The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 14, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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L' " m
JULY 14, 1811
The Commoner.
" 2??, "'Z$W'&, ""-i
Vbrlcing form with' practicability.
At any rate, it must bo admitted that
treating la one of the greatest evils
connected with the saloon. The prac
tice of some fellow being so generous-hearted
as to ask another to have
a' drink with him, when he wouldn't
think of buying a steak or a head
of cabbage for his companion, in
case he wanted to make such a pur
chase while they are out strolling,
or of a crowd of young men collect
ing in front of the polished top
counter and each thinking that he
must order a round of drinks, to the
tune of a dollar or over per round,
has always stood as a grim specter
in the way of the crtse as a business
or individual right if such construc
tion can be placed upon it. Ta
coma's experience with an anti
treating law will be watched with
interest. First, the possibilities of
such a law as to enforcement and
the willingness of saloonkeepers to
uphold the law, will be looked at,
and then the absolute result on con
sumption and rowdyism will be
noted. Whether one is willing to
concede or not that the whisky ques
tion is a practical one, the Tacoma
anti-treating crusade can be noted
with interest. Wilmington (S. C.)
veloper Is nevertheless affected along
with all the rest of the country.
Protection has cultivated combines
and monopolies which in turn have
come to control the money of the
country, and the money trust Is now
operated to foster other monopolies
and to permit a' handful of men to
drive, curb, or divert development
throughout this vast country as a
man handles a harnessed horse.
There is oppression through the
manipulation of credit, but ia much
more subtle form from that against
which millions revolted nearly two
decades ago.
The country 3 monetary system
makes easy the money trust, but
while both parties recognize the
weakness and Injustice of the present
system, a republican administration
Has done no more than thrash the
water we are no nearer emancipa
tion, no nearer a condition whore
merit and not the favor of men con
trol the ebb and flow of money
Columbia (S. C.) "The State."
heard him deliver the identical ad
dress. Yet tho general attention was
perfect, and the heavy rainstorm
without failed to dampen tho audi
ence's appreciation of a man who was
described in boing Introduced as hav
ing been "greater than all his poli
tical reverses. Mentally, physically,
and morally, one of tho biggest men
of tho day." From tho Toronto
Subscribers' Htfwrtistoa Dept
This department I for the benefit
of Commoner subscribers, and a special
rata of six cents & word per Insertion
the lowest rate has been made for
them. Address all communications to
The Commoner. Lincoln. Nebraska.
FOR SALEThroo splendid 80 acres,
well located; all closo to tnarkot;
240 acres, a model farm; buyers you
will not look any further for a home.
AddreBB, IsonbarKor & Fleming, North
Manchester, Indiana.
"The most fundamental
platforms is the platform
Speaking at a great democratic
. mass meeting in Pennsylvania Wood
row Wilson elaborated one of the
; points of his address in Columbia
the power of great capital collected
In the hands of a few to control de
velopment, expand here and contract
there, and to foster monopolies.
The force of Governor Wilson's
' reasoning may not be brought home
to the understanding of the non-developer
who has not had insight into
the Interior workings of the system
-'" of -a" money trust-, but that non-de-
rVDnPQV TREATED, quick relief,
IJKUJriJJl usually romovesswolllng
andshortbreathinfewd&yB.glves en
tire relleflnl5-45 days and shouldeffect
cure in 80-60 days. Trial treatmen t Free.
JDxr. Gvcoaa Sons. BexB. Atlanta. Ga.
Pub's With
Price. Com'ncr
-American Magazine, N. Y...$1.50 $1.75
American Boy, Detroit 1.00 1.50
Arner. Bee Journal, Chicago 1.00 1.50
Boy's World, Elgin, 111 50 1.00
Breeder's Gazette, Chicaero 1.75 1.75
Current Literature. N. Y... 3.00 3.00
Cosmopolitan, N. Y 1.00 1.G0
Commercial Appeal, Wkly.
Memphis, Tenn 50 1.00
Courier-Journal, Louisville 1.00 1.25
Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.. 1.00 1.25
Delineator, N. Y r.00 1.55
Etude, Philadelphia 1,50 1.75
Enquirer, Cincinnati 1.00 1.25
Everybody's, N. Y 1.50 1.90
Forest & Stream, N. Y 3.00 3.00
Fruit Grower, St. Joseph.. 1.00 1.25
Good Housekeeping.
Springfield, Mas 1.25 1.751
Hoard's Dairyman . . V 1.00 1.50
Housekeeper, Minneapolis.. 1.00 1.50
Home Herald, Chicago 2.00 2.05
Harper's Bazaar, N. Y 1.25 1.55
Industrious Hen, Tenn 50 1.00.
Irrigation Age, Chicago... 1,00 1.25
Tho Independent, N. Y...)
Amer. Homestead, Lincoln) 3.50 3.00
Woman's World, Chicago.)
