found the provisions of the constitution as it stands en tirely suited to their needs. This is not the case with tho majority, and for that reason it is safe to assume that authority to change the method of election once given would bo used quickly. In any case Mr. Bryan's plan is designed to remove most of the opposition to the change. Chicago Tribune. IN MISSOURI Senator Reed of Missouri calls attention to the fact that the Missouri democratic state con vention last year endorsed Joseph W. Folk as Missouri's candidate for the presidency. So far as 1912 Is concerned Senator Reed adds: "The Missouri delegation to the national conven tion will be a delegation devoted to the support of Governor Folk." Practical Tariff Talks Ono effect of tho reduction of the wool tariff will bo tho breaking of the power of price-fixing now possessed by the woolen trust. One reason for tho universal objection to tho present Schodulo K is that under it the trust has not only told tho wool growor what he should got for his product, but it has pormitted that trust to say to tho Jobber at what price he should sell its products. Ainplo proof of this markot control can bo shown whonovor necessity arises. Tho basis of this control, of courso, lies in tho manner in which tho old schedule was drawn. It was a direct inducement for combination, and under tho Dlngley law this conspiracy In re straint of trade reached its maximum of power. Just what that power is may bo learnod In part by a study of tho tables of imports and exports. In 1909 thoro wore produced In tho United States worstod and woolen goods to tho value of $420,000,000, and a total of all woolen manu facturers of $515,000,000. For that yoar our imports wero $18,000,000 and our exports $2, 000,000. Reduced to porcontagoB this moans that of our total consumption but 3 per cent camo from abroad, while wo sent abroad loss than one-half of 1 por cent of what we produced. In tho matter of cloth alono our imports wero approximately 3 per cent of our production. This Is tho clearest possible proof of tho prohibitory character of the tariff schedules. Now In prac tically every other department of American manufactures our exports are considerable. Why aro they practically negligible In woolen cloths? It Is not because our workmen in tho woplen mills aro less skilful than those In our atcol mills. Tho productive power of tho American worker Is greater than that of tho English worker in a number of industries, as Investiga tion has disclosed. What is there about tho making of cloth that prevents that being truo in this industry? In fact tho American workmen, In a ''factory equipped with high grade machinery, produces more goods than does tho workman in foreign factories. Tho proof is furnished by tho trust itself. In a circular issued somo years ago for tho purpose of inducing investment in its stock, this statomont was made: "Tho Washington mills wero started undor tho first administra tion of President Cleveland, and despite tho va garies of tho tariff for tho next twelve years, It prospered and succeeded in an unparallelod de gree. The fact Is that with tho progress that has been made In woolen machinery and the In creased skill of our American operatives tho woolen business in America is rapidly reaching a position where even a return to tho condi tions similar to those existing under tho Wilson bill would not seriously impair Its profitable ness." While, ordinarily, claims made In a stock-selling campaign are susceptible to heavy discount, tho fact recited in this statement co incides precisely with those made in reference to other industries, and lot it be remembered- are evidence presented by the trust itself. There is but ono possible explanation That is that the home market Is so profitable and so largo that it is poor business policy to extend production to tho point where any considerable quantity of American made cloth must compete in the world's market with cloth from tho looms of other countries. To monopolize the Ameri can market, great and growing as it is, is suffi cient. This monopoly is most complete in tho clothes that go into the suits and dresses of the middle and lower classes because it is upon these that the highest tariff is levied. This re sults In restricting imports to those goods used by the wealthier classes. On cloth valued at 40 cents a pound or less which means about 40 cents a yard wholesale tho tariff is 144.05 per cent. On that between 40 and 70 cents a pound tho tariff is 123.55 per cent, while on that above 70 cents a pound the duty Is 96 per cent. The result of this rank discrimination In favor of tho rich Is thus shown in the importations: On tho higher-priced cloths the revenue was ?5,827, 776.80; on the next highest it was $274,246.50, while on tho lowest-priced it was but $2,111. The real meaning of this is that tho average man has been left by the tho Payne-Aldrich law at tho mercy of the woolen trust and it knows no mercy. Tho bill proposed by tho democrats levies an average of 40 per cent on cloth, instead of 144.05 per cent. C. Q. D. feggjilMfe"-' ,i '. , ., - V,t$l4jral.. - t