Literary Digest, N. Y.,
(Must be new) 3.00 S.5
LaFollette's Magazine 1.00 1.25
McCall's Magazine, N. Y... .50 1.15
McCluro's Magazine, N. Y.. 1.C0 1.85
Metropolitan Mag., N. Y... 1.50 1.75
Modern Priscllla, Boston... .75 1.35
National Monthly 1.00 1.25
News-Scimitar. Tenn. 50 100
Outing Magazine. N. Y.... 3.00 3.10
The Outlook. N, Y 3.00 3.50
Pacific Monthly, Portland.. 1.50 1.60
Public; Chicago 1.00 1.35
Progression, monthly. .. ... .50 1.00
Pictorial Revie. N. Y.... 1.00 1.55
Poultry- Success, Spring
field, Ohio .....A.- .60 1.00
Pearson's Magazine, N. Y.. 1.50. 175
Reliable Poultry Journal , .50 1.00
Recreation, N. Y, 3.00 3.00
Review of Reviews, N. Y)
Amor. Homestead, Lincoln) 3.50 3.00
Send all Orders to
The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
of all
of tho
Prince of Peace: 'Thou shalt love
thy neighbor as thyself.' There is
no question that it will not settle,
no problem to which it can not bo
successfully applied." William Jen
nings Bryan.
Through a steady downfall of rain,
four thousand men and women made
their way to Massey hall to hear the
leader of the American democratic
party and thrice defeated candidate
for the presidency of the United
States deliver his religious address,
"The Prince of Peace," and for an
hour and a half the audience listened I
with tfltiHA and undivided attention I
to the eloquent utterances that
flowed from themouth of the silvery
tongued orator from Nebraska.
Mr, Bryan is by no means a'
stranger to Toronto, and his address
was not a new one, but for all that
he was received in a manner which
must have warmed the heart of an
old campaigner, accustomed a he is
to the plaudits of his fellow-men.
And If he could have mingled with
the crowd that made its way out of
the hall into the rain at ten o'clock,
and heard the comments upon his
"sermon" that were made by many
of the city's most prominent clerics,
professional, ind business men, he
would have experienced even a'
keener gratification.
Listening to Bryan as, with no ap
parent effort, he swayed his large
audience at will, one was inclined to
ask: What is the secret of this man's
oratorical success? And the answer
to this question is easily found.
Clad in severe black, with Prince
Albert coat, low turned-down collar,
and a narrow black bow tie, the mere
presence of the man could not fail
to command attention. His strong
aquiline features are too well-known
to Toronto to requira any word de
scription, and his little mannerisms
of address are scarcely less familiar
to local audiences.
Eloquent as he is, Bryan does not
revert to wild, dramatic gestures or
"purple passages." During the even
ing's address he -never once shifted
Jils position at the side of tho plat
form table, speaking for the most
part in a clear-cut matter-of-fact
way, with hands loosely clasped be
hind his ample back. His penetrat
ing gaze wandered continually over
t.hft audience, and he intensified the
effect of what he was saying by
means of short, jerky inclinations of
the head. Occasionally "he would
make a slight suggestive gesture with
his hand, but for the most part he
trusted to the mere words that he
was saying to make the necessary
impression. And in this he was not
disappointed. Most of the listeners
had Jieard Bryan before. Many had
(Also MlM Tetter, SH RHeem, Prf Hut, MWcCrstt, Weeelnf W, ec.) . .
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Dr. J. E. Cannaday.1081 Park Square, Sedalla, Mo.
mm Tfcird luuoui oeamrOttuaaBetteraetwaatoeenatBieBeueetoi
Bak. 6uil, Ma. poor Batterer of Xcvaaia f
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Write for FREE SAMPLES or order direct from tais advertisement. (Satisfaction
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Good for Limited Time Two Papers for One
Year for the Price of One
and Thrice-a-Week
New York World for
3 1 .oo
By special arrangement, good only for the time indicated on the
attached coupon, wo are able to offers THE COMMONER AND TUX
TIOUCE-A-WBEK NEW YORK WORLD, both for one year each at
the remarkable prlco of ONB DOL.I4AIL. Tho attached coupon, if
mailed by that date, with a remittance of $1.00 will secure this extra,
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Do not mjss this opportunity to
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Surposes as good as a dally paper,
nder this offer you will receive
156 issues of the, Thrlce-a-Wcclc
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The Commoner 20 papers in all
at less than half a cent each. The
campaign of 1912 is almost here
you will want and need both papers,
so don't miss this offer. Friends of
Tho Commoner can aid fn the work
of securing democratic victory by
showing this 'offer to non-subscribers.
But, don't fall to get this
offer for yourself. Send TODAY.
The Commoner, Lincoln, NeJ)
Thi Coupon Good Only
Until July 30, 1911
THE COMMONER, lAueoln, Neh.
Enclosed find 91.00 for The -Commoner
and the Tkrlce-a-Week New
York World, both for Ohc Fall Year,
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